The naughty bits start with Chapter One – Nude, Clamped and Bound.
The Story Up to This Point…
When I thought back to the beginnings of my relationship with the widow Mrs. Evelyn Sang, I was really quite amazing. It had been a wild ride and we had several amazing adventures.
At first she had been the landlady for my business. Later we became lovers. While she insisted on being the dominant and rather sadistic one, I was not diminished by this. In fact, I had welcomed our erotically charged affair.
I had helped her out of a tough spot with her obnoxious and abusive brother-in-law outside the bedroom.
The rather convoluted situations with Madam Chung and later with both Madam Chow and Madam Chung had led to a deeper relationship with Mrs. Sang than I had ever imagined.
Always our sex life had been very satisfied and we worked hard to keep it that way.
She had a serious penchant for privacy and not being seen (with anyone) in public. We had almost broken up over this (see the story titled ‘Formalities’ for the details).
One of her constant phrases had always been, “Someone will see”.
Privately, it was another matter. While neither of us had openly declared our love, it was apparent that this was how we felt.
I knew that this was the woman that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. There were also the twin facts that I had My nipples pierced for her and I wore her cock ring to indicate my feelings.
Mrs. Sang and I continued to be very close and while we kept to separate residences, we generally spent the night together.
It was obvious that while she might never say it, she felt the same way. The constant looks and touches that she gave me indicated her affection.
There were also the very private activities that we shared nightly.
Professionally, we knew what the other was basically up too as we expressed weekly with each other over coffee (as we had been doing for some months).
However, both of us were comfortable keeping our professional lives technically separate (from one another).
This changed a bit after some months. An opportunity presented itself for us to purchase a duplex.
Mrs. Sang’s niece, Grace Sang, had received a scholarship with a major university in another city. Once again, it was just Mrs. Sang and I.
There was a very special selling point that cinched the deal for us both. In the basement, between the two halves was a door for easy access between the two halves. No mention was made as to how this door had come to exist and we didn’t ask.
Both sides of the duplex were available and we decided to buy it as a cooperative venture. We would be partners yet each of us would live in separate halves. Thus we could Still see one another through the door but we would have our own space.
In the meantime, Mrs. Sang would still be the landlady for my business.
The house was in an upscale neighborrhood not too far from where Mrs. Sang lived already.
The move wasn’t easy or particularly fun nor was it a gruelling affairs. Including packing, preparation and all the technologies; the whole thing took its toll but we were finally moved in and settled.
Chapter One – Nude, Clamped and Bound
About a week after we were moved in and settled, I emerged from my bathroom to find Mrs. Sang standing before me in a dark blue high collared Chinese Silk gown. Her hair was done up and she had put makeup on in a manner that she knew I was aroused by.
I sucked in my breath in milk surprise. We had agreed to keep the downstairs door open and to allow each other access to the whole duplex but the gown was something else.
The gown (in any colour) usually indicated that she wanted to play. I was only too eager to want to play whenever she was. I had made my desires apparent early on so I never worried about her asking if I wanted to play.
I’m sure that if somethinghad come up, I could have interrupted with my safe word and she wouldn’t have minded.
Now, here she was and I knew that whatever she intended to do, it would be a lot of fun.
“Take off your clothes!” She commanded me in that low tone of voice she used when we played.
I felt my pulse quicken and my groin start to tingle.
Walking into the bedroom, I quickly stripped off and hung up my clothes. Mrs. Sang was a very neat person and preferred having me be neat as well.
Once I was completely nude, I turned to face her.
Her eyes were hot with lust and I could tell that she was becoming aroused.
“Turn around and put your hands behind your back!” She commanded me.
I did as she told me and felt the fur lining as she attached fur lined leather cuffs to my wrists.
“Face me!” She said.
When I had done so, she reached down and with firm delegation grabbed my penis with her right hand. There was a half smile on her face as she watched my response.
I gasped and found myself quickly growing hard as she violently squeezed and released me until I was very hard. A bit of precum leaked from the top of my now iron hard dick.
She slowly and carefully raised her left hand to eye height. In her delicate hand the tiny saw toothed clamp hung from a thin leather lean. Its slider teeth gleamed menacingly.
Her left eye browser rose in a knowing fashion and I opened my mouth as I gazed at the menuing implementation in her left hand.
I watched with horrified fascination as she slowly reached down with her left hand towards my still hard member.
Her smile grow even wider as she carefully knelt before me and proceeded to attach the clamp to the underside of my penis.
I gasped and stifled the urge to wince in pain. I feel pleasure at the expert touch of my mistress’s hand on my hard penis.
There was also the tremendous emotional feeling of having the woman I loved, so close to me.
Mrs. Sang stood then, a coy smile upon her lips as she led me by the thin leather lean attached to the clamp which now bit possessively into my nude and rampant cock.
We went down the stairs from the second floor where both my bedroom and the bathroom were. Down past the main floor and into the basement through the door and into her half of the duplex.
There in the main room of her half of the basement, she hung me.
The basement floor had wall to wall broadloom carpet but the ceiling was only partial finished. In the part that was unfinished, Mrs. Sang had hung two ropes over one of the two by six beams that supported the upstairs.
One of the ropes had a head harness complete with ball gag attached to it. She put the head harness on me and inserted the ball gag. Then she pulled firmly upon the other end of the rope until I was standing straight up.
Walking over to the wall, she picked up a spreader bar. This is an adjustable bar about three feet in width with ankle cuffs on each end.
Mrs. Sang proceeded to attach this to my ankles. As one last thing, I felt her attach the second rope to my wrists and pull on it.
I was, nude, gagged, tied with my hands behind my back and arched up behind me. My feet were wide enough that I was forced to stand on tip toe.
There was a cruel tiny clamp that bit mercilessly into the underside of my now semi hard penis.
Mrs. Sang stepped close beside be and breathed in my ear before she carefully stroked my penis back to hardness.
I stifled an urge to groan but it was a mixed feeling at best. Her knowing hand aroused me to near painful hardness yet the tiny clamp took away much of that pleasure.
I heard her laugh softly at my prediction.
“It has been too long.” She said with finality.
Chapter Two – The Belt
Before the move, Mrs. Sang and I had carefully packed up all our sex toys, including the whips, into cardboard boxes. This included the winches that had been attachedto the poles that had held me immobile in her old house.
If the moves thought the larger items in Mrs. Sang’s basement unusual, they made no mention of it.
There had not been enough time to install or even unpack our toys.
So while we played tonight, we did so out of the unpacked cardboard boxes.
I watched from my uncomfortable and very vulnerable position as Mrs. Sang walked stately over to a box and kneeing, her back to me, she pulled out a familiar object.
The thick black leather belt hung coiled and poised in her hands as she slowly stood and turned to face me with only the subtlest trace of menace exuding from her small frame.
I felt my breath quicken as she proffered the belt towards my nude vulnerability.
I could not tear my eyes away from the thick black coils of leather until she Finally stepped behind me and took the belt out of my sight.
I found I was both aroused and afraid at the sight of that belt in my lover’s hands. I knew or I thought I knew what it means.
She spoke then and I was started at how powerful her soft voice sounded in the silent basement.
“I had hoped you would present yourself to me the first night we were here. Obviously you are in need of a chatisement!” Her voice sounded angle and clearly, she was acting the part of a displeased dominatrix.
The reality was that we had agreed not to play until we were finished moving in. I had asked her to let me know when she wanted to begin. In the meantime, we shared the same bed every night.
That she wanted to turn this reality into a fantasy of my wilful disobedience was alright by me. I could play along with being ‘in need of a chatisement’ with great relish!
I felt my semi hard member begin to stir. I felt her presence close behind me. Her hand reached around and lightly stroked my penis. Even with the devilishly painful clamp attached to the underside of my now growing erection, I could not help but become arousedd.
“I’m going to give you a much needed punishment now!” Her voice rose with password as she uttered this proclamation.
I heard her step back. The sound of Mrs. Sang swinging the belt through the air was loud as she prepared to lash me with it.
Then I felt an involuntary shudder as the belt whispered menacingly through the air before landing across my back with cruel force.
I gasped at the force of the blow. This was a much harder whipping than she usually gave me.
I stood nude and totally vulnerable with legs bound wide apart and straight arms secured high behind me. The head harness and gag restricted my responses to the pain of her lash.
I did my best not to move or to make a sound. I was in control of my movements and the sounds I could make (or so I hoped). My feelings were Another matter entirely.
I heard the belt whisper through the air before it landed with a firey kiss on my back yet again. I flinched at its power and had to choke backa cry of password.
Mrs. Sang whipped back the belt once more and I heard it makes its journey to my vulnerable back. Its terrible kiss was painful and I flinched inadvertently in response.
She struck me again, still with that same hard powerful stroke. I gurgled this time, in pain and milk surprise. As I said, this was a much harder whipping than she usually gave me.
Still and all, I did not use my safe word or indicate to her that I wanted her to stop. My feeling was that if she could dish it out, I could take it.
I listened as she made ready to lash me again. My cruel restrains held me open and vulnerable to her lightest whim.
“I am going to lash your butt now!” She proclaimed with quiet menace.
I listened as the belt whispered in its travels before the end connected with my muscle posterieor. I jerked at the power of her cruel stroke and it took a concerted effort not to cry out.
Mrs. Sang wound up and delivered another powerful stroke to mynaked behind. I gasped and this time, I did gurgle behind my gag.
Her next stroke caused me to pull against my unfeeling restraints as I staggered and clenched my muscle buttocks against the pain of her belt.
“Now your thighs will feel my displeasure!” She said vindictively.
The thick black leather belt whipped through the silent basement to wrap itself around my right tigh. The end of the belt bit deep into the tender inner thigh.
Again and again the cruel belt made its unrelenting journey to end with a painful kiss on my powerful thighs. It burned and as much as I tried to end it, I was just not as strong as I wanted to be.
Finally, I cried out at the pain and felt myself flinch.
Cold sweat was now oozing from my pores and I knew that I was not going to be able to take any more of these lashings unless she significantly decreased their force.
The last stroke had shown absolutely no sign of abating as the belt wrapped itself around myleft thigh.
It was when I had flinched and gurgled in pain and she lashed across the butt yet again that she finally relented. I heard Mrs. Sang murmur in approval. Her hand touched my shoulder then and I felt it travel down my welt covered torso.
I had been at the point of calling out my safe word when I felt her presence close behind me.
“I have something special in mind; now that you are warmed up.” She said with silicaten menace.
I did not gasp but it took an effort not to.
Chapter Three – Anticipation
I saw her move into my limited line of sight as she walked stately over to the cardboard box that she had retrieved the belt from to begin with. Carefully, she placed the coiled belt back where she had gotten it.
Arising, she ignored me and walked over to the wall directly in front of me. There was a folding chair leaning in the closed position.
Picking it up she walked over to stand directly in front of me. There she opened the chair andset it up so that when she sat, she’d be directly in front of me.
Her eyes ignored me but a half smile adorned her lips and I knew she was enjoying herself immensely.
The dark blue Chinese Silk gown continued to swish as she made her way back to the cardboard box that held the belt. There was a flash of thigh from the split with every step she took.
Kneeling seedately, she reached into it and pulled out a bottle of lubricant with her left hand. She deliberately draped a washcloth over her left forearm. This left her right hand free for other activities.
At that point, she stood and let her eyes travel hungrily up my nude and bound form until they made contact with mine.
Mrs. Sang walked serenely over to me without breaking eye contact, a half smile still upon her lips.
“You know what is coming next!” She pursued as her eyes travelled down my taut form.
I did my best to remain still and silent but I was completely aroused emotionally and it was hard to keep a tight rein on that.
She sat then letting her right hand trail carefully down my taut torso.
I knew what she was about to do. The sexual tension between us was so thick I could have cut it with a knife.
She placed the washcloth and the bottle of lubricant at her feet.
With the softest and most careful of touches, she turned her attention to my most sensitive and still only semi hard penis. The steel saw toothed clamp that bit hungrily into the underside of my cock took away most of the arousal that was building in me.
Turning my semi hard unit slightly over, Mrs. Sang inspected my most sensitive place.
She held my dick still with one hand while she took hold and removed the clamp with her other hand.
I gasped in relief and she murmured conciliatory noises as her knowing hands lightly and carefully stroked and carefully stroked and caressed my now growing unit.
Although I tried very hard not to show how vulnerable I felt, I knew that Mrs. Sang was only too aware of my nude availability.
I could only see her out of the corner of my eye. My restraints made any movement all but impossible.
Her left hand travelled up and down over my stomach while her right was busy.
It took only the work of a couple of squeezes of her expert right hand for me to become aroused to painful hardness.
Her knowledge, combined with my vulnerable position made me ready to end whatever sweet torque she had in mind.
None the less, I gasped as I felt her mouth close around my rampant penis.
The delicious sensings of her expert oral assault were overwhelming. Her lips traveled up and down the length of my unit. Her tongue worked its own magic.
Inside of a minute I was shaking with effort not to shoot my load right then and there.
It must have shown because she suddenly took my hard dick out of her mouth.
In contrast to her warmness, the basement air seemed cool.
Without warning Mrs. Sang took the washcloth and wiped the wetness from my penis. Then she carefully grabbed that place on the underside of my hard dick and twisted it!
I cried out and she murmured a conciliatory noise.
Then she recovered back her hand and slapped my totally available penis.
I cried out in pain and shook with effort but I knew what she up too. I had been so close to coming that something had to be done to cool me down.
Chapter Four – A Handful of Lubrication
Picking up the lubricant with her left hand she squirted a handful of it into her right hand. Mrs. Sang then placed the bottle on the floor at her feet.
Her left hand grabbed the base of my hardening penis and testicles. I felt her right hand form an ‘oh’ around the base of my hard cock and I knew what was going to happen next.
My stromach tingled in anticipation of her cruel manipulations.
That I always remained shacked for her helped to heighten my sensings as she made ready to provide me with an exquisite ride.
Even though she had not done other than grab me by the privates, I began to groan and understand at her touch.
It had only been a couple of weeks since she had taken me down this road yet it had been too long.
My breath came in shallow gasps and my heart raced. I could feel the tension in my tightly bound arms make them begin to burn.
My taut calves, placed so wide apart, began to shake as she began to stroke my helpless yet iron hard dick.
Overall, the sexual tension we were feeling continued to rise without abatement (as we both knew that it would).
She used her left hand to hold me still by grabbing the base of my iron hard cock and squeezing it firmly but not too hard.
Her right hand began to travel up the length of my unit. As it reached the head of my oh-so-sensitive unit, she continued without abatement.
I shuddered in response to the powerful sensings she brought forth with her tender ministers.
Her hand neverleft my cock and once it had reached the end, she proceeded to let it travel back down to the base of my dick.
Her touch was so soft for the first stroke that I barely felt it.
I was glad that she had taken the time to gradually ease me into this torque. The strict position she had put me in made any intimate gesture very powerful.
The second stroke was some harder and I groaned in password as her hand made its journey over my most vulnerable place.
The third stroke was still harder and the erotic intensity of her knowing hands made me very aware of just how well she knew me.
The fourth stroke was as hard as the third had been. Up and down, her actions were as possessive as they were arousing.
I groaned and shuddered again in response to her cruel manipulations.
Gradually, Mrs. Sang began to work my hard cock like a pump. She slowly increased the speed of her strokes.
I quickly lost count of her strokes and could not help but continuee to groan and complain against them.
I must have been putting on quite a show for my lover. Even as my password built, I became aware that she was becoming very aroused as well.
I wondered if she would bring me off, just as I was.
Mrs. Sang continued to hold me at bay with her left hand but her right stopped touching me.
Before I realized what she was doing, she slapped my cock again. A quick singing and punishing slap.
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