The Neighbor Lady

In my first year of summer break of my freshman year in college my parents demanded that I get a job to offset my college costs. They said I needed to make five thousand dollars before I could go back for the fall term.

I was like, “What? There is a recession going on. There are no jobs that can pay me that kind of money.

My dad said, “There are factory jobs. You are six foot one and two hundred pounds. You have marketable skills in manual labor.”

I was flabbergasted. I said. “After I worked my ass off all school year, even making the deans list, and now I have to stand in a ninety degree factory all summer. This is not fair.”

My dad just said, “Deal with it. I had to when I was your age.”

“What a fucking prick.” I thought.

So I start looking and fuck me, there were only the ugliest of ugly jobs.

Anyway after another long day looking I’m walking home and I am eight houses away from home when all of a sudden I hear a neighbor lady call out tome, ” Jerry, Come here.”

It was Mrs. Prendergast, the bitchy Irish neighbor sixes houses down from ours.

I knew her daughter Sara. We went to school together. Sara was a flamed redhead with a mean temperature if you got on her bad side, but we always got along pretty good. Her mom whose name was Orla was also that same flamed redhead and she was always trying to “fix us up,” but we just didn’t click like that. We were good friends but just never any sparks.

So I walk up her driveway and she wants the “low down” on my entire life and we talk for a bit. She invites me up to her porch for some lemonade and that sounded good to me.

She said Sara got a job in the town where she went to college and asked me what I was doing all summer. I told her, “I was pounding the pavement looking for something that wasn’t a factory job but there wasn’t anything and my dad said I had to make five grand for school by fall and I am sweating bullets.”

She smiled and I could see she was cooking something up in her head. She thought for a minute and then said, “I’ve got an idea for you. Since Bob (Her late husband who had died two years ago) died I’ve had to pay a lawn service and a landscape service to keep my yard up to speed. Not to even mention the handyman services every time a damn light bulb burns out. I think I pay more than that for all those guys. You come and work for me doing anything and everything I need and want, lawn, garden, flowers, and whatever else I can come up with and I’ll pay you six grand for the summer. Now if my math in my head is correct that is fourteen weeks divided by six grand and it’s well over four hundred a week and I am going to make you earn every penny. You have a problem with hard work Jerry?”

“No mam. Not a bit. I’m just amazed that you would do that for me.” I replied.

She laughed and said, “Well we will see how amazed you stay.”

And then out of the blue she asks, “So, what do people say about me Jerry?

I thought, “Oh fuck. I am not telling her any of that shit.” And before I could even think of an answer she kept right on talking. “They think I am a fucking bitch don’t they?”

I tried to think of a way to “soft sell” an answer and said, “Well people think you are a hard woman because your husband died and,”

“Bullshit,” she barked as she cut me off. “They think that because I am a fucking bitch, and you had better get used to working for a fucking bitch right now. So stop bullshitting me. When I ask you a question I expect a true fucking answer, you got that? And don’t even both to answer that with your bullshit or I will spank your ass on the first day you are working for me. Now, do you still want this fucking job Jerry? Even though I may blister your ass for every fucking thing you do or say wrong?”

Now I am thinking to myself, “Blister my ass? Really bitch? I’m six one and you are not blistering my ass.” But I said, “Sure I want this job Mrs. Prendgast,” Bam, she cut me right off again very snarly, “And don’t you dare call me Mrs. Prendgast, again or I will blister your ass. My name is Orla, and You will call me Orla.”

Damn this bitch was into this “blister your ass” statement, and then as if she was reading my mind she just kept on talking saying, “And if you think I’m fucking around you better think twice before you take this job. Sara didn’t come home for summer for a reason. I was spanking her bare ass until the day she left. She knows, and so will you before long.”

Now I felt the need to say something but what? What the fuck do you say to someone saying she is going to blister your ass at age nineteen so I once again tried to just calm the situation down a bit when I said as I smiled, “Well Orla, I think I’ll be able to manage this job without all that much trouble.”

She stared at me with, well, I wouldn’t call it a mean look, but it sure as hell was a “Don’t fuck with me look” that made me feel uncomfortable all of a sudden, and then she calmly but firmly says, “Listen to me you little fuckwad, I am the boss. This is my house, my game, my money, and it sure as fuck is going to be my rules. If you fuck up and I say get in that house NOW and pull those fancy shorts down before I put you across my lap, the only phrase I expect to hear is, yes mam. Not, I’m sorry, Not ANYTHING! Those are my rules. And I am sure as fuck that there will be many more rules to come. So are you working for me?”

I sat there totally dumbfounded and was about to try and defend myself in some way, but as I looked at that flaming red hair and those piercing green eyes I felt this funny feeling in my stomach and just said, “Yes mam.” And to my shock and dismay as I stood up to leave I noticed that I had a boss poking out my pants. I was like, “What the fuck”. and as I hurried off the porch to hide my obvious situation I heard a nice calm Orla says, “See you tomorrow morning Jerry. Nine AM sharp.”

I stopped, turned my head without turning my body so she wouldn’t see and said, “Nine AM. I will be here.” But I still had that same funny feeling in my stomach.

The next morning I was up at seven, just couldn’t sleep for some reason. I think I was excited about the new adventure, and a little unnerved as well.

I was there five minutes early and yes, she did look at her watch. She had me start by taking everything out of the garage which I then I had to sweep. It was a good hour and a half before it was all done.

Next she had me cut the back grass but it was a bit messy so I had a good half hour of cleanup before I could even start. It was close to noon but it wasn’t a huge yard and I thought I could get it done before I had lunch. So I cutting my ass off and working up a sweat but it is getting done fast. I thought, ” She is going to like this.” All of a sudden BAM, and that mower jerked so hard it pulled out of my hands and stopped dead. The door swung open and there she was glaring. “What was that?” She asked.

“Oh fuck me,” I thought, and said, “I think I hit something.”

She glared at me and then barked out, “I told you to pick up the yard, are you deaf?”

I calmly said, “I did hear you and I did spend a half hour picking things up, but I must have missed something.”

She kept glaring, lowered her voice and said, “Get your fucking ass in here, NOW”

I was trying to salvage something here and said, “Can I finish mowing first?”

She had already turned around to walk away and at my question she spun around and said, “You are just making it worse Jerry. NOW!” and walked into the house.

I was totally unnerved as I walked to the house and I stopped at the bottom of the porch, took a deep breath and went up the four steps and into the house.

As I went in I saw her sitting on a chair that she had pulled away from the table and into the middle of the kitchen, and she was holding a riding crop. A fucking riding crop to whiphorses.

I looked and said, “Now wait a minute,” and that was all I got out, She cut me right off with the wave of her hand.

In a low firm and cold voice she said, “I am going to repeat this one more time for your dense little brain. When you are called into this kitchen you come in unbuckling your shorts and pulling them down. Why the fuck are you still standing there? Now, you little dickwad, NOW.”

I was moving on instinct and I quickly pulled my shorts down. I stood there until she said. “Get your fucking ass over and in my lap, and those journeys damn well better be down to your ankles in those three steps. When I reached her she grabbed my hand and pulled me over her knee. My quickly hardening cock was pressed up against her leg and then I felt the pain of the crop on my ass. Five times with a couple seconds space between each one, and each one harder than the last. My ass was on fire, and then she gently patted it and said, “Ok all done now. You can get up.”

I stood up totally humiliated, my cock rock hard, there is this beautiful, (did I even mention that she was beautiful?) 42 year old flaming redhead with those piercing green eyes staring at my cock. She smiled and said, “Well, look at the boss boy. Did you like that little whipping? It sure looks like you did doesn’t it.”

I reached down to pull my shorts back up and once again she stopped me saying, “Stop that. Your ass is redder than my hair. Come.” And with that she grabbed my cock and walked. I had to quickly step out of my shorts and jumpeys so I didn’t fall flat on my face but she didn’t care, she was walking to the bathroom. She slammed the toilet seat down and sat on it still holding my cock and then spun me around, softly cared my sore bare ass. She reached over and got this tube of something, put it in her hand and caressed it into my singing ass. It felt fabulous. She kept caressing it in and was starting to get close to my crack and I instinctively kind of started going into a slight squatting position. Only an inch or two but it was movement and she couldn’t help but notice. She snickered and said, “Does my boss boy like that?” And then she spun me sideways, looked at my raging hard on and laughed, then she just grabbed it. Now she had one hand in the crack of my ass and the other on my cock and I was facing a full length mirror watching. I watched her pull both hands away from me, grab that tube of whatever it was and then rub her hands together, and then she looked into my eyes in the mirror and put both hands back where they were and said, “Are you ready bonder boy? This is what happens to boys who get a bonder around me.”

She started pumping my cock while at the same time her finger was massaging my butthole and then she pushed it in about three inches. I feel my breath escape me as I moaned, and then it was out and back in with another finger, and at first they stretched me and then she started massaging me at that three inch spot and then all at once as I am watching this happening I just explode all over that mirror, after the first two spurts she put her hand over the opening and caught the cum and just kept pumping my cock with my cum as the lube and her fingers keep massaging my hole deep within me.

And then she just stood up, twirled around, washed her hands in the sink, grabbed a washcloth that was sitting there and throw it at me. As she walked out she just almost coldly said, “Now, clean up that fucking mess and go finish that backyard. You will have the front yard done too before you leave, Right?

I stood there in a daze, my cum running down that mirror, my ears ringing and somehow I did manage to say, “Yes mam.

I started cleaning my cum off the mirror and noticed quite a bit on the floor from both running down and the dribbling’s that didn’t reach the mirror when all of a sudden these tears start falling from my eyes.

I had no idea what the fuck had just happened. I went from this big shot six one hard ass who wasn’t getting his ass blistered to this little weak baby with not only a blistered ass but was a sniveling pussy cleaning his own cum off the mirror. How the fuck did this happen. How did she reduced me into such a little boy.

I cleaned up my messing thought how turned on I was watching her in that fucking mirror as she did what she did to me.

I finished and quietly went outside, made damn sure there wasn’t anything else in that yard, and I did find that fucking rock that started all this. It was about like a softball and looked like some kid (probably Sara) had painted flowers on it about ten years ago. I throw that fucker as far into the woods as I could over that fence. I finished both back and front yards up, walked up to the door and yelled in, “All done Orla. See you tomorrow.”

All I heard was, “Nine AM sharp, boss boy. HA HA HA HA.”

That night I had the worst nightmare of my life where I was this slave being beaten andI couldn’t sleep so I turned on my Laptop and looked at porn of guys getting their asses blistered while I jacked off.

At eight fifty five I was saying, “Good morning Orla.”

Orla seemed happy that I came back and the day was uneventful, mostly because I didn’t do anything wrong, and this continued for about six weeks. When I did make a mistake if I Couldn’t hide it she seemed to just let it go and we got along pretty good. For the most part it was going easy. The work wasn’t too hard, she fed me like a king and the money was more than I had ever hoped for. All was good, except that I was scared shitless that at any moment she could reduce me to my six year old self.

And then one day, it happened.

She had me weeding the flower gardens and just before lunch she comes out and is standing over me. I look up at her because I am sitting on the ground and she is towering over me with this means as hell look on her face. She is wearing these really short and tight shorts that had to be Sara’s. She finally yells at me, “What the fuck are you doing?” Those are my perennial’s. They aren’t fucking weeds you idiot. In the house, NOW.”

As she stormed off in a rage two things happened. My heart started beating like a motherfucker, and my cock got hard as a rock. I walked through that door and there she sat, but at least to my relief there was no riding crop. She stared at my belt and in a sheer panic I didn’t even undo it, I just pulled my shorts and jumpey’s off in a flash and started walking to her. She stared at my hard cock but didn’t say or do anything until I was over her lap, my hard cock pressing hard into her leg. She put her hand on my ass and said, “You are a bad boy Jerry. And You know what happens to bad boys don’t you Jerry.” I didn’t know what to say or what I should say so I hesitated and all of a sudden I get this vicious smack on my ass, and her saying, Answer me you little fuckwad.” I swear a little piss escapedme and

I cried out in pain and being totally unsure what the hell she wanted I said, “I’m sorry Orla. I didn’t know if I should answer or not. But bad boys get spanked. Right Orla?”

That seemed to be what she wanted. Her voice softened and she said, “Are you a bad boy Jerry?”

“Yes.” I quickly answered.

And like a cat playing with a mouse she Then asked, “What shall I do to you Jerry?”

“Spank me.” I replied, thinking that was what she wanted.

“Spank me? what else should you say Jerry.” she asked warily.

Now again I didn’t know what the fuck she wanted so I said, “Hard. Spank me hard.”

Now she had me and it all was there. she barked out, “Who? Who should spank you hard Jerry?”

“You?” I asked once again unsure of what she wanted.

Another vicious smack hit my ass. And she screamed, “You little fuckwad, put the fucking sentence together, NOW.”

I finally knew what she wanted and after I said it I knew it was what I wanted too.

With tears I said, “Spank me Orla. Spank me hard because I am a bad boy.

She beat me as hard as her hand could beat me, probably fifteen to twenty hard slaps, and because I had been working all morning I had to piss and I started leaking piss I laid there unsure of what to do until she screamed, “Now get off me.”

I stood up and so did she. She grabbed my cock and led me to her bedroom pulling me along like a wagon or something.

When we got there she just matter of actually said, “Sit down.” I sat on the bed.

She faced me and then shoved my shoulders forcing me to lie on my back with my legs on the floor, and in a flash she was on her knees sucking my cock. I swear she was like a wild woman sucking me deep and then all the way out and back into her throat again as fast as she could. I Couldn’t hold it and blew my load into her mouth. She sucked my cock like a vacuum cleaner not letting even a drop from escaping.

Then she got up smiled and said, “You owe me for that one boss boy. Now get your ass up and go clean that piss off the kitchen floor. We going to go buy some new flowers to replace the ones you fucked up.

As we drove to the flower greenhouse Orla was happy, singing along with the radio, and then she stopped at a drive-thru for burgers. She just ordered whatever the she wanted and got me the same. She didn’t ask what I wanted, nothing. Just two burgers with everything and onion rings, and I fucking hate onion rings. Except for that day. I didn’t say a word, I had fucking pissed myself during that whipping. I still can’t believe I pissed myself.

I would like to say that I grew to like those whippings but I did not. I was always scared shitless.

Now a certain part of me did. Every time I heard her voice go into that mean low growl my cock would spring up like she was Marylin Monroe.

The last whipping I got was the one in the last week of work before I went back to college and I must say it did indeed “Rock My World”.

I was washing her car when I heard that damn back door slam.

Whenever I heard that door slam I swear my asshole would pumper up and my cock would start to get hard. I was like fucking pavlov’s dog.

Anyway that fucking door slammed and when I turned around there she was glaring at me. Said very calmly said, “Get your fucking ass in here.” I dropped everything and started running towards the door when she stopped me saying, “Turn off the fucking hose dickwad.”

I did as I was told and ran up those stairs and into the house. There she was sitting in that fucking chair, only in a bra and panties. I stared at her for a second and then my panic started setting in and I whipped my shorts and jumpey’s off as I crossed the room. Now my cock was against her bare leg and it felt like, well, it felt pretty fucking good against her bare skin. She put a hand on my ass, and then the other hand on the other cheek. And then she spoke, “Do you want to know why I amdoing this Jerry?”

I answered, “Because I did something bad right?”

I heard her snicker and then she said, “Yes Jerry, you did something bad. You were, you are, and I think you will always be stupid. get up, I want to show you something.”

I got up and as usual she led me by my cock saying, “You know I am really going to miss this cock. It gives me so much joy leading you around with it in my hand.”

She had led me to a closed door, opened it and said, “This is Sara’s room. I want you to look at that shelf,” As she pointed to the shelf. I saw a bunch of painted rocks on it, and there, right in the fucking middle was the rock with the flowers on it that I throw as far as I could. I thought, “Wait, How, what the fuck,” and then I Just felt lost and sat down on the bed.

Orla spoke, “It took me a fucking hour to find that rock after you throw it. You never even gave it a thread of thought that I had put and hidden that rock out there for you to hit just so I hadan excuse to blister your ass, did you? Or those fucking perennial’s. You were too fucking stupid to ever check that the ones you pulled up weren’t like the ones we bought. They were fucking weeds Jerry, just fucking weeds.

Now Jerry I will leave this last whipping up to you. Your final check is on the table. You can get it and go with no problems from me.”


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