The New Plaything Pt. 03

Note that this section will switch between both character’s point of view. Changes in POV are notated in bold, underlined italics with lines on either side.

———— SHANE————


The metal pipes linked together one after another, the spring loaded pegs popping into their corresponding holes, and soon Shane had his newest toy assembled. Four metal pipes ran up from the floor to a central hub, making what was essentially an indoor swing support. Where the pipes turned at the top towards each other, there were welded attachment points where one could run rope or whatever else they wanted.

Shane lifted himself up in a pull-up, testing the strength. It hardly wobbled under his weight.

Good, if it can hold me it can handle everything I have planned, he thought.

Mia was at work, and Shane had taken the opportunity to set up for the next step in his journey into dominance with his love. Things had been going well over the last two months. When Mia had first agreed to explore a life of submission to him, it had been on a two week trial basis.

*Two months ago*

“I’m willing to try,” she had said, “but once the two weeks is up, if I don’t want to continue… Is that going to be a problem?”

“If you don’t want to continue, then I won’t make you.” He tried to be comfortable.

“But you’ll be disappointed?” She had pressed.

“Well.. Maybe, but I love you, honey. Nothing is going to change that.” He had kissed her on the forehead. “If you don’t want to do it, you don’t have to, and it won’t change my love for you.”

“It’s not that, I’ll try it. I’m just… Scared, I guess.” She had sounded like she was resolved to try, but scared definitely showed in her voice too.


While that had been mere months ago, to Shane it felt like a lifetime behind them. Mia was a natural submissive, and after theirFirst few sessions she had dove into the lifestyle with fervor. She studied more about what she could gain as a submissive, how to serve her Master, and had opened up to experiences sexually that she had previously listed as limits. She had taken on her role with a password he had never seen in her.

So many options had opened up to Shane with her change in attitude, and he was feeling more and more secure in telling her where he wanted to take her next. His once vanilla wife was about to be drawn further out from the safety of the shore, into deeper waters of submission, servitude, and sexual exploration.

Shane picked up his phone and opened his private messaging app. He typed, “Kitten, I want to you to meet me for coffee after work. Our usual place, with the booth in the back. You’re closer, so you’ll arrive before I do, but you can order our drinks. When I get there, I expect to see my coffee on the table and your panties in my hand.” He hit send.

Going to the bedroom, he opened the closet and pulled out a box. It was still sealed from shipping. He had waited to open this, even though it had come in nearly three weeks ago. He wanted to be sure that the time was right before he even looked inside, because he knew that once he laid eyes on its contents he wouldn’t be able to wait.

He ran his fingers down the edges of the plain cardboard box. This simple, unremarkable rectangle held his future inside it. It almost seemed silly, really, that he was having a moment of revery just looking at the brown paper, but he couldn’t help himself.

His phone buzzed, and he looked down at it. It was a message from Mia, reading, “Yes, Master. I hope it’s okay if they’re a little wet, I get excited about pleasure you ;)”.

He smirked. She was starting to put more effort into teasing him in her messages, and he loved seeing what she came up with.

He turned his attention back to the box, and pulled at the tabs until the tape broke free on one side. Pulling the rest of the tape free, he unfolded the top of the box and gingerly reached in, grabbing the contents from the inside. He lifted one item up, staring at it with a hungry look in his eyes for a moment.

She’s going to love this. Or even if she doesn’t, she’ll learn to. I’ll make sure of that, he thought. He laid out all of the items on the bed, then gathered a few more implements from his drawers of sex toys. His collection had grown rather quickly, and he had to dig through a myriad of items to find exactly what he wanted. He’d had most of this stuff for a while, but had hidden it so as to not ruin any surprises – or scare Mia if she had decided she wasn’t into being his submissive.

Thank goodness she agreed to try this with me, he thought. I think now If I hadn’t been able to do this I probably would have explored. Everything about this has felt so right, I don’t know how we managed without our dynamic before now.

Looking at his spread of tools, toys, and implements, he wondered for a moment if this would be too much. He didn’t want to hit her with more than she was ready for and wipe away the progress they’d made. And his plan was more extreme, to be sure. But it was what he wanted.

She told me she loves pleasure me, that she wants to do what I want. That has to be enough for her to follow me, or she hasn’t submitted fully, right? Shane knew that submission did not mean she couldn’t have limits – those must be communicated and respected. But within her limits, he could do as he pleased, and she would follow. That was the deal. None of what he had planned was a hard limit, but it was on the fringes of what she was comfortable with.

She wants you tot take control, Shane. She wants you to Take her to places she’s never been. You have to be brave enough to do it, steady enough to guide her, and attentive enough to know when you’re going too fast. Be a fucking Dominantand show her the way forward. He clenched his jaw, determining to set his injuries aside.

This had been harder at the beginning, but with practice and Mia’s encouragement, he was learning to take control of his doubts and squash them. He had told Mia that he would build her confidence, and she had been building his with her engagement in their dynamic. So now, instead of minutes of ageing over decisions, he could rein himself in within just a few short moments.

That’s what power is, he mused. The ability to overcome doubts and take action. And today, I overcome not just my own, but possibly some of Mia’s as well.

He stepped away from the toys and went back to the closet, looking for the most appropriate clothes. This meeting wasn’t formal, but it was important that his clothes reflected his position of power – he wanted to look the part.

—————— MIA —————–

Mia closed down her computer and clocked out, rushing past several of her chatty coworkers to avoid getting caught in a mindless conversation on her way out.

Master wouldn’t like it if I’m late, she thought, and it’s not rude to respect your Dom before everyone else. Er… Husband. At least as far as they know.

A wry smile broke free. She had started to do that automatically more and more, referring to Shane as Master, or Sir, or her Dominant before she considered him as her husband. It wasn’t every time, but it was becoming the majority, and there was something very naughty and fun about it.

If he could make her actually think like this in just a few months, what would her thoughts be like in a year? In two years? Would she forget herself entirely, and only consider his wants and needs? That was a terrifying thought, but the idea of ​​being so taken care of that she doesn’t even have to worry about herself was interesting. Almost intriguing.

Master. Husband. Dominant. Whatever. I love that man, and I’m having fun. He can make me call him Scooby Doo for all I care, as long as he’s happy. She chuckled at herself. He would have enjoyed that joke if he had heard it. Maybe she’d tell him later if she remembered.

She got in her car and took out her phone, where she had a list of files waiting for her in her music app. But these weren’t music, they were recordings that her Master had made for her. It was Friday, so she cued up the file and pressed play before taking her car down the road to the coffee shop. His voice came through the speakers.

“Hello, kitten. I wanted to tell you today how proud I am of you. Seeing you grow in your submission to me has been amazing, and I can’t wait to see where we go next…”


Mia stepped into the coffee shop, Shane’s voice still echoing in her mind from the car ride over. Normally, these records included instructions and things she needed to learn, but thisone had been mostly encouragements and pray for her.

She had started to feel aroused as she had listened, and now the heat she felt between her legs was threatening to result in a pool in her underwear. She needed to get the coffee ordered quickly though, because she had no idea how long it would be before her Master arrived and he expected to have his coffee ready when he walked in. She tapped her foot impossiblely as she waited in line, looking back over her shoulder to make sure he wasn’t there already.

She wasn’t really worried about something bad happening. If she didn’t get the coffee on time, she knew there would be a punishment for “failing”, but having to wait in line wasn’t her fault. It would be a “funishment”, if anything. He would playfully spank her, maybe, and make her apologize. But spankings were Often accompanied with a copious amount of rubbing, so she had started to enjoy the sharp feeling of a pat on her butt because it was just the precursor. Her Master normally leaned more into pleasure domming her, torturing her with orgasms…

Torture away, Sir. Torture away, she thought wildly.

“Ma’am? I can take your order,” the barista said. Clearly, she had already said it once before already. Mia apologized, then hurriedly ordered the two drinks before currying away from the counter.

Mia rushed to the bathroom, going into a stall and waiting a moment to see if she could hear anyone else. It seemed clear, so she pulled up her skirt and grabbed the hem of her thong, pulling it down and over her heels. Her Master had made her start wearing these items rather than her usual flats and less flashy panties, at least most of the week. She had protested at first, but as with most things, it became normal and less uncomfortable the more she did it.

Now, she had her panties in her hand, and she balled them up in her palm. She knew she was to keep them in her hand until she handed it to him, so when she went to pick up the coffee she’d have to perform some slight of hand to keep them from being seen.

He keeps pushing me forward, making me do things that almost could get us caught. It’s exhilarating, even if it is terrifying, she mused. It seemed to be scared was just a part of being their play with their arrangement, and she wasn’t going to complain.

Pulling her skirt down, she exited the bathroom and went to the pickup area of ​​the counter to grab her drinks. Thankfully, the thong didn’t really have a lot of material, so she was mostly able to hide it in her hand behind the coffee cup she picked up.

She made her way to the back corner, a booth that was away from the big windows. The high backed booths created a sort of separation between seating on this back wall. Mia wondered if it had been a bar before it was a coffee shop, but she didn’t care enough to ask anyone who worked here.

Settling into her seat, she carefully set up the cups so that his was placed withthe opening faced towards him. Little details like this were her job as a submissive. If there was a tiny thing she could do to smooth out his day, she would do it. What might seem insignificant to some, like the rotation of a coffee cup, was a perfect expression of her submission. She aligned hers on her side of the table, watching the steam rise from the cup.

If it was any cooler in here, you could probably see steam rising between by legs, too. Master usually doesn’t want to meet here after work, just in the mornings when we have breakfast together. This must be something special, she thought, trying to figure out what it could be.

She didn’t have much time to let her imagination wander, as Shane walked through the door. He flashed her a smile, indicating that he was pleased with her doing as she was told. Mia felt her heart jump as she saw his approval – she had begun to crave that approval in ways she never had before. She watched him walk towards her, his chest held high beneath his blue button up shirt, which was tucked into his pants. The black slacks seemed to barely be able to contain his package, and she found herself staring there as he got closer.

“See something you like?” He teased.

Mia caught herself and looked into his eyes as he sat down.

“I always enjoy seeing you.” She didn’t use his honorific out loud in public, so she tried to say it with her eyes.

Reaching towards him, she took his hand in hers and squeezed, secretly passing her underwear to him. He took them, placing them in his pocket before returning his hand to his cup.

Shane smiled, then lifted his coffee to his lips and sipped slowly, holding her gaze.

Fuck, every time he does this.. I just know he’s imagining my naked frame. I love that he lusts after me constantly. I guess dressing up for him really gets him going, she thought.

He made a comically loud “ahhh” as he swallowed, and then they giggled together. No matter how intense things were, Mia always appreciated that they could be silly.

“I’m surprised you wanted to meet here at this hour,” she said questioningly.

“I know you like your coffee, and I figured you’d earned a treatment.” He responded.

She studied him for a minute, noting that there was a thoughtful, different look in his eyes. “But that’s not all, is it?” She pushed.

He studied her back. After an ageing long minute where he stared at her, he quietly said, “No, there’s more.”

Mia felt like he was staring through her, and she looked down at her coffee to break away from his gaze. Well, when are you going to tell me? She wondered.

Shane lowered his voice, and there was a softness in his tone. “I want to tell you what is to come. You know how sometimes I call you my plaything?” He asked.

“Yes, sometimes. Not as much as you call me kitten, but I like both.” She said.

“Well, it’s not just a nickname. I’ve been… Preparing you for someth. Something far beyond what we’ve done so far, but very important to me. Everything I’ve done, from making you wax yourself, to making you practice taking larger butt plugs, the deep throat training… it’s all been laying the groundwork.” He spoke slowly, but not from fear. He was controlled and measured, but intensity.

If she was honest, it was kind of hot.

“Well, I’d love to hear what you’ve been preparing me for, M…” she almost said Master, but cut herself off before it came out. Oops, not in public, she thought.

Shane looked around. “Don’t worry, there’s no one sitting near to hear you, babe. You’re safe.” He smiled comfortingly at her. “I need you to focus on me, not anyone else.”

She resolved then and there to stay locked on him, and try to forget that anyone else was around. He was speaking low, and she met his tone. “Yes, Master.”

Never before had she uttered the name in public, but now that she did… It’s naughty to say thatout loud here. Am I…? Fuck, I am. I’m feeling wet.

Shane kept his eyes on hers. “Good girl. I’m going to tell you about something I’ve never told anyone before, even you. A desire I have that will push you up to your limits, and possibly even change your perception of yourself.”

Mia’s heart quickened. What on earth is he talking about? I thought we had discussed everything, she thought.

He continued, “It’s nothing sordid like involving someone else, or anything that will cause you real hurt. Don’t worry about any of that. I was honest when we took our kink quizzes, so individual aspects of this won’t be a surprise to you. But there’s a wrapping to it that you may find… A bit unbelievable, I suppose.”

Mia had no idea what could be coming, but she was already turned on, so she felt emboldened. “Maybe I’ll surprise you,” she said playfully.

Shane smiled at her, then continued. “Mia, you have experienced bondage, servitude, and submission atmy hand. You’ve learned to help me, followed my orders, and given me the chance to play with you in ways most men could only dream of.”

“Oh, yes, I have.” She turned. Not well, though, since she had never been able to win properly. It was an inside joke for them, and they both giggled. Shane recommended himself quickly, and she stopped giggling by biting her lip.

“What do you like the most about our life now?” He asked.

She thought for a second about this, trying to sort through the changes they had gone through. What had been the best developments?

“Well, I like how I’m never wondering what to do. I’m just sort of able to go about my day knowing what’s next, and that helps me feel less stressed. It kind of lets me turn my brain off and just be, I guess. I never thought it would be freeing to give up my autonomy, but I think I’ve found relief in that. Why worry when your partner already has it figured out, you know? And of course, things in the bedroomhave gotten much more… More.” She put as much of a sexy twist on that last word as she could. “I like seeing you happy, and how confident you are when you tell me what you want, and the way you look at me now. I like being yours, Master.” She was trying to not worry about being heard, but she said “Master” still almost in a whisper.

“I’m glad to hear you say that,” he said, “Truly. That’s what I wanted you to get out of our dynamic. But this has just been the precursor.”

“Oh? A precursor for what?” She said, curiosity overriding her concern about discussing this in public.

“I’ve been preparing you to go with me to a level of depraved submission that will force you to truly give yourself over to me, body, mind, and soul. You may Very well disappear into subspace for hours, and lose yourself entirely during that time. I’m not just talking about being tied up, I’m talking about transforming you entirely.”

Mia tried her best to process this, still unsureof what he could mean. “And how would you do that? Transform me, I mean. Like… with magic?” She joked.

“What is most likely to submit to your will?” He asked.

She was caught off guard by the question. She thought for a moment. “A trained dog, I suppose?” She said, unsure.

“A good answer, but no. Although… Well, I’ll have to revisit that with you later,” he said with a smile, “but a dog still has a will of its own. I want to go further than that, to something more… Inanimate. Or at least less willful. That feeling of freedom you talked about, where you can just shut your brain off, I want to take you deeper into that.”

Deeper than now? He already has my schedule, my body… What else could I give him? She wondered this, but to her surprise, she wasn’t scared – she just generally didn’t know how else to submit.

“A lot of the scenes we’ve had in the last few months were focused on making sure you were pleasured, and I’ve gone to lengths to makesure that your pleasure was put first. I view this as an important part of our dynamic – and I don’t plan on betraying that, I want you to get as much as you give. However…” he paused, puffing up his chest and taking amount to study her before continuing, “… I want to do some scenes that aren’t focused on your pleasure, but on your submission to me. On my pleasure, my Dominant arousal as much as my sexual arousal.”


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