The One

Some women always seemed to know, with one look in my eyes the most beautiful smile would appear as I let them in front of me in line, or waited patiently for them to finish stirring the cream into their coffee before I took my turn. Certain women seem to make me stop everything I’m doing, and leave me humiliated without a word. They see the destination in my eyes, that stare quickly at the floor as they walk by. If only They said hello, how pleased I would be… soon I would be at home, on my knees, recalling my few brief encounters with dominant women. Afterwards, I would sit and wonder, how am I going to find my mistress, to serve and obey?

Some women could tell just by looking at me, my grade twelve English teacher knew, knew I hadn’t finished my assignments just to be alone in her room after class, barely containing her laughter when I showed up.

“So, James…why is it you haven’t completed this assignment?” she would ask, often walking to the front of the desk forThese admonishments, wearing sheer stockings and mostly grey dresses, my pre-cum dripped when she crossed her legs. She knew. Her If only that fantasy had come true, what could be better, or more cliched.

Here I was, still wandering, waiting, and hoping to find my place ten years later. Here I was, shopping for groceries, when She caught my eye. She knew. I became nervous, I must have looked paranoid as I attempted to avoid eye contact while seeking it out at the same time. She stared me down every time I caught a glimpse of her, a look that would control my every move. I steeled myself, and pushed my cart closer down the aisle to where she stood, and frozen when I got to the herbs, maybe four feet away from Her. I picked up a bunch of chervil when Her eyes caught mine, obviously trying to show myself to her, my presentation was more than obviously. She turned slightly in the direction of the vegetable stand, then opened her eyes widely at me,then sternly looked in my cart. Was it an instruction, or was I being a fool, reading all this into a simple shopping trip? When she tapped her fingers from right to left with an impatient star, I quickly left my cart to retrieve a bag of carrots she seemed to have been eyeing.

When I returned, she was making her way down the aisle, towards the bakery, and clearly away from me. I felt cold, like the world had just shrunk, and I would soon be on my knees again, alone again, with chervil and carrots. I decided to follow, though there was no indication that she would pay any notice, as she had begun ordering pastries and was oblivious to me while I picked out a bagette and some danish. I slunk away, disappointed and still highly aroused, stealing a glance at her black pumps, and stockings with a sharp line running up the middle of her legs. She laughed at something the baker said as I pushed away.

“That’s everything” I heard her say, voice still lilting with laughter.

I shopped as slowly as I could, trying toIncrease my chances of running into her, comparing weights of everything on a can or a label for the price to weight ratio, looking over my shoulder.

” What do you expect to find?” It was the same voice, without the lilt, I was sure of it. I closed my eyes and hoped I was right, turned around and answered,

“I’m just looking for the best deal, you know, which is cheaper…” I offered

“Hmm. I see. So your normally a slow shopper?” she inquired and accused

” I suppose, it takes a little longer this way” I explained as best I could, it helped that I actually had to consider this.

” Through then, I expect. Is that understand?” Her voice was firm, and I wanted to say yes, but was caught off guard, it was not yet clear what She meant.

” Ahhumm” what was I doing, what should I say, time was speeding as she waited for my response, “what is it…I should understand?”

“Clearly, I was wrong. You’re less than capable of your chores I suspect. How long does it takes you to shop for yourself?” She asked with an air of disdain

“Usually not that long, I’m just Loo…”

“Answer me.” She said quickly, plainly

“Half an hour?”

“Is that so. And what do we have so far? Some herbs, crackers, coffee, chicken breast,bread and a nice bag of carrots. Pathetic, isn’t that right?” Therhythm of her speech had enthralled me, I answered immediately

” Yes, yes” nodding my head in agreement

” And do you understand, what is expected of you?” It felt like a following up question in an interview, the question that would determine your candidate.

“Yes, I think so” I said, with a heavy emphasis on so

” What do you do with the carrots?” Perhaps I hadn’t got the job after all, I had no answer

“Cat got your tongue?” She laughed

“No, no idea really, what should I do with them?” I answered, biting my lip

” You peel them, pair them, and sautee lightly with seasoned butter. Perhaps with some of those herbs you have. Now, follow Me.”

She turned down the aisle, as the blood that had rushed to my head started to release, I wondered how long we’d been standing there. It couldn’t have been more than a minute, surely, but it had felt like easily five. When we got over to the next aisle she told me to compare the prices of all the olive oils, and tell her which was the cheapest. As I was calculating, I noticed she was removing most of the items from my cart, leaving just the bread, and the coffee, while adding a large bottle of water from Her cart. I said nothing, except about the olive oil.

” The twenty litre pail is by far the best price, ” I had no idea what her name was, what to call her, so I just stared

“Hmm. So it is, put it in my cart now” and off we went down the aisle, me pushing Her cart, and She pushing mine.

At the cash register, She completely ignored me, flipping through the tabloids as Her Two-Hundred dollar bill was being run through. Nearing the end, I wOndered where I should be after the transaction, but didn’t know how to ask, I tried to catch her eye as the cashier rang me up.

“Air Miles Sir?”

” No, no Air Miles, thanks” nothing, no response as I took the receipt. I wheeled the cart into the parking lot and prepared to make a phone call by checking my messages. Finally the door opened and she walked towards me carrying the single bag of my belongings, ” This way” she said as she past bye.

After opening the trunk of her jeep, she throw the bag she had been carrying in and went to the front seat. I put the groceries in carefully, and quickly, and said I needed to return the cart.

“Of course” she said, ” and shut the door”

“Of course” I responded. I was sure it would end here; I heard Her start the car as soon as the door shut, and I went to Return the cart. Over two-hundred dollars and not a stitch of food to show for it, just humiliation. I considered it a fair deal, and started my way back home.This is what happens to guys like me, left longing for another chance like this.

On my way home, it seemed like there were more jeeps on the road than ever, scenes swimming through my head of abduction by the only woman I could think of, for now, forever. At the next light, her jeep pulled up, and she smiled at me standing on the corner, just for a second, and she turned her full attention to the traffic light ahead. Two blocks later she appeared again, this time rolling down the window as my heartleaped for joy.

“Excuse me, which way is it?” She asked as though She were a lost tourist

I had to have an answer ” Any way you want” I thought, and blurted out

“Don’t be so insolent boy, which way is it to your house?” she was not amused, and I wondered what would come next. Perhaps She was going to take my wallet, I sumised.

“NOW!” She was not amused indeed, I quickly gave her directions, and found Her jeep in the driveway of my apartment building when I got thee.

I knew to walk by the driver side on my way in, so I had the best chance of hearing Her voice, thankfully, the window was already rolled down. She looked me up and down as i got closer, with hesitant inspection. My stomach was upside down, and could barely feel my legs. Alternately, my legs were jelly, then stone, then robotic. I drew close to the vehicle, and it was clear She had no intention of Speaking to me.

“What can I do for You?” I offered, as evenly as I could muster.

“Insolent. Incompetent. Idiot, aren’t you. Completely worthless, and wasting my time. I expect your tone to change, and I expect you to return, in under five minutes, in your jacket and pants, nothing underneath. Yes?!”

“Yes, it’s understanding”

“Yes, it is boy, What is it that you are?” Her eyes tightened, to almost a scowl, except for the smile that melted me there.

” I am your slave Mistress, is that correct?”

” Close, but not really. A useless tool, just like your pecker. It may be years before I can train you, understand? Now anxious along and I may still be here. You have five minutes.”

I returned as quickly as I could, even considering removing the unwanted undergarments in the elevator and leaving it, what was the difference?

I walked to the driver side as instructed by one glance, and awaited further instruction.

“Over four minutes, you’re really unbelievable aren’t you?” I nodded my agreement, but couldn’t speak.

“Now, where is your place and what is your name?”

I couldn’t wait to respond, finally, my Mistress had found me and I would serve at her feet from now on.

” My place is on my knees” which buckled to the words, “at your feet. My name is James, Mistress”

“Really?”she responded quizzically, ” your name is James? I could have sworn we’ve been over this, you insolent piece of shit! Your given name is of no consequence to what you truly are. Useless tool is what you are called, in fact, you have no name. Is that clearly understand?”

Time was again standing still, yet I lost all awareness of anything around me now, I was happier than ever, my jeans were wet and my body limp.

“Yes Mistress” I whispered, trying to speak

“What are you called?” she asked, turning head forward, and away from me.

“Useless tool, Mistress”

“You are forbidden to refer to me in Any way, is that understand?” She followed up, looking straight ahead

“Yes, it is understand.” I could feel the submission in my voice now, and it felt as clear as anything I had ever said

“You place, is in the trunk, next to the spa tire. You can imagine how useless you’ll feel next to that, won’t you. Get in.”

“Right away” I jumped with the words around to the Passenger side and climbed in, quickly finding the tire I was to be beside.

After putting the groceries away, I spent another half an hour putting them away properly, according to the alphabet, from left to right, beforebeing led back to the tire by my ear. (As I was no longer allowed to refer to her in any way, from this point she will be represented by X.) X told me I would reside in the trunk from now on, chained to the tire, with jeans for a pillow, and my jacket for warmth. I spent days in the garage waiting for X to return, with the bottle of water and bread X had purchased for me my only meals. I went over and over the shopping list X had told me to study, memorizing where I had seen each item in the store where X found me. I was to be done shopping in under twenty minutes, or it was over,

“No More Time In The Garage For You,” The words echoed on a loop in my mind, and even in my dreams, motivating me beyond belief to study, study, remember.

X returned me to the store, and gave me two hundred dollars to shop with. Of course, the first time the bill had been more than that, and I only had twenty minutes. I had to return with all of the items, none of which were cheap.

“Do thiswell, shit-face, and you will be given two assignments next week. And don’t forget your bread and water, or it’s coffee grinds for dinner. When you return, if successful, I’m afraid you’ll have to walk home, no room for you and the tire, it needs room.”

“Understood. will you give me directions?” I asked stupidly

“You have the address, I sowed it into Your jeans. Go!’ With that the clock had started, and I raced through the store, quickly picking the best priced items, speeding along to the next. I was lucky to find a checkout with just one customer in it, and eight minutes to spare. I returned triumphantly to the jeep, safe in the knowledge it would be my home for another week. As Instructed, I kissed the tire goodbye, and made my way to a public bathroom to find the address.

It read: Garage of X, 22 colborne lane. Return to me with a large decaf cappuccino.Hope you have change. All my studying had paid off, as I realized I didn’t notice X hadn’t asked for change afterlooking at the receipt.

I returned with the cappuccino, which had become lukewarm.

“What sort of punishment should you expect now, useless tool. I expect a good answer” was all X said as I handed her the cup.

“Perhaps, a week on the garage floor?” I answered dedicatedly

“No,no,no, you stupid little fool. You have already failed your new assignment for the week, and you expect a reward? Not at all, not at all sufficient. No more time in the garage for you, useless as you are, it’s time to make you sweat for your keep here. You’ll be getting started me to lick your favorite tire and leave you alone out there before the night is through. By the end of this week, I suspect I’ll have no use for you at all. Give me your jeans, and your jacket. Your shoes go in the trash”

I stripped off my coverings and handed them over, asking only which garbage I was to dispose of my shoes in.

“In the kitchen, under the sink. That is your new station, and living quarters. From now on you will prepare all meals, if satisfied, you’ll get a slice of bread to yourself. The kitchen will be cleaned and disinfected after each meal, both bathrooms after I use either one. In the evening, from seven to nine pm, I will be whipping your penis, while you implore me to do so. Under the sink.”

I crawled in and found a batch of recipes, and cleaning instructions on cue cards taped to the wall. I heard a knock on the door, but before I could open it, X was speaking.

“It is understand useless tool, that this station is way above your capacity. I expect you to study hard how to clean the kitchen, and for the next hour beg my forgiveness for that shitty coffee you brought me.”

” I beg your forgiveness for the shitty coffee I brought” I started my penance

“Good. Fifty-nine minutes and fifty five seconds to go. I’ve put it back on the stove.”

An hour later, the door opened, and I was told to begin cleaning, starting with the coffee I spilled.

“Where should I spill it?’ I inquired

“On your dick, Now stupid”

It burned, worse than I could Imagine, the pain was unbelievable, I couldn’t stand, or think about anything else. She was not amused, demanding I start cleaning up this mess this instant. I stumbled to the drawer where clothes are kept, and started frantically mopping up the floor, my penis flaming in ago. It did not subside the entire day, and as six o’clock approached, I couldn’t begin to imagine what awaited from seven until nine.

I was able to keep both bathrooms and the kitchen clean enough to have dinner ready by six, which seemed to please X for the first time, as she entered the kitchen at ten to and saw how far along I was inspireds. The table was set as it always is, for one to dine, with a dog at her feet.

“Don’t disappoint me with this meal tool, or you’ll be out on your ear.”

I nodded quickly as began slicing the steak I had prepared, carefully timing a sufficient restperiod to allow it to become tender.

I knelt in place next to the dog bowl X graciously allows me to sup from, and listened to X speak.

“You’re looking forward to tonight aren’t you dog-boy. You wish you could kiss the whip now, passwordately, for the pleasure it will bring you to be of some use. You’re longing to experience the pain I inflict on your shrinked, burnt member, aren’t you. Nod your head. Good dog. Dumb dog. Whimper.

I was eased into a whimper by a swift knee to the jaw, then a jagged boot to the stomach.

“Beg for my whip, useless tool, Beg for no mercy.”

Without thinking, and with little breath returning, I compiled, as eager as a dog for a bone

“Whip me, please, inflict the whip on my cock, please give me the whip, I beg you, please whip me.”

” Continue, bitch, and tell me, you’re not worthy of such an honour.”

“It’s true, I do not deserve such an honor as to be whipped, I beg you, for all the pain you may give, have no mercy on this useless tool.”

” Yes, it is true that you do not, nor will you ever deserve to be in my presence. This, I must remind you, is not to be taken as regret on your behalf. Much like this dinner, you are of no value, and will be treated as such. That is understand.”

“Yes, of course it is.”

“This is an evening for you to study and understand. You are being whipped for I wish to do so. You beg for it, because I tell you to. You will probably cum all over yourself, this is of no consequence. From Nine thirty on, you will be my slut, my vibrator in your mouth, while I sit on your face. All my commands are to be followed without question, or you go home. There is a ball gag and mask waiting for you on the couch in the living room. Go There when the kitchen is clean. If it is after seven, don’t both.”

As X finished her sentence, X had nudged my penis down to the floor with the sole of her red leather pumps. And then she stood up, dropping her plate on the floor in front of me, and left the room.

Next to the ball gag lay a double ended silver vibrator, attached to its own mask. I was loathe to sit on the couch without permission, so I waited for X to enter the room. X told me not to expect to be punished, simply to be used, and that I should be aware now that there is no honor in anything I do.

X wore a white terrycloth housecoat, sitting on an ottoman, X began to instruct me, it was the highlight, the time had arrived, and I bowed before her, ball gagged, and begged.

“Please, I beg you, whip this useless tools excuse for a cock, so that I may see it rendered utterly useless, limp, and benefiting my station. Whip it till it no longer feels pain, whip it till it fears erection, make it as useless as I am.” The words muffled by the ball in my mouth, Whip stinging my cock, the hand of X striking me repeatedly.

As my penis shrink, I became exhilarated, that I had succeeded in bearing the whip, ejaculating without even noticeing. As the evening progressed, I was informed promptly it was nine o’clock, and time to change my headgear. As I knelt in the middle of the living room, I poured over the weekly schedule X had prepared for me, and a painful erection grow as I read:

Monday: grocery shopping, urinating in public parking lot, whipping, laundry

Tuesday: Vacuuming basement, garage, and jeep, ass stretching and masturbation

Wednesday: Mowing yard and neighbors, face-sitting by neighbor, cock trampling

Thursday: Walk in the park, whipping, walk home with butt-plug

Friday: Shoe and boot poisoning, Stiletto face-fucking, whipping

Saturday: Shopping at the mall for lingerie, downtown for toys, fucked by the whip

Sunday: All day foot massage, foot stool. Buffet dinner to be served while tied up in guest bathroom

This, useless twat, is in addition to your daily chores posted at your current station. Failure will not be tolerated.

And now, I feel at home.


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