The Neighborhood Nympho Ch. 09

Synopsis: Keeping his new bride, a hopeless but happy nymphomaniac, satisfied is a full time job for her harried husband. Candice can’t help herself as she seduces and is seduced by everyone in the neighborhood as well as her coworkers, and discovers that many of her new conquests are as kinky in their own way as she is.


Getting Candice back to our place proved to be a daunting task, even though it was only a matter of around the block. I had never seen my trampy wife this wound out after any of the events in which we had been participants. Let me correct myself; I mean she was a participant while I was usually nothing but a spectator or busy trying to get some strange pussy to while away the time as she took on half the neighborhood in which we found ourselves staying. I often gave thanks that we weren’t near any type of military establishment. Our marriage could never have survived that type of temptation for my nympho wife.

It was nearly four in the morninging before I got Candice into bed, alone. I did the smart thing and bunked in the living room, needing to get the two or three hours of sleep time left before it was necessary to get ready to run the maze for another day. My plan was to try to wake my sleeping beauty of a wife just before leaving, and if unsuccessful call in to her company and let them know she wouldn’t be in until the afternoon due to an upset stomach. That was Only a partial lie considering the mess she left before I finally got her cleaned up enough so she could go to bed. The things I did for that woman should have been worth much more pussy than she was delivering these days, and I knew it. That made it easy to decide to take up the offer my new friends, the Tollivers, had made.

Already I’d began to morph into a pussy, or even worse a wimp, because I found myself giving Candice just one more chance before I pulled the trigger, so to speak. If she wasn’t home by supper time, as if she ever made supper or anyOther meal for that matter, I would call Miriam Simpson and make arrangements for my audition. If Candice didn’t like it, she could accompany me and perhaps take on the entire male population in the household, three generations of hard cocks, while I was exchanging body fluids with a fifty-eight year old woman just to spin her. When put into that kind of perspective, it was obvious I was only a step or two away from becoming a pussy-whipped wimp, a fate worse than death.

Things at work went none too well that day. My immediate supervisor, a woman I might add, chewed out my ass good. I feel like a small boy in the presence of his school teacher who was about to take down his pants in front of the whole class and tan his bare butt to a nice uniform shade of crisis with her trusty ruler, while he bent over and bawled like the sissy he was. Perhaps that might partially explain the woody I developed while she read me the riot act and at the same time provided me a good look down the front of her blouse. That gray-haired old bag had one nice set of tits; not as good as my wife’s but so what! I had a better chance with this middle-aged ball breaker than my nineteen year old sex machine on legs. When she finished reading me the riot act she gave me a quick grin and boldly stared at the tent that had been raised in my pants. What she said next floored me.

“I wish that was all it took to get that old goat of a husband of mine to want to fool around with me. It’s been months and I sure need some male companionship or I’ll go crazy and rape one of you studs!”

I backed out of the office holding my hands over the offending bulge that somehow she had caused. I now knew I was in deep and in need of some female companionship in the worse way. Perhaps Violet might be willing to take my case on very Short notice, but then again, not likely based on what I heard about her from the rumor mill. It seems that Violet had gone over to the dark side as some wag put it,in describing that she was now in an extremely serious lesbian relationship with a very young, superbly built, blue-eyed blonde that she had recently met at an orgy. The girl was married to some loser and his days were numbered according to my source. Gee I thought, it sounds like me and Candice, how depressing; Violet is getting more and better pssy than me, how bad can things get. I was to soon find out.

Twice that afternoon I called Candice’s place of business, at least the one that contributed part of her social security, only to be told she was “tied up” or “in conference”, code words I only knew too well. I wondered when someone would finally announce to me that my wife was “all tied up and in conference”. That would be the one that broke this camel’s back. Had I know what was going on in the company conference room while I was trying to find my wayward wife, I would have had kittens.

My tramp of a whore of a wife was actually in the main conference room being “interviewed” for a newly created position that was the brain child of the boss’ son, Nelson. Half a dozen of the top executives of the corporation were involved in this very important meeting. Four of them had flown in just for this event, a two day affairs that would keep my trampy wife “tied-up” for the entire time. Of interest, one of the six was a woman, Annabelle Larkin, tall, dark and gorgeous, the company’s head of HR, human relations for those of you not in tune with modern corporate-speak. The lady in question was between husbands, number three having just left the building with Elvis to find himself.

The “position” for which Candice was being interviewed would fall under either HR or Marketing, and both heads were vying for what was now described informally as “pubic” relations. Once a selection was made, a new, innocent title created by the corporate deep thinkers would be trumpeted to the far-flung reaches of the organization heralding the creation of perhaps the EmployeeMorale or Public Perceptions corporate tiger team, depending on which Division was successful in capturing Candice, who everyone agreed was the perfect candidate. Presently her “qualifications” were spread out on the conference table, the candidate’s best feature only a foot or so away from Annabelle Larkins’ aristocratic nostrils that were positively flaring as she sucked up as much of the blonde bombshell’s lusty, musky scent as her lungs could absorb. Her vitality, Niles Roonage, had almost lost his composition when he had the opportunity to feel for himself her natural attributes, no silicone for this candidate, that was a certainty.

I got home at my normal arrival time, some frazzled by the battle with traffic and the memory of the chewing out I got from that “sexy” boss of mine. If she started to look that good, perhaps it was time to hang it up and get rid of my young, beautiful, well-built, sex maniac of a wife. Then on the other hand there was the possibility of great sex with the Tolliver twins if I played my cards right. If that came to pass, I really didn’t care who Candice fornicated with as long as she didn’t bring any nasty surprise home like an STD or one of her conquests. I just knew in my bones that with the help of the Tolliver twins I could have a successful open marriage with Candice.

Armed with this thought, I decided to call up Miriam and see if tonight was open for my first interview. Miriam was delighted to hear from me and welcomed the idea of ​​having me over so she and her daughter might give me a preliminary “test drive” in preparation for the real thing on the weekend. The fat was in the fire so to speak. She went one step further by inviting me to come over and join the family for dinner, her way of saying that she had a feeling that my ditzy wife was not on the premises, nor was I expecting her shortly. It was amazing how many people who hardly knew my trampy wife realized my marriage was on the verge of going into the dumpster.

Who should open the door when I rang but one of the twins? I wasn’t sure which, but who cared? They must live in the pool I thought, as I took in her pink nipples, stiff from the coolness of early evening, capping her cone-shaped tits that seemed to be calling for me to see how much of those beauty I could get in my mouth at one time. Her tawny body was flecked with droplets of water, and I found myself fascinated by the one droplet that was wearing its way down her flat stomach, preparing to disappear into the tiny triangle of clothes that was her only covering. I could feel my erection growing rapidly, and from her dancing eyes and welcome smile, she too was very well aware of this transformation she was causing. She innocently inquired if I wanted to go skinny dipping, and I nearly lost it as I began to hyperventilate. At that moment I was saved from a complete meltdown by the arrival of Miriam Simpson, in her usual attire of uncovered skin.

She sent the blonde lovely on her way and escorted me into the main part of the house where the men waited, drinks in hand. Miriam made a joke about me looking like a deer in the headlights when confronted by Teri, and everyone laughed. Andrew described his early days trying to deal with these guileless girls who didn’t have a clue as to the effect they had on men. It got even funnier as he told about practically wearing out his wife in the bedroom as a result of his close proximity to these goddesses. Carl chimed in at that point and told pretty much the same story except his wife welcomed his advances with open arms and thighs and damned near killed him in the process. If Michael hadn’t come along and captured the hearts and pussies of the twins, they might have all been doomed. Then Carl gave yours truly a serious look and declared that they were counting on me to save the family bacon.

I was seated between the twins at the table and dinner proved to be quite challenging since they wore tight tubetops and short shorts that seemed sprayed on those luscious forms. We adults made small talk and the twins said very little as they were too busy shoveling food past their bee-stung lips and into their pinkish mouths. The metabolism of these nineteen year olds was unbelievable.

It gave me pause to realize that technically speaking, Candice, my tramp-whore nympho wife was also barely out of teenage like these Two. Then I thought better of that observation. At least Teri and Traci weren’t out at all hours fucking strange men and women. Hopefully I would become the only strange man in their lives for some time to come, regardless of what trouble my sometimes bedmate got herself into at work or wherever her whoring took her. If I knew what was going on even as I thought about her, I’d have been distraught, Tolliver twins or no Tolliver twins.

Miriam marched me off to her bedroom with a big smile on her face. She insisted on leading the way giving me a good view of her slightlysagging ass cheats and the small pockets of cellulite that had set up shop in her thighs. Still in all for a fifty-eight year-old woman she sure had plenty to be showing off. I could already feel a stirring in my loins that would allow me a fighting chance to meet her exacting requirements. For some crazy reason I wasn’t at all nervous about this meeting of the groins, in fact I was eager to start nailing Miriam’s slightly sagging body to the mattress, a very good sign for my future prospects as the keeper of the twins.

Meanwhile Candice was being escorted by the selection committee to their hotel for further evaluation of her talents. Annabelle and Niles had for some strange reason became quite chummy, very surprised considering the stakes. The two of them had suggested to the rest of the committee that it was critical the candidate be able to form an immediate bond with either sex, since in her capacity she would be dealing with any and every type of person, all of them deemedImportant to the corporation. The committee had agreed and so a trial was set up to evaluate Candice’s “interaction” skills with a group equally divided between men and women, all of them very competitive. Annabelle and Niles had been given responsibility for assembling this test group on extremely short notice and they had done brilliantly, calling on the resources of their respective Divisions to assemble this band of strangers to challenge Candice’s ability to form a good working relationship with each.

Poor Candice was about to walk into a trap from which she most likely could not escape. The two history for her position and all it means to their corporate image had salted the group with personnel who were beyond the pale. These were people who were brilliant, but anti-social, and as such were kept hidden away from most corporate person, Especially upper management. They were best described as necessary evils, and all the Divisions had a few. Now Candice was about to meeta half dozen carefully chosen, antisocial persons who harbored deep seated fears, anxietyies and anger for their corporate peers, especially one as beautiful and highly thought of as her, the blonde bombshell with a heart of gold and a head filled with nothing at all. The latter opinion was not shared by many of the men and women who encountered the blonde in a more nontraditional setting such as a sex orgy.

This session was Not held in a stuffy conference room out of fear that the setting would inhibit the response of the group to Candice. Instead the blonde nympho was directed to a private suite located in the upper reaches of the tower that looked down on this great metropolitan city. The suite had been uniquely furnished for this important group grope. The main bedroom had been turned into an intersection room that would have made any Central American banana Republic operation turn green with envy. It contained not only a large bed with various restraining fixtures, but a horse that could be used for whipping and sodomizing unruly personnel, a portable electric chair with enough power to curl the public hair of any occupation, and an examination table used by most gynecologists that had been modified for even more invasive probing.

The adjoining bathrooms contained facilities for giving all sorts of enemyas including high colonic procedures and colonoscopies. There were special shower stalls equipped with water ranged from a few degrees above freezing to a few degrees below boiling. There were tubs designed for forced submersion in a variety of liquids, some indescribable as far as their composition, and pumps designed to force enormous quantities of strange liquids into the bellies of reccalcitrant people. That was as far as Candice could tell me about the interrogation chambers.

As I later got the story from Candice, she didn’t Remember too much about her lengthy ordeal. Candice was removed from this suite on a stretcher, cold and gray-faced, andtransferred by ambulance to a private hospital owned and operated by a subsidiary of the corporation. She had been run through almost every piece of equipment in the area, some more than once. It would be many long weeks before the blonde bombshell was well enough to leave the hospital and begin a lengthy convalescence in another company facility located outside the country.

Thus ended the high level corporate career of my nympho wife. That is not to say that she wasn’t welcome at her old position, on her back, legs spread for all the execs at the minor subsidiary of the gigantic corporation which owned it and many other small time operations they had picked up as parts of the many deals they made to grow and screw their stockholders. As for me, during this period I had the time of my life mentoring the Tolliver twins, plus meeting and bedding all sorts of hot women who figured that if I was Candice’s husband and was currently nailing two of the hottest teens every to put on a thong, I must be hell on wheels in the sack. By the time they figured out they were wrong, I was on to the next starry-eyed bed bunny.

Now in the interests of keeping all the balls in the air, I’ll concentrate first on how my initial audit at the Tolliver residence went. As you may remember, I was not in the best of moods, thanks to the defect of my nympho wife for greener corporate pastures. Perhaps my ill humor strengthened My cause with the senior member of the family and her daughter as well. Miriam Simpson was at least twenty years older than any other bedmate I’d ever had. This was unexplored territory and yours truly approached our coupling with great care. I recall that foreplay and post-coital cuddling were worth big points, especially with the older generation. This stood me well as Miriam and I took sometimes getting to know one Another’s bodies. It was very apparent that Miriam knew her way around the male anatomy. She was already inhaling my cock while I was still sampling how her pussy tasted. She was earthy with a hint of walnuts, dried peaks and capers that soon was overshadowed by essence of gooseberries. If you believe what I just told you, there is a bridge in Brooklyn I’d love to sell you, cheap!

She urged me to get busy on her private parts and stop screwing around as if I had never seen or tasted a pussy in my life. That put me over the top. The next thing I knew, my cock was buried three quarters of the way inside her tight, slightly moist twat. She grunted and started clamping down on my imprisoned dick, sort of testing it for form, fit and function, the staples of the engineering profession or trade, depending on what kind one does. On a whim I leaned forward and planted a wet one on her lips and the next thing I knew, her mouth had turned into a wind tunnel and damned near sucked the tongue from my mouth. Now my juices were flowing big time and away we went on a wild ride over hill and dale. I had gotten so used to Candicethat this was like the first time all over again, except my mount was more like a Budweiser Clydesdale than an Arabian steamed bred for distance.

Miriam started breathing hard and her pussy got progressively wetter and wetter as we made the turn and sprinted for home. To me this was no contest as it was turning out to be a rather unique and very enjoyable encounter. My partner blinked first and squeezed off a nice breathy orgasm, her cunt clamping down on my captive cock. I let her ride out the storm and when she opened her eyes, I picked up the pace and away we went for another lap around the track. It was strange to feel like I was in control. Ever since I’d been with Candice, sex had become something different for me. There was sex with other women and sex with Candice, two ends of the spectrum, both good in their own way, but so different as to be impossible to judge on the same scale.

Miriam fooled me by rolling over and getting on top. The scamp positioned herself sothat her tits hung like ripe fruit just out of reach of my tongue. Now I was being forced to do all the work, and she was just along for the ride, and ride me she did. The closer I got to an ejaculation, the lower the hanging fruit. Now I could suck her nipples and enjoy their stiffness as they brushed across my lips as my dick pounded up into her tightening cunt. I couldn’t believe she was getting ready to have another orgasm, but cum she did and it was a dilly. I swear that pussy just sucked the cum from my churning balls like some monster vacuum cleaner. I felt as if my entire body was cumming, every pore unleashing its contribution to this awesome collision of the groins. My god, there would be life after Candice if that was the way it went for us.

It has been my experience that right after an ejaculation like I’d Just had, all I wanted to do was find a dark place and sleep it off almost as if I was on a bender. Instead here I was, sucking Miriam’s nipples like I was a nurseng baby, and from the moans issuing from her she loved it! Minutes later we were frenching each other like teenagers and I felt a faith stirring where my cock used to lodge. A few minutes later Miriam’s mouth wrapped around the top of my swelling joint and a few minutes afterward there was a resurrection of epic proportions.


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