My Dear Readers,
What I write is fiction/fantasy/fairy tales for adults. None of my characters are real, no one was injured during the production of my stories and just like on T.V., they all get up when the scene is over, have a beer, remove the makeup and go home, ready to return in the next chapter, all the boo boos healed.
Some spelling and grammatical errors are mine however Some are intentional. Which is witch I leave as an exercise for those anal enough to care.
Votes and comments are as always gratefully received. E-mail will get personal response if you remember to leave me a return e-mail address.
Dom Woolf
P.S. This short story was inspired by a readers letter. Thank you BG13.
The Neighbor
She sneaked a peek out her front window watching the house across the street. Almost every weekend since He had moved in, there were parties of the most intriguing people. Cars would arrive soon after darkand couples or quarters of people dressed in leather or cloaks or very short tight dresses would light from their cars and laughing and snuggling would practically dance up to the door and disappear inside.
They were never loud noisy parties. You never really heard them at all except for the unusual music that seemed to drift on the air most evenings, haunting sensitive music that seemed to reach down deep in your body and trigger memories of hot wet naked bodies all tangled together.
Late at night, always after midnight and sometimes as late as dawn she had watched as people left the party, cozy together, seemingly spent. Not drunk and noisy, just glowing as thought very satisfied.
She remembered being that way, very satisfied and loose and relaxed, snuggled against her date after certain parties a long time ago. Back before she had gotten married, back before kids and household chores and laundry and meals and cleaning had taken over her life. She missed the freedomto go and play until late in the evening with no worries about getting up in the morning, getting the breakfasts, and sending hubby off to work and life. She told.
She wondered what went on over there, in that house, she could see but not envision. What strange things happened behind those closed draws and fenced-in back yard.
It wasn’t that she wanted to give up her husband or child, wasn’t that she wanted to be single. She just wanted a little mystery, a little excitement. Hell to be honest she just wanted a little more oomph in her sex life. She wanted to be a little crazy, a bit daring, and mysterious, to have something new or unusual happen. To be ravished just a little, maybe spanked just a bit, forced to go just a bit further, to have to try just a bit harder to please.
Time to start dinner.
The very next Wednesday she had arranged for a sitter to come by and pick up the kids, so she could get her hair done and do some shopping. She dressed up just abit more than she usually did. She expecting to treat herself to some “me” time for a change, when the fates she had been grumbling at all week stepped in and changed her life.
She had locked up the house, grabbed her purse, and shut the door behind her hearing the lock snap into place when she realized her keys and cell phone were sitting on the table in the kitchen. The front door was locked tight, as were each of the windows and doors all the way around the house.
So much for me time.
The only neighbors that she knew had of course, gone to work or out someplace. That left only one place for her to go, the one neighbor who was always home; the house across the street.
She had only seen him once standing in his front yard, wearing black leather pants and no shirt as he spoke to the mail lady about something. She Remembered he looked like the guy from the higherlander show but without the ponytail.
She knocked on the door, almost afraid to disturb the quiet. She could hear the rumble of his voice even if she couldn’t make out the words. The door was inched open by the most slender fingers attached to the longest nails she had ever seen. The face of a woman appeared framed by long black hair.
“May I help you?”
She stammered out her explanation, neighbor, locked out, need to use the phone. Sometimes in the middle of her babbling the door opened revealing the woman’s tall thin figure dressed in the thinnest swimsuit she had ever seen. It was as if a long piece of black ribbon was drawn off her neck, crossed her nipple, slide down between her legs, wound around her waist and returned up the opposite path to cross her other nipple and tie behind her neck. The material was so thin and delicate that you could count the bumps on her nipples and see the division of her labia. It covered everything and yet shouted sex and nudity and wanton displays of femininity.
The fingers and those long red nails curled beckoning her into the house and pointing the way into the living room as the woman shut the door behind them.
The interior was rich and dark, solid woods made up the furniture and the walls and floor where it wasn’t covered by hand woven rugs. She stepped into the living room and there He was, once again shirtless, seated in a comfortable overstuffed chair, wearing a brief nylon swimsuit that clung to every bit of him. Kneeling at his side, on a large square pillow, was another woman, a redhead in a dark green swim suit. She was half reclined over the arm of his chair and he was struggling that mass of red hair, as one would pet a cat in your lap.
“Our neighbor from across the street. She’s locked herself out and requests use of the phone.”
“Of course.” His free hand gestured towards the phone on a table next to a most unusual love seat. It was made in a figure S but was open between the places where two people would sit.
She tried to call her husband and her sitter, then several friendss. All she got was voice mail. She left messages then sat wondering what to do next.
“Cerci.” His deep voice quietly rumbled. “Fetch a drink for our guest.”
The dark haired women, Cerci, offered several choices, asked her preference and left the room after a nod from …
“I’m sorry I don’t even know your name and here I am barging into your home and…”
“Nonsense, you’re a neighbor in need and we would be poor neighbors indeed if we refused to come to your assistance.”
“Thank you. You have such a lovely home and…” she stammered to a stop as she noticed the red-haired women’s hand struggling the bulge of the man’s cock through his swimsuit.
“Pay no attention to my pet; she has a one track mind.” He closed his powerful looking fingers in the woman’s hair and slowly pulled until her back and neck were arched. The woman’s eyes closed and her lips parted just a bit as a sight escaped her.
“I didn’t mean to intrude.” She stammered, watching the womansquirm in his grap and wondering what it felt like to be so controlled.
He stared at her over the woman’s struggle body. “Oh I think you did! You have been watching my home for some time now.”
She could feel the blush burn on her face as she started to deny the allocation, but a simple crook of his eyebrow and she knew she couldn’t deny it.
“I’m sorry.”
“That is a good Beginning.” He abruptly dropped the redhead back on her pillow. “Watch.” He said to her.
He turned slightly towards the woman sprayed on the pillow. “Attention.” He commanded.
The woman was quickly on her knees; her legs spread apart, her back straight, shoulders back. Her arms went behind her back, wrists crossed.
She watched him turn towards her and reach out a hand. “Come here.”
Why she did it, why she didn’t jump up and leave, as she should have she didn’t know. She found her self putting her hand in his and allowing him to guide her over next to the redhead.
“See how she holds herself. How proud she carries herself.” He reached down and caressed the barely covered breast. “She submits and in submitting take the ultimate control of her life.”
The back of His hand traced gently down the woman’s face. His fingers gripped her chin and lifted it. The woman’s lips went soft and parted just a bit as he bent down and kissed her.
“Submit” His voice was quiet and gentle yet the woman’s reaction was the same as if a marine drill sergeant had barked a command. The redhead slide, in a smooth graceful move that brought her hands and arms over her head, wrists crossed. Her long hair tossed up and between her arms spreading out just waiting to be caught by some rough hand.
He reached down and pulled the bow behind her neck and smoothly slipped the ribbon suit off her body. Naked the woman remained, spread, and displayed.
He turned and guided her down next to the naked woman. “Touch her. Feel how she trembles. How wet her submissionMakes her.”
His hand gently lead hers across the woman’s back and over her taut buttocks, down between her legs to that moist, wet place that can only be woman. Now her own fingers seemed to be betray her as they explored this slick and dripping place, searched out and rubbed the hard nub that brought a moan from the body so exposed and vulnerable. A moan, her own body seemed to be making.
His hands were on her shoulders and she relaxed her neck, almost nuzzling into his arms. She long for those powerful hands to take her, make her strip, make her naked and exposed to his dark brown eyes. Force her to be spread and open and wet for him.
Instead he gripped her shoulders and lifted her to her feet. He looked into her eyes and seemed to be looking into her soul. She felt herself drowning in the blackness of his sight.
She walked down the sidewalk and crossed the street as her husband’s car pulled into the driveway. She was uncertain how she got there. She had been… somewhere. She seemed to remember, water and naked bodies and feeling that she belonged…
She shook her head and babbled something about being locked out and her husband laughed. The sitter dropped off the kids and she got busy with dinner, baths, and the usual nightly routine. He never noticed how all evening long she was lost in her thoughts. He watched TV and they went to bed.
The next day the world seemed less misty, sunnier then she recalled in a long time. Her routine went by more easily the day didn’t seem to drag by.
She went out to get the mail and noticed the envelope with no stamp or name on it. It wasn’t sealed and inside was a single note.
I enjoyed our meeting yesterday. If you wish to learn more, I invite you and your husband to join my party this Saturday. Eight P.M. Dress is casual. R.S.V.P. not required.
It was signed: Master Richard Tyler.