These stories are graphically sexual and sadomasochistic in nature. They contain consenting B.D.S.M activities. The key word there is ‘Consenting’.
However, there is no humiliation in them (as a sexual activity).
It is a new story that has nothing to do with my other works.
This is Part 2 of a multi part story.
My lover, Joyce and I have been taken sexual hostage by Joyce’s husband, my angry ex-girlfriend and her friends. The Lovely Diane (my ex) caught me having sex with Joyce and both she and Joyce’s husband have decided to punish us. I can stop the action at anytime but it will mean the end of any possibility of reigniting my relationship with my (now) ex-girlfriend.
On the other hand, if I endure strongly enough, I can redeem myself in her eyes.
In part one I was bound and masturbated to the broke of orgasm while being forced to watch as my ex was flogged and fucked doggie style by the cuckolded hsband of my former lover.
And now, part 2…
Chapter One
The Lovely Diane got off the large box that she had just climaxed on at the hands (and dick) of the cuckolded Jack. She stood in front of me so close I could feel her heat, smell her sex and see the light of desire still hot in her eyes.
Bound as I was with ankles tight together and hands high above my head; I could do nothing. The penis gag deep in my mouth stopped any major effort to speak so I did not try.
Instead, I simply enjoyed her beauty and waited.
I did not have to wait long.
She looked down at my rampant member and smiled, “I’m glad you enjoyed the show…Wait until you see what we do next!”
The Lovely Diane stepped back into her black high heels. With a Deliberately provocative motion, she turned and with a saucy step, paraded across the well lit room to where my former lover, Joyce Meister, stood nude and bound similarly to me. Joyce’s husband, Jack, and several others trailed behind.
They all gathered around Joyce and I couldn’t hear what they were saying but I gathered it was a similar ultimatum to what I had been given. Endure and enjoy or leave seemed to be the gist of it.
I knew that The Lovely Diane was far from satisfied even though she had just had wild sex with the husband of my former paramour in front of me.
Chapter Two
Just then a warm hand grasped my flagging erection and began to expertly masturbate me yet again. So sexually powerful was this, I took my eyes away from The Lovely Diane and looked down.
The woman who knelt in front of me seemed totally interested in keeping my dick hard and upright. Until now I had not given her much thought. She had simply been a hand that wanked my wood while I wondered at the wild woman in front of me.
Without looking up, the dark haired beauty who stroked my now iron hard erection stated warningly, “It would be a good idea to climax ‘ONLY’ with permission from’Her’.”
With the emphasis on ‘ONLY’ and ‘Her’, I knew that this sweet torque was meant to last a long time. Therefore I did my best to hold off on climaxing.
I used breathing techniques, body tension techniques and deliberately unsexual images to hold off climaxing.
The woman made a consoling noise, as if to express how much she disliked seeing me in such distress.
Then she repeatedly her efforts to force a powerful (and unwanted) climax from my trembling body.
Her hand expertly grasped my member at its base and slowly rode up the shake until it reached the head of my manhood. With increasing speed and tension, the woman took me manually.
She applied luxury at one point, although it wasn’t the first time she had done that. The stuff was warm and thick and there was lots of it. It made a slopping sound as she wanked away.
I groaned behind my gag and struggled against a now imminent climax.
Up and down the shake, her expert hand alterAtally caresed me erection and gripped it hard and with cruel awareness that I enjoyed rough play.
Obviously, The Lovely Diane has instructed this woman about what turned me on.
In spin of my imminent climax (or maybe because of it), I wondered whether ‘The Rhythm’ had been mentioned. I need not have wondered. The woman stopped her cruel and unrelenting assault on my dick.
I gasped in relief at the idea of being given a moment to recover in.
I was wrong; there was no moment to recover. She simply changed tactics.
Instead of restarting her cruel assault, she changed her attack upon my dick to something quite different. Two light, slow deliberate strokes starting and finishing at the base of my hard cock. These two were followed by a fast hard one. Two followed by one. That was ‘The Rhythm’.
I found it both arousing and infuriating. Within a couple of minutes I knew…Knew…I was going to climax. I was helpfully bound for her to use. It was obviousto us both that my erection had been given to her by The Lovely Diane to torque.
She never looked up. Perhaps, to her, I was ‘only’ an erection to be toyed with. In any case it was obvious she was in charge and my hard erection was there for her (and not the other way around).
And there was nothing I could do except endure, enjoy and hold off climaxing as best I could.
The sensings that woman elicited from me were so sexually charged I found myself grunting and panting with effort.
The unwanted climax was but a stroke or two away!
I trembled with sexual excitation. I pulled and twisted usefully against my unyielding bonds.
She starred rudely at my now throbbing erection, smiled to herself and without looking up, opened her mouth and widened her eyes in mock surprise that such a thing could have happened or that she might be there to witness it.
I nearly reached the apex of my journey right there.
The woman suddenly wiped her hands gotto her feet and walked away without a backward glance.
I continued to struggle for long minutes not to shoot my load across the room.
Chapter Three
Finally, when I was calmed a bit and was sure I wasn’t going to climax, I looked across the room. The Lovely Diane had her nose about an inch away from Joyce’s face.
Joyce looked both frightened and thoroughly aroused. Her face was flushed, her bosom rising and falling quickly as she panted with obvious desire.
The Lovely Diane looked down at her former vitality’s bare breasts and noticed them rising and falling. The Lovely Diane slowly, menacingly, with fingers extended; reached out and took hold of Joyce’s bare nipple.
Joyce howled through her gag as the Lovely Diane apparently squeezed that nipple hard. I say apparently because I was about ten feet away, at an angle to them and could not see clearly.
The Lovely Diane looked up with feigned innocent but she continued to squeeze the nipple.
Joyce continued to howl. She Shook and trembled. In desperation, she finally looked beseechingly at her cuckolded husband as though asking him to intercede on her behalf.
Jack looked at his bound wife, stepped forward, and brought his head close to his wife’s tormented bare breast. He Shook his head as though to say that the whole thing looked painful.
Then he stepped behind The Lovely Diane. He ran his hands down her back and up her front until he was cupping The Lovely Diane’s bare breasts. He paused briefly to fondle these magnificent globes.
I envied him.
He ran a hand down The Lovely Diane’s arm until he encountered his wife’s imprisoned breast. As The Lovely Diane relinquished her hold, Jack grabbed the nipple and began to squeeze it again.
Joyce must have thought she was getting a reprieve as she stopped howling when The Lovely Diane had let go. Once the pressure was resumed she began to howl even louder.
The Lovely Diane brought one of her handsdown and back to cares Jack’s muscular flank. Her other hand went up and back to cares his head. She pushed her head back and allowed him to nuzzle her neck. She pressed her hips back into him. He pushed forward into her.
Both Jack and The Lovely Diane were having a good time, both were aroused and both seemed in no worry to stop.
I could tell that the bound and tormented Joyce was aroused Even further by this cruelty. I knew I was.
The whole situation was just hot. And when I thought it couldn’t get any wilder, The Lovely Diane turned languidly and dropped to her knees so she was face to condom covered erection with Jack.
Joyce gurgled in aroused shock as The lovely Diane began to expertly perform fallatio on Jack. Even Jack moaned with sensitive delight.
I knew from personal experience just how good The Lovely Diane was at this particular activity.
Like the saying goes, “She could suck start a leaf blower.”
Jack relinquished his hold on Joyce’s breast and grabbed The Lovely Diane’s head with both hands. His face was a mask of password and determination as he struggled not to climax in the mouth wrapped aggressively around his condom covered iron hard erection.
Joyce quit her howling but starred rudely and with increasing sexual tension at the provocative sight before her.
Just as jack seemed ready to orgasm, he yanked himself out of The Lovely Diane’s mouth.
She looked up with a feral grin.
He chuckled.
She bent forward and licked his condom covered iron hard erection from base to head.
She stood up, said something I couldn’t make out and took a proven flogger. She held it in front of Joyce’s frightened and aroused face.
Nude, except for her high black silettos, The Lovely Diane saucily paraded around behind her bound victim. The flogger trailed in her hands.
Joyce wardly followed her with her eyes as far as she could. She turned back to look desperately at he husband andgasped.
Jack stood with his arms crossed as a woman helper stepped forward, dropped to her knees and grasped his erection.
Another helper, a man this time, squatted in front of the bound and helpless Joyce, an electric wand at the ready.
The Lovely Diane paused, possibly for dramatic effect.
Without anything to distract me I really noticed the number of various helpers there were in the play room with us. They numbered about twenty although there had to have been several in the room before I arrived. There were both sexes and some were busy coupling or engaging in sadomasochistic play.
“So they are not helpers but other players!” I concluded.
Chapter Four
The dark haired woman who had been tormenting me earlier now returned. She neither looked at my face nor spoke to me. Instead, she dropped to her knees and inspected my now hanging penis.
I looked down at her and saw her smile cruelly.
She reached out and carefully, gently graspedand squeezed my still sensitive penis.
I gasped and had to stifle an erotic groan as she expertly manipulated me to iron hardness.
She had already warned me about climaxing without permission and neither of us saw the need to reiterate that menace.
I looked up at the scene before me. The Lovely Diane began to float the helpfully bound Joyce while her husband watched. Joyce was forced to endure the flogging while she watched her husband being expertly wanked in front of her.
Now a third torque was added. The man kneeing in front of Joyce turned on the electric wand and pressed it against Joyce’s sensitive nethers.
Joyce gasped and shook in her bonds in reaction to this multilevel assault upon her.
That is how I perceived it, a multilevel assault upon both Joyce and me. We had been caught having sex and now we were going to have to earn our respective partner’s trust once again.
Just as Joyce was about to achieve orgasm, the man wielding the wand pulled it away from her. She moaned loudly in frustration.
I looked at The Lovely Diane as she used the flogger. She had started softly and was now really getting into it. Her face was flushed and she was putting her entire body into the blows. There was no hurry in her magnificent body as she wilded the flogger and punished her bound, nude, helpless historical.
I watched with horrified fascination as the flogger seemed to travel in slow motion in a broad arch before making contact on the helpless Joyce with a loud wet splat.
Joyce grunted with pain and, in seemed to me, arousal.
I thought I was forgotten until The Lovely Diane paused to look across the room at me.
She snarled softly, clearly and with absolute menace, “Watch now! Watch!”
I did.
The dark haired woman wanked away; always keeping me aroused yet never so close to the edge that I’d climax. The woman was an expert tease.
The Lovely Diane continued to float the bound Joyce while botherwise her husband and I were sexually simulated.
Jack seemed to be having a hard time not coming as he kept reaching down to stop the woman who was masturbating him.
I had no such luxury but it didn’t matter. The dark haired tea seemed to know just how much I could handle so I ended up being just her helpfully aroused plaything.
The man torqueing Joyce applied the wand as The Lovely Diane flogged her. Just as Joyce would reach that peak, the man would take away the wand.
Joyce struggled, shook and sobbed uncontrollably as she watched her husband pleasured at the hands of someone else.
This went on for what seemed like an eternity. It was probably only for a few minutes but they were long minutes.
Finally, Joyce was reaching her orgasm, once more.
Or rather, it was being ripped from her with deliberate cruelty.
But instead of stopping, the man continued to hold the wand firmly against Joyce’s bare cunt.
Her eyes widened and her muscles bunched as she pulled hard against her unfeeling restraints.
She shrieked and shuddered as a climax that was so powerful it looked like a convulsion overtook her.
Joyce’s climax went on and on. The Lovely Diane flogged her with relentless cruelty fueled by sexual password and jealously.
It was all I could do not to come yet again.
Chapter Five
At length, she quit flogging Joyce and motioned for the man wielding the wand to ease up.
Joyce hung simply her restraints. All her strength was gone.
The man tormenting her with the wand stand up and stepped back. Another player knelt in front of him, expertly fitted him with a condom and began to perform fallatio on him. She was eager and he was ready. In a moment they were lost in a world of their own.
The dark haired tea continued to torment me. There was nothing I could do about it except endure and enjoy.
I did my best.
The Lovely Diane saucily paraded around to the front ofthe nude and helpfully bound Joyce.
Joyce seemed unaware of her existence.
The Lovely Diane reached down between Joyce’s legs and gently stroked her sensitive vulva.
Joyce shrieked, jerked and balefully glared at her torqueress.
The Lovely Diane smiled cruelly and kept her hand pressed against Joyce’s bare genitals.
The Lovely Diane was obviously struggling Joyce as she spoke, clearly enough for everyone to hear, “After a powerful climax, it would seem that even the lightest touch is painful.”
Joyce struggled and groaned as The Lovely Diane tormented her with the gentlest of touches.
The Lovely Diane reached out with her other hand, grabbed the back of Joyce’s head and looked deeply into her face as she continued her gentle but unrelenting assault.
“You fucked my man, you bitch!”
Joyce whimpered and dammed if she didn’t climax again, on The Lovely Diane’s hand.
The Lovely Diane smiled cruelly, let her hated vitality go and turnedto Joyce’s husband who had walked up silently behind her.
The Lovely Diane embedded and sensitively kissed Jack. He kissed her back.
They both turned and looked deliberately at the helpfully bound Joyce.
Even though she had just climaxed repeatedly, I had the feeling that it would have taken very little to make her climax again.
Hand in hand, The Lovely Diane and the cuckolded Jack walked over to me.
The dark haired tea stood, nodded at the couple and walked away. At no time did she even acknowledge me as anything more that a life support system for an erection for her to play with.
There I stood, nude, bound and erect.
Jack and The Lovely Diane rudely stared at me.
She embedded the cuckolded Jack, smiled and said, “Shall we?”
Chapter Six
I knew what was coming next. We all did. I mentally geared myself up. I was determined to do my best and earn back the respect of The Lovely Diane. Respect that I had foolishly treated sobadly.
Someone had handed Jack a flogger that he flourished menacingly in front of my face.
I looked at it and at him but I knew that the real torque was going to come from her, The Lovely Diane. She would be the one causing me real torque.
Jack looked at The Lovely Diane and said, “He knows that it’s you he should be worried about.”
Jack put his face close to mine and said, “You’re right, you should be more worried about her than me…”
He paused, smiled cruelly, shrugged and continued, “On the other hand, I’m going to enjoy this!”
He stalked out behind me.
The Lovely Diane knelt in front of me. She took a handful of lube and reached out deliberately to grab my flagging erection.
It was the first time in weeks that she had touched me.
With expert hands, she brought to me within a stroke of climax within a couple of minutes.
She nodded at the unseen Jack standing ready behind me.
I heard the flogger whip through the air. Felt in burn like fire as in made contact with my nude, helpfully bound body.
I gasped in shock. I had expected him to start softly and work up to it.
I looked down and The Lovely Diane and she smiled.
“I told him not to take it easy on you. He seemed only too pleased with my suggestions.”
Jack whipped me hard. He was a big man and he was in good shape. He Confined his blows to two areas. He whipped my upper back and he whipped my butt.
I grunted with the effort it took to end these punishing blows. I bunched my muscles and did my best to remain as stoic as possible.
I looked down at The Lovely Diane. She was smoking luxuriously at my struggle. Deliberately she stroked my now soft penis and even with Jack’s brutal whipping, I was harder that I had ever been in my life!
The Lovely Diane stroked my now iron hard erection with a powerful yet sensitive grip. She’d start at the base of my erection. Go slowly up the shake, pause slightly as she reached the head before continuing to the top. Then she’d go quickly back down.
All the time she’s doing this, Jack is flogging me.
I looked up in an effort to contain myself and not shoot my load all over The Lovely Diane’s face.
She snarled at me, “LOOK AT ME!”
I dropped my head, only too pleased to obey.
Just when I thought I could hold back no more. She stopped touching. Jack did not stop.
I had not realized how tightly I had been holding myself until she let me go.
It took only a couple of blows of the flogger to help me subdue my desire to climax.
The Lovely Diane nodded approved at my effort before recovering hers. Within a couple of strokes I was iron hard once again.
The Lovely Diane took a couple of minutes to place a condom on me. That was when I realized game time was over and I was going to have a climax ripped from my nude, bound and trembling body.
Finally, I knew I could hold back no more! I knew I was going to orgasm! Knew The Lovely Diane would never give me permission! Knew what would happen after!
I yelled through the gag at my torqueress.
She smiled and nodded before responding, “NO…You don’t have permission. And YES! I will be polishing your apple tonight!”
She paused and smiled before adding, “And when we are done…I have a surprise for you!”
That did it..Those words, that menace. They were too much.
My words were muffled by the thick plastic penis gag I was wearing but my dismay was apparent.
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