The New Girl Ch. 02

Shortly after the plane landed and we were allowed to depart, I called Fiona to let her know I was back. “Fiona, I’m back from Germany and I have a surprise for you!”

“Oh, sir! A surprise? I’ve missed you! I can’t wait to see you! Shall I come get you now, sir?”

“Yes, Fiona. I’ll meet you just outside the Lufthansa arrives terminal. And bring a blindfold with you.”

I asked Lily if she needed to freshen up, but apparently she didn’t know what I mean. I guess “freshen up” isn’t used the same way in German. “Do you need to make a trip to the toilet? If you need to go, now is the last chance you’ll have for a while. We’ll have to go through Customs and possibly wait for Fiona to arrive, and then there’ll be the drive to my house.”

Lily replied, “No sir, I’m alright.”

“Fine. Maybe we can get through Customs quickly if we get there before many others do. You have nothing to declare, and I don’t think I’ll declare you since your father gave you to me.” I winked at her.

I took her hand and we walked briskly to the Customs area. Luckily for us, there were only a few people in line ahead of us. “If you’re asked any questions, be polite and answer briefly. Don’t make any comments about why you’re here other than to say you’ll be visiting with me. Understood?”

“You mean you don’t want me to tell anybody that you’re going to train me to be a slave, sir?”

“Shhh! Don’t even joke about that. You’re here to visit with me, and that’s it. If there are any more questions about your purpose for visiting, I’ll answer them. If you’re asked why you have no luggage, just say I have everything you’ll need, or that you wanted to buy clothes to fit in with everybody here.”

Lily and I stepped up to the customs inspector together. I explained that we were traveling together. With a very tired expression, the inspector asked if we had anything to declare, and after I told him “no,” he wished us a pleasant stay and asked us to move on. WeWalked through the terminal and headed for the exit.

A few yards before we got to the doors Lily squeezed my hand and said, “Sir, I have to pee. May I go to the toilet, sir?”

I looked into her eyes and asked, “Don’t you remember my asking you about this just a few minutes ago?”

Looking at me sheepishly she replied, “I remember, sir, but I thought I could hold it.”

Looking at her sternly I said, “That’s too bad because now you’re going to have to hold it longer. And you’d better not pee in the car!”

“But, sir! I have to pee now.”

“I gave you the opportunity less than 20-minutes ago. I told you it would be the last chance you’d have for a while, and you said you were alright. Unless you plan on squatting right here and peeing, you’ll have to hold it. And if you know what’s good for yourself, you will not embarrass me by peeing on the floor! Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir,” she said as she pressed her tights together.

We walked outside and foundan empty area to wait for Fiona. I checked my watch to see the time. Thank goodness for dual time zone watches, I thought. “We may have a bit of a wait. Try not to look like you have to pee. Might as well start learning to control that.”

“What do you mean, sir?”

“Once your training is officially underway, you won’t be allowed to use the toilet anytime you please. You won’t even be allowed to go outside and squat like a dog, although there will be times when that’s exactly what you’ll have to do.”

“What? Sir, you don’t mean that, do you, sir?”

“I do.” I pointed to the approaching red Lexus SUV. “There’s Fiona. Finally!”

Fiona pulled up alongside the curb, cut the engine and hoped out. “Let me get your bag, sir!” She reached out, picked it up and proceeded to stand it in the back.

When she returned to open my door, I asked her, “Don’t you want your surprise?”

“Now, sir? You don’t want to give it to me at the house?”

“Fiona,” I said, pointing to Lily, “this is your surprise. Lily was given to me by her father to train, and I want you to help.”

Stunned, Fiona replied, “Oh, sir! Yes sir! Just tell me what you want me to do, sir!”

“First, help her into the backseat and put the blindfold on her. Once she’s situationd, you can drive us home.” I opened the backdoor and motioned to Lily to get in.

“May I get in, sir?” Lily asked.

“Good girl – you remembered. Yes, get in and sit in the middle with your feet spread as far apart as you can.” I turned to Fiona and instructed her to place the blindfold over Lily’s eyes. “Make sure her thighs aren’t touching her pussy and check to see if she’s wet.”

Fiona placed her hand over Lily’s pussy and pressed her middle finger in between her lips. “She’s okay, sir.” Lily quickly reminded me that she needed to pee.

“Hold it. When we get to good spot, I’ll have Fiona pull over and you can pee on the side of the road.”

Fiona giggled and whispered in my ear,”Oh, you’re wicked, sir!” After holding the door for me, I got in and then waited for her to go around to the other side and take her seat. “Sir, do you want me to ask for permission for everything like I used to do?”

“I think we’re past that, don’t you?” I answered.

“She replied, “If you want me to set a good example, I’ll do it again, sir.”

“No. Not necessary. Besides, it’ll remind Lily that her place is at the bottom of the ladder. Now, let’s go.” Although she couldn’t see anything, I turned to face Lily and continued. “Lily, there’s really not a lot to being a good slave. It’s not about having sex, although there will be a lot of it, just not for your pleasure. Basically, you do what you’re told. In my house, both you and Fiona must do what I want. What you must remember is that you’ll also do what Fiona wants. Fiona takes care of the house, laundry and yard, does the cooking and fulfills my every desire, whether sexual or otherwise. You will help her with all ofthat. If she has any problems with you, she’ll tell me and I’ll dole out the punishment. Since I don’t yet know what things will be considered as punishment for you, I’ll have to learn by trial and error. For instance, Fiona used to do things to piss me off so I’d use a cane on her. After I figured that out, the cane became a reward for extra good service. I’m sure she’d like to show you the marks sometimes. Any questions so far?”

“Not about that, sir, but I do have one question.”

“Well, what is it?”

“Will you have Fiona pull over and let me pee, sir? I don’t think I can hold it any longer, sir.”

We hadn’t gotten as far away from the airport as I’d hoped and there were still quite a few cars on the road, but decided not to take a chance on Lily ruining the upholstery. “Fiona, slow down and pull over. Once the car is stopped, help Lily out and steady her while she pees.”

Fiona looked at me, probably wondering why I wasn’t going to wait until we got off themain road. I nodded and motioned at the curve ahead. When we were almost to the curve, she started slowing the car and then moved it onto the shoulder of the road. She waited until it was clear and then hurried out of the car, ran around to the protected side, and opened the door for Lily. She took Lily’s hand and pulled. After getting Lily to slide out, she helped her into the grass, stood on the far side of her so the oncoming cars could get a good view and told her to pull up her dress and squat. As the pee began to flow out, a car slowed and the occupations stared and laughed loudly.

“Oh, mein Gott! Was is a los?” Lily yelled.

“Speak English, Lily,” I shouted back.

Lily corrected herself. “Oh! What is happening, sir?”

“You said you couldn’t hold it any longer, so I did what you wanted. I had Fiona pull over to let you pee.”

“But, sir! There are people watching me, sir!”

“Maybe the next time I give you the opportunity to freshen up you’ll take advantageage of the offer. And maybe you’ll be more specific when you ask me for a special favor. Now, finish up so we can continue.”

Somewhat humiliated, Lily squeezed out the rest of the pee, stood up and came back to the car. “May I get back inside, sir?”

“I don’t think so. I didn’t see you wipe yourself when you were finished.”

“I don’t have anything to wipe with, sir.”

“There’s plenty of grass right there. Sit down and wipe yourself.”

Lily turned hopefully towards Fiona. Fiona said, “You’d better get down on the ground and wipe yourself like a dog or you won’t be getting back into the car.”

As another car passed by us, Lily lifted her dress and sat down, dragging her pussy over the grass. “Is that good enough, sir? May I get back into the car now, sir?”

Just to prove a point, I told her, “no, keep wiping.”

She scooted herself another few feet, paused, and then scooted some more.

“Help her up, Fiona. I think she’s ready now. Be sure to check for dirt before she gets in.”

After Lily was standing again, Fiona held up the hem of the dress to check for debris. “She’s dirty, sir.”

“Well, brush it off with your hand. Don’t give her any pleasure, though.”

As Fiona started brushing off the dirt, she whispered into Lily’s ear. “That’s a pretty pussy. I remember when I had tiny little lips, but after so many years of Master playing with mine, they’ve gotten much fuller and longer.” As she finished brushing away the dirt, she grasped Lily’s delicate folds and pulled down firmly, stretching them as far as they’d go. Fiona looked at me and before she could utter a word I said, “Yes, definitely! You can play with them, but not right now. Let’s go home.”


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