So with lunch finished we had another round of cocktails and Jim glanced at my panties sitting in front of me on the table and had noticed Robert’s hand on the top of my stockings rubbing the inside of my bare thighs.
He looked at me and smiled then asked Robert if we were into swinging? It was kind out of the blue but not out of line considering our table etiquette. It seemed like an expected question Really.
He said “Kate and I have a fair amount of experience and we really enjoy it. Full swap with select people has kept a real thrill in our 40 year marriage. We’re open minded and up for ‘trying most anything’. Anyway I hope I haven’t made anybody uncomfortable but I had to ask.” Then he smiled and I noticed Kate giving me a hungry kind of look while her husband had been talking.
Robert smiled and said, “Well, I’m the director of a rather unique club and we do engage in full swap as well as many, many other activities that would qualify as things that would keepa thrill, and then some, in certain relationships. Not everybody is cut out for “This Club” but, for those that enjoy this type of lifestyle I dare say that our club is one of the very finest and you definitely haven’t offended us. We’re pretty much Unshockable.” Then Robert laughed a friendly laugh.
Kate was looking at Robert as he spoke and then she shifted her gaze to me with a curious, and I sensed some what excited look on her face. She really was a hot looking red head and I could feel a connection, an attention between us. I smiled at her and turned her smile back.
Jim glanced at his wife and then asked Robert, “How interesting. I’d love to hear more. What kind of club is this and how much does it cost to join?”
“We are a very select membership of consenting adults that lead a lifestyle devoted to BDSM, Domination & Submission and of course Sex is a main ingredients too. The theme is dedicated to Dominant, Straight, Males and Submissive Females. Someof our females are bi and sometimes dominant with other females but never with males. This is not a casual club that has a constant turn around of curious people who aren’t sure what they want. No, our group is very committed to this life. You might notice that DeAnn has a new tattoo on her right upper arm? She passed a strict initiative about a week ago and got voted unanimously into the club So she and her husband Mark are presently our newest members. Actually Mark, is out of town right now with my wife Suzy and so DeAnn is spending some time with me. These kinds of situations are totally consenting and agreed to by the parties involved but this is one benefit of club membership. There is no money involved to join. It comes down to showing what you have and then passing a vote for new membership which will include a tattoo for Kate if you two pass a vote. There is no time limit. You could be put up for vote fairly quickly or maybe it will take longer but if you guys have the rightstuff the vote will come around. You need to have a sponsor which I would be happy to do when I’m sure you’re right for our group.”
Robert continued, “So does this sound like something you two might be interested in? It’s definitely not for everybody.”
Jim said, “Actually for the last couple years I’ve been tying Kate up and we find bondage and me dominating her is quite a turn-on. I think we’d be very interested in hearing more.”
Robert then looked at Kate and asked, “So how do you feel about being a submissive Kate? It’s not a game with us. You can expect to be totally obedient to Jim and anybody Jim wants to give you to. No fucking around, it’s the real thing. Maybe you’d like to think about it? DeAnn can give you her phone number and she can tell you what she’s been through so far in her limited activities up at the club.
Kate looked at her husband then at Robert and said, “I have lots of fansies and it sounds exciting. I’ve never explored any of my submissive thoughts with anybody but Jim but I feel pretty sure that this would be something I would like to experience.”
Kate looked at me and said, “Yes, let’s exchange phone numbers and have a long girl chat. I have to admit that I think you are way sexy DeAnn and I’d very much like to hear whatever you want to share. I’ve got so many questions.”
Robert then said, “Looks like this could be the beginning of a very exciting chapter in life Jim? Maybe you two would like to come with us over to one of my stores in the mall? I’m taking DeAnn over there to be my newest sales girl. You can meet Angel and her husband Keith. They both work in my stores and are club members as most all my employees are?”
Kate looked at Jim and he said, “Sounds like fun, count us in.”
We all piled into Robert’s Mercedes and rode over to the mall. As we walked into the store, Angel met us with a big smile and Robert introduced her to me and Jim & Kate. She looked so much like Suzy they couldhave been twins. What a doll. Asian eyes, Long, wait length shiny black hair and even in heels she wasn’t but maybe 5′ 3″ and of course she had Robert’s trademark big surprisingly enhanced tits. Just gorgeous.
Robert was a skilled plastic surgeon and I knew it was just a matter of time before I would be enhanced too although I had what I thought were pretty good natural tits. This would be my husbands decision if it happened?
Jim and Kate noticed too. In fact Jim was eyeballing her from head to toe and nothing but a big smile on his face. Score one for Angel! She’s what you might call a walking wet dream. I have to admit, I was very attracted to her myself.
Angel hugged me and then kissed me on the mouth saying, “Welcome to the family DeAnn, I was there with Keith at your initiative and you were amazing.”
Then she shook hands with Jim and Kate and last of all she hugged Robert and gave him a long wet kiss.
Robert said, “Angel, why don’t you show our friends here our NEW ‘CAVE’ room.
Angel looked at us all and said, “Right this way please.”
We were led to the back of the store where there was an open entryway with decorative chains creating a view blocking entrance. A sign said, “ADULTS ONLY” and Angel held some of the chains aside and we all entered.
This room wasn’t here on my previous shopping visits. It was a large room, Decorated to look just like the inside of a cave but with a dungeon atmosphere. Lots of BDSM furniture and racks of leather and lace fantasy clothes. Fetish outfits for Dom’s or Sub’s.
As we looked around, Angel used a dimmer switch on the wall and dimmed the lights and then she used other switches to highlight some of the restraints like the St. Andrews Cross and the rack, etc. What a sinister but exciting mood the room now took on.
Angel looked at me and Kate and said, “would either of you like to try out any of our special furniture?”
Jim jumped in and said, “I’d love to see mywife bound on that cross, that would be a total rush.”
Kate looked like she wasn’t sure where this was going but she didn’t say no. She just stood there looking at the cross. The wheels in her head were spinning. This was a make or break moment.
Robert was watching it all from the entrance and he said, “IF you want to be a part of the club this is the perfect time to give us a preview of what you Two enjoy doing. There are no limits in this room. It’s designed for consenting adults so don’t be shy.”
Jim took on a firm voice and said, “Kate, I want you to strip down to just your heels and stand in front of the cross where you will be bound. Do it now.”
Kate looked nervous, maybe scared but she walked over to the cross and took off her clothes as she was ordered then handed her clothes over to Angel who put them away while Kate stood naked in high heels, waiting.
Jim looked at her and said, “DeAnn, Angel, would you like to bind her arms and legs to the crossfor me? This is pretty damn hot.”
We both looked at Robert and he nodded his head, Yes.
So we pushed her back against the cross, facing the room and bound her tight and helpless and then stepped back to watch.
Jim had a look of pure lust on his face as he stepped up to his wife and gave her a deep, long, wet kiss. Then he grabbed both her tits and squeezed them like it was his first time with her and in a way, it was. She had her eyes closed as he continued to work her tits in his hands.
Pretty soon he told her, “Open your eyes and look around the room baby.”
She did. She was trembling a little and looked scared. Jim was getting way turned on now. This was the farthest he had ever gone with dominating her and it was obviously he really liked it.
Finally Kate said, “This is so embarrassing, Can I get dressed now baby?”
Jim said, “So soon? We’ve just begun. I think I’ll have Robert come over and do as he likes with you. You’d like that huh?”
Kate exhausted and made a little nervous noise as she watched Robert approach her. He didn’t start slow, he ran his hand down her shaken pussy and then he slipped two fingers up inside her and was happy to find that she was wet. He worked her with his fingers and she closed her eyes again and soon was moving her hips against his fingers and a moan escaped her lips. She was allowing herself to enjoy what up to now she had only fantasized about.
Robert put his sticky fingers up to her lips and ordered her to “Suck my fingers Bitch.”
She parted her lips and his fingers entered her mouth. Robert then told her, “When I speak you will answer Yes Sir. Understand me Kate?”
She said in a dreamy sounding voice, “Yes Sir.”
Robert then told her “Open your eyes and don’t close them again or you will be punished. Understand?”
Again she replied, “Yes Sir, I understand.”
Robert looked at Jim and said, “She has real potential. With the right training she will make a wonderful slave.”
Jim smiled and said, “I think Kate and I have wanted something like this for a very long time. Now and there’s no turning back. Is there baby?”
Kate looked at her husband and replied, “No Sir, At first I was scared but now I felt very excited. I want this baby.”
Robert asked Kate, “Have you had sex with other women?”
Kate said, “Yes Sir but nothing like this. This is all so hot. I suddenly feel very submissive here Sir. I want to experience more. Please?”
Then Robert said, “Kate I think I can help you with that. Would you like to see what it’s like with two dominant ladies? This is all part of training you to be the submissive slut you crave to be.”
“Ohh, Yes Sir. Please?”
“Girls.” Robert said.
Then we both walked over to Kate and while I kissed her roughly and deeply, Angel stuck 3 fingers up her pussy and started working her fast and deep. Kate melted. She was moaning and trying her best to stick her tongue down my throat. As she tried to move towards us both she discovered just how tight she was restrained.
She was now going somewhere she had only been in fansies and discovering that it was even more exciting than she had dreamed. She was totally loving and living her submissive self.
Robert told Jim, “It’s okay to take some photos with your phone if you like?”
Jim said, “Hell yeah” and got his phone out.
Angel got up and went to the toy display and came back with a vibrating cock shaped dildo and held it up in front of Kate and said, “Say Please.”
Kate said “Please. I want it. Please.” then looked at her husband and said, “This is what you want me to be, huh, baby?”
He said to her, “Yes, but more importantly, this is what YOU want to be.”
Then Angel made her wish come true and shoved it deep into her shaken pussy and started it vibrating. In and out and sometimes against her clip. She was really moaning now and seemed to have forgotten all about where shewas and what was happening to her. She was experiencing her major fantasy of submission with her Bi lust being satisfied too. So far she had had only one orgasm but it was a strong one.
I walked over to Jim and said, “Is she meeting your expectations Sir? Is there anything you’d like to see done with her?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I think I’d like to see her whipped a little. Would you whip her for me DeAnn?”
“Yes Sir. I’d be happy to.” and then I got a nice cat o nine tails off the wall and walked over and showed it to her.
Angel was still working her pussy with the big dildo and when I showed her the whip I pulled it across her naked tits and her eyes got kind of big but she never said NO so I started with some light strikes across her tits and it was obvious she wanted more. The whip intensified her feelings of submission and I know exactly what that felt like. It was time to put her to the test. How hard can I hit her before pleasure turns to pain?
Jim was watching this like this was the first time he’d really seen his wife. She was turning him on like never before and I was enjoying the hell out of seeing these two exploring fansies that went deeper then they had even realized.
I hit her across the tits harder and harder until I could see the red marks and then some light welts appear.
She was panting and trying to move away from the whip but she Couldn’t.
I looked at her husband and he nodded a YES so I struck her again with the whip and she let out a cry that said, that really hurts but I want it so much.
I thought I’d ratchet up a couple notches and I took Angel by the hair and dropped the whip then gave Angel a very long, deep, wet kiss while Kate hung there bound tight. Tits red and burning. Then I motioned to Jim to join us. He got right in between us and we both took turns kissing him while his wife helped watch.
She was starting to wiggle a little and the dildo that Angel had left inher pussy slipped out and hit the floor. She was one horny bitch and wanted more attention but knew it was all up to us now. I enjoyed just seeing her naked, bound, and horny as hell.
Pretty soon we had Jim’s pants down around his ankles and we were taking turns sucking his hard cock. Kate said, “Untie me and let me join in please. Please?”
I got a ball gag off the wall and gagged her then went back to helping Angel suck Jim’s cock. Oh boy. Jim was just about ready to exploit and then he did. Angel and I got him off in a big way and he was a heavy load kinda guy so there was plenty for both of us.
When we had pumped Jim for all he had we both got up off our knees and then went over to Kate and spit it all onto her face. It ran down over the ball gag and dripped off her chin onto her tits. She looked shocked but when I removed the ball gag and ran my fingers over her tits and up to her mouth, she opened and sucked as much of the sticky goo as she could get.
Angelsaid, “We really need to get the store open again. Let’s leave Kate where she is to show potential customers how much fun the St. Andrews Cross can be.”
Kate started to object and Angel was quick to gag her again saying to Jim, “Is this acceptable to you Sir? It’s part of her identifying with her submissive self.”
Jim looked at her again and said, “This is all part of your training and I expect you to accept this. This is a big opportunity for us and you need to do whatever is necessary to please and submit. Understand? Obedience is key now!”
Angel removed the ball gag long enough for a reply.
Kate looked kind of lost but she replied, “Yes Sir. I will do whatever I am told to do.”
Angel handed Jim a towel to wipe her off with as she left the cave she put the ball gag back in Kate’s mouth. Kate submissively opened her mouth for the gag this time.
Angel put up a sign in the store front window saying, “Visit our new bondage room and see all our fetishoutfits and get your photo taken with our live bondage model for the rest of the afternoon. Admission is FREE.”
Jim looked at the sign and then said to Robert, “This club is sounding like something we really would like to be a part of. What’s Next?”
To be continued in Part 3
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