Synopsis: Keeping his new bride, a hopeless but happy nymphomaniac, satisfied is a full time job for her harried husband. Candice can’t help herself as she seduces and is seduced by everyone in the neighborhood as well as her coworkers, and discovers that many of her new conquests are as kinky in their own way as she is.
Draining that swamp of Sally’s proved to be quite a task. While I Worked, the ladies bantered. Miriam commented that she wanted to get a contribution from Carl, but the old goat wasn’t in the mood for a quickie. That brought a hearty chuckle from Sally, so hearty in fact that it increased the flow of cum into my mouth by a considerable amount. She confessed that beside her husband, Miriam’s husband had also made a donation, quite a large donation she added. I could feel her mother tensioning up by the force with which she squeezed my root. That sure took my mind off what I was swallowing, but put a crimp in my joint that would require some attention if Miriam was expecting anything from me in the very near future. Things quickly calmed down and my hostess resumed stroke my cock back into reading, while Sally continued to drain the contents of her well fucked snatch into my mouth so I could swallow it down.
For the next half hour or so they kept me on the edge, taking turns on my stiff shaft. It was fairly obvious that this mother-daughter combination had spent plenty of time perfecting their moves and Miriam had mentored her daughter, passing along plenty of the tricks of the trade, so to speak. On the other hand being in limbo was not my idea of showing off my skills. Since this game was at their home, and the stakes were huge, I kept my own counsel and went along for the ride. My mind began to wander despite all the bare flesh that was in evidence. Naturally it focused, almost against my will, on my blushing bride, the corporate whore, who was probably this moment doing something that might make us both blush.
The trioof male malcontents dragged the naked body of my batteryed bride into one of the smaller rooms of the suite. It looked like a bathroom because of the tile, but it lacked most of the features associated with one. In one corner was a small enclosure that at first glance looked like a shower except for the hook mounted in the ceiling of this structure and the lack of a shower head or faucets of any kind. The two assistants hung the comatose blonde from the hook, her wrists protected somewhat by padded cuffs. They stepped from the enclosure and shut the transparent door that sealed tightly from top to bottom.
On the wall by the door was a large meter graduated in degrees Fahrenheit, which the black man quickly understands to be the temperature of the water that could be diverted into the stall. The range went from just above freezing to just below the boiling point of water. Of even greater interest was the controller that could be programmed to deliver both the amount and temperatureof the water that would enter the chamber. Since he was the only one who fully understood the set-up, he quickly took control. “Watch me wake this white bitch up in one big hurry!” he exclaimed as his face hardened.
His companies watched as he punched in a series of commands and hit the start button. A cascade of water poured down from a vent that opened in the ceiling of the chamber, blocking their view of Candice’s body. It Lasted for fifteen seconds, and probably felt like much longer to the blonde teen whose body was immediately covered with goose flesh and she started to shiver uncontrollably from the singing cold. The man had set the water temperature to forty degrees for the initial soaking. The others were still too overcome by their ignorance about the equipment to want to take a turn, instead they let him continue to call the shots.
“I’ll bet the bitch is freezing her ass off by now. Guess she just might appreciate a little warm up to take the chill off. This time I’m gonna parboil the stuck-up cunt until she looks like a lobster.” As the man spoke his hands were flying over the keyboard to send the commands that would subject their victim to the other extreme in water temperature. Fortunately for Candice, wiser men that these had designed and then modified the equipment to prevent fools like this group from seriously harming the subject. She could be subjected to water than might make her believe Her skin was going to fall off any second, but that was the mental and not the physical effect of the equipment. This time she took a much longer “shower”, which did leave her skin looking red and once it had started made her start screaming in terror. The men clapped their hands and acted like little children as they observed Candice’s reaction to the hot water.
The two guides stepped in at this point and suggested that Candice was ready for whatever they had planned to do to her once the ladies had finished. There was some grumbling from the trio, but deep down they knew their place, and didn’t want to jeopardize this golden opportunity to not only vent their spleen to further humiliate the blonde beauty, but get some first class pussy as well. A shaken Candice was taken down from the hook and escorted by the guidelines to the carpenter’s horse, located in still another relatively small room of the suite. The women joined them, which made it a very tight fit. In truth there was now barely enough room to swing a cat, a cat-o’-nine-tails that is.
When compared to the sleep, complex machines that seemed to be in every room of the suite, what was contained in this place could be only described as primitive. However it was a simple design that had stood the test of time. The carpenter’s horse could be found on any construction site, except for the padding on the crosspiece over which Candice was now being placed before she was restrained by straps that would hold her wrists and ankles tight to the legs of the fixture. A much thicker strap was used to prevent the midsection of her body from moving more than a few inches in any direction, and two more held her thighs wide giving her attackers easy access to her cunt. Her long blonde hair brushed the floor, but in this position she was unable to see what was going on behind her. She presented a picture of vulnerability and accessibility that made her captors lick their chocolates at the prospect of what they were about to do to that fabulous body.
It was Elvira who came up with an idea that would allow everyone of the malcontents to have some piece of the action. It was one of those win-win situations and after some discussion, the distaff side was welcome to join the men in teaching this tramp a lesson that she’d not soon forget. One of the ladies would assist the men in getting prepared to skewer the corporate representative. Her job was to pull Candice’s head up and back by her long hair to enable her to orally prepare whoever it was that was next in line to fuck her bowlegged. Being a hopeless nymphomaniac, Candice would be eager to cooperate in hopes of getting her it scratched as well.
After each man had his opportunity to rut inside the nympho’s hot, wet cunt, one of the women would take a turn using one of the many whips, crops, switches and even a vicious cane reserved for only one stroke per customer, to decorate the blonde’s hind quarters, stretching from the base of her spine to the backs of her knees. Since it would likely take the men a fairly lengthy period to recover for another round, the ladies would take their places and the men would now become the ones responsible for turning Candice’s bottom and surroundings to hamburger. Things went swimmingly for almost an hour before the monitors suggested the group move on to other ways to make the teen suffering for her hazardousness.
Candice had become a Very frustrated young nympho. The three men turned out to be buss. None of them managed to last more than a minutee or two before spurting their seed. Worse yet they all lacked either girl or length. The doll-like individual lacked both, which was unfortunate for both him and Candice for very different reasons. The black computer science guy was quite thick which Candice enjoyed, but lacked length, which means not much of her cunt was stimulated. The balding one had a cock that was much above average in length, but felt like a needle to her, especially when he touched bottom on a few occasions before dribbling his contribution deep inside her nearly vacant twat.
The ladies were hard pressed not to titter and point towards whoever was trying his best to satisfy himself as well as show Candice who was the boss. Humiliation can be a powerful essential to call attention to someone or divert it to somewhere else. The men wasted little time in attacking the blonde’s Poster with whatever struck their fancy. Her bouncy buns were cross hatched with deep welts from whips and crops, then overlaid with gashes from the switches that tore into her swollen cheats. No one passed on the cane. The men took two turns fucking and then whipping Candice, while the women were limited to a single turn.
Candice did manage to squeeze off a few orgasms when she was nailed by the women who used straw-ons and vibrators to get her juices flowing sufficiently that she could leave the planet for a few short trips. The men had no luck at all in bringing her to orgasm, which infuriated them no end and made the beatings they gave her savage and merciless. Without the intervention of the monitors, Candice might have been severely harmed by the anger males. As it was, the canes did the majority of the serious damage.
Twice she took brutal blows on the base of her spine. They made her feel as if she was paralyzed each time, which utterly terrified her to the point that she would pee uncontrollably. Twice the slightly built one managed to land the cane between her swollen ass cheeses, splitting them apart from top to bottom as she screamed in age. That particular pain stayed with her for many long minutes. She quivered and shook the entire time as her captors observed her reaction to this fiendish torque, nodding their heads with satisfaction at the pain she received.
Once the cane split the swollen flesh of her ass cheeks at the midpoint, leaving a welt that would remain for over two weeks before the mark faded. The Other stroke of the cane caught her at that tender region just below her now lacerated bottom. For reasons that were not apparent, the women eschewed the cane. However they did their best to whip her bottom and the backs of her thighs and legs to shreds with other weapons such as the switches.
Candice was in such pain and had such injuries that it was necessary for the monitors to carry her to the next room where she was to face still more pain and punishment for in reality being beautiful, young and a seeming favorite of the moves and shakers in the corporation. Based on what was going on between Anabelle and Niles, nothing could be further from the truth. Candice was considered a threat to their power and as such had to be eliminated.
Meanwhile I was developing a severe case of blue balls, something usually afflicting certain types of teenagers, not a grownup like myself. They’ll be a slight pause while everyone snickers at this observation and its source. Miriam and her daughter continued to use and abuse me, teasing me unmercifully. I lost track of how many times I was taken to the edge and then jerked back for more torque. Of course compared to what my faithless wife was enduring, who was I to complain? Then quick as a wink the climate in the bedroom changed. Now it was stand and deliver and don’t keep us waiting.
Sally was first in line and insisted I took her in the reverse cowgirl position which forced me to do most of the work, since she decided to just go along for the ride. I huffed and I puffed and somehow managed to get off a fairly decent offering. She rolled off and Miriam replaced her in the cowgirl position, grinning down at my configured face as I manfully struggled to provide her with enough hard cock to keep her happy, but not truly satisfied. We locked loins quickly and despite my previous ejaculation we continued to go at it, undaunted by such minor details as the fact that I’d just made a substantial deposit, and Although the spirit might be willing, the body was definitely suffering from a severe case of weakness. Now the huffing and puffing was replaced by wheezing as I felt as if I had aged twenty years.
My two examiners continued to trade places despite my being unable to deliver the goods. I guess the color of my face, a bright red from what I could imagine, must have touched their maternal instincts, and so the slaughter was tabled for a few minutes. This did not mean complete rest for the wear, as they continued to manipulate my limber appendage and make sure IAlways had a hard-nippled breast on which to nurse. When Miriam began to jack my cock into her daughter’s mouth, I knew that was signal that the rest stop was over and we were getting back on the road.
After a few minutes Sally scrambled up and turned around so that her pussy was glooped to my mouth. Miriam demonstrated another of her skills by inserting a knowing middle finger up into my rectal region in order to stimulate my throbbing prostate, which by now felt as if it was the size of a golf ball. All the while she continued to jack my cock with her other hand. Had I not been struggling so hard to get off, I might have appreciated her talents even more. Sally was inhaling my entire sore, little soldier, demonstrating her skill at deep throating, which somehow didn’t surprise me. I figured that must have been another trick that was passed down from one generation to the next.
All of a sudden everything they were doing to get me off seemed to come together and away I went.It was epic, something I didn’t think I was capable of doing, but the proof was in the sound of Miriam’s daughter gulping down the little wigglers that my aching balls somehow managed to generate. After that, all I wanted to do was take a nap, but they had another surprise in store for me. It was to be the final part of my exam, and it was for all the marbles.
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