The New Pearl Necklace

I sipped my martini slowly, peering over the glass’s rim at the short balding man who was admiring my nipples; which were peaked by the wispy soft cares of my silk gown. My mahogany body was drawn in designer black; backless of course; Italian silettos, a diamond necklace and nothing else. Shorty’s eyes turned away when they move up to meet mine.

Oh yes, the wolves were out tonight flashing white fangs as they plied me with slick pick up lines and come hither looks. One director’s wife slowly licked her lips and blew me a kiss, but she wouldn’t be munching my carpet, if I had one that is. I’m not vain, just a bit flirty. I will admit that I’m over thirty, but I not tell you how much over. The one hundred and fifteen pounds making up my five foot four body are tight as a Marine’s bunk on inspection day, thanks a former Drill Instructor turned personal trainer; and their still a brute I might add.

I stuck a pose exposing a general amount of leg from the slit of my gownWhile I fingered the sparkling ice clasped around my neck. I was looking for my escort; Edward. A good friend in his mid-forties, confirmed bachelor who plays both ways I think, but he would deny it. He does love to make an entrance with greous women on his arm, tonight it was me. Ed’s a movie producer, he does mostly slasher horror, and soft-core skin flicks for cable, but he has wonderful connections that are how he made the list for this party.

I felt a hand slide over my back; instinctively I pulled away but the strong arm held me firmly in place.

“Where you trying to run off to beautiful?” a familiar voice asked.

The voice was Jim, unrepentant backstabbing coworker of Ed’s. He smiled down at me, tall, dark, handsome, successful, very straight, and oh yeah married. He looked splendid in his tux as he flashed his million dollar smile.

“Jim, you started me you big beast,” I said.

“I’m sorry darling, I never took you for the jumpy type Diana,” He laughhed.

“I guess you just caught me off guard. Where’s Emily tonight?” I asked innocently.

“Oh, I don’t know?” He responded.

His voice changed but his store bought smile never did; I knew Jim and his wife were separated again! Ed is such a gossip, he told me Emily found out about Jim and some little bimbo production assistant a month ago.

“You mean she won’t be joining us tonight?” I questioned so sweet and innocently.

“You didn’t know we’re separated for now? She won’t be coming tonight,” Jim said.

And the Oscar goes to…”Oh I’m so sorry hear that.” I said; keeping a straight face.

As I patted him on the arm sympathetically I slipped from his grap.

Not coming here tonight maybe, but I bet she’s cumming tonight. Ed learned that our little Emmy was staring her sheets with a hot young neighbor at the Condo she was leisure. How Ed finds these things out I have always wondered.

A young blonde wearing golden satin and a nice long stringof pearls appeared at Jims’ side.

“Hello…Sue Peters,” she said smiling sweetly and offering her hand to me.

“Diana, Are you Jim’s date for the night dear?” I inquired.

“I guess you could say that,” Sue answered blushing and giggling from watching Jim’s reaction.

“Are you ladies thirsty? Let’s head over to the bar.” Jim interrupted.

Oh no you don’t Jimbo; you are not blocking my fun. This should be entertaining, I thought to myself.

Thinking quickly I said. “Oh yes, please James, be a sweetheart and fetch us something while I get to know Sue better.”

Jim balanced, then reluctantly left muttering, leaving me free to pick the brain of his little chippie.

Turns out there wasn’t much to pick. She was twenty-four, grow up in Malibu, her dad was a Studio VP; she graduated from UCLA Cheerleader/Drama Major, blah blah blah. During dinner, I had a ring side seat to their sneaky attempts to pet and fawn. Well it was mostly Sue acting very bratty and spoiled.

I was getting sick watching them, but I mean the nervous of Jim to bring this girl to a function where people knew Emmy. Jim certainly had a brass pair.

While we danced after dinner; between constantly moving Jim’s southernly drifting hands; plots formulated and reformated in my mind. Finally one came to me as I attempted to curb Ed’s consumption of inebriates because he was driving me for the Evening. I had noticed Jim was pounding the booze pretty hard too, heading for a sure dose of whiskey dick, but also more susceptible to suggestions. So I made one.

“Lets all get out of here and go over to Ed’s, I’d love a soak in his Jacuzzi right about now,” I said.

Ed’s glazed eye didn’t register my suggestion, seems it went right over his head. Jim seemed Indifferent from the look on his face.

“But I don’t have a suit to wear?” chimed the bubble Sue.

“Then we’ll have to skinny diploma I guess,” I said winding.

Ed was suddenly alert, albeit onlymomentarily. Jim found the idea most appealing now too. All I had to do now was reel him in now.

When we arrived at Ed’s spacious mansion in the Beverly Hills, I willingly played the good hostess. I rolled up some of Ed’s stash; Humboldt County’s finest; then we proceeded to puff, puff, and pass ourselves blissful before heading to the Jacuzzi.

Ed was fried quickly, and I was pretty sure he was going pass out. Jim helped me get him up to his bedroom. I poked my nose into his medicine cabinet while I was up there, and purloined a little blue “man maker” from avial.

When we got back downstairs I had no problem getting Jim to swallow his medicine.

I just winded and said. “Momma wants you to grow up big and strong,”

He downed the pill and smiled wolfishly at me. I laughed to myself; damn they make it so easy sometimes.

Sue had already slipped into the steamy bubbles and looked quite at home; and high when we returned. She was sitting on the edge of theJacuzzi toking on a small bong wearing only soggy panties and her pearls. I grabbed some towels from the neary locker, dropped one near Sue; tossed another one at Jim, the third I wrapped turban style around my head to keep my hair dry.

Nonchalantly I slipped the straps of the gown off my shoulders and let it fall down to the floor, then stepped naked from the silk puddle around my ankles. I sat down daintily crossing my legs to pull off my shoes and dropped my diamonds on the upholstered locke chair before I eased into the hot babbling water. The water felt so great I moaned and closed my eyes.

“Jim?” Sue while.

I slit one eye open to see Jim looking sheepish as Sue scolded him with her eyes. He must have been admiring my fresh Brazilian waxing. I took my cue and moved next to Sue.

Grasping Sue’s hand in mine, so she held the bong while I toked. I pulled long and slow on the pipe purposely letting my body be gently nudged against hers by the jetting water. I’m sure Jim was enjoying the site before him because I had to motion for him to join us. For the next half hour or so, we played some light petting games. Jim must have been feeling like some pasha getting the attention of two naked women, well nearly naked Sue still had her panties and pearls on. The hot soaking, medicine and nuclear women had Jimbo primed.

“I don’t know about you two, but I’m getting a little pruned lets move this party,” I suggested.

After my raven tempers were unwrapped, I shook them free to cascade over my shoulders. We exited the spa and headed to the game room. Jim and Sue wrapped in towels, I used my toweled dry off and only wore my heels. Hey…I told you I’m a tease.

Ed’s game room has all the amenities guys crave, billions, home theater, poker table, video arcade games, and behind door number one; the adult playground with mirror polished black tile walls and some very naughty toys. I grabbed the clicker and tuned the big screen to an adult cable channel.

“I’ll be right back …don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” I laughed.

I left them there and entered the walk in closet of the playground, where Ed keeps enough wardrobe to open a store. I found an appropriate outfit, a shiny black vinyl corset with matching thongs and some long PVC evening gloves. I left the corset’s matching thong; I didn’t know whose if anyone’s butt had been in them previously.

I quickly donned the outfit and looked myself over in the mirror, not bad even if I said so myself. The corset lacened in the back so I would require some assistance to get it tightened just right. So back to my guests I headed, on my way to the door I grabbed a slim rattan school master’s cane; from the full and yet umbrella-less umbrella stand in the corner.

I returned to find Sue busy slurping on Jim. My appearance started Jim, who pushed her head further down on his stiff member, causing her to retch. When her cought spottle dripping mouth wascock free I whacked her across the ass.

“Hey!” she cried grabbing her stinging bottom.

“I told you not to do anything I wouldn’t.” I reminded her.

Then I turned sideways and pointed to my back. “Sue, do me up.”

“Okay sure Diana.” Sue said, while rubbing the red racing stripe welfare across her cheeks.

“That’s, yes ma’am, to you tramp.” I scolded

Her eyesbrows rose, but she still stood up to tighten the corset. She pulled the laces till they pushed my breasts up to the verge of popping out the cups. I actually enjoyed the snug constricting feeling of the thick plastic molding and shaping my torso.

“You look good enough to eat Di,” Offered Jim.

Sue wrinkled her nose at him, as my gloved hand wiped spottle from her lips and chin like a mother cleaning a messy child.

“Do I now. Seems like your the tasty one Jimmy, but I have some new games to play with you two,” I replied.

Pointing at the open door to direct them I waited until they filed past me to playfully cane them both across the hunts. Jim must have been thinking with the wrong head due to the Viagra; he didn’t protest. Sue glanced at me a warily.

Inside the kinky playground I made Jim oil my body making my skin shine like my outfit. It also gave the horn dog the opportunity to cop a few sneaky feelings and get even more excited.

When he was finished I made place his hands behind his back and secured them using two loops sliced ​​to a rope which ran up to a ring in the ceiling. Sue watched appreciatedly as I pulled the dangling end of the rope and raised Jim’s arms until he leaned forward awkwardly.

“Is that uncomfortable Jimmy?” I asked.

“No, it’s not to bad, I can…..whoa…wait, waita,” He stammered, when I yanked down on the rope pulling his arms higher then tied off the rope to a cleat on the wall.

“That should hold you nicely” I informed him.

As I looked over my handy work, I found it lacked something. So I had Sue puta leather cock harness and ball spreader on Jim. Satisfied with Jim’s appearance, I caned his bare ass ten times.

Sue covered her ears as the rattan cane sang its working tune; adding color to the pale flesh between Jim’s tan lines.

Oh boy did he holler and swear at me; I just laughed at him.

Then I turned my attention to Sue.

“You’re a bit over dressed Sue, Strip…now!” I ordered.

Sue slide her panties off, revealing her wet tangled blond triangle, and she looked for a place to put her panties.

“Jimmy will hold those for you Sue,” I said tapping his chin with the cane softly. “Say ahhh and they better stay there till I say they can come out.”

Jim eyed me suspiciously but his lips parted, and allowed Sue to stuff his mouth with her wadded up bikini panties.

“Now the pearls sweetie,” I said.

Sue unclasped her pearls and looked at me. “Where should I put this Ma’am?”

“Where else? Your jewel box my dear.” I said, as my mouth curled into a sly smile.

Sue looked carefully at me, so I summons her to me with a curl of my finger. I tapped the ground with the cane to indicate I wanted her to knee before me; and she compiled quickly with my silent command.

“Now I want you to slowly slip those pearls in here.” I said.

To indicate “here” I flicked the cane’s tip against her blond bush hard enough to make her flinch. looked like the proverbial deer in the head lights, so I told her very explicitly how to store her jewels.

Slowly one at a time the pearls were fed to her soft moist box. Making little moans and shushing sounds her fingers erotic manipulating worked the lovely beads inside her body. Sue’s soft murmurings were soon drowned out by the creaking of Jim’s restraints, which earned him a hard lash across the ass and a reprimand to be still.

His eyes shot daggers at me as he ruminated like a bull trying to recover the bit of clothes that escaped his mouth when I struck him. I waspurposely blocking the view of his paramour’s efforts so he could only imagine the sight of the pearls disappearing as they were fingered into Sue’s soft pink flesh. She witnessed deeply, and bit her lower lip gazing downward once her task was completed. Having experienced the pleasure of a pearl packing I knew fully how good it felt to Sue, I felt quite moist myself at that moment.

In a stern manner I addressed them. “Sue go to the wall and assume the position, James you paid closed attention your turn is coming soon.”

Sue stood up slowly; she paused slightly as the pearls moved within her. Walking with a strange gait she moved over to the wall, then leaned against the mirrored tiles as if she were about to be frisked. I didn’t tell her what the position was, but she chose that one.

Approaching her slowly I clicked my heels on the floor and scraped the cane’s tip lightly on the floor. I paused reflectively and a small shudder followed by a warm rippling coursed through me. Sue turned her head to look at me, with anxiety showing in her eyes at my serene facial expression.

With a motion of my hand she turn back to stare at the wall, that’s when the cane again branded her bottom. Sue yelped and rose up on the tips of her toes; then the pearls cooling magic made her moaned and tremble. I used my knowledge of the instrument to guide my hand; I can please and tease with the touch of a masseuse or split flesh like the means Sadist. I beat her like the naughty school girl I thought she was; hard but not cruelly.

Sue received another, then another, and then still more. Soon the sound of the thin rattan whistling through the air and the popping smacks making Sue’s ass a crisscross of criminal welts became hypnotic.

The mix of wakening, moaning, pleading, mixed with my verbal admonishments of Sue’s wicked home wrecking ways had me cumming freely. I was caught up in the pleasure it gave me for sure. I don’t know how long I keep Sue therepinned to the wall teetering her body back and forth from pain to pleasure, but I she was there until she collapsed like an imploded building to fall against the cold black tiles. She clawed the wall endlessly trying to recover as she slide down to the floor; her sweat shined body leaving a slimy trail to mark its passage.

I turned back to see Jim, his eyes afire, violently poking holes in the air. Pre-cum drooled, dangling from a thin thread from his one eyed appendage. He looked at me pleading and worked his hips in my direction as in offering.

“In your dreams only,” I laughed while holstering the cane in its stand.

I then asked him as if offering him a cup of cup, “You want to fuck Sue, James?”

He mumbled yes with his panty stuffed mouth.

I moved about the room to find a new toy, and then walked over to where Sue lay balled up murmuring in an unknown language. Looking back over my shoulder at James, I bent from the wait to shake her. My sepia bottom provocatively exposed for Jim to admire made him groan and flex his penis in agitation.

“Get up Sue we’re not finished yet,” I cooed struggling her hair.

“Please, no more, no more.” She pleased, to no avail.

I pinched and pulled her nipples several times before she got to her feet.

“What do you want me to do now Ma’am?” She asked softly.

She noticed the cane’s replacement; a stout goat skin paddle, that looked like a small critic bat.

“Go in front of James and show him what you have to offer,” I ordered.

As instructed she moved in front of Jim, then bent over spreading her cheeks so James could get a good look. I gave her ass a hard smoke with my hand, before kneeing the abused flesh working blood into the few live cells remaining. It was a rude shock to Sue as life returned bringing sensings; in the form of needling pain to previously numbered nerves.

I slowly traced circle around her sensitive neither hole with the paddle, and made her gasp whenever the edge grazed the exposed pumpered sphincter.

“You want to fuck that, don’t you James.” I asked.

“Ohhh, fumgmt yeplpsk,” James mumbled.

He nodded like some damned fool, his lust bulging out his eyes among other things.

Keeping her cheeks spread, I had Sue back up until her ass touched his thighs. Being much shorter then James her inviting target hovered out of range of his meat missile. James thrashed and bucked trying to lower himself to her.

Sue the little vixen rubbed herself against him charging him up all the more. I’m sure the rubbing caused the pearls in her pussy to set off all sorts of pleasure detonations from the way she was chewing on her bottom lip and whimpering.

With his hands tethered Jim couldn’t get any lower then he was and he started howling in frustration. He tried spitting the sodden panties from his mouth but couldn’t and mumbled and ranted.

I couldn’t decipher all of it but I think a hear “black bitch” more than once. Once he calmed down a bit or maybe he just got tired,I got a tube of lube and put a large dollar on Sue’s upturned starfish. Taking a hold of his ball spreader I pulled down until his ghosts touched the jelly then I wiggled my hand and rubbed his cock head through the lube to coat it.

Holding Jim in place on her pumped orifice, I directed Sue to press herself on to his shake. He groaned with pleasure as his hot flesh was gently engulfed by her wrinkled ring; the easy of which informed me Sue had been down this path before.

The sensings of her hot tight anus, his hard cock, the twisting and rolling pearls working against one another through the thin membranes separating them made them both cry out.

“Ohmyod ohmygod my pusssssyyy…” Sue screamed.

She grimaced as her asshole absorbed Jim bloated cock, which roiled the slippery orbs packed betwixt the walls of her sex.

“OhMygawd,…nOO.” Jim bellowed.

He had less then half his dickin her due to height disparity and his restraints, but those few inches were more then enough for her and not nearly enough to sit him.

I paced his cock strokes with hard strokes of my own; with the paddle. Talk about a monkey fucking a football. Yelping and shaking he stood at her while she tried to hold her balance. Her grosses sobs and cries for him to stop only seemed to fan the flames.

Each time he drew back to pump her, I laid into his bottom. His Viagra engaged cock wouldn’t allow him to stop I suppose, and the primary signals transmitted between the big and little head were his undoing.

I burned his pale white ass into a shiny cherry glow with the goat skin paddle. As Jim poked at Sue; my hand moved beneath her and across her short curlies to slip inside her jewel box, making her eyes widen in surprise. I found her Very, very wet as I fished around to find one end of the pearl necklace which I started to pullout slowly.

One by one I freed the coozecoated orbs from her, dragging slippery globes over her clip as the length increased. Her head shook from side to side, and her toes fisted against the stony floor, a deeper flush colored her neck and shoulders. When she looked as she was about to bolt, I suddenly pulled the remaining part of the string out with a quick yank.


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