These stories are graphically sexual and sadomasochistic in nature. It contains consenting B.D.S.M activities. The key word there is ‘Consenting’.
However, there is no humiliation (as a sexual activity) in it.
This is a new series of stories that has nothing to do with my other works.
Part 2 is already finished (and is being edited this week). It will be released shortly.
Chapter One
I had just finished at the gym. It had been a hard workout that pushed me to my limits. I felt both tired and somehow cleansed.
I showed in the men’s locker room, and putting on a bathing suit, I wrapping a towel around myself and went into the sauna. There were three other men and three women there ahead of me.
I should explain that my gym is co-ed. There are lockers that are separate for men and women, shows too but the gym and the saunas are for both sexes.
Normally this isn’t a problem and seeing as we are all adults, I feel OKy about wearing just a bathing suit and towel. Men wore this unless they had chest piercings which should be covered up. Women were expected to wear appropriate gym attire except in the sauna where a bathing suit was required.
I recognized one of the women in the sauna was The Lovely Diane. Her eyes were closed and I did my best to ignore her lovely form. We had been a couple for quite a while. Then we had a falling out. Under other conditions, I would have let my membership delay and simply taken my business to another gym.
However, I had paid a lot of money up front and signed a contract that specified I had a premium membership giving special privileges.
These special privileges included the more luxurious gym located in the back room away from the public gym. It also included the larger sauna, larger steam rooms, even a Jacuzzi and a mud bath pit in the premium member’s area. There were a variety of massage rooms with professional masseuses. There was also a complete bar and a large soundproof party room.
Also, one didn’t just sign up for the premium pack. One was asked by another premium member to join.
Frankly, seeing as The Lovely Diane was my sponsor, I was a little surprised when I was not blacklisted. One of the privileges of a sponsor was that they could (and sometimes did) withdraw their sponsorship. This usually means that the offending individual was refunded their money and told (not asked) to leave.
While the basic membership was not too costly, the premium membership was. All that being said; I went into the sauna feeling fully justified in being there. I nodded at the other people already inside and sat quietly in the middle of one of the tiers closest to the centre of the room.
After a couple of minutes, I could feel the tension of day leaving as the heat did its work. A few minutes later and I was completely lax.
It came as a complete shock when the six people grabbed me.
Chapter Two
They took me so completely by surprise that I didn’t know what they did. All I can say is that one minute I was relaxing in the sauna with equals and the next I was face down on a benchmark with my elbows and wrists tied behind me. There was a heavy business-like knee holding me down. It was hard to take a breath. My ankles were tied together and so were my tights just above the knees.
They stood me up and when I went to protest, one of the men grabbed my head while the largest of the three men shoved a large penis gag into my mouth. He belted it in place.
The large man picked me up over his shoulder like I was a sack of rice and marched out of the sauna.
I struggled uselessly as we left the sauna and went down the corridor which separated both sets of lockers from the sauna and steam rooms. We reached an elevator. I had always assumed this elevator was merely a maintenance one. Obviously I was wrong.
I could feel that we were going up. How far up, I couldn’t say and seeing as the gym was on one of the sub floors of a huge high rise, we might have been going up a long way.
No one said a word and they deliberately ignored me. The big man who held me did so effortlessly. There was no way I was going anywhere. But it isn’t in my nature to quit so I kept struggle anyway.
Finally the elevator slowed and the bell dinged announcing we had arrived. We entered What I can only describe as a modern day sex dungeon. Even though the windows were covered and the lighting was subdued, I could make out what I saw. The room was filled with all many of devices. Some, like the rack I knew and some, I had no idea of. There were drawings all over the walls of men and women engaged in various sexual activities. They were depicted doing so in this very room.
The big man stood me on my feet and The Lovely Diane stepped in front of me. Her beautiful face was devoid of expression but I had known her long enough to realize she was thoroughly pissed.
“I suppose you wonder what the hell is going on!” Her hand reached out and pinched my bare nipple hard, “Perhaps this will give you a clue!”
Chapter Three
I yelled in pain as she continued to squeeze my nipple.
Finally she let go, stepped back and placing one hand on her hip and placed the back of her other hand against her cheek.
The big man continued to hold me still. The fact that I was bound tightly helped.
The Lovely Diane explained.
“This is The Ordeal.” She pursued menuingly, “You remember when I told you that naughty story about Mike and Jasmine?”
My guts turned to water and my penis got all tingly as I remembered.
When we had first gotten together, one of her first acts was to tie me spread-eagled on the bed. She had jerked me off slowly and with great relish. She had called it ‘Milking’.
All the time she was milking me, The Lovely Diane told me this nasty tale of a woman called Jasmine who came home to find her man Mike having sex with Jasmine’s best friend Madeline. Jasmine had been furious and had insisted that if Mike and Madeline wished to remain in Jasmine’s circle, they would both have to endure ‘The Ordeal’.
It had been a hot story and when she reached the climax of the tale, I reached a climax too. Then she had gotten creative.
It dawned on me now that the story wasn’t fiction. As if to confirm my worry, The Lovely Diane nodded and spoke.
“Yes!” She nodded archly, “It wasn’t fiction.”
I struggled as she stepped forward and continued.
“I remember your reaction to that. And seeing as you are such a promiscuous slut I have decided to teach you about betraying me!”
This last was delivered softly but with real anger.
I gurgled in outtrage at being so accused but she laughed cruelly.
She was really hurt and I also realized just how angle she must be. She never used profanity or vulgarity and simply could not stand to have it uttered in her presence. I hadhad to learn to speak without saying it whenever she was around.
“Oh don’t play the innocent with me!” She snapped, “I saw you and Joyce Meister. You were fucking on the living room floor. You were fucking on the living room couch. From there you fucked her in the chair beside the couch and finally you fucked her against the living room window. After that the two of you fucked off into the next room!”
A tear rolled down her cheek as she continued with her accusation. She witnessed deeply and looked down as she remembered.
I feel a quality of guilt but could do nothing about it as stood nearly nude and bound tightly before The Lovely Diane and her cohorts.
“You never even looked up.” She whispered softly, “I thought what we had had been special.”
She shrugged, “Now I realize you are just a hot slut.”
I grew through the gag and tried to speak. I tried to tell her that she means the world to me and that the others mean nothing.
She ignored my attempts before speaking again.
“I spent weeks deciding what to do. I almost wrote you off but you keep coming back to the gym. I was certain that it was to torque me!” She glared at me as she spoke.
The truth was that I couldn’t get her off my mind and I would make sure that she was at the gym when I was working out. I wanted to see her. I wanted her to see me.
I had come home that very night after work to find the place empty and a ‘Dear John’ note telling me we were through as a couple. My attempts to talk to her had proven fruitless. She would ignore me both on the phone and in person. After a couple of useless attempts to talk to her I kept my distance but I also kept her in sight. I was hoping against hope that she would relent.
The Lovely Diane continued softly, “Tonight you came into the sauna right when we had finished planning how to get you alone. You made it easy. We simply took advantage of it.”
She nodded almost to herself before speaking again,”Here is the deal slut! You either end my punishments throughout The Ordeal or we are done.”
I went completely still as she explained in more detail.
Chapter Four
“You are going to be, for all intents and purposes, a sexual service. You will suck cock, lick pussy and tongue anus. You will be sucked, fucked and anally used. You will be bound, whipped, cattle produced.”
She paused, thinking, “As a matter of fact, you will be electrified in a number of different ways.”
“I will see to it personally that you will have your apple poisoned.” She paused at my look of confusion,
“It means ‘Masturbated Painfully’.” She explained patiently.
She smiled at my look of fear.
Nodding slightly she Continued, “This is nothing to be decided lightly. At any time you may say your safe words.”
She lifted my chin up and said, “Say ‘Yellow’!”
I did my best to comply, “Eh.Oh”
That was all that came out from around the big, thick,long penis gag.
The Lovely Diane nodded and explained, “Those two sylables will let us know that you are in distress and your gag will be removed so you can explain what the problem is.”
I nodded and she continued, “Say ‘Red’!”
“Ed.” I mumbled
“This one sylable means that we stop whatever we are doing. You are untied and care will be given to you. This is to ensure the safety of all of us is always our first concern.” She added, “You will not ignore any safe word. This is a golden rule and it must be followed or you will be told to leave. There will be no second chance.”
The Lovely Diane continued pedantically, “You will be free to leave at any time but IF you leave without my permission, you will NOT be allowed back in. It will be the end.”
She paused, obviously remembering something, “The Latex Initiative. I forgot! Damn! Okay, because of the large numbers of players we have a four rule set called ‘The Latex Initiative’. 1. All players must use condoms or dental dams. This includes all toys that will be pressed against the private parts or inserted into other members. 2. All players will either only have sex with club member according to club rules or they will not have sex at all. 3. All players are required to be tested for all sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis C and Aids every ten days. 4. All players must present test results both upon demand and to the club every ten days. Failure to follow this initiative is grounds for permanent and immediate expulsion.”
“So, in summary, you can slow or stop the action at any time. You are free to leave at anytime. You must play safe and you must be able to prove it.” The Lovely Diane paused, eyeing me. “Most importantly, you must do all this openly and you must either enjoy it or learn to enjoy it.”
“Or you can leave now, in which case your membership fee will be refunded and you will be told to leave.”
She said the last with finality but I knew she was achinginside.
Chapter Five
I immediately thrust my chest out toward her and gurgled behind my gag.
The Lovely Diane nodded and asked with forced nonchalance, “So you wish to stay?
I nodded as best I could. From out of nowhere someone handed her a clip board with a contract and release form.
She held it up for me to read but I looked away as though to says, “I trust you.”
After all, here was hope that I could redeem myself in Her eyes.
It came as quite a shock when she slapped me across the face, “I’m not asking you slut! I’m telling you! Read this and sign it!”
She held it up, I read through and when someone held it behind me to where my tied hands were, I signed it clumsily with a pen thrust into my awkward fingers.
The Lovely Diane showed me the signature so I would know exactly what I was agreeing to.
She looked at the others and nodded. The big man who had been carrying me stepped in front and someone else took over holding me. He was a large man, angle and brutal looking.
My penis tingled again.
From behind him I heard the lovely Diane speak, “I don’t believe that you two have been introduced, although I’m quite sure you ‘Know’ his wife Joyce. This is Jack Meister…”
“Oh no!” I thought.
Jack smiled cruelly and said, “Hello Pretty!”
He turned to the rest of the group and said, “It’s began!”
He stepped away and turned back towards The Lovely Diane, he smiled coldly.
The others untied my arms and quickly rebound them in front of me. A rope was attached and my arms were quickly raised in front until they were directly above my head. As it continued to be raised, I could feel my wrists take more of my weight as I was forced up on my tiptoes. Someone bent down and I could feel another rope tie my bound ankles to the floor.
My breath was faster and I felt both afraid and excited.
The Lovely Diane stepped forward with scissors and carefully cut my bathing suit away. She stepped back leaving me in semi darkness. I couldn’t see clearly more than a few feet in front of me.
“Close you eyes.” She said warningly from the dark.
Suddenly the overhead lights came on full. It was a good thing she had warned me. Even so, the bright light was painful through my closed lids. I squinted against the painful brightness as I slowly opened my eyes. After a minute or so I could see clearly.
There, directly in front of me, stood Joyce Meister. She was nude, gagged and bound similarly to me. Her hands were tied above her head and she was on tiptoe. I could see clearly that the rope on her ankles was attached by another rope to a ring set into the floor.
She looked both afraid and excited but also bewildered. I had the distinct impression she had not been told what was going on yet.
The Lovely Diane looked at her hated historical and pursued softly, “Joyce thought she was going to a tryst with another lover today. I imagine this is all quitea shock to her.”
All around the two of us were large full mirrors. I could see my nude and bound reflection.
The Lovely Diane, Jack and several others stepped into the light. All were now clothed in various types of fetish wear.
The Lovely Diane carried a heavy looking whip.
She smiled at Jack who was brandishing a thick, heavy and multi tailed flogger similar to The Lovely Diane’s.
Jack caught my eye with his, he smiled cruelly.
I tried to gulp but couldn’t.
He stepped towards me and lifting his whip meaningfully, said, “Allow me to introduce myself!”
Chapter Six
I eyed the heavy flogger fearfully. I didn’t want to show this guy anything but just the thought of that heavy thing cutting me up sent a Shiver through my spine.
He looked at me surprised and then he looked at her. As if to ask what he should do now.
The Lovely Diane stepped forward until she was a scant six inches away.
She looked impossible as she explainned, “The thick multi tailed flogger distributed the force of the blow over a wide area so it arouses the recipient instead of injuring them.”
She paused as I digested this. I was quite prepared to end a punishment. The idea I might actually enjoy this cuckold’s attention was hard to fathom.
She told, turned to the big man and said, “Bring the box here.”
There was no hesitation and in less time than it takes to tell, a box the size of a King Size bed was place in front of me. It was firm but I could see padding on the top and rings around the outside for ropes to be attached to.
The Lovely Diane unhesitatingly stripped naked in front of me.
She thrust her full proud breasts out towards me as if to say, “LOOK AT THESE!”
I did.
She got on all fours on top of the box. She faced away from Jack who was slightly off to my right.
She was profiled in front of me and facing off to the left of me.
In essence she was presenting to Jack andall I could do was watch in lustful silence.
Her hair hung around her neck toward the floor. She stared straight ahead. The light, the pose and her bare beauty conspired to create an unforgettable moment.
The she turned he head back to look behind her and said impatiently, “Whenever you are ready, Jacko!”
She turned her head to me and said, “Watch and learn…”
She nodded at someone and I gasped as a warm wet hand grap and began to stroke my rapidly developing erection.
The lovely Diane turned her beautiful head forward and arched her back slightly down and her shaped butt up towards Jack.
As if in a dream, I watched Jack wind up to lash this beauty. I gurgled in outtrage and struggled usefully.
Jack had pulled his arm back in preparation to strike. He caught me eye, smiled cruelly before refocusing his gaze on my beautiful woman’s naked and vulnerable posterior.
I watched as he tightened his grip on the whip. His face went still and his body tightened up.
He swung the flogger.
My engaged penis tingled as the person masturbating me brought me even closer to the edge!
Time seemed to slow for me. Jack’s arm seemed to move ever so slowly. I could hear a roaring in my ears. I held my breath as the flogger traveled in slow motion through the air.
There was a slow wet splat as the tails landed on the lovely Diane’s bare butt.
She slowly bent her back, bowed her butt away from the lash and flung her head down in a slow motion reaction to the blow. She grunted in password.
Time resumed its normal speed.
My masturbatrix took me a step closer to my unwanted orgasm. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to feel pleasure; it was that I didn’t want to stop feeling it.
After a second, The Lovely Diane straightened up and arched her butt back and brought her head back up.
The big man lashed her many more times in the same way. First a blow; followed by several seconds pause for her to recover. Then he’d do it again…
Finally, as he paused for a moment to asses her reaction, she turned to look at me and said, “This is not the first time I have been lashed but it is the first time Jack has done it.”
Her eyes were wet and they shone with a luminous glow.
My masturbatrix seemed to hardly touch me at all and yet her touch was the most exotic sensing I had ever experienced.
“I had hoped it would be you who wilded the flogger…”She shrugged resignedly, “But I can see that you must endure the ordeal and continue my trust once more before that can happen.”
She looked away from me. Jack lashed her again (on the upper back this time). Another single tear dropped from her face. I doubted it had anything to do with the pain of the flogger.
Standing bound and nude, all I could do was watch as the cuckolded Jack whipped my woman.
She continued to gasp and moan erotically as the flogger landed on her shaped and vulnerable posterieor.
I also gasped and moaned as the knowledgeable hand that gripped my unit caused wave after wave of pleasure to continue cursing through me.
I was shuddering with both pleasure and shame. Watching The Lovely Diane flogged while I was masturbated caused me to both want to wild the whip myself and (conversely) to take her place so she would not have to endure the lash.
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