From my earlier story “Transition”:
j crawled up the steps behind Goddess Veronica. She stepped through the door and j followed on his hands and knees. She turned and as the door closed and the lock clicked, a passerby could have heard her say, “Get those clothes off, crawl back to the dungeon and get on the table face down with your feet hanging off the table…”
To be continued…
The New Life
It was six months later. Goddess Veronica was very pleased with how things had gone since she and Mistress Alex had taken ownership of slave j. Things had settled into a nice routine. Slave j was usually working, being played with and slaving 5 or 6 days a week. He would be at Veronica’s 2 or 3 days a week. He spent 1 day most weeks providing service at Mistress Alex’s dungeon, and cleaning and serving at Alex and Gretchen’s apartment. He was given to Veronica’s neighbor Connie one day a week or so. Connie had taken to domming like a duck to water, and had startedto do some selected sessions at Alex’s if Alex invited her. She found she loved beating submissive men’s cocks and balls at Alex’s place.
Veronica and the other women were taking ever increasing control over j and breaking down his inhibitions. It was a kind of Stockholm syndrome, in which hostages or prisoners began to identify with and became attached to their captors. Veronica was his sole source of food, and he was staying over her place more and more. She had discussed it with the women, and they understood they had to play some one person ‘good cop, bad cop’ with j to break him down psychologically and make him totally dependent on them over time. So he would be treated badly and seriously by each of them at some times, and other times for no good reason would be treated nicely. They talked among themselves regularly and compared notes about j. Veronica believed she would have j completely broken and fully owned like a well trained pet by the time she had him for about a year.
He was now well marked and broken in. His diet had been restricted and he had dropped 30 pounds in the 6 months, and now was a trim and taut 160 pounds on a 6’1″ frame.
His diet was restricted to a cup or so of oat cereal like Cheerios in the morning, with some skim milk and one slice of rye bread with water and often urine form the Goddess. For noon, he ate a can of soup and another slice of rye bread. Late afternoon or around dinner time he was fed or ate something like a can of beef stew, with a small can of green vegetables and a green salad. His meals were generally served cold, and he ate them without using his hands from big dog bowls on the floor. Around 9 or 10PM, he was given a 100 calorie container of diet flavored yogurt and another slice of rye bread before bed. He was allowed to keep raw carrots and celery handy at his home, and could eat as much of that as he wanted. At home, he was only allowed to drink water – no beverages with calories were allowed. HeGenerally had to take all his drinks directly out toilets, leaning in and shlurping up the water like an animal lapping from a bowl. It made him extra careful in cleaning the toilets. He also took a multivitamin each day, 2 fish oil capsules, and a low dosage aspirin. His calories were limited to about 1300 a day to keep his weight down.
He was weighed twice daily in the nude and if he gained a pound, he was forced to fast and take a 5 mile fast hike in 55 minutes until he dropped below 160. He would be driven to a point 5 miles from Veronica’s house or his, and would be given 55 minutes to walk back carrying by their handles 2 bleach bottles filled with water. The bottles were attached through their neck rings to his wrists by hand cuffs. Since he was being punished for weight gain, the walk back was in His bare feet, wearing only shorts, a te shirt and his collar and CB3000. If it was going to rain that day, Veronica would make the walk be done in the rain, so he would be further humbled. It had only been necessary done twice in the six months once his weight was down. Until he gotten down to 160, it had been done weekly.
This regime would continue until she thought he had reached the right weight. Veronica thought she was going to cut him down even further. She though he would look even better in femme clothes at about 145 pounds, but hadn’t started that yet. He had gotten used to being hungry most of the time, and she was going to decrease his rations to get him so thin he could look good in feminine clothes.
His ear lobes had been pierced, and he often was directed to wear chandelier earnings in public. They looked especially noticeable since he had been kept completely hairless since the contract was signed. He was required to shake his face and head daily by hand. Nair was used on his body about once every 2 weeks, and Veronica still shacked his head by hand once a week when she saw him just because she could as his owner.
During the saummer, he had been tanned completely naked, so he was tan all over. As the days were growing short, tanning products would be used to keep his tan intact. He spent most of his time naked except for his collar. The big exception was at The Inkwell, where Chaney kept two French Maid outfits, one red and one white, which he had to wear when he was there. When he was there, he wore either a red or blonde short and sassy wig, and had color coordinated, ankle strap, high heels for his work. He would be wearing heavy make up, including blue or green eyeliner and bright red lipstick, false eyelashes and heavy mascara. His eyesbrows were also shavled, so he had been taught to draw eyesbrows onto his face with makeup pencils. They looked really slutty.
Since he had been taught how to apply makeup, and travelled on busses and subways looking like a skinhead whore, people on the bus would look at him and smile or laugh. They usually thought he was a gay sissy boy. On days he worked at The Inkwell or Alex’s, he would report to Veronica’s in the morning, and would be sent off on busses to get there, carrying only his driver’s license and transit pass and debit card and a couple of little business cards. They kept 2 other French maid Outfits at Alex’s place, one white and one black. He wore a blue wig with the white one, and a platinum blonde wig with the black costume.
He had not touched any cash in six months. As he travelled, he would have on his collar, a ‘slave’ tee shirt, a CB3000, shorts, and flip flops and his makeup and chandelier earnings. He had gotten used to the stars of other passengers at his bizarre whorish appearance, and ignored them. If other female passengers insisted on asking him what he was doing, he was required to politely give them one of the little cards. It said he was Goddess Veronica’s property and slave, and that if the lady wanted it, he would knee and kiss her shoes. It also gave a phone number and said if a woman given the card wanted to be served by the slave, call the number to speak with Veronica. He had given out 3 cards, but none of the women he gave them to had ever called.
Chaney Skillington, the tattoo artist who had marked j up on the day he signed his slave contract, found she like having j serving as a cleaning and house boy at The Inkwell.
At work in his French maid outfits at The Inkwell or Alex’s dungeon, he was naked under his short little skirt, but sometimes wore his CB3000 while at work. When a woman customer would come in at The Inkwell, he would have to greet her, offer water or coffee, and knee. Chaney would then tell the customer that if she wanted it, j would kiss the customer’s feet. They all laughed, and most usually agreed. After that was done, he would be put on his knees, ass in the air. His skirt would be flipped up and Chaney or Skeeter would give him 25 cane strokes, and the customer would be allowed to do so also. The women all found it pretty amusing.
He was also requestedired to be available to give a blow job with a rubber to the male tattoo artists if they wanted it. Most of them had him blow them on days he was there.
At the dungeon, he would clean, do laundry and wait on the dommes, and be sent out to run errands such as picking up food. He would also be used to give blindfolded blow jobs with a rubber to the sub clients at Alex’s if they wanted to be finished that way. Many did – he had sucked a lot of cock in the six months.
Two more tattoos had been added to j at Chaney’s suggestion. A four inch Chinese symbol for concubine slave had been tattooed on his lower back above his ‘slave’ tramp stamp so it would show above shorts if he was shirtless. And the words ‘Slut’ and ‘Hole’ had been tattooed in a circle around his asshole, so when he knelt with his ass in the air, the label around his sluthole could be read from behind him. All his tattoos had healed and settled in nicely and the women liked seeing him marked so clearly as a slave.They especially liked how his cock read ‘slave’ hanging down when he was out of the CB3000, and they loved seeing the ‘woman’ symbol on his cock head.
All of his women owners and users had keys to his home, and they were free to stop in and inspect any time they wanted. They sometimes would pop in when he wasn’t there and check to make sure he had no contrast food or other items. Chaney, Alex and Connie also had keys to his collar and CB3000, so they could set him up anyway they liked.
They wanted to restrict his activities when not working or at one of their places, so they had removed all his TVs from his house, as well as all of his computer and smart phone stuff. They had kept some of it, and given some away to their friends. He was completely cut off from on line worlds, and had a very basic landline in his house with a very basic and old fashioned answering machine. He hard largely disappeared from his old circles, so no one ever called. Other than the land line, he only had the very simple cell phone Veronica had given to him, and he was only allowed to use it to communicate with the 4 women. Veronica cleverly understood that by making his home lonely and boring, he would welcome being in the presence of the women and staying at Veronica’s overnight.
He had spent this day at Mistress Alex’s dungeon cleaning and serving the dommes there. He was going to be kept overnight at Veronica’s after returning from there on the bus. Upon returning, he prepared her dinner and served it to her. While she watched TV and texted and surfed the net, he washed up the dishes and cleaned the kitchen sink.
He was then weighed, passing with an OK weight, and was fed from bowls on the kitchen floor from his knees without using his hands. The stew and veggies were mixed together, and the salad was in the second bowl. A third bowl of toilet water was on the floor as well. Veronica also had him drink her piss she had saved during the day. One of her rules was that while he was in her direct custody, he was her piss filter, and was required to drink all of her urine. She would collect it in a bowl or bottle, and he would have to drink it all down. She referred to it as her champione, and he was always expected to thank her for letting him partake of it as he drank it down. He had gotten used to the taste and variations in acidity and bitterness, and actually enjoyed it, Since the only other thing he ever drank was tasteless water. The flavor was a welcome change.
After he had been fed, and cleaned his dishes, he had been blindfolded and had given Goddess Veronica a back rub and neck to ankle massage. He was never allowed to see her or any of the other women naked – whenever they had clothes off, he was blindfolded. Seeing their beauty was not a privilege Veronica allowed to her slave and property.
After the massage was done to her satisfaction, she lay on her belly on the bed with her legs spread and had him knee, still blindfold, behind her between her legs. He was ordered to tongue and worship her asshole. He was required to keep going for about a half hour without stopping, while she came repeatedly. She loved feeling nose work in her crack while his tongue flicked on her anus, and wetly slipped into and out of her rosebud.
She then got up and put on her strap on Feeldoe type dildo. It had a vibrator in it, and one end fit into Her pussy and stimulated her clip and cunt. The business end was about 8 inches long and it was jet black. She had him knee face down on the floor with his ass in the air. She lubed up his sluthole and pushed the dildo into it. He was so well trained, he took it easily. She knelt on a pillow and settled into a smooth rhythm, thrusting her black plastic cock in and out of his hole, while the vibrator and the back end in her cunt gave her enormous pleasure. He moaned regularly, as he had grown to love the pleasure of having his sluthole fucked, and tried her and thanked her for fucking her slutty slave’s hole. After about 10 minutes, she accelerated her thrusts and built to a shuddering orgasm as she sucked in air and gasped she loved to fuck her slave, and he thanked her for fucking him.
After she came, she left him on the floor and climbed up on the bed to rest. After about 15 minutes, she put her feet hanging off the bed, and told him to massage and worship them. He knelt up, Still on the floor and did so, taking his time. He massed each foot, licking the sole and rubbing his mouth on it. He took her toes into his mouth one by one, and sucked them like little cocks and licked down between each toe. She found the sensing heavenly, and was pleased with how well he had been trained. He also loved giving oral service of all kinds, and considered himself lucky to be able to kiss and lick the feet of the women he served. It was as sensitive for him as it was for them.
After a half hour of foot worship, she decided to put him to bed for thenight. She had got dressed, and his blindfold mask was removed. An enema bag was prepared and he was filled with warm soapy water.
He was led out onto the back patio by the drain and was made to squat over the drain pipe and pee through his CB3000, and blow out his enema into the drain. The garden hose was used to rinse him down, and wash his waste down the drain.
He was led back inside and taken to the guest bathroom, where he took a
long drink from the toilet bowl. He was fed his yogurt and bread snack. He knelt in front of her with his hands at his side. She hand fed him the bread, struggling and massaging his bald skull as he opened his mouth like a bird to be fed bits of bread. She used a spoon to feed him the yogurt. She talked to him gently and told him how pleased she was at his progress. She leaned forward and licked, kissed and cared his ears, whispering he was a good slave, and that if he continued progress, sometimes he might see her naked and be allowedto lick her pussy. He shuddered with pleasure, and his cock throbbed and strained against the CB3000.
He was then taken downstairs to the basement. A heavy chain about 10 feet long was padlocked around one of the poles holding up the ceiling. It was also placed around his neck, and was padlocked so it could not be removed. Two large dog bed pads were on the floor as well as a blanket and pillow. A key to unlock the neck chain was in a sealed envelope taped to the pole. This would let him get it off if there was an emergency such as a fire. Otherwise, he had to stay in the basement until he was released.
A pair of shorts was at the foot of the steps in case he had to exit. He was naked except for the collar, neck chain and CB3000. There was a plastic bottle with a screw on top along side the bedding in case he had to pee during the night. There was also a similar bottle with toilet water in it in case he needed a drink. Near the stairs was an IPod with speakers. She would turn it on when she left, so it would play classical music for about 3 hours and make it impossible for him to understand anything he heard from upstairs if Goddess Veronica had visitors or talked on the phone upstairs. It was pretty sound proof down there. But she still wanted him to have the background noise playing to be sure he could not eaves drop.
There was also a small digital alarm clock on the table with the IPod. It faced the wall so j could not see the time. Veronica would change the alarm setting on it when she left, so j would not know when he would be awakened. She wanted him to be totally without any reference to time or anything else. Once she had awakened him at 2:30 AM, and made him go upstairs and go outside and walk naked around the block two times with his hands cuffed behind his back and a ball gag in his mouth before he was put back to bed. She was really enjoying getting complete control over his mind and breaking down his inhibitions.
The alarm wouldbe set so it would go off about 10 minutes before Veronica came down to release him so he could start his work for the day. He could not reach it to turn off the alarm, so it would buzz loudly and continuously until she came for him
She ordered him to knee face down with his ass in the air. “Time for your nighttime beat, pissface.”
“Yes, Goddess, thank you Goddess”. He knelt with his face and forehead on the floor and his ass raised and facing her, legs and knees apart . She walked over to a table and picked up a wooden paddle, a leather belt, and a cane.
She reached down and pulled his balls in the CB3000 up behind him and played with them. “I think I’ll do 25 strokes of each on each cheese tonight. You will sleep well with a red ass.”
“Yes, Goddess, Thank you, Goddess.”
“Count, slave,” she ordered, and she began with the loud smokes of the paddle. His ass almost immediately reddened as she worked both cheeses in sets of 5 strokes. She then switched tothe heavy 2 inch wide leather belt and continued, as he kept up the count. His ass was bright red, and the marks from earlier beats stood out. His ass was always welted, some obscuring his ass tattoos. Finally, she swished the cane around and asked “Are you ready for the big finish, ass licker?”
He replied “Yes, Goddess.” She then laid into him with the cane, noticing the welts come up with great satisfaction as he counted off the strokes. When she got to 25 on each chef, she stopped, breathing heavily from her efforts.
He thanked her again. She ordered him to lie down and go to sleep. She put the canes and other toys back on the table, turned on the IPod and set the alarm facing the wall. She put a piece of duct tape over its face so there would be no light from the digital numbers on its face, and put a Small cloth over the IPod so it would not emit any light, either. She then silently climbed the steps. When she reached the top, she silently switched off the lights in the basement, went out and closed the door behind her, leaving him in total darkness. He lay down on the pillow on his side and listened to the music. He put one hand behind him and massed his hot aching ass, running his finger tip along the welts and fingering his own asshole. He put the other hand between his legs and played with the CB3000 as he stiffened inside it, but did not cum. He slowly drifted off to sleep, a deep dreamless sleep in sub space.
Once during the night, he woke up and remembered the chain around his neck. He had no idea what time it was. He was in total visual and sound sensing deprivation. He might as well have been at the bottom of a mine shaft it was so dark. He could hear nothing, and the basement was as silent as a grave. In effect, Goddess Veronica had buried her slave alive. He rolled onto his back, and played with his nipples as he drifted back to sleep, his stiff dick aching in side the CB3000, while he dreamt of being allowed to lick theGoddess’s asshole.
He was started awake by the alarm. It took a second to get his bearings in the dark. He remembered where he was and what he was. He rubbed his face and eyes to get the sleep out. As he was required, he stacked the two dog bed pads, folded the blanket neighborly on top if they, and set the pillow on top in the pitch black dark. He stood up the 2 bottles. He had not peed or drunk water over night, so one was full and one was empty.
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