The Neighbor

It was a beautiful and restless night, perfect for singing out for a little late night swim. That was one of the perks of having an unattached nextdoor neighbor, he thought as he crossed the wide yard separating his house from hers. Often times she would either be at work or out mingling with friends, giving him the chance to occasionally “borrow” her pool.

More than once, he’d dared to go skinny dipping, and he always wondered if maybe she had pulled up to the house without him noticing, then quietly watched him from the windows. Well, he didn’t just wonder it, he imagined it. Fantasized about it. The thought of being caught by her held a thrill he didn’t fully understand.

Quietly he opened the gate to her backyard and closed it behind him. The sky was dark and cloudy, the air crisp and cool. He wanted to ditch his swimming trunks again tonight, but he was too nervous to do so. The other times he’d heard she was going to be out late or out of town. This time was less certain.

As he dipped into the cold water, he thought about what she might be up to. She always seemed to be busy, but he pictured her having a subdued wild side, too. There was no way such an attractive single woman didn’t have a wild side. From the moment they’d met, there was something about her that suggested it to him. She was probably out flirting with some jerk who didn’t deserve her.

He laid back and submerged his body in the water from the neck down. A deep sight of relief came from both his mouth and his mind.

Being 25 and still living at home really sucked sometimes. He usually felt too embarrassed by that fact to flirt with most women. Even when some showed interest, that frustration lingered at the back of his mind. He had nowhere to take them except maybe a hotel, and that seemed a little sleazy. It didn’t help that his parents weren’t the most understanding, either. Part of his responsibility while staying home meant pitching in, and sometimes pitching inmean being “loaned” out to help friends of the family.

The first time he’d been asked to help their nextdoor neighbor, he complained. His parents had talked almost with a smug sense of goal about how hard it must be for her, living all alone there. He knew one of the only reasons he’d been asked to do it was because his father would get in trouble if he started spending too much time with the hot neighbor woman. It was inappropriate, but sending their 25 year old son over to do manual labor for the single 38 year old somehow was not.

Of course, when he met her, his complaints quickly faded. She was charming, he remembered as he drifted on his back through the pool, looking up at the murky sky. It had seemed like she sympathized with his situation, particularly when she’d offer him drinks and food, or just engage in friendly conversation. It may have played some role in inflating his ego. He put on a show for her sometimes, acting like the strong man he figured she must be looking for.

But there was no hiding something. She knew where he lived. She knew he didn’t have a steady job. He was much younger. For some reason, though, she never let that alter her behavior towards him. They had kept talking, kept getting to know each other, and while they weren’t quite on a friend level, there did appear to be a kind of mutual understanding and enjoyment between them. Perhaps also a kind of excitement at what felt a little taboo… forbidden… “inappropriate.”

Suddenly something hit his eye. It was water, but not from the pool. Tiny drops had begun falling from above. He loved the rain. It was relaxing, calming. That childhood longing to go out and play in the rain every time it would fall had stuck with him over the years, and he happily saved its presence Now.

She seemed to like teasing him about his boyish side. Although his best efforts, he was not the world-class flirt he wanted to be. He did tease her and flirt with her at times, but he wasn’t prepared for how quick witted she was. He’d wrongly assumed at first that she was the shy lonely type, after all he’d overheard his parents say. His juvenile jokes about coming over to visit, and about being her work slave, were received with anything but shyness. On the contrary, her responses usually made him blush.

If he could be honest with himself, he might recognize that their interactions were frequently accompanied by a fair dose of humiliation. It wasn’t just his parents ordering him to go help, or that his alluring neighbor typically got to decide how to use him. At a certain point, he had quit doing it for his folks, and he knew he wasn’t doing it out of goal or the goodness of his heart. Yet he wasn’t doing it just for lustful reasons, either. He felt drawn to her and wanted to Please her. It was a magnetism very hard for him to explain. It always made him feel vulnerable, exposed, teased, and used, and he went back for more. Sometimes even without word from his parents or from her.

And maybe that was why he’d been sneaking out to use her pool. It made him feel like he got more in return. Like he had more control. He was terrified to think that one day she might look him in the eyes and see all that vulnerability. But who better to see it?

The sprinkling had transitioned into shows. With it, his heart sank. He was just being a ridiculous kid, he thought. She’s 38, amazing looking, and has her own place. He’s just 25 and still living with mom and dad. It would be foolish to imagine surrendering everything and showing so much vulnerability to someone so different. He desperately wanted to be the man she’d go for, but that probably would never happen.

He put his head under the water and watched the ripples forming on the surface of the pool. It was oddly comfortable. He loved just sitting at the bottom of the pool, feeling weightless and free. He seemed to lose all tension and became another passive body in the water, letting himself float and move with it.

Maybe he could at least get to fuck her sometimes, he hoped. On more than one night, he had masturbated to a recurring fantasy of his neighbor. She’s on her knees. Pulls his long, thick cock out of his pants. Makes a little sound of surprise. “My, what a huge dick you have!” Then she sucks it like a slut and take it in her ass. It’s so big she has to go slow, and make pained noises at first.

Yeah, it’s hokey, he laughed to himself. The kind of thing you’d see only from watching the cheeseest pornos. None of his actual sexual experiences had ever gone that way. They hadn’t been disastrous, either, just sort of… normal. Fun, but normal. That wouldn’t stop him from building himself up and bragging to his neighbor, though. He was never cruel or nasty about it, and he figured she probably knew he was a bit full of it anyway.

Coming up for a breath, he was started to hear the low rumbling sound of thunder above. He’d lost trackof time and had no idea how long he’d been swimming. Then his heart skipped a beat as a flash of light appeared behind one of the windows in the house.

Ducking down close to the edge of the pool, he could see her moving about in her kitchen. She wasn’t dressed like she’d gone out to impression tonight. She had on blue jeans and a t-shirt, and she was drying her golden blond hair with a towel. She must have gotten home just a moment ago, he thought.

He could hear the storm overhead getting louder, and he knew he needed to try and sneak back home. But he felt paralyzed there in the pool. Maybe it was the cold. Maybe it was her. His heart pounded faster as he moved further along the side of the pool, someplace where he might be able to get out without being seen.

A frightening crack of lightning lit up the sky and shook the windows. She came over and he almost went into panic mode. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to see him. It was incredibly stupid to be in there now that thee was lightning, he thought, but he couldn’t help still feeling somewhat immobilized. “Get out,” the voice in his head kept telling him, “Get out.”

He began slowly swimming towards the side of the pool nearest his house, keeping watch on her all the while. She had turned to focus on eating the food she’d made in the kitchen.

Something hit his right shoulder, and he looked up in momentary confusion.

Shit. Hail.

There was barely a couple seconds before it started coming down harder. He could hear it clinking and clanging on the roof of the house. Glancing inside, he couldn’t see her anymore. The voice in his head turned into a shout. Don’t get caught, but don’t get whacked in the head by ice, either, you dumbass.

He took his eyes off the house and began moving quickly to get out of the water. If he had to, maybe he could take shelter under the covered part of the deck.

About a foot away from the edge, he heard the door open. He knew what would be coming next, but it still made him jump inside.

“Get the fuck out of the water, boy!” she yelled. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”

Scrambling up the side of the pool, he covered his head and quickly ran to her on the deck.

He stood there, shoulders slumped and shaking. For a second, she looked him up and down, then shook her head. “You’re lucky you didn’t get hurt. And lucky I don’t slap you right now.”

The slight smile on her face relaxed him a little, but he felt too embarrassed at being caught to give back much of a smile. “Sorry,” he said. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask.”

She huffed an amused sound at his apology. “Where’s your towel?” she asked. After a brief silence, she continued, “Did you bring a towel?”

“…no. Sorry.”

“Well,” she answered, rolling her eyes. “Wait here.”

The cold started to sting as he waited. She returned after a minute, carrying a small towel. It looked too small to cover himself with.

“Dry yourself off as best you can and then get your ass inside,” she insisted firmly.

He hesitantly started to object. “But–“

“You aren’t walking home in this,” she said. Her tone was not open to argument.

He started drying off with the little towel she’d given him, watching her as she watched him. This was a side of her he’d not seen. They’d been playing before, he realized, and now she means business. It was intimidating, but nonetheless appealing.

As they stepped inside, he felt the frigid chill of air conditioning. She did not offer to turn the heat on, but went back into the kitchen and put her dishes away before stopping to star at him across the counter. He kept trying to dry himself more with the towel, to little effect. She smiled and laughed.

“All those times singing into my pool finally caught up with you, didn’t they?”

That froze him in his tracks even moreso than the cold. She knew. He was busted and God knows how much work he’d have to do to make it up for her.

Forcing an apologetic grin on his face, he decided to come clean. “Yes. I’m sorry. I figured you wouldn’t mind when you were away. I should have asked.”

“Oh, and you’d have asked to go skinny dipping, too?”

His eyes widened and he swallowed anxiously, making her smile. She gave him a look, and then turned to pick up her phone. He was so fucked.

“Hi, this is Tammy,” she said into the receiver. “I have Joseph over here.”

Yep, fucked. What was she going to say? Was she going to tell his folks? Tell them everything? Was she going to make him spend the whole summer fixing up her house? Would she use it as leverage for something else? All he could think about was how much trouble he was in, and how shitty it felt having tried to hide things from her.

“No, he’s okay, but he’s pretty soaked. I’m letting him stay here until the storm is over. I just thought it would probably be safer and I knew you’d want to know where he is.”

She leaned on the counter as she spoke on the phone, her back curved marvelously. He snuck little glances at her body in between checking to see if she was watching him. The jeans weren’t tight, nor was her shirt. But he couldn’t help looking anyway. She was so confident, so comfortable, and so sensitive. He almost forgot that she was on the phone with his parents. Until her eyes met his.

“Oh no, it’s no problem. I Just didn’t want you guys to be worried. Yeah, you stay safe too.”

She hung up the phone and looked back at him. His brown hair was pressed against his face, which wore a confused and repentant expression. There were still wet places on his hair, arms, and bare chest. Hanging his head slightly in shame, he softly said, “I’m sorry.”

There was a pause until she finally said, “Are you a little exhibition for everyone with a pool or just for me?”

He let out a short, stuttered laugh. “Just for you.”

An eyebrow raised, she asked, “Why so shy tonight then?”

Hecould feel his face turning red. But, boy, her smile. It made him love the embarrassment, as long as it means she’d keep looking at him that way.

“I dunno,” he replied quietly. “I thought I might get caught.”

She laughed a good laugh. After a second, even he had to join in. She walked around the counter and leaned against it next to him. Putting her tongue against her teeth and grinning wide, she looked into his eyes. “And what happened?”

“I got caught,” he said, still chuckling a bit. “You caught me.”

Something happened that he didn’t quite understand at that second. At those last few words, her shoulders moved and her chest rose. She clenched her teeth slightly and her eyes flashed. Then he knew. She definitely had a wild side.

He leaned towards her and felt her grab him by the hair. She kissed him hard.

“Are you gonna be good for me, boy?” she teased him with her words.

“Y-yes,” he answered her.

“Are you really? I don’t want any sneaking or lying or hiding from me. I want to know you want it.”

They kissed again, her other hand now touching his face.

“Yes, I want it. I’ll be so good for you.”

Without warning, she moved around him and pressed up against his backside. “Stay,” she commanded.

Her long-fingered hands came up at his waist, together over his chest, and to his neck. They tilted his head back as he closed his eyes and she kissed his neck. What a thing that she was as tall as she was. He felt her groin pushed against his ass and it made him blush again. She was not what he expected.

“Are you cold?” she asked without concern in her voice.

Watching her hands move down his chest towards his swim trunks, a panic struck him all of a sudden. He started breathing faster, heart racing. It wasn’t excitement, though. Or maybe it was. He couldn’t tell, and he didn’t notice the thrilled look she gave from behind him, watching his face and feeling his nervousness.

“I bet you’re freezing,” she said once more without concern. “Let’s get these wet things off you.”

It feel like an eternity from the time she started untying the knot on his trunks to the time she finished. She wanted him to watch, to feel the torment it gave him. Looking over his shoulder, she got a first-rate view of both what she was doing, and how he was feeling. Slowly, she put her thumbs in the top of his trunks and pulled them out to loosen them. Then she pulled a little more. And more.

Just enough so that they both could see in his pants. See that he wasn’t hard at all.

For a minute, she let it linger in silence. He couldn’t see her face watching his with intensity. It looked much like a predator delighting in the moment right before it takes its prey in its jaws. He felt crushed, and she knew it. But she’d only just began.

“Look at that!” she said, her words hitting him square in the chest like a hammer. “Such a tiny thing.”

His breathing got heavier, but he stayed still. Whether it was the cold, the swimming, the anxiety, or all the above, he was shriveled up and small. It felt like his worst nightmare comes to life.

“What’s wrong?” she asked him with a light giggle in her voice. “Is my big boy not so big after all?”

He fidgeted at her teasing, and something welled up inside him, making him want to run. But he felt her slide a hand down his belly and into his trunks. God, it couldn’t get any worse. He knew exactly what would happen. Even her touch wouldn’t help.

Tammy put her hand over his cock, cupping it in her palm and taking his balls in, too. He felt trapped, helpless, impossible, and utterly humiliated. Yet he noticed she wasn’t apparently interested in making him hard. She kissed his neck, fondling and squeezing him gently in her hand. It was almost like she loved it.

“I don’t think we should call this a cock,” she teased. “It’s not nearly big enough to be a cock. So we’ll call it a penis. A penis is what little boys have.”

She felt his body move in reaction, but keep him close to her. Having her on him seemed like it made him relax some, even while she tormented him. Still, she reminded him: “Be a good boy.”

His skin was very cold to the touch. She felt a mix of fascination and sadistic joy at being able to play with him like this. Again, she squeeze him in her hand as she pulled down his swim trunks with the other hand. They fell lifelessly around his feet. Moaning happily, she pressed her body against his, and gropeed his left butt chef with one of her hands. She nibbled at his ear with her teeth.

Joseph was incredibly turned on. As if he was sinking into her. It seemed less and less like he could tell where he ended and where she began.

“How does it feel?” she asked.

He took a second to catch his breath. “Overwhelming. Humiliating. Surprising.”

“And you like it?”

“Yes,” he replied. “I do. I just… feel really, really vulnerable like this.”

“Poor Joseph,” she snickered. “I don’t need a strong man that can’t be vulnerable. This is what I like. And if you like it too, then don’t be shy. It’s just us here.”

He pulled back and kicked off his swimming trunks, standing naked in front of her. She narrowed her eyes at him and her chest rose again as he walked confidently towards her. Once he got close enough, she reached right between his legs, never breaking eye contact, and grabbed him again. She pulled him a little closer and kissed his lips.

“Let’s get you in chatity before that little penis gets any harder,” she said with a devilish smile, kissing him once more.

She led him back to the bedroom. He had dreamt of this moment for some time, but it felt different now as she locked the chatity device around him. The room was bigger, the bed was bigger, and she seemed bigger to him, too. For a moment he just stood there facing the bed, staring at it. It was like the wind had gone out of his sails. His excitement was a quiet one, a calm one. The word “domesticated” came to mind.

Then staring at the bed he remembered his penis was now caged, and this felt like a contradiction to him. He couldn’t fuck her this way. What did she want with him, he wondered.

“Come here,” Tammy commanded, motioning to her lap where she sat on the corner of the bed. “There’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while.”

Without fully realizing it, Joseph lowered his head and obediently went to her. Once he got close enough, she put one hand gently on his back and instructed him to bend over and lie down in her lap. Nervously, he did as she said. The feel of her hand sensitively caresing his bare bottom instantly seemed to relax him.

“We’re going to give you a word you can use to stop things at any time,” she said tenderly to him. “Usually, the word is something like red. But I think in your case we’ll make it… pink. Something more benefiting of a soft boy with his little penis locked up. In a pink cage.”

He heard her chuckle slightly and his heart leaves. She asked him if he understands and he affirmed it. The sweet touching of his behind turned rougher on his response.

“You have a very spankable ass,” she suddenly blurted out. She squeezed it and lightly scraped her nails against his cheeses. It sounded to him almost as if she couldn’t control herself. How unlike her, he thought. But he knew what it means, and, near instinctively, he let out little gasps of pleasure for her.


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