The Nerd Pt. 02

The wedding finally came. Kathy organized the whole thing including who my best man was, the quarterback, and my ushers, four guys from the football team. She wore a red mini wedding dress, which showed off her legs, and had a deep V, which showed a lot of her breasts. I had to wear a white tuxedo with a pink corsage to show I was a virgin.

I am going to learn how to dance because at the wedding reception, she danced the first and last dance with me and the rest of the time with my best man. She would kiss him, and once I saw him trying to feel her up under her wedding dress. That was too much. I went to get up. Kathy saw me and that was the only time I ever saw her blush as she whispered in his ear and pushed away his hand. It still bothered me though, because now we are married.

We were staying at an airport hotel for the night, Then flying to Jamaica for our 2-week honeymoon.

In the hotel room Kathy was in a good mood. I was in my pajamas and she did a strip tease for me and rubbed herself against me; saying dirty things to me like, ” Do you want to put your cock in my hot wet cunt? Do you want to fuck me until you blow your load deep in my pussy?.”

Kathy had told me to stop jerking off 2 weeks ago, so that I would be ready for our wedding night. I was horny and her teasing had me worried I was going to come before I got my penis in. She had me on the bed lying on my back with a raging hard on. She wore some kind of baby doll silky top with no panties. She approached the bed licking her lips and playing with her pussy. Kathy straddled me and she would lower her pussy until it touched the end of my penis and then she would rise up. “Maybe we should wait until tomorrow,” she teased and, “I don’t know if I want to do it now.”

She told me not to move which made the teasing worse because her pussy would touch me and then move away. “Maybe I should make you beg before you get any. I like hearing you beg for sex,” she would say with a smirk on her face.

Finally when I thought I couldn’t stand it any she lowered her pussy and helped me put it in. The sensing was wonderful. Hot, wet, tight and silky smooth; I got just the head in when she squeezed me with her pussy and I lost it. Her teasing and now this was too much and I blew my load. That was an incredible sensing, if only I had been able to get it all the way in and make it last a little longer.

My delicious joy did not last long. Kathy was really mad at me, “You worthless dork. I am all worked up and you come before I even got started. I am going to teach you how to control yourself before we do this again.”

It was her fault as much as mine. She was the one who teased me and told me not to jerk off for the past 2 weeks. I wanted to get back in her good graces because if that is what fucking is like, I had to get it again.

“Kathy, please don’t be mad. I couldn’t help myself. Lie back and I will give you tongue sex just the way you taught me.”

She pretended to still be mad at me but she got off twice as she held my head in place and had me service her. It was almost like this is what she wanted all along.

Jamaica was just like I pictured it; hot, sand, and sun. We were in a cottage resort, about 6 cottages near the beach with a main lodge; which had the restaurant, discco and bar. Kathy was on the front patio sunning herself in her bikini. She sent me to the restaurant to bring back her breakfast. I was trying to get back in her good books by doing everything she wanted. When I got back she was talking to 2 guys.

“Hi Sweetie, (that name again), this is Brian and Jeff, our neighbors in the next cottage. They have been here for a week and know all the best things to do and places to swim. They say I must experience a massage from Antonio, the resort masseuse. All the women they have spoke to say he is great. He rubs away all the tension and leaves you feeling great. It costs $50, but women say it’s worth every penny. He has a ten-dollar discount for new brides. Give me $50 anyway in case I want to tip him. After my massage they are going to show us the best place on the beach to swim.”

This was my honeymoon. I wanted to spend time alone with her, but I didn’t want to annoy her so I agreed. After her massage she came back all smiles. “That was a great mass. He is so big, The external massage was good and his internal massage was even better,” she said grinning at Brian. I don’t know what she is talking about but whatever it was has put her in a good mood. On our way to the beach Kathy walked ahead with them while I struggled to keep up caring a blanket, 2 folding chairs and an ice chest with wine cooler in it.

It was a nice spot. Kathy, lying on her stomach, told me to put sun tan lotion on her. I enjoyed rubbing her neck, shoulders and back. It made me feel good just caresing her. After a few minutes Brian said, “That’s not the way, you have to rub it in hard or shewill still burn. Here gives me the lotion and I’ll show you.” I didn’t like his pushy attitude but I gave it to him. What he did was more like a massage than just putting on sunscreen.

Kathy made me feel worse by saying, “That feels soo good,” when he was caresing her bum. Then he had her turn over and did her arms and legs, and then her stomach. Doing her stomach, he started to slip his fingers into her bikini bottom. Kathy finally stopped him. “I don’t think I’ll get sunburned there.” Good for her, the nervous of this guy trying to feel up my wife right in front of me.

They decided to go swimming. Since I don’t swim I splashed around in the shallow water while they went further out to swim. They were obviously having fun because I could hear Kathy’s laughter. Tired of the water, I went back to Our blanket and fell asleep.

I woke up with my back on fire. I don’t know how long I slept, but I had forgotten to put sunscreen on so now I was paying the price. I was also alone on the beach. Kathy, Brian and Jeff had disappeared; then I could hear Kathy’s laughter coming from the bar further down the beach. Stiff and sore I walked to the beach bar. “Why didn’t you wake me when you came out of the water? Just look at my back!”

I was angry because my back was burning while Kathy sat in the shade drinking beer with 2 guys. “I thought you needed your sleep After last night,” Kathy said.

Don’t remind me I thought. I had given Kathy tongue sex for at least a half hour last night, plus kissed her pussy, her ass and her feet all in an attempt to make up for coming to soon. Then I was ready to do it again, certain I could last longer this time but she would not let me. “I’m tired and going to sleep, and I don’t want to be mauled all night, so if You are still horny jerk yourself off.” I was not going to jerk off on my honeymoon, but being in bed next to my nude wife and not allowed to touch her did keep me awake most of the night.

“You had bettergo back to the cabin and put something on that back and I will be along in a little while. Oh, and don’t forget to take the chairs and blanket back. A little more sun on your back is not going to make much difference now.”

It was at least an hour before Kathy returned. “Brian is going to teach me how to play tennis in the morning. Do you want to come with us and watch?” Kathy asked. I don’t want to watch and I don’t want my new wife playing tennis with some guy either. I know there is no point in trying to reason with Kathy so to make the best of it I agreed to come and watch. Of course Kathy had to go into the neary village and buy a tennis outfit.

The next morning as I watched I got so mad at Brian. He was supposed to be teaching her and all he was doing was using that as an excuse to touch her. Standing behind he would show her how to swing the rail and on his so-called follow through he would feel Kathy’s breast before repeating the motion. He was wearing loose cotton shorts and as he rubbed himself against her bum, I could see that he had a hard on but I guess Kathy was concentrating so much she didn’t notice.

When the game started he had me stand in the back of the court and when Kathy missed the ball, (which was most of the time), I had to run and pick it up and hand it to her so she could return the serve. It was a very hot day and even though I was wearing a shirt I could still feel the sun on my sunburn. Finally I had to speak up. “Kathy, I am very tired and my back is starting to hurt.”

“That’s OK, we are just about finished anyway. You go back to the cabin and have a rest. Brian has a free pass for two, to play golf this afternoon and Jeff is not feeling well so I have agreed to play with him. I know you don’t play golf but you can come along and be our caddy. We are going to the bar for a couple drinks first but you go ahead, and take your nap. That way you will be all rested up for this afternoon.”

The afternoon was another disaster. I did not mind carrying Kathy’s clubs but I resented it when she told me to carry Brian’s as well. As they played their shots I would have to go over to them so they could select another club for their next shot. Some times they were quite far apart. Kathy complained saying, “Billie, you are going to have to move faster when we call. You are so slow that it’s spoiling our game.”

I feel Like telling her what I thought of this golf game, but I did not want to upset her. She told me last night that if I wanted sex again I had to do a better job of pleasure her. So I did my best even though the golf bag straps hurt my sunburned back and the hot sun on my bare head was starting to make me feel ill.

Finally it was over and we returned to the clubhouse. “Billie, you look terrible. You had better go back and lie down. Brian and I are going to have a few drinks first so I’ll be back later.”

I did not want to leave the two of them alone in a bar, but this time Iagreed with her, I was badly in need of a rest.

About 2 hours later, Kathy came in. “How is your back?”

“It is really, really sore,” I replied.

“Brian thought it might be. He and Jeff have invited us to a party at their place tonight, and he said if your back was sore, I should come anyway.” I was angry again. This is my honeymoon and I just want to be alone with my wife, but sore back or not I am not letting her go to a party alone.

After dinner we got ready. “How do I look?” Kathy asked as she spun around. She stood with her legs spread and it was easy to see her thin red panties under her miniskirt. She pulled the panties to one side and grinning at me said, “Come and suck mummy’s pretty pussy for her to get me in a party mood.”

“I don’t mind sucking you but how about doing something for me?”

“Is that all you think about, satisfying your own disgusting desires? I never met anyone as selfish as you. You are supposed to put your wife’s needs first.Now it’s too late. I won’t let you suck me. Hurry up and get ready for the party.”

We arrived at the party to find only Brian and Jeff there. “We date 2 sisters,” Brian said. “One got sick and the other had to stay home and look after her. But don’t worry, we can still have lots of fun. We have plenty of booze, food and good music.”

Brian turned on the stereo loud and he and Kathy did a lot of dancing while Jeff and I did a lot of eating and drinking. After a while Brian mentioned that he had a great adult party game prepared. Since Kathy was the only girl he would have to modify the rules a little. His original rule was the girl had to pick a piece of paper from a hat and do to her boyfriend whatever the paper said. His new rule was Kathy had to do to each of us what the paper said. Since I was her husband she would do me first.

The 1st read, whisper something sexy to your date, then stick your tongue in his ear. Kathy came to me; “I am so horny. I need your big cock in me. I could make you feel soo good,” then her tongue in my ear sent chills down my back. I liked what she did but it made me jealous to know she whispered the same thing to Jeff and Brian.

Next paper – take off one piece of clothing, shoes or jewelry do not count, and give your boyfriend a long French kiss. Kathy only had 3 pieces of clothing, her long white blouse, her short skirt and panties. She chose the skirt. The blouse hung half way to her knees so you couldn’t see much anyway. When she kissed me, with her arms around my neck, she pushed her pussy tight against my penis, and I could feel her nipples against my chest. It made me feel so good, but then it turned to announcement as she did Jeff and Brian the same way.

Next was, do a lap dance. Kathy took off her blouse for this, so except for her panties she was nude. First she rubbed her pussy against my face, her panties so thin it was like no panties at all. Then she sat on my lap and massed my aching hard on with her bum. She whispered, “Would you like to stick your big hard cock in my ass?” That was something I used to think about when I walked behind her, so it was especially painful to watch her do her lap dance for the other two and say the same thing.

Next was drop your pants so your girl can jerk your cock through your shorts. Kathy stood behind me, and pressing her pussy into my behind and her breasts into my back she jerked me. I was so close to coming that I think one more jerk would have done it. She must have felt my cock start to throb because she abruptly let go. I can’t be sure but I think she slipped her hand inside Brian’s shorts when she jerked him. I know she jerked him longer than me.

Then it was break time. I had drank quite a bit and my back was sore. Besides This was a lousy party with my wife being the only girl so I said, “Kathy, lets go home, it’s getting late.”

“You are such a party pooper. I’m having fun. I notice all your stern looks and disapproving glares. You are a wet blanket on the party so it’s better if you go home.”

That was not what I wanted to hear. “OK, if you want to stay I’ll stay also.”

“No, you go home, you said you were not having any fun and when you drink you get very moody.”

I did not want to leave her, but having opened my big mouth I had no choice. “Don’t stay to long,” I said weakly as I left.

It must have been about midnight when I left. Two hours later I could still hear the music coming from next door. About 2:30 the music stopped and I thought Kathy would come home, but she did not. About 3:30 the lights went out and I was sure she would come home now, but she didn’t. I fell asleep after that and woke up about 8:30 when Kathy came through the door. “Let’s go to breakfast, I’m hungry.”

No apology, no I am sorry or explanation as to why she did not come home. So I had to ask her. “I intended to come home but I had drank so much Brian thought it would be better for me to sleep over rather than risk injuring myself walking home in the dark.”

“So where did you sleep?”

“I slept in Brian’s bed. They only have 2 beds. You know that.”

“Did you sleep nude the way you usually do?”

“Yes, you know I always sleep that way but he didn’t do anything.”

“You mean to tell me you were nude in Brian’s bed and he didn’t do anything?”

“OK OK he kissed me a few times.”

“Is that all?”

“If you really have to know he fucked me. I asked him not to but he did it anyway.”

“How could you do that? We are on our honeymoon.”

“We were both drunk, and a little high, so it just happened. I don’t want to talk about it. It was all your fault anyway for going home so early.” I felt sick.

We spent a nice day in town doing some sightseeing and she did some shopping. It always made me feel good to walk beside her and see all the guys looking at her wishing they were me. How come good things do not last very long. “Brian has invitedd me out tonight. There is a hot dance band playing in town. This is the bands last night. Since you don’t dance I was sure you wouldn’t mind.”

“How could you agree to that. He raped you last night and now you want to go out with him?”

“I am not going to have sex with him, just dance. He is a good dancer and fun to be with. You are always moody and brooding. I told you what happened last night was your fault. Had you stayed until I was ready to go home, none of that would have happened.”

Back home she tried on her new outfit. The skirt was knee length, but it was split up both sides. Her bloom had a scoop neck that showed everything but her nipples. Taking off her skirt she smiled, “Should I wear these black silk panties, or my red thong, or Maybe no panties at all?” She looked so sexy standing there. I don’t know why she likes teasing me so much. I reached out to cares her.

Slapping my hand away she said, “You are always mauling me. I can’t even undress without you trying to feel me up. I was going to let you suck me, but you are such a pervert, I changed my mind.” We spent the rest of the day angle with each other. She thinks I am a pervert and I think she is for going out with somebody else on our honeymoon. It made me feel depressed but Kathy seamless to be in a good spirits.

About 8:00 PM, Kathy gave me a quick kiss on the cheese and she went out the door on her way to Brian’s. It feel so miserable to see my beautiful sexy wife go out on a date. I spent the evening watching TV and wondering what she was doing. I was determined to stay up until she got home. Around 3:30 she came in. I can tell she has been drinking and her skirt looks wrinkled. “Where have you been? The bars close at 2 o’clock”.

“After the dance Brian drive down to the beach and we sat and watched the moon over the sea.”

“And I suppose he fucked you again?”

“Billie why are you always so angry. I come home in a good mood and all you want to do is arguess. Let’s go to bed and I’ll give you some sex.” By the time I locked up and put out the lights, Kathy was naked in the middle of the bed with her legs spread. I was in my pajamas with my penis hard and sticking out as I tried to climb on top of her. She pushed me down between her legs. “No Sweetie, I want you to suck me first. Give me a nice slow tongue fuck with lots of sucking, just the way you know I like it.”

If that is what it takes to get her hot, I don’t mind, but I want to have some sex too. I sucked her just the way she trained me. She pretends I don’t do a good job so that I’ll continue to wear the tongue stretcher, but I can tell when she comes. Every time I suck her she comes, sometimes twice. After her second come she pushed me away saying she was tired and wanted to sleep. “But Kathy, I am all worked up, you said you would, so please let me make love to you.”

“I’m tired. If you are that horny, go jerk yourself off in the bathroom so I can go to sleep.” My balls ache preventing me from sleeping, yet Kathy is already sound sleep.

Eight o’clock in the morning and though I have only slept briefly, I was wide-awake. Kathy always slept in the nude so I pulled down the sheet to look at her body. She was so beautiful and sleeping soundly. I reached out and touch her breasts, she didn’t move. Next I kissed then sucked them and she still slept. I bet I could make love to her and she wouldn’t know. Her legs were spread, like she was inviting me. I got on top of her, being careful not to awaken her and slowly started to slip my penis into her pussy. That felt wonderful. I got it all the way into her hot pulsing pussy, when suddenly she woke up and pushed me off.

“You disgusting degenerate, trying to rap me while I sleep. Only a sex maniac would do that. Brian said you looked like a pervert Had you jerked yourself off like I told you, you would not be trying to rape me now. I am going over to Brian’s to give you a chance to get your acttogether. Maybe a couple days by yourself will give you time to get your emotions under control. Don’t you dare come over until I phone you.”

With that she throws a few things into an overnight bag and left, slamming the door behind her. All my begging and pleading was to no avail. Maybe I should not have tried to have sex with her, but it’s as much her fault as mine. She doesn’t give me any sex and she teas me all the time. It’s no wonder I am always horny. I spent the day inside because my back was still sunburned. I saw Kathy once with Brian on his front deck, drinking beer and laughing. She does not appear upset.


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