Before Roger knew it the day of the wedding was approaching. He still had his stag do to attend. It was to be his last night of freedom. He met his friend Mark and they went to the pub for a few drinks to warm themselves up for the evening ahead. They then went to the pool hall and played snooker for the rest of the afternoon. Soon it got to five o’clock and they decided that they better go home and get changed ready for the night out.
They arrived back at Roger’s flat and began to get changed when Roger’s phone rang. He looked at the screen and saw that it was Bev calling. He picked it up and said.
“Hello darling how are you this evening? Are you ready for your hen night?”
“What have I told you about using terms of endearment on me? They do not work and do nothing for me.”
“Yes Bev.” Roger said.
“That is better. Sarah is getting me ready for my evening out now. Have you got Mark with you?”
“Yes Bev. He is just in the bathroomroom getting shavled.”
“Go and get him please.” Bev said.
Roger took the phone and handed it to Mark.
“Bev wants to talk to you.”
With that Roger left the bathroom and went back to getting ready. After about ten minutes Mark emerged from the bathroom and handed the phone back to Roger. Then he spoke.
“Are you sure you want to get married to that woman? She has Just given me a right tirade down the phone giving me a list of do’s and don’ts for tonight. It would appear that you cannot have fun tonight and you certainly cannot get drunk and we cannot do anything to you and by the tone of her voice I gather that you do what you are told because I am going to do what she has told me to do.”
“I know what you mean Mark but I love her and I take her for what she is and we better do what she tells us to do.”
“Oh God definitely.” Said Mark.
They finished getting ready and then Mark rang for a taxi. They got into the taxi and headed into town where they were to meet the rest of the lads. They had arranged to go for a curry first and then go drinking and now with Bev’s instructions ringing in his ear Mark thought that it was an even better idea. By the time they got to the restaurant there were about a dozen of lads there so they headed into the restaurant.
They sat down and the first round of drinks was ordered and they all sat and enjoyed the pint of beer that they were given. They took the menus and ordered the food that they wanted. They sat and chatted and ate the food given to them and enjoyed a couple of more drinks. When the third one arrived Mark touched Roger on the arm and gave him a warning look. Roger took the hint and left the pint of beer alone. They finished their meals and went to hit the pubs. Throughout the night the beer flowed and soon a few of the lads were quite drunk. Mark Keep an eye on Roger for the first couple of hours but then he began to get drunk. Roger knew what Bev had said so he took controlof his own actions.
Roger paced himself and made sure that by the end of the night he was still sober and if he had been called by Bev he could have had sex with her. Eventually when everyone was drunk Roger slipped away. He found himself a taxi and got himself back to his flat. When he went down the cornidor he noticed that there were two men stood outside his flat door. He walked up to them and said.
“Can I help you gentlemen?” He asked.
“We have been sent by Bev to give you a special end to your Stag night.”
They had a key to his door which must have been given to them by Bev and they opened the door to his flat and showed him inside. Roger walked in through the doorway and had to stop in surprise. There were candles everywhere and his bed was covered with rose petals. The room looked lovely and he fully expected to find Bev waiting there for him. Then he noticed that there was a towel on the bed and a tub of something warming up on the floor.
He lookedround at the two men and noticed that the door was now closed and locked and the key had disappeared. He also noted that the two men were naked and he could not help but check them out. He had been with men before when his old Mistress had made him do it so this situation was nothing new to him. One of the men spoke.
“Bev says you have to touch us all over but only once you are naked and we are to do that to you.”
Roger just nodded his ascent. These men were muscled bound and he could not have fought one of them never mind both of them. The men walked forward and slowly and sensitively they undressed Roger. To his pleasure he got an erection. Men still could get him aroused and it had been many a year since he had been with one. Once he was naked he walked forward and began to cares the two men.
They were so smooth. They did not have a hair on them and he loved the touch of them. As he touched them his erection just got bigger and he began to think of the fun that hewas about to have. He moved to one of the men and tilted his head and began to kiss him. They kissed as lovers only can and as they kissed Roger’s hand moved down the man’s body until he found the cock of the man. It was now erect and it felt so smooth in Roger’s hand.
He stroked his hand along the shake and it grew another inch or two and Roger thought that it must have been at least ten inches long. He stopped kissing the first man and then he moved to the second and did the same thing to him. He was black and his skin felt even smoother and when he touched his cock it twitched. It must have been a good nine inches long but it was thinner than the first man’s. Roger stroked it for a moment and then he said.
“I assume I am going to get to taste those delicious feeling cocks at some point.”
“Yes you are.” Said the second man.
“There are other things to do first. They picked Roger up and placed him on the bed and one of them disappeared into the bathroom. He came back with a couple of razors and some shaving foam. Roger laid there with his erection sticking up and let the men shake him from top to toe and then he let them wax him all over including his cock and his balls. When they had finished Roger felt himself and he felt a wonderful glow inside. He had been shaken and waxed before but these men had done an excellent job and he felt sure that Bev would be delighted with the result. He then turned to the men and said.
“Shall we have some fun now boys?”
The men snugged into him side by side and began to kiss him on each chef. Roger could not decide who to go with first. He thought it has been so long since I have had my arse fucked. I think that I should let the black one fuck me first because he has the thinner of the two cocks. He turned to him and said.
“Would you like to fuck my arse?”
“Yes I would.” The man replied.
Roger moved from between the two men and got himself on all fours. He looked at the big white cock in front of him and he salivated. He could not wait to have it in his mouth. He opened his mouth and dipped his head forward. His mouth slipped over the thick head and he sucked on it. Behind him he felt his arse being lubed up and then a finger being inserted. It slide in nice and easy and Roger was glad that his sphincter had not tightened up that much over the years. He was now sucking the shake of the white man whilst his arse was being fingered by the black man. He was in sexual heaven. This was the old days all over again.
He pleasured the white cock and sucked it deep into his mouth. He used his hand to massage the balls that felt so heavy in his hand. He could not wait for the man to cumm in his mouth so he could taste cumm again. He worked hard on the cock and soon the man shot his cumm down the throat of Roger. He drank it all down and withdraw the cock from his mouth and kissed the man so that he could taste his own cumm.
Behind him he felt the black manemote his finger and replace it with his cock. It slide in nice and easily and soon he felt his arse being fucked. He gripped the bed as he was fucked and on and on the black man went. He lasted for a good twenty minutes before he shot his cumm deep into Roger’s anal passage.
The men then swapped places and the process was repeated but this time his arse was stretched more by the white man because he was thicker than the black man. Roger sucked the cock of the black man and when he came he noticed that it tasted different to that of the white man. All night they had sex and made love and they all slept together and when Roger woman up in the morning he was pleased to see that they were still there. He made love to them one more time then he kissed them goodbye. He immediately got on his phone and texted Bev.
“Thanks” Was all he put.
He turned over to go back to sleep when his phone wasped. He recognized the number it was Bev. He opened the message and all it said was.
“Fuck off I am busy.”
Bev woke the morning of her hen night with a smile on her face. She had put in place her plans for Roger and now it was time for her to put her own plans into action. She picked up her phone and dialled Sarah’s number.
“Come to me baby girl I am ready to be prepared.” She said.
Bev laid in bed and waited for Sarah to Come to her. About two minutes later Sarah walked in with her full maid’s outfit on. She had chosen the red leather one for today because it had been bought for her by Bev. She a matching red leather hat on and to finish it off she had on a pair of ten denier hold up stockings which showed off her naked chubby tights. Bev reached her hand out and put it under the hem of the outfit and was pleased to feel that Sarah had no knickers on and was nice and smooth.
Sarah pulled back the duvet and removed the vibrator from Bev’s pussy that she always slept with in. She proceeded to lick it clean. It took herfive minutes to get it fully clean and then she placed it in the velvet box that Bev kept it in. it was special to Bev. It had been a leaving home present from her grand-mother and she treasured it.
Sarah then went to the bathroom and put the water on to run and then she returned to Bev. She climbed onto the bed and placed herself between Bev’s legs and began to kiss her pussy. It was dirty and full of stale pussy juice. Sarah licked it clean and took all the fluids into her mouth and swallowed it down. When she was satisfied that Bev was dry she went back to the bathroom and added Bev’s favourite flavour of foam to the water then she went back to the bedroom. She picked Bev up and took her to the bath and gently placed her into the water.
Bev sank back and let the water wash over her. She allowed herself to relax and just enjoy the warmth of the water and then she raised her hand and Sarah stepped forward and began to wash Bev. She made sure not to miss a spot because sheKnow that Bev would notice. For fully twenty minutes she bathed Bev from top to toe. When she was satisfied that she was thoroughly clean she began the process of shaving Bev. Bev did not help in anyway and did not pass comment until Sarah had finished.
Once Sarah stepped back Bev stood up and checked herself out. She ran her hands over her body and then she smelt herself and was pleased with What she felt and smelt. Her maid had done a good job and Bev stepped forward and gave her a peck on the cheek.
“Now dress me maid.” She said.
Sarah took her by the hand and placed her on the rug on the floor. Bev just stood there and let Sarah dress her. She had chosen a pair of black jeans and a t-shirt. She had decided no underwear today that would come later. Once she was dressed she instructed Sarah to go and get dressed and she sat at the dressing table and did her hair and her make-up. By the time that Bev was finished Sarah was back. Bev looked at her watch and said.
“It is time for lunch.”
They ordered a taxi and went into town and found a nice little Bistro to have lunch in. They consumed a bottle of wine and were a little tipsy by the time that they left. Bev led the way she had only one place to go and that was her special boutique. She walked in and was greeted by the owner.
“Bev how nice to see you again. How can we help you today?”
“It is my hen night tonight and I want something special to wear.” Bev replied.
“Congratulations Bev and I am sure that we can find something special for you to wear.”
Bev and Sarah stayed in the shop for a couple of hours and when they left they were laden down with bags. They found a taxi and managed to get back to them back to Bev’s flat. As Sarah unpacked the clothes Bev picked up her phone and dialled Roger’s number. She had a brief chat to him and then she asked to have the phone passed over to Mark. Sarah listened as Bev gave Mark hiss instructions for the night. When she putthe phone the phone down she turned to Sarah and said.
“Baby Girl will you pour me a glass of champion.”
Sarah stopped what she was doing and she went to the drink’s fridge and took out a bottle of champion. She popped the cork as quietly as she could because she knew that Bev did not like too much noise and then she poured a glass out and handed it to Bev. Bev looked at her and said.
“You may have one yourself.”
Sarah poured a glass for herself and then she sat on the couch and drank her champione and made conversation with Bev about the night ahead. Bev had her own ideas for the night but she was not going to let Sarah into them. They finished their champione and then Bev just said.
“Bath Sarah.”
Sarah drained her glass and went to the bathroom and started the bath running. She went through the routine as per usual and bathed Bev until she was satisfied that she was clean and then she helped Bev out of the bath and towelled her dry and wrapped her sexy body in a silk dressing gown. She looked so sexy to Sarah that she began to cream her knickers. She suddenly found her voice and said.
“Shall I go and get dressed Bev?”
“You may.” Said Bev.
As she went to leave the room Bev stopped her and said.
“I want to make sure that you wear what I want you to wear. I will follow you to your room.”
They walked down the corridor hand in hand and entered the flat of Sarah. Sarah felt very privileged Bev rarely came to her room- she could not stand the mess that Sarah lived in. She rifled through Sarah’s drawers as Sarah had a shower. She had already been checked out by Bev that morning so she knew that she was smooth enough and did not need to be shaken or waxed. Naked she came out of the bathroom and saw what Bev had chosen for her.
On the bed was a pair of stockings which would be held up by a leather suspender belt. Sarah loved hold-up stockings but her tights were too big for them to stay up. Next thee was her favourite leather skirt. It was three quarter length and had a split up the side of it which just went high enough to show off some of her naked thigh flesh. There was a leather bra with the nipple holes cut-out and finally a tight leather t-shirt that would enhance Sarah’s massive breasts for all the men to drool over. Sarah noticed that something was missing. There were no knickers there. Curiously she looked at Bev and saw that she was smiling.
“I have a special present for you that I bought for you today.” Bev said.
“Put your stockings and suspender belt on and then I will give you your special present.”
Sarah did as she was told she picked up the suspender belt and fastened it around her waist and then she rolled the stockings up her legs and attached them to the suspender belt. Once she was done she walked to Bev and stood in front of her.
Bev reached into a bag and pulled out a female chatity belt. It was made of the finest calculates’ leather andit had some beads attached to it that would be inserted into Sarah’s pussy and anus and then the padlock. Sarah stepped into it and then she pulled it up her legs and stopped at the top of her thighs. She watched as Bev kindly lubed the beads and then she pulled the chatity belt all the way up. She felt the beads enter her cunt and her arse and she had a small orgasm which she tried to hide from Bev. It was too late Bev had noticed but she was in a good a mood at the moment.
“It is okay Sarah you can orgasm. I think it would make me cumm also.”
Sarah relaxed and let the orgasm take over her. She shook and shivered and she slumped to the floor in pleasure. Every time she moved she was further stimulated and she wondered how she was going to get through the night. She managed to stand to her feet and watched as Bev padlocked Her into the belt. She was set for the night with her underwear and the she pulled on the skirt and t-shirt. Bev looked at her and was pleased with whatshe saw. She smiled and said.
“Now you can come and dress me.”
They once more walked down the corridor and made their way to Bev’s room. Sarah had lain out all the clothes that Bev had bought that day. As Bev looked at them and tried to decide what to wear Sarah poured her another glass of champione. She handed it to Bev who took it and then pointed out to Sarah what she wanted to Wear that night. Sarah picked up each item and set them aside and then she tidied away the others.
She picked up the red suspender belt that Bev had chosen and attached it around the wait of Bev. She then pulled the red leather stockings up Bev’s legs and attached them to the suspender belt. She picked up the bra and picked up Bev’s breasts and placed them into the cups of the soft red leather bra. She fastened it up but made sure that it was not too tight. Next she took the crotchless red leather knickers and pulled them up Bev’s legs. She packed Bev’s taut buttocks into them and then shemoved round and pulled her pussy lips through the opening of the knickers. Finally she helped Bev into the tight full length red dress that Bev had chosen and zipped her in. It looked like a second skin on Bev and Sarah thought that she looked stunning. The hair and make-up were done and then Sarah ordered a taxi to take them to the restaurant.
When they arrived all of Bev’s friends were there. They were all dressed in leather as Bev had made that the theme for the night. You could tell who the Mistresses were and who were the maids from the quality of the clothes that they were wearing. They all took their seats at the table and the food and the champione flowed. Bev was really going for it and Sarah being the good maid that she was stayed sober so that she could keep an eye on her Mistress not that Bev noticed. She was too busy getting drunk and exchanging tales with her fellow Mistresses.
Soon Bev needed to go to the toilet. She took Sarah by the hand and led her to thetoilet. She made Sarah get down on her knees and lick the seat clean so that Bev would be comfortable putting her buttocks on it. She then stood and helped Bev pull up the dress that she was wearing and pull the knickers down and then she lowered Bev on to the toilet and stood there as Bev passed water. When Bev was finished Sarah stepped forward and wiped Bev’s pussy and then she got down on her knees and licked Bev’s pussy clean. Once she was satisfied that she was clean Bev looked down at Sarah and said.
“Do you know the tall Asian waiter who has been serving us?”
“Yes.” Said Sarah.
“Bring him to me. I want to be fucked.”
“Yes Bev.” Sarah said and left Bev alone in the bathroom.
Bev began to play with her pussy to get herself ready for the tall Asian man. She did not want to mess around with foreplay. She just wanted to be fucked. She knew her body intimately and she was soon able to bring herself to orgasm and was nick and slick and ready for some cock. She had seen the bulge in his tight pants as he had served them and Bev thought that it would suffice. She was leaning against the wall when Sarah came back with the waiter. The waiter took one look at her and almost creamed his pants.
Bev began to speak to him.
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