Day 0 – Selection Sunday
The boss of my company is finally stepping down, not that I’ve even been here for that long. I got an internship here my freshman year in college. A year and a half later they hired me full time and when I finally graduated, they promoted me. I got another promotion at the end of that year and now 3 years later, I am in the running to become the next boss of the company.
The Only problem is that I’m not the only one in the running. The old boss had listed 2 potential candidates to be the next boss, and the council was voting on it by the end of today. The 2 candidates in the running to be boss was me and my bitch co-worker Corinna.
Corinna is a blonde, 27 year old woman with a big attitude. She has a big ass and massive tits to go along with that attitude as well. She’s by far the hottest woman in the office and she definitely knows it. She wears dresses and outfits that show off her body and she constantly uses it to manipulate fellow coworkers. Over the years, she has learned how to suck up to the higher ups and the worst part of it all, is that she hates me.
Corinna hates me. Corinna has always hated me ever since the incident. Right before I got my second promotion around Christmas, Corinna had to give a presentation for the sales team regarding how they did. Unfortunately, 10 minutes before she presented, I accidentally spilt my tea all over her read dress. From then on she would never talk to me again, occasionally taking jabs at me or stealing my stuff.
5 o’ clock finally rolls around, and out comes the boss to give his farewell speech. But how could it be 5? I hadn’t done any work. My mind has been racing all day the announcement. Could I actually become the next boss of the company?
My boss starts his speech thanking everyone and other formalities. I can barely focus. I’m so nervous I feel like throwing up. He continues his speech and I hear him finally get to it.
“There can’t be a company without a boss,” my boss says. “So, uh, the council and I met to discuss who the next one would be. It was hard to come to a conclusion, and both candidates were great, but after delegation, we decided that Corinna will be the next boss of this compa-“
The words from my boss and the clapping of my coworkers suddenly began to fade out as I sit there stunned. Did he really just say Corinna? Did I seriously lose?
My boss finishes his speech and just like that, he was done working there and we were all heading home. My drive, however, was in complete silence. When I got home, I took my shoes off, and slowly trusted straight towards my bed. However, all I could do was just lie there and think. Did I really just lose? Is Corinna really my next boss? Should I just quit? No. I’ll go, at least for one day. Maybe it won’t be that bad. After about 4 hours of laying in complete silence, I fell asleep.
Day 1 – The New Boss
The next day was almost the same as any other. Iwoke up at 7 and went straight to my bathroom to get ready. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. I finished there, and headed to my kitchen to eat breakfast. From there, I left for work, not so different than my usual routine. The only difference was that I was dead inside.
I trusted through the halls with no motivation to come to work today. I guess that’s normal, just never this bad. I greeted the usual people I have to greet in the morning, and then I went to my desk. However, to my dismay, there was a note from the new boss on my desk.
“Oh great. What could this be?” I mumble and pick up the note. It reads:
“Meet me in my office when you arrive.” -Corinna
I put the rest of my stuff down on my desk and begin to slowly make my way to Corinna’s office. I open the door and I ask frustrated, not giving into her tease.
“Oh, well, I um, just wanted to tell you that you are fired.”
“What? B-but why?” I stammer.
“Well I just decided that we needed to cut costs and the only possible solution I see, is to fire you.”
I star at her in disbelief. “There’s no way! You can’t do this!” I retaliate.
“Yes I can,” She laughs. “I’m Your boss. Now get out.”
I try to think of what I can do to save my job. It’s so weird, last night I was considering quitting and today I’m going to keep my job. How has this happened? Why do I care so much now? “No wait. Please! I-I’ll do anything.” I plead.
She just looks at me for awhile before speaking. “You know. The only way I MIGHT not fire you, is if you sign this contract.” She then slides a contract across her desk. You pick it up and read it:
Employee Contract
This employment agreement is made and effective as of the date it is signed by and it’s between:
Employer: Corinna Koph
I. Employee Duties: The employee agrees that they wear the required dress code at all times. The employee also agrees that they be in accordance with their duties.
II. Responsibilities: The employee shall be given the title of “Corinna’s Assistant”.
Dress Code
-2″ Cobra Chastity Cage
-Vibrating Butt Plug
-Anything Corinna wants
III. Employment Period: As long as Corinna holds her position.
Employer Initials – CK Employee Initials – ___
I read over the contract and my jaw drops. “Corinna. What is this?” I say, absolutely shocked.
She just smiles and says. “Sign it or leave my office.”
“But…” I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to say. I slowly reach down for the pen to sign the contract. But why? Why am I doing this? This is absurd! But still, I slowly sign my name across the contract.
“Your initials too.” She says with a grin.
I slowly put my initials down as she triesto hold back her laughter. I finish writing my initials and she bursts out laughing and quickly grabs the contract. “Why would you sign that?”
“I uh… I… don’t uh…” Is all I can get out. I don’t know why I signed that contract. I really don’t.
Corinna starts to walk around the room, closing the blinds on her way around. Once she finishes, she walks over to her office door and locks it. “Is that all you got?” She asks teasingly.
I just gulp and star at the floor. Corinna walks over to me and rubs her hands down my body before walking around and taking off my pants and underwear.
“Hey wa-” I try to protest but she silences me with a finger to the lips and a shsh. Once she has the off, she reaches into her desk and pulls out the 2″ cobra chatity cage.
“Corinna please don’t do this.” I plead for mercy but I don’t run. I stay there and watch as she puts the base ring around my balls, followed then by her putting the cage over my penis. She then locksit shut and starts to giggle. She plays with the cage a little in your hands before standing up to go grab some other things.
“Alright, now get on the ground face down, ass up.” She orders.
“What?…!” I say, not very assertive.
“You better, or I’ll kick you in the balls.” She says and then laughs.
I believe her so I get on the ground face down, ass up. Suddenly, I feel a pair of hands running over my ass. I shudder a little when I feel them, and shudder even more when I feel one of them start to enter my ass. You start lubing up my ass with your fingers, slowly moving back and forth to open my ass a little.
I then shudder the most as I feel a hard, cold, metal object come in contact with my ass. I start to breathe slowly as she tells me to relax. How can I relax right now? She slowly begins to insert the butt plug into my ass. She twists it and gently pushes it until it finally goes in.
I don’t say a word anymore. I don’t know what to say. She controls me now and she knows it.
“Here, put these on.” She says as she hands me some black panties. I put on the panties as Corinna reachs over to get a collar and lean. Once I finish putting them on, she puts the collar around my neck. “Good. Now you are in compliance with your new dress code.”
“Now let me show you your new desk space.” She says as she leads me with the Leash to behind her desk. “Here you go.”
“Um…Where?” I ask confused.
She laughs and say. “Under the desk silly. Go!”
With that, I crawl into my new “desk space”. I turn around as she sits down in her chair. I can only see her from the wait down as she slides in her chair over to me.
“Today, I will tell you what your task is, but from tomorrow on, there will be a little display screen that shows what your task is.” She says. “Today, your only task is to suck my toes while you are down there.”
“What? Come on. No Corinna.” I plead.
“Don’t you DARE tell me no again!” She orders. “Now suck my toes or you will have no balls. Last warning.” She then shoves her feet in my face.
I reluctantly begin to take her shoes and socks off to reveal her toes. She wiggles them and then barks off more orders. “As your only task today, you will suck each toe for one hour. No stopping. And I don’t want to hear any complaining either!”
I groan and then put one of her bigg toes in my mouth. I slowly start sucking on her toe wondering what I have done to be in this position. All of a sudden, I feel some vibrations coming from my ass. The butt plug has started to vibrate a little in my ass.
Corinna starts to go about her duties as the new boss, playing with the remote to the butt plug every so often. She turns it up another level and watches as I react.
I feel the vibrations grow stronger in my ass, and as it grows, so does the pressure in my chatity cage. For the first time, my dick tries to grow hard in the cage. As the pleasure and pressure grows, I try to think of a way to take my mind off of it, but the only solution I have is to focus and suck harder on her toes.
Corinna notices this, and presses another button. The butt plug begins to rotate around in my ass. I moan a little into her toe and suck harder. I close my eyes and try to just focus on her toe.
About another 10 minutes goes by and she gets bored, so she decides to turn the but plug up to the max violations. I moan more and more into her toe as I start to leak from the cage.
After an hour goes by, she rings a bell to let me know. I switch to the toe right beside it. By this time, my panties are soaked from me leaking.
What have I done? I don’t think I can do this for 9 more hours. But that’s exactly what I would do. I sucked each toe for one hour. I got to the end of the last toe and heard the bell ring. I was exhausted. My jaw and mouth were exhausted. My dick was exhausted. It leaked and throbbed for 10 long hours. She orders me to standup from under the desk.
“Now take off the panties and then take out the butt plug. Ill clean and keep both of those.” She says.
I take off the panties, and then I slowly start to twist and pull the butt plug out of my ass. I then hand them both to her. “What about this?” I ask, referring to my cage.
“Your cage?” She asks as she lets out a laugh. “Oh no, that stays on. You may go home now. I expect to see you back here tomorrow at 8.” She smiles. And with that, I put on my clothes, gather my belongings, and head home.
My night is no different than last night, except tonight I’m left throbbing in a chatity cage. This is my life now. How?
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