Author’s Note: Thanks to everyone providing feedback! Votes and comments are always appreciated! This episode starts getting more involved with the BDSM. The story itself follows Rachel through the first year of her Apprenticeship. If you’re new to this story line, I encourage you to start at the beginning. Enjoy!
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Your Rebellion will be Crushed
“And then I made him eat my pussy with his hands tied behind my back. Well not tied. I made him hold on to his own tie. He did that willingly. After I taught him how to make me come with just his mouth, we got dressed and talked. He wanted to be my boyfriend, but I explained to him without talking about the Order or anything that I was too busy to be anything besides an occasional booty call. I told him I would be calling him when I wanted to. He wrote down his number for me and took me home. I guess that’s about it.”
Khan and Kayden just stood there in the study, as naked as she was. She hadn’t felt this nervous about a Crucible since the first time back in March. This had easily been the longest one yet. It had been two weeks since they went to Puerto Rico for their vacation and Order retreat, and a lot had happened.
Rachel had hurt up grggy yesterday off a few hours of sleep, barely in time to join them for morning yoga and meditations. They hadn’t asked about Brandon then, or said anything about her defiance of Khan’s order not to leave with him. She had helped get ready for the party, push mowing the large expansion of yard and cleaning up. The Stones throw a smaller, more casual party than their friends at the lake. About twenty people showed up that afternoon for a pool party. Rachel found that her pre Apprentice one piece didn’t fit at all, so she had forgotten a pair of shorts and borrowed one of Kayden’s clever T shirts. This was a brown one with ‘Cubmaster’ on the chest in yellow with the Boy Scout crest, and ‘Turning Boys into Men since 1910’ on the back.
Kayden had fought a patriotic American flag bikini, modest by her standards in that it covered the sides of her boobs and the crack of her ass. Somewhat. To Rachel the party felt like work, keeping the snacks and drinks flowing. She tried to speak with Khan seriously, but he just rebuffed her. The two of them had left this morning just after breakfast, leaving her to straighten up the house and yard and Just crash out until they returned, just in time for her to strip, put on her white terrycloth robe and go down to the study for their weekly ritual.
So now here she stood, again. All three of them were naked, the Apprentice with her back to the fire. Physically, she was in the best shape of her life. At five foot six, she now weighed 143, which gave her a 38D measurement and put her in the health category of BMI for the first time ever. No, it was the way her two Masters had scowled the whole time she had explained all of her missteps that had her sweating, not the fireplace. She finished her explanation.
After a long pause, Khan took his own robe and Rachel’s, tossing hers to her. “Come with us.”
They all put their robes on. OK, this was different, Rachel thought. Different is bad. They led her down the hall and into the parlor. Kayden grabbed the pitcher of lemonade on the way and poured them drinks as Khan motioned for his Apprentice to sit on one long cream colored Victorian couches while he and his wife settled on the other. They looked serious.
He took a long sip before beginning. “Before we talk about your sins this Crucible, I need to get something absolutely clear with you. You’ve been our Apprentice now for roughly the same length of time the Army has boot camp. With roughly the same results. Really, an Apprentice is supposed to go through an Ordeal every year, but the first one is usually not done so soon. Often it’s the last few weeks just before their first anniversary. I had some misgivings about putting you through it now, but you were really focused on your training. It seemed right.”
This did not sound good. Rachel swallowed as Kayden continued. “You were really helpful this week. Very respectful to us. We appreciate that. But this is serious. You basically dispatched, not one, but two men inside of a week. Like it was a game. And you did it aggressively, where you were definitely in control of the situation. It’s not like a player swept you off your feet.”
“No, I wouldn’t call Brandon or Alan players,” Rachel offered. “In my defense, I would say that you did say at the beginning that I could have outside sexual relations as an Apprentice.”
“I did. You agreed to not having a relationship the first year of your Apprenticeship. You agreed to keeping yourself focused on my teachings.” Khan took another sip. “It’s one thing to carry on your phone calls with Alan. I approve of that, just keep the sexual part down to once a week or so. He needs a little interaction. But I don’t like the idea of you dating an inexperienced boy, especially if it leads to emotional extremes. Or a running contest of wills between us.”
“We aren’t dating. He’s just a fuck.”
Khan raised an eyebrow, but Kayden snickered a little. He glared at her, but she shrugged and widened her eyes. “What babe? A fuck’s a fuck! I’m with her on this one.” She Recrossed her legs on the sofa, flashing a little beaver as she did. “How about a compromise then. She can see him from time to time, just for sex, like as a reward for good behavior. And I can say when she’s earned it. As a third party referee.” Khan relented, and they both nodded agreed.
“As far as going against you, I’ve been thinking a lot about that. I could have said it more respectfully, and again I apologize for doing it. But deep down, I gotta say I don’t think I really did anything wrong there. I’m your Apprentice, not your slave. That was always the plan. The two of you are training me to be morelike you. I have a long, long way to go, I know. But I can’t get there if I never assert myself. Don’t I need to practice being my own Master?’
Khan leaned forward. “So, you apologize for your actions, but do not regret them?”
“I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry. I regret nothing.”
He leaned back, and started slowly clapping. He grinned. “Excellent. That was well said, and exactly what I was looking for. The Ubermench embraces Fate with no Regrets. This is a critical time in your training. You are absolutely right, we did not take you on as a service, or a submissive pet. I do want you to grow. And the gains you have made in just a few short months speak to your own potential. But right now, you know just enough to be dangerous. It makes you cocky. There’s so much more we need to teach you. An Apprenticeship is seven years for a reason. You haven’t even done seven months. So yes, I do want to see independence from you, even rebellion. But that must be temperatured with wisdomand respect. It happens with first years. They get it into their heads that they see the whole ocean now, when really they just sailed out from their little port into a bay.”
“I get it, Master. At least I think I do. Let me just say I have no illusions about being done with my training. I’m not going to act like a rebellious daughter every time you tell me to run up and down the stairs.”
“Go run up and down the stairs,” Kayden said quickly. Rachel rolled her eyes and ran through the double doors into the hall, leapt up the wide wooden stair two at a time, then bounced back down. She poked her head around the doorway. “Point made, point taken?”
“Both flights?” Kayden asked as she innocently sipped her lemonade. Rachel glared for a moment, then you could hear her though the house as she climbed the stairs, “I love my job, I LOVE MY JOB!”
She came back down, and Khan motioned her to sit again. She retired her robe and sat. “Um, I have a question. I need you two to be honest. It’s about the Order. I know you won’t tell me too much about this first year, but, well… Did you guys just recruit me into a sex cult?”
Khan obviously shook his head. “Absolutely not. That’s not what the Order is about.”
At the same moment, Kayden nodded and said, “Yeah, it kinda totally is a cult, yeah.”
Her husband looked at her. She shrugged. “What? Okay. Raise your hand if you were raised in a polygamous compound by a mad scientist.”
Khan sheepishly raised a hand. “That’s not fair. Not all Zarathustranss are polygamous, my family was an exception. And he wasn’t mad, just eccentric.”
Kay looked over at her Apprentice. “Raise your hand if you call somebody Master and suck his dick Whenever he wants because everything he says to you is life altering gospel.”
Rachel’s hand shot up like a kid in grade school. Kayden’s smile at her husband claimed victory.
“Sex Cult.” He muttered something about negative connotations of pejoratives, but went on.
“Question answered? Fine. So, we are agreed, you will keep your little acts of rebellion to important things, few and far between?” She nodded. “And you will trust I have your best interest at heart, and simply do as I say whenever you can? Good. I believe you when you say you plan to follow my teachings respectfully. So, I suppose that concludes this Crucible.” He started to get up.
Rachel looked confused. “Wait, shouldn’t I confess my sins? I thought I was going to get punished like crazy this time..”
“And that got your juices flowing, didn’t it you little perv?” Kayden asked. She put on her fake confused face. “What sins? I didn’t hear any sins. Did you, husband?”
“Certainly Not, wife. She defied me, but yes that was a final test of the Ordeal. Which you did spectacularly, by the way.” He started counting off her deeds on his fingers. “You kept yourself to the Code without our supervision. You went above and beyond clearing my land. You sculpted yourself, body and spirit, in the Ordeal. Then you twice explored your sexuality in such a way that you not only were dominant, but you did so without humiliating or damaging your partners. I see no sins here.”
“I did play with myself at the farm. Like every day. Like twice a day.”
Khan furrowed his browser. “I didn’t leave any instructions against that. Isolation is difficult enough, I would never expect you to stay champion… WOMAN?”
Kayden was staring intently at her lemonade. “I may have, allegedly, written some additional instructions down before I gave it to her..”
“You and I will discuss your teaching style in private,” he grew.
“Oooh, Daddy gonna spank Mommy hard!”
“About that,” Rachel interjected with a raised finger. “Fine, call me a perv, but I was actually looking forward to a little correction. So what, I have to misbehave in order to get Crucible fucked?”
“Language,” Khan admonished.
“Oh, fuck, sorry Master. I fucking didn’t realize my cocksucking whorish mouth was goddamn spilling out all those shitty shitty fucking words. Oops I fucking can’t fucking stop, Hell I need so much goddamn correction these days..”
Everybody was cracking up as Khan raised a hand. “Enough, enough. I was looking forward to this as well. But, this is your day! Your first Crucible without any serious correction needed. Let’s make it special. You were thinking about this as well. Anything in particular you want?”
Rachel stood up and folded her arms. “Anything is a large and powerful word. Anything?”
“Within reason.”
“The locked room. In the attic. Let’s go in there.”
Khan’s face darkened. “Ah. Umm, I don’t think that’s such a smoking hot idea.”
“Oh yes it is. Oh yes it is!” Kayden excitedly popped up off the antique sofa and took Rachel by the shoulders. “But on one condition. You said you would submit to our teachings. If we take you in there, you have to do what we say. Be submissive. To everything.”
“No, she doesn’t. She can always call Time Out.”
Kayden waved away his words like an errant fly, still staring into Rachel’s big brown eyes. “Yes yes Time Out Schmime Out. What do you say, Apprentice? Up to the challenge?”
A smile curled up at Rachel’s lips. “Show me why I should call you Master… Ma’am.”
Kayden’s green eyes smoldered. “Upstairs, young lady. March.” She swatted her ass as she climbed the staircase ahead of her. As they got to the top, Kayden ducked in her room. “Forgot something. I’ll catch up.” Khan and Rachel continued up to the attic floor. They walked past her bedroom door to the one at the end of the hall with the deadbolt lock. Khan produced his key ring, selected one and gave it to her. She slide the heavy brass key in and opened the door.
The room was a sex dungeon. Taking up half the attic floor of the house, the walls were done in a heavy gray calmed material that would absorbb sound. Medieval looking devices were arrangedon either side. The center of the room had a four poster bed, this one made out of industrial steel pipes, connected firmly to the ceiling. There were no blankets on the bed, just a flannel maroon fitted sheet. “You guys do love your four posters.”
“I find them.. useful. And struggle. If I may show you around?”
He led her around in a slow circle. The first station by the door was a wait high wooden post, maybe six inches square, bolted into the floor. There were iron rings set into the sides of it, as well as at strategic places around it in the floor. In fact, the walls, floor and ceiling had dozens of such anchor rings bolted in everywhere.
“This is a breeding post,” he explained as he led her over and guided her gently by the neck until her throat touched the top of the post. “You can be attached like This via a collar, or made to ride on top of the post if something interesting is placed in the socket here on top. It’s quite versatile.”
“Yes, every family room should have one,” she quipped as he showed her the next item. “That looks like it’s straight out of gymnastics class.” Khan patted the leather pommel horse.
“It is, actually. We picked this up at a school auction two years ago. Reconditioned, with some additional hardware, it’s quite serviceable.”
Rachel walked past him to the cage built into the back left corner. Narrow, it was maybe three feet by six, with the door on the short side. It was made of floor to ceiling rebar, welded together. “I suppose this is your handiwork as well?” He nodded. She waved at the square mesh wire panels by the wall. “What are those for?”
“They fit into these slots, like so,” he said, sliding the grill horizontally into the waist high openings across the bars. “It converts the full sized cell into one you have to crawl into, if you wish to kennel someone.”
“Obviously. Definitely not a sex cult, Master.” She held up a hand to his protests. “I know to you, it’s really not. Me neither, to be honest. This is like a whole way of life. But like you said before, the two things people always get hung up on is money and sex. Because they are too afraid to get enough of either. I’m good with it, Master. I just wanted to be honest.”
Khan followed her through the sex play room. “Current Venue aside, and whatever Kay says, understand the sex for what it is. A component of life, one more facet of training. It’s not the end all of the exercise. Don’t let lust overwhelm you any more than any other part of your life.”
She nodded in agreement as she went behind the steel pipe bed, examining the cabinets in the corner. It was set up much like a garage workshop, with pegboard on the walls and a countertop holding numerous drawers. But unlike hammers and saws, the pegboard held spreader bars, paddles, whips and harnesses. Lord knows what the drawers contained. There was a suspension chain attached to pulleys in the ceiling. She gave the chain a push with her finger asshe walked past, looking at her Master. “Well this explains all the noises I’ve been hearing out of here.”
“Wait you can hear us? This room was soundproofed. Inside the walls and out.”
“Not quite good enough. My headboard is right up against this wall here, but still. Is that like a stock?”
Khan patted the wooden stand. Waist high and made of stout wood, it had two small holes for wrists and a larger one for the neck. “Technically this is a pillory because it’s attached to the post. If you wore the part that goes around your neck and hands, but could still walk around, those are considered stocks. They used to be a public form of humiliation. Being trapped bent over all day is not very pleasant.” Kayden jogged into the room then to join them. She untied her red robe with a flourish and hung it on a wall peg. She had donned her shiny thigh high boots, fingerless sleeped satin gloves and a black cat’s eye shaped facemask.
“What? I felt underdressed.” Khan hung upHis black robe, and then Rachel did the same with her terrycloth. Kayden led her over to the workbench. Opening a drawer, she selected a set of wide leather cuffs, thick as a tool belt. Each had a D ring clip to attach to all the anchor rings in the room, and they clamped down on the victim with wing nuts to the desired tightness. She attached one to each of Rachel’s wrists, then knelt down and put one on each ankle. Finally she attached a matching thick collar. To Rachel, they felt like they weighed a ton.
Khan put a hand through her short black hair, drawing her in for a sensitive kiss. Then he guided her head over to his wife so she could also kiss her. Still holding her by the back of the neck, he walked her around to the chain suspended from the ceiling. Kayden passed him a spreader bar and he attached the chain in the center, then clipped her wrist manacles to each end. Kayden pulled the deadfall chain until her arms were pulled up fairly snug over her head. Then they each took one of her legs and spread them out. She was a bit too short to reach the rings set in the floor; no matter. There were plenty of lengths of heavy black rope handy for just such occasions. She was now standing spread eagle, firmly strapped into an X shape.
The couple talked quietly off to the side for a long moment, as if planning. Kayden took her time selecting the right tool from the workbench. She settled on a Flog made out of a dozen strips of tan suede, like a sexy mop head. She tested the weight in her hand a few times, running her tongue along her teeth as she sized up her target. She recovered back as if she was going to give her captive a massive strike. Rachel flinched as best as she could, only to find the flog gently caressed across her chest as Kayden pulled back her blow. Several times more, Kayden acted like she was going to whip her hard, only to slide the wide suede straps across her thighs, her shoulders, her ass. Then she whacked Rachel right in the small of her back at full speed.
Rachel screamed. “Oh, I’m sorry dear, did that hurt?” Kayden taunted. She recovered a bit, nodding. Khan stood off to the side, arms crossed, saying nothing. His erection was at full attention. Kayden started lightly flopping the flog across her body. She struck all over, rapid fire, on her shoulders, her breasts, her legs. She even whapped her underhand right in the pussy. Spread out and helpless, Rachel could do nothing but thrash a little and cry out. Her Master rained blows down all over her, but softly, never striding as hard as the first time. Almost never. Maybe one strike in fifty would come in hard, on the back of her leg, in the ribs, on the ass. She never knew when. Rachel screamed every time it happened, but she never used the safeword.
After Kayden finished tuning her up, the two Masters unclipped her and led her over to the pillory. Khan opened the top, but neither of them pushed her down to it. “It ain’t gonna suck itself, baby,” Kaydenquipped. “Nobody’s forcing you to do shit. You want to put your own neck in the noise, that’s on you.” Rachel shrugged, then bent down and put her neck into the pillory. Then each hand. Khan closed the top down on her, latching it into place. She could still get her hands out of the padded holes if she wanted to. Until he clipped each of the D rings on her binders to the stock. “I see what you mean. This would be uncomfortable if you were in it all day.”
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