The Mysterious Mrs. Sang — Denial
One of my readers asked that I write a story with an erotic denial theme. This one and the fourth “unrestricted’ novel are both based on erotic denial.
This is s continuation of the third story of Mrs. Sang and me. It takes place about twenty minutes after the end of the third story.
This is an erotic tale from beginning to end. So start here and enjoy!
Chapter One – Foreplay
There I hung, nude, bound spread-eagled, ungagged but utterly available for Mrs. Sang’s pleasure. There was a vibrator buzzing away up my butt and I had just come. I didn’t see how it could get any better than this but I was about to find out.
I heard the plumbing whoosh and rattle and then I heard nothing for a while. Finally, I heard her high heels moving across the floor as she made her way through the kitchen and down the stairs.
When she made her entrance into the basement, she was wearing a gld robe of Chinese Silk. It was slit up to the side and every time she took a step, I could see a flash of her leg all the way up to the hip.
Even with my recent hard climax, I could feel myself becoming aroused again. It was quite obvious to her, as well.
“I can see that you are nearly ready to go again.” She commented as my ghosts elongated at her appearance, “Let’s see if you are as aroused by my cat as you are by my appearance.”
Walking over the ‘wall of whips’, she plucked a cat of nine tails down and positioned herself behind me.
I felt a fluttering in my belly as she made ready to whip me.
I heard the whip sing through the air and land with a wet sound on my back. The cat stung and I howled as it landed. The vibrator caused me pleasure and the cat caused me pain. Mrs. Sang seemed to enjoy both equally.
The whip sang through the air before landing a second time and again, I howled and shook under the pain of it. The cat was much worse than the belt. Judging by her reaction, Mrs. Sang rather enjoyed the cat more than the belt.
I found it very hard not to beg her to stop but somewhere I did find the strength.
The cat whistled through the air to land a third time and I clenched against the cruel restraints and cried out. Once again, my sexual desire had fled leaving me soft where it counted.
Mrs. Sang laughed, almost to herself as the whip landed. She lashed me at a pace I could handle but it was all I could deal with. I flinched and choked and she lashed me again and again.
Finally, she stopped inflicting pain upon my helplessly bound body. She pressed herself up against my bound frame from behind. Reaching around to my front, she grabbed my semi hard dick and squeezed it rationally until it was iron hard.
Then she stepped back and continued to whip me!
Over and over, the lashes found their way onto my helpless body as I cried out and struggled against her cruel torque.
Just when I felt I could endure no more; she stopped again and pressing her body against my nude frame she spoke.
“That was very pleasant!” She murmured into my ear from behind.
I heard her walk over to the ‘wall of whips’ and place the cat back on its hook. Her high heels clipped briskly across the floor as she returned and stood with her face two or three inches from mine.
“I’m so glad you pressed me to continue this!” She said softly but with much conviction as she looked me directly in the eye, “When I think of all the pleasure we have had and are going to have tonight…words fail me. But that is OK! I have a better way to show my gratitude.”
My belly fluttered again with anticipation.
She placed both hands on my chest and proceeded to run them freely over my nude, bound torso. At one point she stepped even closer and while embracing me, she nuzzled my neck and let her hands reach back and down until they cupped my butt.
When she had her fill of fondling me, she stepped back slapped my face. I was shocked and it must have shown.
“I’ve never done that before and I must say; it feel good!” She explained before doing it again.
Anger swept through me and I finally spoke clearly as my arousal left, “I don’t like that. If you continue to do that, I will use my ‘safe words’. I do not find it arousing or interesting in the least.”
She stood motionless for a moment and looked at me searchingly before she responded, “Alright, I didn’t know.”
“I realize that.” I said simply.
She nodded and the moment passed. Turning back to the ‘wall’ she stepped close to the shelf that ran its length and picked up a washcloth and a bottle of lubricant.
Returning she held the items in her hands before explaining her next actions.
Chapter Two – A New Game
“I have a new game now.” She announced briskly.
I found I was holding my breath. My position as her fuck toy made me very aware of how vulnerable Iwas to her cruel ministers. Here I was bound spread-eagled, nude and repeatedly sexually aroused. Now she was talking of another game!
“This just keeps getting better!” I thought to myself.
Outwardly, I tried to show nothing but obviously failed when she smiled and commented, “So you like that idea do you? You haven’t even heard what it is yet. Maybe I intend to brand my initials into your butt.”
I felt no sense of menace from this. I believed she was merely trying it on for size, as it were. Her next words gave me pause, however.
She continued with quiet menace, “Or maybe I intend to give you…”
She stopped suddenly and smiled even brighter before continuing, “Yes, I think I will give you a taste of the bamboo cane.”
I had the impression that she had just changed plans in midstream.
At my quizzical look, she explained, “You’ll see; in a few minutes. First there are other things to attend to.”
“Having made you come once, I intended tostretch out your next orgasm for quite a while. The rules are really quite simple. You may not come and anytime you feel you cannot hold out let me know and I’ll ‘assist’ you.” She said the last with such quiet menace that I actually flinched.
She flashed her eyes at me and laughed before saying, “Well, let’s get started shall we?”
So saying, she set both the clothes and the bottle of lubricant down before fetching a folding chair to open directly in front of me. When she sat in it, my genitals were at her face height.
I could feel my dick beginning to rise again, despite my fear of the ‘bamboo’ menace.
Taking a thick dollar of lubricant, she grasped my semi hard unit and with her usual skill, had me flat against the belly iron hard within a couple of minutes.
I did my best not to flinch or groan but it was very difficult not to acknowledge the pleasant feelings she was bringing up in me.
She knew too. From the way she smiled and murmured to herselfabout how hard I was and how much fun this was going to be; it was obvious.
I felt the cool slickness of her experienced hand on my unit. Tightening my muscles, I hoped to resist her attempts to manipulate me but still enjoy her hand on my dick.
Oh I know; that is an activity at odds with itself!
Mrs. Sang knew what I was going through too and when she spoke, it was as if she was recalling a fond memory.
“Master would often bring me to the edge but not allow me to achieve bliss.” She said mildly, “It was one of his favourite games…I am beginning to understand why, now.”
Mrs. Sang continued softly, almost to herself, “I have not really remembered it in this way for some time. Perhaps it’s good that I have now.”
Suddenly, she started quickly strugging my dick in a harsh brisk fashion. After about thirty strokes, she stopped as suddenly as she had started.
“It is important that you realize I am utterly in control here.” She said imperiously.
When I attempted to respond to her; she held up her free hand before continuing, “Do not speak. There is nothing you can say that will convince me but that is OK. I have another method to convince me of your sincerity.”
I was now both aroused and concerned. Obviously, she intended to jerk me off and then torque me but I was at a loss as to what form of punishment she would use.
Taking another dollar of lubricant, Mrs. Sang applied it liberally to my hard erection. I shuddered and stifled a groan.
She smiled and reiterated her warning, “Tell me when you are going to come!”
She began to stroke me seriously and evenly. I found I was able to really enjoy what she was doing, as well as control my own reactions.
It must have shown for she Suddenly interrupted what she was doing to speak of it, “So you think you have self discipline do you?”
“Well, let’s see just how distributed you are, shall we?” She continued mildly.
Wiping off her hands,she got up and went over to the now feared ‘wall’. There, she picked a slim basketball cane off the ‘wall’ and returned.
Waggling it like a magic wand, she took her seat again.
With mounting horror, I realized where she intended to apply this thin little monster!
Sitting down, she grabbed my balls with her free hand and looked up into my eyes before speaking meaningfully, “Not a sound!”
She reached back slightly with the cane and slapped my erection with it!
It was not hard enough to break the skin. From the outside, it looked like she was just tapping my helpless but iron hard dick.
It took a couple of seconds and then the pain raced through me. I pulled hard against the cruel restraints and chased back a cry of anguish.
Mrs. Sang murmured a consoling noise before striking my unit again.
Regain, a couple of seconds after she struck, I found myself choking back another cry and pulling hard on the ropes yet again. My unit had gone from hard tosoft in a matter of seconds but there was no surprise there.
I looked down at her face just as she looked up. Never had I seen such a look of feral lust on her face.
“I never knew I could enjoy tormenting someone in this way but you make it easy to do so.” She breathed up at me.
Setting down the cane, she picked up the bottle of lubricant and squeezed out another dose.
However, when she applied it this time, the cool cream instantly had the effect of arousing my lust.
Mrs. Sang nodded as she gazed upon my dick before she smiled, almost to herself.
It was going to be a long night!
Chapter Three – The Game Continues
Mrs. Sang used her skilled hands to sexually arouse me to a near frenzied peak this time. Brisk and strong, her strokes were calculated to elicit an iron hard cock. They did that.
I found myself humping her hand and groaning in spite of my best intentions not to. After the last lashing, I had silently vowed not tobe her plaything while she wielded that bamboo cane…
Well, so much for best intentions. Being open and vulnerable to her cruel manipulations meant she could also read my responses correctly. As I approached a climax, she’d see this. I knew what was coming and it wasn’t going to be me.
Heaving and grunting in time to the movement of her hands on my cock simply hastened the inevitable.
I saw her smile with delight and power as she made me harder and more aroused than I had ever been. My earlier climax had simply slowed down the process of arousal and orgasm to a more easily perceived series of activities.
I was both appalled and aroused at the same time. To be toyed with in such an efficient and cruel manner felt me feeling very much at the mercy of someone who obviously had no mercy.
Mrs. Sang stopped masturbating me, wiped her hands and grabbing the cane with one hand; she grabbed my balls with the other.
I gasped and pulled tightly on my restraints as she whipped the thin monster around in a short forehanded arc. It impacted on my cock and a second later, the pain raced through me.
I shrieked and gasped but her unrelenting claim on my balls wouldn’t allow me to pull back even the few inches the ropes might have allowed.
Rearing back the cane, she let fly and struck me again where it counted most.
I heaved and pulled and cried out but I was stuck and there was nothing I could do about it.
I found I was shaking with effort. My breath came in short ragged gasps and my legs felt weak, like they were unable to support all my weight by themselves.
She lashed me a third time and I had to bite my lip not to use my ‘safe words’. My erection, while not gone completely, was no longer hard either.
She sensed that her time for tormenting me would have to wait for a few more minutes once again.
Mrs. Sang placed the cane on the floor and taking a huge dollar of luxury, began to masturbate me again.
I groaned and tried to look away from the spectacle happening in front of my eyes.
“Ah, Ah!” She said menacingly, her eyes never leaving my hard dick, “Look at what I am doing to you! You Look Right Now! Or I’ll stop, Right Now!”
In spin of my fear and pain, I looked down at her cruel actions. Once again pleasure raced through my dick. She’d start her hand at the bottom of my unit and run it firmly up to the head. Without pause she’d race over the head to the top of my dick.
I’d gasp and flinch with the intensity of it. The she’d start back down the way she’d come before.
She did this in an even and through fashion.
Mrs. Sang laughed softly to herself. Her eyes flitted back and forth between the twisted mask of pain and password on my face and my tender unit in her calculating hands.
I groaned involuntarily as she continued to jerk me off!
As my climax began to build, I tried various ways to stave it off. Breathing, pulling this way and that to throw her timing off and tightening up the muscles of my core were but a few.
Nothing worked well but my efforts brought a smile to her face. As she continued to fondle my penis with brisk orgasm producing strokes, she looked directly into my eyes and spoke.
“I have been where you are and I know what you are going through.” She said meaningfully.
“There is nothing you can do but I expect you to do your best to resist me. If I even think that you are simply going along to get along…I’ll punish you worse than you can imagine!” She spoke with a firm resolve I had rarely heard from her before.
She started to continue her menace but I’d heard enough and I spoke first, despite my mounting password and fear.
“Do your worst…TOOTS…I can beat you!” I gasped shakily and with much more bravado than I felt, “Anything you can dish out, I can take!”
She smiled and looked mildly surprised at this resistance before responding, “Look at the tough guy we have here! Well, my friend, you’ve got it! I shall, indeed, do my worst!”
I groaned as she continued to speed me on my way to another explosive climax.
“Tell me before you come!” She warned again in that harsh voice; her hand speeding up and down the length of my turgid flesh.
As I stated earlier, my attempts at staving off an orgasm were successful to a degree and they did bring a smile to her lips. Now, she even commented on them.
“I can see that you have learned some self discussion and I must say that I am pleased. However, all you have done is extended the length of time I can enjoy your suffering for.” Mrs. Sang spoke conversationally while looking directly at my twisting and turning frame.
Finally, I could bear no more and I gasped as I cried out, “Please Stop! I’m Going to Come!”
She smiled at that and stopped struggling my cock.
Closing my eyes, I gasped and hung slackly in my restraints before I feel her knowing hand grab my testicles, once more.
My eyes snapped open in time to see her whipping the cane into my helpless but very hard cock. Her face was a snarling mask of feral joy.
Pain lanced through me and I heaved my nude frame helplessly against the cruel restraints.
I cried out and she lashed me again right beside the same place. Screaming in pain, I pulled with all my might and I got exactly nowhere.
A third time, her face continued to be lit with cruel happiness as she whipped my helpless but hard cock with her thin bamboo cane.
My cries and frenzied struggles were reward enough that she gave me a fourth, fifth and then, a sixth smack on my tender cock.
She laughed and shook her head slightly, as if to say, “I know how much it hurts and I am so glad to be giving Instead of receiving.”
After the sixth stroke, my cock had gone soft, once again.
Chapter Four — End Game
“Let’s change the beat.” Mrs. Sang said conversationally as she stood and placedthe cane on the chair in front of me.
Walking behind me, I feel her pull the buzzing vibrator partly out of my tight anus. She stopped and pushed it back in.
Repeating this action several times slowly and carefully got my attention in a hurry!
Squatting down behind, she squeezed a dollar of lubricant into her free hand from the bottle that stood between my spread and bound feet.
Standing and moving slightly to my side she began a dual action torque. With one hand, she’d slowly slide the vibrator partway out then back into the leather sheath ensconced up my ass. With her other hand, she slowly and carefully jerked me off.
The effect, as once again, was nearly immediately. I became aroused and I mean, flat against the belly stiff.
I turned my head slightly and looked deeply into her face.
She had a look in her eyes that was so hot and carnal, it defies description. Her mouth was partway open and her breath was coming in short shallow gasps. To saythat she was aroused is an understatement.
She looked right back into my eyes before she breathed, “This time you are to beg me to use the cane on your dick.” She paused before she clarified this by adding, “In order not to come.”
I looked at her with mounting horror and shook my head ‘no’ but she just smiled and nodded ‘yes’.
Then she spoke with great conviction, “You have Two choices. This is the first. You can come without permission. In which case, I’ll punish you without mercy. You’ll not only get those ‘strokes’ on your sensitive cock that you hate; you’ll also get the bamboo after.”
Smiling at my obvious fear she continued, “The second is equally simple. Beg for the cane before you come. Then throw yourself on my mercy…and hope that I will be lenient.”
She smiled at my growing arousal and the twisted way she was using it.
My eyes went wide at the pulse she had put me in. Her hands continued to work their cruel magic.
I could feel mysexual arousal continuing as she worked the vibrator slowly and carefully in and out of my tight ass while slowly and carefully jerking me off.
I closed my eyes in a desperate effort to stave off the inevitable but there was a consequence!
She sped up the movements of the vibrator and her hand on my cock!
My eyes flew open; I gasped and turned my head to stare at her accusingly.
“I told you to look at what I was doing to you!” She said harshly, “You didn’t, so I simply got your attention.”
“Okay, okay!” I gasped, as her hands drove me toward a fever pitch, “You have my attention. Please slow down now!”
“Oh no! This way I can be sure your eyes will remain open!” She responded firmly, “I don’t want your attention wandering again!”
I pulled hard on my restraints. My eyes were wide and I had to work hard to stifle the groan that she was eliciting from my lips.
Mrs. Sang smiled at my disappointment and let her eyes eat my nude muscle body as I sTruggled helpedlessly in my spread-eagled restraints.
Her hands were quickly turning my resolve to warm jelly and I knew it was only a matter of minutes before I became for her to use the bamboo cane on my dick. She knew it too and she smiled a knowing smile.
She spoke while looking deeply into my eyes and tormenting me sexually, “As I said, I have been where you are and I know what you are Feeling.”
She added, almost as an afterthought, “You will beg. First you will beg for the cane and then you will beg for mercy. Oh, and if you beg too soon? I will be disappointed! Trust me when I say you do not want to disappoint me!”
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