In the dim light of the single bare light bulb above the door in alley, she recognized the blood red painted heavy steel door. Her heart races as she recalls their last conversation yesterday morning, his command to come to this place, but only if she was willing to commit to him, completely.
She had spent a sleepless night in a mixture of fear, anxiety, excitement, anticipation. At work today, she was distracted and found herself trying to keep the daysdreams of what was about to happen out of her mind, but it was impossible. In her mind all day, she thought of the sweet pain and pleasure that awaited her. She wanted to shut her office door, touch herself as she often did in secret, but His instructions were clear, she was to come to Him without having any sexual stimulation after His invitation to join Him here. The unreleased sexual tension had took its toll on her over the last 36 hours, and she was nervous and restless as she stood at the door to her future.
Her insTructions were clear that when she arrived, she was to put on the blindfold, then knock on the door. She had played with the black silk blindfold, a half-hood really, after she received it from him. She had practiced putting it on, wearing it. Carrying it in her purse to work, she played with it during the day, feeling the soft silk fabric, cool to the touch. Placing the blindfold over her head and eyes, and then tying it securely, she reached forward and knocked on the door.
It what seemed like an eternity, she waited, wondering if there was anyone else in the alley watching, wondering about her standing before the red door. She listened to the sounds of cars in the distance, the hum of machinery around her, turning her head in the direction of the sounds. Her head snapped back to face the door as she heard the sounds of the door locks being released the swish of the door as it opened, and the creak of the hinges. She took a deep breath as a hand grasped hers, and gently guidedher through the doorway.
As she entered in her darkness, she brushed against a side wall, and in overcompensating brushed against the other wall, realizing she was in a very narrow corridor. The hand stopped her, then grabbed her shoulders and turned her back to the wall. Passing in front of her, she heard the sound of the door closing, and the relatching of the multiple locks. She could smell the sweet stench of the dampness, feeling the heaviness of the air. The person before her grabbed her hand again and led her down the corridor. She could hear the heavy footsteps on the hard floor mixed with her own. They continued for some distance, maybe fifty feet or so, and then he stopped her again. She heard the jingling of keys then the sound of a key being inserted and a lock being released. Another door opened, and the hand grabbed her by the upper arm, pulled her forward and pushed her Through the door and into the room. As he pushed her, he released his hold, and she stumbled forward, falling to the cold concrete floor. She could hear his steps as he entered, then the door shutting and being locked again.
She stayed sitting on the cool floor, legs crumpled beneath her, arms in front holding her upright. Suddenly He spoke, telling her that by her coming, she had agreed to His terms, and was submitting herself to Him. There was no turning back. He told her she could stand and take a few minutes to explore her surroundings. Before the stand, she took in the aroma. Still a heavy dampness in the cold air, but also, the smell of burning kerosene, probably from lamps. As she started to rise, she moved her hand forward, and stopped at a metal object secured to the floor. She moved her hand over it, and determined it was a steel ring about 3 inches in diameter. She pushed herself up to stand, and as she did, her should brushed against Another object, obviously hanging from something, and she reached out and grabbed it. Another ring, this one hanging from a heavy rope. Her emotions running high, her heart beating rapidly, her breathing coming faster, she stretched her hands outward, and began to walk forward.
She had taken about six steps when her hands touched a solid wall. She placed both hands on the wall and moved them over the surface. The surface was cold, a slight rough texture, probably concrete block. She walked to the right parallel to the wall, six or so steps to a corner and turned along the next wall, feeling the same texture. After moving six or seven more steps, she bumped up against an object. Reaching out, it was a rough wooden object leaning at an angle, probably resting against the wall. It also angled inward and as she stepped in front of it, she recognized it as a St. Andrews crowd. Heavy rough wooden beams formed in an “X” shape. She traced over the entire surface, and feel heavy steel rings secured to the top and bottom of each member.
Continuing on other six or seven steps, she came to another corner, turned again and followed the walls. Another six or seven steps and her leg brushed against something. She turned slowly and reached towards the object. Her first sweep of her hand revealed nothing, then she reached lower, and about 30 inches above the floor, she felt it. Moving around the object, she felt along the top, and felt the smoothness of a leather pad about 8 inches in width and four feet in length. It was shaped like a gymnast’s balance beam with only two steel supports at each end and secured to the with heavy bolts. There were more rings secured to the supporters at the base. She returned to the wall, and continued feeling her way to the next corner. As she turned, her hands brushed against several hanging objects. As she singled each out, she felt each one, a slender stick, a flexible leather rope of some kind, a leather wrapped stick with a small leather flap at the end, several belts with buckles and metal objects, one with a ball attached, another with a thick rubber bullet shaped object, and many more. Continuing along the wall, she felt the cool steel of the door where she entered, and beyond that at the last corner, an angled corner cabinet about 2 feet wide.
At this point, she felt His hand on her shoulder. That would be the end of her exploration as He led her to the center of the room. In all she determined the room was about 20 feet square, all concrete. She knew she was far inside a structure, and that any sounds would not be heard.
As she stood He informed her that she would be His for the next 48 hours, and that He was responsible for her training and development into His slave. Disobedience would not be tolerated and would be dealt with, with no leniency. Obedience would be rewarded with pleasure. The first order of business would be to prepare and clothe her properly.
He instructed her to extend her arms to the side, and remains completely still. As she stood, she heard a clicking sound. Then she felt his hand as it grasped theShoulder strap of her tank top and bra. She felt the cool steel and sharp tip of the knife blade as it moved between the strap and her skin, and then sliced through the fabric. She stepped back in fear, but he grabbed her arm. He reminded her of his instructions, and told her that her act of disobedience would result in punishment. She quickly resumed her position, but it was too late. She felt a leather cuff being secured to one wrist, then to the other. Then she heard the closing of chains as a chain was secured to each wrist. He moved away, and she heard a click and the hum of a motor as her arms were suddenly pulled upward over her head. She tried to resist, but to no avail. Her arms stretched up, painfully, lifting her body up. She tried to rise up on her toes to relieve the pressure, but just as she rose up on her toes in a very painful position, the motor stopped. Her body spun slowly as she tried to support her weight to no avail.
She heard him move in front of her. He told her that her punishment would be five swats. As long as she remained quiet, and accepted her punishment, they would resume the preparations in a civil manner. She moaned as the muscles in her arms began to burn. He unfasted her jeans and His hands reached inside the waist of both jeans and panties and pulled them down to her knees. The cold damp air against her warm skin caused her to shiver as she was exposed to him.
She heard him walk away, and retrieve something from the rack in the corner. He returned to her, and moving His hand on the soft skin of her buttocks, she swung helplessly in front of Him. He removed His hand and then she felt a flat, cold, hard object against her ass cheeses. Pressing into her soft flesh He held it there for a moment, then suddenly withdraw it and bring it hard in an upward swing against her ass. The force of the blow slightly lifted her off her toes, and she momentarily spun on the chains. She let out a soft cry as the pain engulfed her.
He steadied her with the paddle, pressing it again against the soft flesh of her now singing ass. Again, he held it here for a moment, then withdraw and struck again, this time in a downward swing. The force this time brought more tension in her arms plus the singing pain on her ass. She let out another low moan, and tears began to form in her eyes. He steadied her again, noticing how rapidly she was breathing, and Then withdraw to land another upward blow. Her ass was really burning by now, as she spun around again. The tears from the pain were flowing now, but the pain was almost unbearable. He steadied her for the fourth blow, and withdraw and struck downward again. The cry was a little louder this time, but she managed to muffle it against her painfully stretched shoulder.
He steadied her again for the final blow. She could not help notifying the sudden wetness between her legs. She was in such pain, how could she be aroused at the same time? He withdraw, and in a straight swing landed the hardest blow of all. Her head jerked back, and her body tightened from the pain. Her cry was loud this time, and He was not pleased. He walked to the corner again, and retrieved another object. She felt something being placed around her neck, a belt of some kind. Then He walked behind her and brought it up around her head. He instructed her to open her mouth wide, and she felt a hard, round object being forced into her mouth. It was large enough to keep her jaws painfully stretched, and He secured it firmly with a buckled strap.
He left her hanging helplessly for a few minutes, her ass on fire, her arms stretched, her mouth painfully silenced. She twisted painfully, taking in her situation. He stood in silence and watched his slave-to-be as she attempted to ease the pain of her position. She regretted wearing the pointed toe and strapped shoes, as her foot wedged into them as she attempted to ease the strain on her arms. In her position, her toes could touch the floor, and if she strained to push upward, the pain caught through her feet. When she released the pressure on her feet, then her arms felt her full weight pulling them with a seizing pain.
He watched as she struggled to accept and relieve her pain. After a few minutes, he walked to her, and grasping the other strap of both her tank top and bra, took the knife blade and sliced effortlessly through the thin material. Grasping the tank top at the neck with both hands, he ripped down the front and the top was removed. She shivered in the cold dampness as he stood and admired her body. Small framed, full breasted, shaped legs she was striking. He watched as her muscles moved in attempted relief and in pain. The white lace bra revealed the dark pink nipples. The thin fabric did nothing to conceal her hardened nipples, and gave away her aroused state. As she hung there, drops of her drool leaking from the edges of her mouth around the ball gag dripped onto her breasts. Placing theknife beneath the thin fabric between the bra cups, he pulled out and upward slicing slowly until the fabric was severed, and the elasticity of the garment projected it off of her body.
He watched her as she shivered. Bending down, he removed her shoes, then her jeans and panties. Unfortunately for her, now she hung totally suspended, her toes barely brushing the cold concrete floor. She heard him as he walked to the corner again, and retrieved more objects.
Returning to her, he grabbed her right leg, and secured a leather cuff, and then pulling her leg to her right, clipped a short chain to it and a steel ring in the floor. He repeated the same on her left leg. Her arms ached from the tension, and she had no relief from the age.
He stood and admired his work and her acceptance thus far. Without a word he turned and went to the door, opened it and left the room, leaving her. She began to panic. She wondered what he was doing. She wondered how long she would be leftThere, suspended, and stretched, in the darkness, in the cold.
She waited, wondered, and worried about her prediction. Was there anyone else in this building? What if someone else walked in and discovered her? Her heart was racing, her breathing rapid and shallow. She hung there for what seemed an eternity.
Suddenly, the door latch clicked, the door opened, and she heard footsteps and then the door closing. She hoped it was him, but wasn’t sure. She heard the sound of a metal object set on the hard floor. It made a solid thud. He knelt before her and softly told her that she must be cleaned for her service to him.
A warm hand touched her inner thigh, moving upward to her exposed pussy. His hand brushed over the small patch of public hair, then grasped some of the hair, and pulled, her body stretching forward until her arms, legs, and shaft all telegraphed pain to her. Her head involuntarily jerked back, and then he released his grip. She then felt a splash of ice coldwater on her mound and she jerked back, again causing another bolt of pain to shoot through her arms and legs. Then she felt a cold steel blade laid flat against her soft belly. He told her she would be always totally shacked, and to be still as he removed the small patch. Slowly, he ran the blade downward. Without lubrication, the blade did its work, but painfully pulled the hairs. He worked for several minutes, occasionally splashing more cold water on the area. When he was happy with his work he stood up.
She heard the sound of something being dipped in water. She wondered what it was, and what it means. Soon she knew, as a stiff bristle brush suddenly brushed across her skin. The bristles stung as they scratched across her skin, and the cold water provided little relief. He pressed the brush firmly on her skin. Starting at her stomach, sides, back and shoulders, then roughly across her breasts, Her hardened and tender nipples seemed to feel the pain the most as he took more tIme to clean them. Her breasts bobbed as he brushed them relentlessly.
He stopped, and she heard the dipping sound again, then he started at her feet, calves, then up her thighs, and onto her ass. Again he lingered at the soft flesh of her ass, and with the sting of her previous punishment still evidence, the bristles only rejuvenated the pain. Then he pressed the brush between her cheeks, and she tightened as the bristles raked across her tender anus, and the bottom of her pussy lips. Angered by her reaction, he gave her two swats of the brush across her ass cheek, and instructed her not to resist.
Her mind was full of the sensings. Pain from the spankings, the coast bristles, the cold water, and the cold room. Yet, despite it all, her pussy burned with want, and dripped with desire. He returned the brush to her ass, and brushed even more firmly. Then he moved in front of her, and dipping the brush again, brought it up to her just shacked moon, again brushing firmly.
Working from the top and then down between her legs, the brush spread her lips apart, and he worked the brush front to back, pressing into her. He labored here for what seemed like forever to her. At first the pain shot through her as the bristles attacked the protected soft inner layers, and her sensitive clip. But after a few minutes, the pain became pleasure as she felt herself being aroused, and she found herself trying to move to the motions of the brush. She could feel the wave of her orgasm coming and she wanted it so badly.
He watched her as her body took control of her, and gave away her secret desire. He carefully watched, knowing that he would not allow her this pleasure, not yet. She was so close to coming, so close, and then he suddenly topped and withdraw the implementation of torture and pain. Her body was reeling for relief.
Suddenly her body was shocked to reality as the cold water hit her full across her chest and face, cascading over her body. Her body jerked and pulled at her bonds in reaction to the cold water. As the water dripped from her body, she shivered in the cold, and trembled from the lack of her sexual release.
He let her hang there in her sensitive nightmare. Unfulfilled orgasm, cold, wet, aching, singing, dark, and silent. Then stepping over to the corner closet, her retrieved a soft robe. More like a poncho, the garment was long, with a hood, and split in the front and sides. He draped it over her, placed the hood on her head, and drawn the garment over her shoulders. Taking a length of rope, he tied it at the waist.
She heard a click and then the motor hum and then the motion of her body being lowered. She thought to herself, finally I will be released. As her feet were finally able to be flat on the cold, wet floor, the motor stopped. Her arms still above her head, legs spread, she was not stretched but none-the-less still bound.
He explained that she had been some obedient, but because of her two acts of defiance, complete reward was not to be, just yet. She heard him again walk to the corner rack and retrieve something. He returned to her and knelt before her. His hand spread an oily substance on her pussy and ass. She could feel the substance causing a heating sensing. Then something pressed against her anus. Cold, slick. He began to press it into her, and she could feel it growing larger as he pushed, stretching her opening. Then suddenly it popped into her, her opening closing onto it. It was smaller in diameter in this position, but still stretched her opening, and the object filled her inside.
Then she felt another object at her pussy. Again this object was cold and slick as he pushed it into her opening. Her juices flowed around it, and she felt its girl increasing. Finally she felt a wide base to the object and a firm jelly-like nub that pressed against her clip, and a strap at the base of the object filling her, and she felt him bring it up between her legs, aThinner section parting her ass cheats and pressing both objects firmly into her. Then he secured it with another rope belt around her hips. The strap bit into the soft flesh of her thighs as he pulled it tight.
She heard him stand and walk towards the door. As the door opened he told her to rest, and he would return shortly. She heard him leave, and she was thankful that maybe this was all she would have to endure for a while. Her arms still ached, her legs stretched to their limit to her sides, the objects invading her body. She felt she could endure this …. for a while.
Then the objects inside her began to vibrate.
She awoke from her half sleep at the sound of the door opening. Her limbs aching from her suspended state, arms from being stretched and legs from standing and trying to relieve the pain in her arms. Her openings, tender from the invasion and assault. Her mouth and jaws ached from being awkwardly stretched by the gag. When the objects vibrated she thoughught they would bring her the orgasm she had so desperately wanted…needed. But he must have been watching, and controlling the devices, for as she came close to release, the vibrating stopped, then after a few minutes they started again. Over and over they came close to giving her what she needed, only to leave her aching for release.
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