The Order of Zarathustra, Ch. 09

Hello Readers!

This will be the last episode in this season of the Order. Please leave any comments or feedback that will make future works better, and don’t forget to vote! Thanks and enjoy!

Note: There is an innocent in this story, but it is merely a prop. In no way is the baby means to be sexualized or should anyone infer anything dishonorable about there being a baby. All players are over 18 and consensual.

The Order of Zarathustra Chapter 9

The Equinox

Rachel stood in the master bedroom suite, looking into the nursery. The snug little room could be remodeled into a nice walk in close someday, but now it held the newest addition to the Stone family. Little Madison Athena Stone was born two weeks ago at a healthy eight pounds even. The soft glow of a nightlight showed that she slept fitfully in her new crib. Her ‘Auntie Rachel’ had been passing by the bedroom door and couldn’t resist peeking in on her.

Nobody could resist little Maddie. Adorably cute when happy, fiercely loud when not. Kayden had some complications during the last month of the pregnancy, and had been ordered to bedrest as much as possible. It wasn’t said out loud, but her Apprentice suspected the first time mother had insisted on exerting herself too much in the determination not to let the pregnancy ruin her body. But, the child was perfect, with Khan’s black hair and with Kay’s big blue eyes. Khan mentioned they looked like his father’s. Her parents had doted on her. Rachel had as well, but she had fulfilled her duties even more as a side wife.

She leaned against the doorway, lost in thought while looking at the sleeping child. How she loved playing the side wife! Kayden had delegated the more physical wifely duties to her during the last bit of the pregnancy. For the last six weeks, Rachel and Khan had sex practically every day. She hadn’t realized just how strong his sex drive really was. Until recently, she had been getting twiceweekly fellatio lessons, as well as the Sunday night sexual ritual of the Crucible with him. But he also had sex with his wife about three times a week or better, depending on their mood. Once she went to bedrest, Rachel had supposed the burden of being her Master’s primary sexual outlet. The sacrifices one makes when an Apprentice.

“Interesting location you choose,” Khan said behind her, causing her to jump with a start. He could be quiet as a panther when he chose, and he had taken off his shiny leather shoes to hunt her through the house. She turned into his arms as he went to hold her. “No, I didn’t. I was going to find a good spot, but I thought I heard her fussing, so I came in here to check. Just stay here for two minutes, and I’ll go find another spot.”

“That’s not how we play our game.” He drug her backwards out of the nursery doorway and closed the door, after looking in on his daughter. He left it cracked open. “You were told to go find a spot to use those. ThenI would come find you.”

She looked down at the menacles he had given her a few minutes ago, as soon as they had got back from signing the papers. The thick chrome bracelets were connected by two feet of heavy cable, wrapped in black rubber like a bike chain. “Yeah but this doesn’t count. I’m not even supposed to be in here!”

He took the menacles from her and tossed them on his huge four poster bed. Then he grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her to face him. “You’re right, you shouldn’t be in here. Very naughty.” He roughly spun her around, slapped her ample butt, then unzipped the grey wool dress she wore. Pushing her around to face her again, he reached down to her knees to grab the hem. She feigned outrage as she girlishly fought him off.

“Hey you brute! Knock it off! Quit pushing me around!”

Ignoring her, he grabbed the hem of the dress with both hands and peeled it up and off her as she protected. He stopped when it was over her head, with her arms tangled up in it. He clamped a big hand over her mouth. “Shush now. Don’t tell me you never wanted to do this in here. One rule: Keep quiet. Don’t wake the baby.” With that, he finished pulling her dress off and neatly folded it, putting it on one of the hardwood dressers. Then he caught her wrist and brought it up, removing her silver bracelet he gave to her as a present. Then the matching necklace. He laid them repeatedly on her dress. “Don’t want to ruin those.”

She backed up against one of the driftwood posts that made the corners of the fabulous bed. They were damn near as big as telephone poles, and went all the way up to where they connected with a lattice of branches attached to the ceiling like a forest scene. He advanced on her, spinning her around roughly again. He unhooked her bra, then spun her around yet again and roughly pulled it off. She was getting a little dizzy, standing in his bedroom naked except for a neon pink thong and black strappy heels, while he still hadhis business suit on. “Seriously, please. Take me into the guest room. If Kayden finds out we fucked in here, she’ll kill me.”

Khan took the menacles and attached one to his Apprentice’s wrist, then looped it around the bedpost before attaching it to her other wrist up high so that her elbows were up even with her head. He caresed a finger under her chin.

“This is my room as well. We are not fucking in here. I am about to fuck you. There’s a difference. Kneel, please.” He helped her down, shimmying the menacles around the knotted wood until she was kneeling on the hardwood floor. She looked up at him, naked and helpless at his feet. “You look really good in a suit. I feel underdressed now, somehow.”

He loosened his red power tie and the first buttons at his throat. Now he stared down at her with lusty intensity, a bit of dark hair showing from under his chest.

“OK, now you look really good in a suit.” Her Master got down on one knee, eye level with her. He caresed her cheek with the silk tie. “Neckties are wonderful things. I suggest you go to the thrift store and buy yourself a half dozen. So versatile.” He slowly slide the tie across her eyes, demonstrating its use as a blindfold. Then he circled it lower, parting her lips with it, letting her taste it as it became a gag for a moment. Lower still, and he sensitively slithered it around her neck, grinning at her the whole time.

“I’m serious. This week. Buy one for each wrist, each foot. One for a blindfold. And one,” he tugged up and out with the necktie lean, forcing her neck taut. “One last one to keep you in line.”

“Yes, Mr. Stone. Right away, Sir.” He leaned in to kiss her. He toyed with her, barely brushing her lips, letting just the tip of his tongue trace the outer edge of her mouth. She strained against the restraint at her neck to meet him. She felt deliciously helpless. “It’s too bad I don’t have the sort of business that requires suits and offices every day.You could be my personal assistant then. How does that sound?”

“Sounds lovely. I suppose I would be working a lot of overtime, after everyone’s gone home?” He tugged the tie to the side, forcing her to turn her head. He began kissing and licking her exposed neck. Growling into her ear.

“Nonsense. Everyone in the office would be well aware of who you are, what you are. My little office pet. I would dress you in fine, short dresses. Tight blouses and skirts that barely cover your thighs. All your coworkers would know why. I could bring you into my office at any hour I pleased. Have you service me under my desk. Does this position interest you, Miss Peltzie?”

“Oh, yes Sir, Mr. Stone! I would love to be working under you!” Khan stood up so his crotch was near her face. He unzipped his fly and fished out his cock through his charcoal slacks. Only inches from her, he stroked it as he swiftly became hard. He held onto the red lean at her throat so she couldn’t lean forwardto taste it.

“I love your creativity, Rachel. You have a gift for fansy. I hope you never lose that. The ability to drift from one erotic scene to another. It’s a delight! You do that, and you’ll be a delight for any lover lucky enough to have you.”

“It’s not like I haven’t had this fantasy, Sir. In fact, I had it during the signing at the bank. Watching You signed loan papers for a business was interesting at first, but then it got tedious.”

“You weren’t paying attention during something that important? Let’s mark that down for the next Crucible.” He kept slowly struggling his shake inches from her face. She kept staring at it. She licked her lips.

“Speaking of fantasy role playing, remind me again, Apprentice. What do you like to be called these days?”

She bit her bottom lip as she looked up at him. “Your side wife.”

“And what’s the difference between a side wife and a real wife?”

“Wives should serve their husbands, but also get treated as equals. A side wife just serves the husband, but doesn’t get the respect.” He moved closer, and slowly rubbed his hardening penis back and forth across her face.

“So this is what you want, side wife? Are you ready to do your wifely duties?”

She smiled up at him. “Please, husband. Let me take care of you after a hard day at the office. Let me take care of your dick.” They had both become obsessed with this latest twist of role playing. She loved playing house with him, pretending to be married to him even though she knew it to be a lie. She even liked him being fake disrespectful of her. He enjoyed pushing his limits of what he considered scandalous behavior, treating a wife like a whore. They enjoyed the taboo aspect for different reasons.

He guided it into her mouth as she eagerly tongued and massaged the head. She wished she could use her hands on him, but she strained forward to please more of his shaft. He untangled his tie and tossed it on to the bed. He held stilland allowed her to bob her head back and forth. There was a sound of paws on the hardwood, and then Atlanta was next to them, nosing in close to Rachel to see what they were doing.

“Atlanta, no! Go away dog!” Khan commanded sternly. The black standard poodle kept bothering them until he was forced to push her away. Atlanta responded by turning in a tight circle, then sitting and looking up expectedly at him. Then at the door.

“Did you let her out after dinner?”

Rachel shook her head. “I thought you did, when you were outside.”

“No, I was just taking a phone call. Well, that’s a goal,” he said, tucking his wet pecker back in his trousers so he could zip up. She stared up in disbelief. “Aww, come on!”

He signed for the poodle to head outside, Then put a finger to his lips and pointed at the nursery door. “Duty calls, love. Don’t go anywhere.” He switched out the main lights and switched on a set of soft white Christmas lights strung throughout the branchs. He then left her on her knees, shackled to the bedpost.

“Well, shit.” The hardwood floor bit into her knees, and she wanted to save them for later. She struggled to rise up on her feet, working the cable up the rough driftwood until she was standing. Maybe she had always wanted to fuck Khan in their master bedroom. But she didn’t really intend to get caught playing Hide and Go Fuck in here. Had she?

They had hit upon this game about a month ago. While Kayden had said repeatedly that she was okay with Rachel banging her husband on the daily, she had a mean competitive streak and obviously didn’t want to have her face rubbed in it. So, one day, Khan had whispered in her ear that she had two minutes to go find a hiding spot. And when he found her, he was going to have her, right then and there. The shower sex in the attic bathroom had been spiritualized, if cramped.

They would trade off being ‘it’, and soon started adding in toys. The person who was it would hand a sex toyto the hider, who would then choose a location. She looked up at the gorgeous scene above her, thinking of all the games they had played. Once she found him lying on the dining room table. They had opened up the center leaf a little and she had crawled under, milking his cock as it hung through the gap. The billion table in the basement still had a few stains where he had found her with a spreader bar, recreating her New Year’s party. It sort of became a sexualized game of Clue. Bent over the railing, in the gazebo, with a butt plug. Riding him while seated, in the parlor, with him grunting through a ball gag. The only two rooms in the entire mansion they hadn’t violent had been the Masters’ bedroom, and her own room in the attic.

Although she had tried. She had hid in there with a purple vibrator, waiting to lure him in. But Khan had a strict rule about her room being her own space. Khan and Kayden couldn’t even enter without her permission, even though she had given it everynight so they could do bedtime meditations. So her Master had been trapped by his own rules. When she realized this, she played with herself on her bed, with him watching impotently from the doorway, masturbating. After she had come, she set one foot out of her room and found herself swept up and hauled off to the sex dungeon playroom, where he used her ass like a punching bag for a solid hour. Then he carried her back to her room with a dreamy smile on her face and tucked her in.

She heard his heavy tread up the main staircase, and licked her lips and arched her back as he closed the door behind him. He looked dumbstruck. “My God, what a vision.” He stepped forward, admiring her naked form. “Absolutely stunning. Every young man’s fantasy, to find a sexy vixen chained up to his bed.”

“I bet you say that to all the girls,” she said as he came to her. He grabbed her short black hair with both hands, forcing her head back as he began kissing her. She melted as his hands explorered her body as if he owned her. She thrilled at feeling vulnerable with her hands pinned up and behind her. He took pleasure in feeling her chest, the weight of her full breasts. He picked his necktie back up. “A few more things you can do with this item.” He held the thin end of it, drawn it across her breasts, back and forth. She enjoyed the feel of the silk. Then he slapped her breast with it, hard. She jumped at the surprise. He spent some time sliding the thick end across her nipples, getting them sensitive to the touch of the silk, then whipping them with the thin end. Each stroke brought out a hiss of breath from her, but no more.

His hand slide down her ribs to her hip, then the heel of his hand pressed in against her public shaft. She whimpered as he challenged her tongue with his own, two fingers pressing in on the sensitive Y to Either side of her clip, then oh so gently pinching it between them. Her hips flexed to push against his hand. Without taking his mouth off her, he slid the tie under her, holding it between her legs like a sling. He sawed it back and forth, gently at first, the tie pulling up against her panties with delicious friction. She was breathing hard through her mouth, looking at his mischievous dark eyes inches from hers. He pulled up harder, practically giving her a tie wedgie. He sawed back and forth some more. The pressure made her cry out just a little, just a short sharp cry.

Dripping wet, she whimpered into his mouth as he teased her body. After a few minutes of this, he unzipped again and rubbed the tip of his hard cock against her thong. Stretching it aside, he slide in all the way to the root. Grabbing her around the waist with both hands, he lifted her up, his cock still impaled in her. She loved that she was naked, yet he was still in his suit. As she struggled to grab onto the knots of the bedpost, he began thrusting into her while looking into her eyes, that grin still on his face. She loved the strength of his armsas he effortlessly held her up. She bit her lip to keep quiet while he fucked her, fairly fast for him, flexing his hips so that the head of his cock raked across the g spot at the roof of her vagina. Khan fucked her so that she felt pleasure; his own was just a pleasant side effect. He could feel her tighten up around him as she neared ecstasy. Whenever her whimpers threatened to turn into louder moans, he would pause and quietly shash her, nodding towards the nursery. “You want to be a good babysitter, don’t you? Shush now..”

She wrapped her legs around him and squeezed as she came. He kept plowing into her as if he hadn’t noticed, if anything quickening his pace. She tried not to moan too loudly as she let her head hang back, suspended as he continued to fuck her. Setting her wobbly heels back on the hardwood floor, he turned her to face away from him. The move made her wrists cross in front of her, taking up any slack in the manacles. He forced her to her knees and mounted her from behind. She was sensitive from coming so recently, and was on the edge of calling a time out. But his seemed eager, even independent, more than he usually was. His hands pinned her around her waist, pushing her back and forth to match his thrusts, using her as a sex toy. She pressed her lips together hard and shut her eyes, it was so intense. She wanted to give him what he wanted. She had learned this year that orgasms were primarily a mental exercise. It was as much about the fantasy as it was the act itself. So, whipping her head back to catch his eye, she whispered, “I can’t believe you’re fucking the babysitter, chained her up like a fuck slave, right by the bed where your wife sleeps. You fucking dirty bastard…”

Finally, he lunged forward in front of her, pulling her head back by the hair as he stroked his cock. She looked up at him from on her knees. A magnificent specimen of a man, a look of dark lust in his eyes. How many fans had he had of her in this forbidden room? “Please, Daddy,” she cooed, making him stroke faster. “Please, Mr. Stone. Show me what a good babysitter I am. Show me how you come when you think about me, when you’re here with your wife. Do it, baby. Come on the babysitter.”

He didn’t make a sound besides breathing heavily through his nose. Holding his balls with one hand, he massed thick drops of come out of dick, shooting over her chest and face. He always came like he had built up a load for a week, even if he got off every day. She eagerly drank in the sight of him jacking off. She loved it. He bent in, and she licked his dick clean, kissing it before he unlatched the menacles and helped her stand. She went over to the steam cabinet, pulling out a white towel. She wrapped his genitals in the hot, steamy towel with a grin, watching as his eyes rolled back in his head from the pleasure as she gently squeezed the last of his semen out of the plumbing. Then she wiped her chest off as well. The wet heat felt decadent. Madison was still dead sleep, but would probably awaken in an hour or so. He pulled back the covers of his bed and tossed his naked Apprentice in, jumping in after her.

She curled up contentedly on his chest, toying with the buttons of his white dress shirt, then undoing them one by one. She started tracing circles on his dark chest hair as he ran a hand through her hair and kissed her forehead.

“Thanks for taking me along to the bank today, by the way. I still don’t feel like I’d be comfortable doing that myself yet, but seeing how it’s done, that was pretty cool. I’m surprised how easy it is for you to get them to loan you money to pay for houses that you end up profiting on. It was kinda hot, actually. Speaking of, Master, you’ve been a little more…. vigorous this week. Does it have anything to do with the Equinox ceremony coming up?”

Khan shifted, using one arm as a pillow. “I suppose so, yes. You will have been with us fully as an Apprentice for one year. It’s a big achievement, both for you and for me. It’s going to mark a new chapter in your journey.”

“Kayden basically said to me tonight before she went out with her girlfriends that after tonight, or at least after the ceremony, she was going to get back in the saddle as far as spending naked time with you. I got the impression we weren’t going to be fuckbudies anymore.”


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