The Nature of the Relationship.


A story written by my slut to remind us about the nature of the relationship.


The Master had decided a few weeks previously that things had slipped slightly lately. His slut had become lax in her submission to him. It was partly his fault, after all life had been busy, but that didn’t excuse her.

So the Master decided that she needed to be retrained, reminded of who and what she was.

He’d been out and bought a new collar and lead for her. It was something they’d never used before, but he felt that this time she needed something different.

He’d also bought a new whip, something that would feel strange against her skin.

Now he was just waiting for the right opportunity to use them.

The time came when they were invited to a party. He decided that everything would go ahead as normal, but that training would begin when they returned home – he wanted the element of surprise.

The party went well. She was her usualself, chatty, flirty and fun and he indulged her, smiling secretly to himself at the thought of what was to come.

Once home, he told her to prepare herself for him. She showed quickly and returned to him naked. She moved towards the bed, but he stopped her with a firm ‘kneel’. She hesitated, but did as he demanded.

It was then that she noticed the duvet folded neighborly on the floor near the radiator. She looked at him quizically, opened her mouth to question, but was silenced by his firm “Ssssshhhh”.

He moved towards her, holding the new collar. She looked at it and shivered.

Her mind worked overtime as she wondered what was happening, as she imagined some new game they’d be playing.

But she was soon to find out it wasn’t a game.

The collar was fitted snugly, then the lead added. Giving it a slight tug, he told her to crawl towards her bed for the night. He pointed to the duvet and she gasped in shock. Surely not?

But he wasn’t joking. He led her to her bed and fastened the lead to the radiator. Her Master told her to lie down and kissed her goodnight, then he prepared himself for bed, turning out the light without even looking at her.

She lay there too stunned to even think at first. Sleep was a long time coming. What was going on, why was her Master doing this? Somehow instinct told her not to voice her questions. Something told her that her Master wouldn’t welcome her disobedience. Finally, with irritation and acceptance, she fell asleep.

Unknown to her, her Master also lay there awake. He listened for her soft movements, almost silent breathing. He wondered what she was thinking. He thought about what he was doing, knowing he was doing the right thing, but missing her in his bed beside him.


The slut was tired by her Master tugging at the lead again. Stiffly she raised herself up into a kneeing position for him. He told her she had two minutes to crawl to the bathroom to pee and clean her teeth, then he pulled at the lead to guide her there.

Still half sleep she did as he asked.

When she’d done, Master clipped her back to the radiator and put down tea and toast for her. He told her she had 10 minutes to eat before it would be removed. Again, blindly she went ahead. Her mind was whirling, what on earth was wrong with him, what was going on?

Master came back and removed her breakfast things before telling her he was going to work for the morning. She groaned her despair when she realized he intended her to stay exactly where she was.

She protested, getting angle at his treatment, but once again he silenced her with a few harsh words.

Then, in silence, he removed some handscuffs from his pocket and attached her wrists to the radiator that way. She realized with a feeling of despair that This was so she didn’t release herself from the radiator while he was gone.

Finally he took a blindfold and covered her eyes – telling her that she wasNot to think of removing it. He wanted her to be without her sight, therefore without a sense of timing.

When he’d left she cried silent, angry tears. She was uncomfortable and fed up. She didn’t want to be tied this way. What did he think she was, a dog?

She could only cry angry tears for so long, before they turned to self goal and then acceptance. She sat and awaited her fate.


The Master tried to concentrate on work, but it was difficult when his cock was hard for the entire morning and his thoughts were on his submissive slut, now silently working through her thoughts. He was impatient to get home and continue the training.

The slut heard someone come inside eventually. She had no idea how long she’d been there, but it felt like forever. She strained to listen, calling softly to see if it was her Master, but no-one answered. Was that his footsteps? She wasn’t sure.

The lead was unclipped and left to dangle between her breasts. The cuffs weree removed from the radiator, and she was lifted into a standing position.

She stumbled, but the man held her upright until she was sure she could stand on her own two feet. She tried to smell him, but this wasn’t her Master’s smell. She panicked and tried to struggle, not knowing what to do.

He dragged her across the room and lifted her arms until she was suspended from the cuffs and a hook they had in the ceiling.

She was left there, standing on tiptoe, stretched up, waiting. He heard her moan softly to herself, knowing she was slightly afraid, uncertain. He found the new whip and started to trail it over her body. His hands grasped at her tits, hurting her, tugging at the dangling lead. Her breathing was coming in big gasps now, excitement and fear competing for top emotion.

She shivered and groaned as she felt the whip carress her body. The first lash had her shouting out loud. She still didn’t know if it was him. The whipping felt different from the way he did it, so did the whip. Or was it just her imagination? She knew there was nothing she could do, but try to relax. Eventually she lost herself in the whipping, gave herself up to it.

The pain became too much and she surrendered to it, knowing she sought the place where she could escape and be free.

The Master watched her through all of this. Watched the changes of emotion in the part of her face he could see. He wished he could watch her eyes, but he wanted her to feel and to know.

Finally he knew she’d had enough and he lifted her wrists from the hook. Her body collapsed to the floor where she wept. He bent before her and removed the blindfold. She looked up to him, afraid, shocked, but mostly submissive. She tried to talk, tried to ask him what had happened.. why?

The slap that caught her cheek hit her with such force that she had to fight to keep herself upright.

He watched, cock twitching, as his finger marks instantly formed on her cheek. He wanted nothing more than to take her right now, but he had to finish the teaching first.

Moving forward he bent to kiss the mark. Tongue and warm breath salving the red slap mark. He told her then. Told her it was her re-training, her lesson. She’d needed to know her place, find her submission again.

He told her he’d done it for them both.

She looked into his eyes and nodded her understanding, knowing what he said was right, feeling the deeping submission far within herself. Her need for her Master more keenly felt than ever before.

After he’d uncuffed the slut, he led her to the bed and told her to sit. She perched on the edge of the bed with her legs spread wide for him. He told her he was going to fuck her, that he wanted her back pressed against the rough covers, so that every time she moved under him, she’d feel the pain of the whipping and remember her Master, remember what he’d do for her.

She wanted it too, wanted to show him that she’d learned. That she’d take her punishments from him because they weren’t really punishments, they were her lessons. Lessons she wanted to learn well. She wanted him to be proud of his slut.

The Master knelt in front of his seated slut, his mouth moving between her wanton, wide legs.

She gasped in shock when she saw him disappear in front of her, tried to tell him no, caught his arm. But he silenced her.

He was giving her another lesson. Teaching her that he may be kneeing before her, but that she knew who he was, that he was Master.

She looked down on him, saw his control…… his brilliant strength. The slut shivered and gave herself up to him, as they both knew she always would.


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