When I received the e-mail from Mistress Meredith I hardly believed that she picked me for a scene with her. She was recruiting members of her on-line web site for movies and anybody could apply for it. If picked up you earned a life time subscription, and, of course, an unforgettable time with her. So I did; I only had to send several pictures of me naked, but I didn’t seriously hope for being picked up. But I was and she sent me some details a contract to sign for accepting to appear in the movies and granting her the rights to publish the footages on web and other media. I had to sign it and return to her by mail. The second day after she received it, I got another e-mail with details about the time and place for the shooting. I was told not to have sex or masturbate 3 days before that. I was also asked to have my pubic hair trimmer and my balls held.
It wasn’t hard to find the address and I reached the door just it time. I didn’t want to make a bad impression. A woman opened, and I told her my name and that I was there for the shooting. She asked me to follow her and she led me to a room where there were already two guys. As I expected, I wasn’t the only one selected. Her movies usually featured at least two guys.
“Wait here. There is one more guy to come and then Mistress Meredith will come and talk to you.”
Then I learned that she picked four guys for that day. While we waited we talked a little bit about how we ended up there, and it turned out that the other guys were as excited as I was. In a couple of minutes the fourth guy appeared led by the same woman. He was young, probably not even 20.
“I’ll tell Mistress Meredith that you are all here,” said the woman and left again.
It took like five minutes for Mistress Meredith to come to us. She was dressed in black, tight leather shorts, tight top covering her GG tits, and a good cleavage view.
“Hi guys,” she said and we returned her salute.
She shook hands with us and said, “I’m glad you’re all in time. And that you didn’t give up.”
“Definitely not,” said the last guy that came in. “You’re like a goddess.”
“Thank you. Now, I guess you are all familiar with my movies and my style, so in general you know what to expect.”
“Yes,” we acknowledged.
“Let me just remind you something: if you address me during the shooting, you do it with Mistress Meredith or simply Mistress. Don’t address me any other way. Is that clear?”
“Yes,” we all said.
“In general, try to keep your mouth shut and do as told. But if I or somebody else asks you a question, you do answer. Don’t make us repeat the question. OK?”
“Yes,” we said again.
“Yes Mistress,” she corrected us.
“Yes Mistress,” we repeated.
“That’s more like it,” she said. “And the most important thing is that when asked to do something, you do it. Clear?”
“Yes Mistress,” we said.
“OK. Because I don’t what one of you to stop obeying during the shooting or leaving. So, if you want to turn away, then do it now,” she said.
None of us moved or said anything.
“Good, then we are all clear and we can start. Are you ready?”
“Yes Mistress,” we said in a single voice.
“Then follow me,” she said and opened the door. She led us through a corridor to a door where she stopped. She turned to us and said, “You wait here until I open the door for you. Then you all four come in.”
She left us there and entered the room. While we waited we realized that she didn’t tell us anything about the shooting. She probably did that on purpose. The idea was that we had to do exactly as told. We were wondering what she had in store for us, and waited there for almost 10 minutes. Then, finally, the door opened and she invited us in. We entered a large room, probably the same that we saw in many of her movies. It was well illuminated. On a side there were four girls standing behind some desks. It looked like a school set. Oneof the girls was black and one was Asian. The other two were blonds. All of them were good looking and the black girl and one of blonds, that seemed to be the younger, were quite busty. On the opposite side there were two men behind cameras and the woman that let us in. In the center of the room, there were four tables with a hole in them. I had seen that before in other scenes and I had an idea what she planned for us.
Later on, when the movie was published on her site, I saw what happened until that moment. Mistress Meredith, standing in front of the girls, proposed them a new experiment: see if the bigger the cock, the bigger the cum loads. And she told them that she picked up some guys to run the experiment on. At that moment she went to the door and let us in. She asked us to line up in front of the girls. The camera men moved on new positions so they could film us from better angles. They did that actually all the time.
Mistress Meredith sat between us and the girls.
“Take off your clothes,” she said to us.
We obeyed as asked and removed our clothes. Just when I finished I saw two of the girls showing a surprised face. They all turned they attention to the young guy that came the last. I did the same and saw a huge cock between his legs. I had the smallest cock in the room, and comparing to that guy I was actually tiny.
“Calm down girls,” said Mistress Meredith. “It’s time to do some measurements.”
When she said that each girl took a tape ruler from the desk in front of them, stood up and came to us. Each girl picked the guy in front of her and to me came the black girl. They kneeled down and she grabbed by flaccid cock and pulled off my foreskin and used the tape ruler to measure it.
“10 centimeters,” said the girl near Mistress Meredith.
“16,” said the Asian girl that took the biggest cock and all the girls smiled and looked at it again.
“11,” said the girl just to my right.
“8,” said the girl thatmeasured me.
So I was only half the size of that young guy. Mistress Meredith moved behind the girls and said:
“Good, now make them hard and measure it again.”
My girl grabbed my cock again and started to pull it and jerk it. She knew what she was doing, like all the other girls in the room. It didn’t take long to have an erection. In fact I was the first ready for a new measurement.
“13,” said my girl and she stood up, leaving my cock and stepping back.
“18,” said after a short while the girl working on the guy on my right.
“16,” said the young girl with big tits.
Only the Asian girl was still working on the big cock. She probably liked it too much to let it go. The other girls moved near her and they all watched the small girl measuring the big cock.
“25,” she said and all the girls giggled.
“Very good,” said Mistress Meredith. “As I promised, we have all sizes here. And now that we are finished with the measurements, it’s time for milking these guys”. She then turned to us and said, “I want all of you on those tables. And put your cocks in the holes.”
We moved to the tables, that were quite high, so that someone could stand under it, and laid on them as asked. I put my semi-erect cock and my balls in the hole. While laying there I saw Mistress Meredith giving a transparent glass to each girl. They were for collecting the cum. Then, the girls came to us, and I didn’t see them any more, but they picked us in the same order they did before. I felt a hand grabbing my cock and my balls and pulling them. Then she picked my long foreskin between her fingers and pulled it quite hard. It almost hurt. Then she pulled it back and I felt her big lips grabbing my cock head and sucking it. Then she started to blow on my cock while one hand was holding on the base of my cock and my balls. Then the mouth retired and she slapped my cock, several times. She played like that with me for a few minutes, licking my cock, jerking it, slapping it. One of the camera men took some close-ups, which I later saw on the web.
After a while Mistress Meredith brought each girl a lot. When it was my turn, I saw her disappearing under the table. Then I felt two hands playing with my cock, and I knew one was hers. They put their tongues on my hard cock and licked it up and down in synchronization. One mouth (I found later it was Mistress Meredith) picked my balls and sucked on them, while the other girl was sucking on my cock head. That felt so good. Then I felt the cold lotion on my cock and when the girl started to jerk me off, I saw Mistress Meredith getting out from under the table.
The stokes on my cock were increasing in force and speed and I was feeling more and more pleasure. I guessed it wouldn’t take to long to cum. But She played with it, increasing the speed and easing it, trying to get the best out of me. Then I heard one guy moaning and I knew he cumed. Fifteen seconds later it was my turn, and several streams of hot cum landed in the transparent glass. She made sure she milked the very last drop of my cock before she went out. I turned my head up and saw the busty girl standing next to Mistress Meredith and waiting for the others to finish. In the next two minutes first came the big guy and then the last one.
They all gathered around Mistress Meredith and the camera men took position for better close-ups. The girls presented their harvest to Mistress Meredith and she tried to sort them and see if there was connection to the size of our cocks.
“Well girls,” she said after looking in the glasses, “It’s not conclusive.”
The girls looked at her and she said, “This means we have to do more experiments.”
That was basically my adventure in a Mistress Meredith movie. And it turned out so successfully that she made two sequels, but she didn’t find any evidence to support the initial idea.
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