The Order of Zarathustra, Ch. 02

Zarathustra Chapter 2

I look forward to beginning your Training

The alarm woke Rachel the next morning at a quarter till six. She stretched as she hit it. She slept great. Pulling on sweatpants and sneakers, she went across the hall to use the bathroom, winning as she sat down. Her ass was going to be hellish sore today, and her pussy actually felt sore on the inside, like she’d pulled a muscle There. A good kind of hurt, though. Khan’s cock was so much bigger and thicker than Josh’s, may his pecker wild with syphilis and drop off.

She made her way down to the kitchen, then out to the back porch. The long covered porch covered the whole back side of the house. At this hour in April, the sun wasn’t even up, just barely lightening the sky. The porch was tastefully lit by strings of soft lights in the rafters. She saw the loving power couple enjoying the quiet morning off in the gazebo. The porch widened out here at the corner of the kitchen into a big octagon, with abeautiful stone fountain burbling away contentedly. Soft instrumental music played on speakers mounted in the roof.

Kayden turned from talking to her husband and gave Rachel a big hug, as she had every morning since Rachel moved in two weeks ago. She was wearing pink pajama bottoms and a sports bra. Then Khan, wearing only a pair of grey shorts, embedded her in a long, warm bear hug as well. This was part of the morning ritual. To Rachel, starting the day with meaningful human contact was maybe the best part.

Kayden led the morning yoga routine. They did the exact same routine of poses every day at six, once for each side of the body. Rachel was clumsy and straining herself, getting correction where needed from her blonde Master. Khan was technically perfect with the concentration of a chess player. Kayden apparently had no bones; Rachel decided watching her that she was made of cartilage like a shark. Yes, Kayden’s totem spirit was definitely the shark. It was amazing howholding still in a pose could make her sweat and work her muscles.

After about 20 minutes of yoga, they settled into seated positions in a circle and Khan led them in guided meditation. It had seemed really weird and kind of silly the first day they did this, but now she was getting into it. This kind of meditation cleared your head of all the crab you worried about. It made you ready for the day to come. You visualized yourself as a successful, powerful person. Rachel thought about the final meditations Kayden had talked her through last night in bed. (She still thought of it as being tucked in). She’d given her some good advice: Don’t think with your cunt. Sure, the three of them had mind blowing sex the night before during her first Crucible, but that didn’t change their day to day objectives. She was here to grow as a person and develop all her skills, not just be their fucktoy. Compartmentalize. Don’t let luxury thoughts take over your whole day and ruin it. Check. She was trying, anyway.

The mediation and yoga had really helped get her head on straight. Before, she was always worried, had trouble falling asleep, thinking about everything without resolving anything. Feeling like she didn’t know what she was doing with herself. Now, she deliberately thought about how she was going to make every day a good day, each morning. And she deliberately put away her worries each night. Between that and the exertion of her daily training, she slept like a baby.

As soon as they were finished, Rachel and Khan made a dozen eggs, with cheese, peppers, and onions for breakfast, sautéed in a whole stick of butter. Kayden went upstairs to shower and change for work. Rachel was to help with every morning and evening meal prep to gain much needed cooking skills. It turned out they usually made meals big enough to feed four; Khan just got two of them. They talked around the kitchen table like any normal family would.

After breakfast, Rachel cleaned up the kitchen quickly, then showed and dressed in sweats. All she had to wear during the week were a collection of loose fitting sweatpants and sweatshirts. She used what little time she had left to straighten her room and bathroom, getting ready for lessons. They kept her hoping.

Promptly at 8, Rachel went through the study and into the office. It was a fairly small room, more like a wide hallway, just long enough for two oversize desks end to end along the inside wall. The other door led into the media room, but she wasn’t usually allowed in there. Kayden was sitting at her work station, deeply ‘On the Jazz’. She was a stock trader. Rachel had learned from her that there were three main ways to invest in stocks. One was investing, where you bought a stock and held on to it, so it increased in value over time. Safe but boring. Another was day trading, where you picked up a position on a trade, then sold it later that day to make a quick, but risky profit. The third way was churning,where you bought and sold a stock over and over during the day, selling it for a fraction of a dollar higher than you paid for it. Many trades over the course of a day could add up to real money. Theoretically.

Kayden was doing all three. Simultaneously. Rachel watched over her shoulder in awe as she executed trades, read reports and plotted charts, all with the financial news playing on the TV in the corner. The Stones had paid extra for the new broadband service for the Internet; dial up, even on a dedicated line, was just too slow for Kayden to make any real money. Her hands flew over the keyboard, her eyes flashing from screen to screen, like a green eyed predator with amazing cheesebones. She was dressed professionally in a cream blouse, grey pencil skirt and suede calm high boots. She insisted on dressing well, even if just working alone from a home office. Rachel got to learn at the feet of a successful businesswoman.

Even though this was just her second week, RachelKnow better than to intrude with questions. After watching the opening bell flurry, she settled in with the book Kayden had given her and took notes. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiosaki, was summed up in her notebook as:

  1. When young, work your ass off and make more money than you spend. Live frugally.
  2. Pour all extra money into buying assets that generate money.
  3. Use the money from assets to continue to buy more assets, preferably real estate.
  4. When you have enough income generated from assets that you can live a normal life off it, stop if you want. You’re wealthy. Easier said than done, she wrote.

About 9:30, Kayden finally relented and stretched. She motioned Rachel over and explained what she had done. Her Apprentice understands some of it.

“I thought you said the market was down. How are you making money?”

“It is, it’s been sliding ever since 9/11. You can pick the ones that go up anyway. Like Raytheon here. They makes all the misses and bombs for the Army. You can bet we’ll be blowing the shit out of somebody this year, so they’re up. Other times you can do a put, like I told you.”

“That’s where you borrow somebody else’s stock, sell it high, then buy the same stock later for lower and give it back, right?” Kayden nodded, sexy tapping a pen on her lips as she read.

“So, all said and done, how did you make out?”

Kayden pointed at the chart on the left hand screen. “See this cliff right here? That’s still diving, and I got chewed up some as it started. So I’m only up about four grand.”

“Holy shit! I mean, holy.. Stuff!”

Kayden laughed. “Relax, kid. King Khan’s the one with the problem with swearing. I give no fucks. Remember, this was the result of me doing a lot of reading and research, and risking about fifty K of capital. Also, this doesn’t always work. I’ve lost more than four grand in an hour too. Still, I’m in the mood to celebrate.” She locked her greeneyes with her pupil’s brown. A wicked grin spread across her face.

“I gave you a lesson last night in eating out. Care to return the favor?”

Rachel’s mouth dropped open a little as her Master propped a boot up on her desk, her hand drifting down to her bloom’s buttons. Her Master raised a semiconductor eyebrow in challenge. Rachel leaned in to get started. Kayden quickly throw a hand up to block her.

“Whoa, hold on there, Eager Beaver. First things first. Drop the sweats.” As Rachel quickly pulled off her top and scrunched down her sweatpants, Kayden began clapping quickly.

“Chop chop! Skin to win, let’s go! Bra and panties too!”

She kicked off her shoes as she struggled to comply. Rachel risked a question. “Hey, how come I don’t get to dress in office clothes like you do? These sweats kinda suck.”

“I think you know the answer to that one, sweet cheeses,” Kayden replied as she twirled a finger, motioning Rachel to turn around.

“Is it because you want revenge for all the hazing mean sorority girls did to you in school?”

“Oh that was so ADORABLE,” Kayden said in a too sweet voice with a too sweet smile. “And you are SO going to regret that when I make you scrub my entire hallway on your hands and knees. Butt naked.” Rachel wiped the smart ass grin off her face. Kayden continued hers.

“Now, preparation is key. First things first, you have lovely long hair, but it’s going to get in the way. Where’s your hair tie?”

“Uhhh.. Upstairs.”

“Off you go then,” Kayden’s wicked grin dissolved. “MOVE!”

As her student rushed naked through the house, it gave Kay time to remove her boots, then quickly slip off her panties and hide them in a desk drawer, then put her boots back on as she heard her Apprentice thundering down the main stairs. Huffing, she stood naked in front of her, pulling her hair through a scrunchie into a ponytail. Kayden snapped her fingers and pointed at the hardwood floor in front of her.

Rachel got on her knees in front of the desk. “Good girl. Sit up straight. Knees farther apart. Hands behind your back. Chin up so I can see your face. Very nice,” she said as she spun the chair around. The toe of her boot started rubbing against Rachel’s inner thigh. She tried to ignore the wood floor already digging into her knees.

“Consider what you are in now as ‘The Position’. If I ever tell you to assume the position, this is what I want, and I want it immediately. Now, with oral sex, it’s always best if the giver is revved up a bit. Makes the performance more… enthusiastic.” She started gently pressing the toe of her boot against Rachel’s pussy, causing her to whimper a little. “Tits out. Good girl. Don’t get too worked up now. You’re not going to come. You just got some last night, remember?”

“Yes, Miss Kayden,” she breathed heavily as the brown suede rubbed lightly back and forth across her pussy lips. Her Master responded by sensitively wriggling her hips as she tApped her toe, getting the tight skirt to rise inch by inch.

“Take a tip from a pro. Whenever you take your clothes off for a lover, go from the bottom up. Guys especially. They always expect boobs first. Make ’em wait.” She fanned her legs as Rachel stared, flashing her bare pussy. Soon she slide it over her hips, exposing her cunt along with the head and tail of her Chinese dragon tattoo. She licked a finger, her eyes locked on Rachel’s as she slowly dipped it into her slit, then rubbed her juice around her clip in a slow circle. Rachel actually licked her lips in anticipation.

Kayden unbuttoned the bottom button of her blouse with her free hand. “See? Bottom to top. Slowly do each one, like this.” Rachel swallowed as more of her Master’s tight belly was revealed. Kayden kept pressing the toe of her boot into Rachel’s crotch, harder now. She began rocking and lifting up, making her bounce up and down like a jumpey in a horse race. “Are you getting turned on now?” Rachel nodded, enrved.

“Say it.”

“I’m getting really turned on now, Miss Kayden.”

“Are you going to come?”

“Not yet, Miss Kayden. But I’m starting to get close.”

“That’s enough foreplay, then. Put your hands on my knees, babygirl. There you go. Now, treat that pussy nice. Like I did for you.” Rachel leaned down, and with just a hint of hesitation, started licking her clip and the shaft just above it. Kayden wound her hand around her ponytail, forcing her lips to where they were needed.

“Good girl. See, you’re a natural. Eat that pussy. Eat the boss’s pussy, or I really will make you scrub that damn hall all afternoon.” She yanked hard on her ponytail, forcing her up with a yelp. “Is that what you want?”

“No! No Miss Kayden… Boss. I just want to please you, Boss. Keep you happy. Please.”

Kayden smiled and let go of her hair. She immediately went back to eating her out. “That’s my good babygirl. Fucking employee of the month over here. Now, I don’t have all day, so shut the fuck up and make me come.”

Rachel started licking her pussy up and down, then sucking the clip between her lips. As she looked up, Kayden finished slowly unbuttoning her blouse from the bottom up, until Rachel could see her lacy white bra encasing a perfectly round set of 36Ds.

“Are those real? Miss Kayden? It’s just that they’re sooo perfect,” Rachel added hastily before going back to her pussy worship. Her Master took her head in both hands and made her lick up and down her slit, like she was nodding her head.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full, sweetheart. If you must know, I paid eight grand for these back in the day. Which is why this one is called Investment, and the other is Dividend.”

Kayden gave her instructions on Just what she liked. Rachel was not allowed to use her hands at all, but had to keep them clamped on Kayden’s muscle, tanned thighs. After a bit, her breathing growing faster, her thighs pinned Rachel’s head in place and she shrieked in pleasure, her orgasm causing her to rock back and forth, almost knocking Rachel off her knees. When she was finished, she stood up, but placed a hand on Rachel’s shoulder to keep her on the floor.

“One more thing. My boot. Kiss it.”

Rachel almost gave her some sass, looking up at the boss bitch in undone office clothes. But then bent down and kissed first one boot, then the Other, even saying thank you to each. Only then did Kayden help her up.

After she got dressed, Rachel went about the rest of her training day. 8 to 10 was finances and stocks with Kayden. Ten to noon was working time. She had a two mile circuit to complete around the neighborhood, rain or shine. If it was nice out, she took Atlanta, their black standard poodle, out with her. Right now she was walking the two miles, but she felt like soon she would be running it. At least parts of it. After she got back, she lifted some of the primitive weights in the basement. Khan had shownher basic moves, and after she had gained some muscle tone, they planned on getting her a real gym membership when she wouldn’t embarrass herself. For now it was milk jugs full of gravel and heavy iron bars.

After a rest break of reading and wishing she could have lunch, she spent the afternoon learning more skills, sometimes with Khan, sometimes Kayden. This week he was teaching her about small engine repair, of all things. He said there was money to be making fixing up broke cars and reselling them. Every hour with him felt like an intense seminar. He never seemed to stop talking, except when he was listening to her. She craved his attention. She had to start helping with dinner at five, dinner hour was six, and then a couple hours of ‘social time’. This could be learning the strategy of key games, like poker or chess, or just talking with her Masters or some of their invited friends to gain conversation skills. Everything had a purpose. Then it was up to her room to read for anhour, before final meditations at ten and lights out. She was usually so exhausted she would sleep like a baby through the night.

Neither of her Masters had brought up sex since Kayden’s ‘lesson’ on Monday. She had been a good girl, but was getting increasingly horny. It didn’t help that whatever they did in the locked room on the top floor, she could hear most of it in her room. She was lying in bed Thursday night, trying to concentrate on The Prince, a thin but useful manual on how to be an asshole. She never got to watch television, except for the odd video for training purposes. So it was some surprise to her when her beeper went off with a text message from Kayden:


She trod down two flights to the media room, where the lights had have been dimmed and apparently they had been watching a movie. Must not have been a good movie, she thought, because Khan’s pants were around his ankles and his magnificent boner was standing up as he reclined on the sectional. Kayden was curled up next to him, fondling his balls.

“It occurred to me that you might be needing some more practice,” she said as she beckoned her over. She motioned to a pillow laid between her husband’s feet. Rachel started to knee, but Kayden shot out a hand.

“Whoa there, Tiger. Are you forgetting what I taught you earlier? What’s the first thing you need to do before giving oral?”

“Ponytail.” Rachel rolled her eyes and pointed up at her room. “It’s up there. You could have told me to bring it down.”

Kayden rubbed her husband’s cock against her lips with a wicked grin. “You’re right. I could have. Well, go on!”

Rachel returned a few minutes later, her hair tied back with a white ribbon, determined to keep a scrunchie or something in her pocket at all times for the next seven years. She knelt on the pillow in front of Khan. She had watched porn before, but never watched somebody gave head up close like this in real life. Mesmerized, she watched as his wife slowly flicked her tongue up the length of his shake in long, slow licks. Then she would pay similar attention to the head, especially the sweet spot on the underside. Then repeat the pattern, slowly, teasingly, instructing her pupil while doing so.

“You want to go slow, especially at first. Tease a man. Make him wait for it, want it, crave it,” she told Rachel in between licks. “Keep watching his face, as I pause… and then do this…” She popped his head in her mouth, quickly bobbing her head up and down for about ten seconds before relenting. “A person can get used to intense pleasure. Desensitized, even. So if you pause… and then…” She reached up with the palm of her hand.

“Don’t teach her that,” Khan warned her, but made no move to stop her, with his arms stretched out Along the back of the sofa. Rachel saw him wince.

“What, don’t show her this?”, Kayden teased as she rubbed the palm of her hand firmly around the mushroom of his dick, causing him to hiss in pleasure and pain. “Or this?” she asked as she flicked her tongue like a snake mercilessly against his frenulum. “Or even..” she quickly spun her fingers around his dick head, as if she could unscrew it from his body. Each technique was maddening to him. But he seemed to take it, even enjoy it. Rachel was enthralled.

Motioning her in closer, Kayden got Rachel settled in front of their man and took her hand, guiding it to the base of his cock.

“Get it slick, but don’t spit, he doesn’t like that. Lick your hand. Now, as you pump it up and down.. no, not that fast, here let me help you..” Kayden put her hand on the young woman’s and showed her a slow, steady rhythm. “Good. Now, twist a little as you slide up and down.”

Khan groaned Approvingly, and petted Rachel’s brown hair. With just a little pressure, he pulled her forward so her lips were on his cock. He held her by the ponytail, not violently, but commanding. She eagerly put his cock in hermouth, but his grip kept her from diving down on it. She whimpered in frustration.

“Work the tip first, babygirl,” Kayden cooed, watching the brunette suck her husband off close up. “Tease him, like I said. Don’t just suck. Kiss it, love on it, like this.” Kayden took his cock away from her, and enthusiastically started making out with his dick, French kissing it like a first boyfriend. She would pull her head back, almost like a snake or a predator about to strike, then dive in and attack him in a sinewy display of cock worship. Her husband’s hips would thrust up a little to meet her.


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