Synopsis: Keeping his new bride, a hopeless but happy nymphomaniac, satisfied is a full time job for her harried husband. Candice can’t help herself as she seduces and is seduced by everyone in the neighborhood as well as her coworkers, and discovers that many of her new conquests are as kinky in their own way as she is.
I could not believe my eyes! The first thing that caught my attention was the pump operated penis gag stuffed into Candice’s mouth and in the process of being blown up to whatever she could take depending upon the ability of her facial muscles to expand. Right now her cheeks were bulging like she was a chipmunk with a month’s worth of acorns stored in her jowls. My nympho wife’s face had turned red as she struggled against the pressure from the gag narrowing her air passageway. Then I noticed that her butthole was also being distended with another type of vacuum operated plug that was so large that a portion of her rectum was being pushed outward, wrapping itself into a shape that looked very much like a doughnut.
My hostess rushed towards me with a half frown of dismay, her hands fluttering almost as if she was trying to shoo me away. This was one cuckold who was not being dismissed so easily. The other couples suddenly became aware of my presence and they turned in my direction, their faces showing irritation and anger more than fear at my appear. It was then I heard the deep voice of Mark Connor, warning me to not get in the way of progress.
“Now hold on there cowboy! Things aren’t what they look to be. Just stand back and let us give your wife the biggest, baddest orgasm she ever had in her young life. Now we’re not talking about a little flooding and maybe a scream or two, we’re talking about a tidal wave that will be bend Candice’s brain and body like never before. What you see right now is step one in the making of the greatest orgasm she’ll ever have. If you get impressed by this one, just wait untilwe get her primed for step two. That one will be like Everest blowing its top, something one can only imagine, but it’s the best example I can come up with for a step two orgasm. Then there is the chemically aided step three, the ultimate big O, as in orgasm. This could be hazardous to Candice’s mental health, but it’s worth the risk; take it from me.”
I had to admit that Mark’s words were of great interest to me. Who knows, perhaps the orgasm to end all orgasms might be just the ticket to cure my wife of her nymphomania. So I backed off and let the folks have their day in court. I was almost instantly rewarded as Marilyn sidled up to me and said that my display of maturity had elevated me substantially in her eyes, hinging with a batting of her eyes that I might expect a reward from her in the not too distant future. It worked for me. However the fact that my wife was turning blue and the doughnut shaped portion of her rectum was increasing by leaps and bounds did disconcert me just a wee bit.
The leather woman took center stage and worked a thin, angled, plastic rod into Candice’s cunt and searched around in that ultra-tight space until she found what she was looking for; my guess was that infamous G-spot, which I was never able to locate on my trampy whore of a wife. She nodded to the group and that was the signal for the lean, mean one to join her. Her contribution was one of those high speed pocket rockets with the multiple heads, guaranteed to get any woman, except those recently expired, off in one big hurry. She made eye-contact with her partner and they set to work stimulating my wife. At first all you could hear was the high pitched whining of the vibrator. Without warning Candice went stiff as a board and tried to levitate her body from the confining straws and other restrains holding her fast to the swing. Her baby blues bulged from their sockets and her lips started to tremble as they turned an ugly shade of magenta. Then all hell broke loose.
About a quarter of the Velcro holding her down was overstressed to the point of failure. You could hear the eerie sound of the material separating as by magic. Candice’s midsection began to twitch and shake seconds before a rush of what could only be described as pussy cream or sludge exploded from the narrow confines of her overstuffed cunt. Both ladies were thrown back from the thrashing body of my blonde bombshell and their toys propelled at some extraordinary velocity across the room, smoking against the wall. Then came the keening wail, but not from her mouth, which was still unable to overcome the penis gag, but through her flaring nostrils. It was as if a demented bagpiper was testing his instrument for volume and scales.
The audience was transfixed by the display of power exhibited by my wife. Then as suddenly as it began, it ceased, leaving Candice pale as a sheet, her impressive chest barely drawing air into her lungs. It was Marilyn Connor who steppedup and saved my wife from serious physical and mental damage. She quickly deflated the penis gag and that brutal bung that had forced my wife’s rectum to nearly rupture. It dawned on me that I hadn’t taken a breath since the orgasm, or whatever it was, took over Candice’s body.
By popular demand there was a brief intervention so everyone could regain their composition. I was surprised to see Candice being took down from the swing and massed by the leather woman and her husband to restore her circuit. My nympho wife had still not fully recovered from that first shattering orgasm, and I wondered if she could survive all the other trips they had planned for her on the way to the ultimate O. Ten minutes later Marilyn announced that the next scene in this session would be taking place in the upstairs playroom. There was no way that they were going to freeze me out of witnessing what was to go on upstairs, short of offering me some pussy, which was not forthcoming.
The playroom had already been set up for broadcasting. The amount of money necessary to provide the professional grade hookups I’d seen at the Connor home indicated they were more than just amateurs when it came to this type of activity. It also explained why the Connors didn’t appear to have any visible means of support, it was all here in their house. A weird thought passed through my fevered imagination. What would these Two offer me if I was to arrange for them to have the opportunity to film and even participate in a scene featuring the Tolliver twins, yours truly and perhaps even my wife the neighborhood nympho? Then I quickly dismissed it as my wet dream of the month. There was no way that Sally and Andrew Tolliver were going to buy in on that one, so I thought.
They wasted no time getting Candice ready for this portion of the session. My wife had begun to really get into bondage in a big way, which often made me nervous for a variety of reasons. Each of the four invitations took oneof my wife’s limbs and began immobilizing it in a very novel way. First the limb would be bent at the joint, knee or elbow, and then wrapped tightly with adheren tape until the limb was totally covered. Additional layers of a different type of fiber tape were wrapped at the ends to provide a purchase for the handling hooks that were screwed into them. Mark explained this bondage technique as partial mummification, a rather far-out application to keep the victim from interfering with the various treatments that would follow. In Candice’s case it didn’t take a genius to figure out what type of treatments she was going to receive. To complete the bondage, they wrapped adhere around Candice’s head, being careful not to get it stuck in her long tempers. A ring gag, placed in her mouth and opened to its limit, provided access for those interested in oral sex or tormenting her mouth, teeth or tongue.
It was definitely a kinky scene that followed. Candice’s “amputated” legs and arms were pulled into positions that allowed her assistants easy access to her cunt, asshole and mouth. They took full advantage of this situation. I decided to go downstairs and have another drink once cocks were buried deep and seeing away into all three of her available holes. The ladies were waiting patiently to take their turns once the men got done pumping my wife full of their sperm for at least the second time this evening. I couldn’t Help but notice that the leather man had already popped a little blue pill before starting in on my whorish wife. The cameras whirred and clicked, while the transmitters hummed as the action was transmitted around the world. My wife was in the process of becoming a very big star in a very small market for adult entertainment. I wondered if any of her fans at work were by chance hooked into this feed. Now that would have taken the cake for sure. Little did I know that the son of the boss, Nelson, and his two rooms were seated on the couch at their place slavering over what they were witnessing.
Downstairs in my little out of the way alcohol, I had another drink and watched as the brunette’s asshole grow wider as the never ending attack on her gaping, brown eye with real and plastic or rubber cocks continued almost nonstop. Every so often the camera would focus on her blank face and unblinking eyes. I wondered if she had been drugged for his scene.
Now I Became more than a bit uncomfortable watching this woman being ruined by a pack of adults for their enjoyment, not to mention those who were catching it on the network. She sure didn’t look as if this was one of the highlights of her young life. My mind began to wander, imagining this was Terri or Traci Tolliver and I was one of the guys nailing her tight asshole and enjoying the way she shook and shivered. Then I realized that Candice, my new bride and hopeless sex maniac, was only a few years older than the twins, and she was upstairs all alone and at the mercy of this crew of sadists. That did it! From now on I was going to be watching, and if there was anything I didn’t like I was going to holler and holler loud!
I made my second entrance just in time to witness the grand finale of this part of the session. Candice was suspended above the big bed by her long blonde hair that was knotted around a hook that came down from the ceiling. Lying beneath her was Marilyn, with her monster dildo buried to the hilt in Candice’s asshole. Kneeling in front of my dangling darling was the leather woman and her dildo was seeing away inside my dear wife’s cunt. Standing in a straddle position over the leather lady was the lean, mean woman and her dildo was plugging my wife’s gullet, as evidenced by the bluish cast to her face. Dribbling from both her lower holes were donations that had been obviously made by the men still standing around and Making obscene comments for the worldwide audience. A red light blinked on, signaling the end of this segment and everyonene disengaged, leaving Candice spinning freely from her golden locks, her big tits heaving as her lungs sucked in huge gulps of air. Mark announced another break before the final two segments that would be aired from the downstairs studio once more. It was already well past eleven, and my estimate was maybe two in the morning before the festivals were all over.
Against my better judgment I had another quick nip of the bourbon on my way to the downstairs playroom and studio. By now all three women were looking rather attractive to yours truly, despite the proximity of my gorgeous wife, who like them was stark naked. The red light went on and the next portion of the session was live from the good old US of A. Candice was tied into the sex swing in a rather simple position, her legs pulled wide to expose her crisis-lipped cunt still leaving the residual cum that remained deep within her well lubricated fuck tunnel as most of the folks were now referring to her cunt. Her ass cheeses were neatly framed by a set of straps that held it firmly so it had very little freedom for motion. Candice’s arms were pulled straight up over her head and anchored to the swing using Velcro. Unlike her previous sessions, in this one her mouth was free of any type of gag. I would discover the reason for this in due time.
I knew something bad was getting ready to happen when the men donned condoms, double-walled no less, According to Marilyn. I watched, bleary-eyed as our hostess approached Candice from the rear and opened a tube of some kind of ointment. For this activity she was protecting her hands with latex gloves. Candice had no idea what was happening, she couldn’t turn her head far enough to look behind her where most the activity was taking place. Even if she could see the line up and the preparations clearly, it still might not have registered as to precisely what was about to take place.
To me what they were planning wouldn’t do much to inducing any type of orgasm, let alone one that was to be spectacular. It looked as if they were going to gangbang her anally, and to make matters worse some kind of irritant was going to be added to make it much more painful than normal,. Now I know that Candice was getting hung up on bondage, and she loved it in the ass, but as far as I knew, she was definitely not into pain, thank goodness. Since yours truly was just a bystander at this soiree the best approach would be to shut my mouth and see what translated, which is exactly what I did.
Approximately ninety minutes later my wife, the neighborhood nympho, had a mind-blowing orgasm that nearly took the top of her head off. It was a miracle, a triumph of aversion therapy and another example of why I was not ever going to be playing in the big leagues of sex. Now that I’ve given away the punch line, so to speak, let’s go back and do an instant replay so the brilliance of what they did can be shown.
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