The naughty bits start at the beginning of Chapter Three. The first chapter is long on plot and a bit of character development and the second chapter is also necessary for plot development but if those things don’t appeal to you then skip on down to the third chapter; you won’t be disappointed.
However, if you decide you want to know a bit more about these two then there are a couple of things you should know.
The violent events depicted in chapter two of this tale actually took place. The names, times and locations have been changed to protect my ass from litigation but they did occur.
The third tale (depicted here) is written so that it takes place some months after the second one.
Chapter One
Evelyn Sang and I had become quite close over the last several months. I still wasn’t sure where this was going (if anywhere at all, outside the bedroom).
It was a hot ride to be sure and I was determined to enjoy it as much as possible. I figured the best way to make that happen was to please her as much as possible.
She seemed to be of a similar mind set yet she absolutely had to present an aloof exterior both to the outside world, as well as to me.
To the world, she was Mrs. Sang, The Businesswoman, and woe betide anyone who so much as looked at her cockeyed!
In her home, she and I were very sexual but again, she kept me at a distance. It was very apparent that she enjoyed me as a sexual partner and I certainly reciprocated but romance and intimacy were things that she simply did not express.
She might fuck me or torment me sexually but she’d never kiss me in a sequencing tongue-tying lip-lock. It simply left her feeling uncomfortable.
I never did address her as ‘Evelyn’ either. We were always on a very formal ‘Mister and Misses’ basis. Rather old world but I gathered that her late husband had been very formal and he had a prominent influence on her.
Of her late husband’s brother, we’d seen no more. The unlamented Byron seemed to have disappeared.
Still, Mrs. Sang took the Kung Fu lessons, as she had agreed to but we were in different classes so I never saw her at the school nor did we talk about such things when alone. I knew she trained because I had checked with her Sifu (that’s teacher to you). Mac was pleased with her regular attendance, good attitude and steady progress. If he was pleased, that was good enough for me.
Mrs. Sang and I would meet in her office once a week for about fifteen minutes for business. After that, we’d repair to the local coffee shop for a coffee before going our separate ways.
Now that I had helped her secure her holdings, she felt it important to keep me in the loop concerning her financial successes. I didn’t know all her dealings; merely that she was on top of things. It was a sign of her respect for me I and considered it as that and nothing more.
The night was a different matter. NearlyEvery night after work, I’d travel over to her home. Once there, she did all kinds of nasty things to me. She would also command me to perform for her. I was only too happy to oblige.
When we finally copied, it had been an unusual experience for me. She insisted on tying me face up on the bed and riding my mouth and then my cock.
Our sex was not limited to copying however. While the variety of activities was not very wide, each one was so intense I couldn’t wait to arrive at her door. It was so very different from what I had experienced up until that time.
At least once a week, she’d tie me spread eagle in her basement. At that point, she’d alternately whip me and masturbate me to the broke of orgasm, repeatedly. After she brought me to a screaming climax; she’d untie me and have me service her with my mouth. A duty I was only too happy to honor.
Sometimes she’d take me from behind as she had before. Whatever we did, it was hot and it filled our nights!
I’d come over to her house and spend two to tree hours being very sexual with her. After we were done for the night, I’d got dressed, she’d usher me out the door and I’d go home. It was an odd kind of arrangement and I found it interesting that I never thought to dominate her; not once.
One day, on my way to our weekly business meeting, I came to a serious realization. I was slowly falling head-over-heels in love with Mrs. Sang and I knew that I dare not say a word to her!
Chapter Two
High Noon
After the meeting, we left her office to walk down the block to the local coffee shop. It was a warm sunny summer day. The traffic was heavy but that wasn’t unusual for that time of morning. There was a slight breeze.
I saw the big man first. He was trying to look inconspicuous and doing it rather badly. He kept staring at me and then looking away. He was tense and kept shifting his weight from side to side.
He might as well as waved a big sign that said,”I’m going to attack you now!”
I stopped abruptly and peered into a shop window to my left, as though suddenly seeing something of interest there. Mrs. Sang followed suit but looked rather curious.
I spoke under my breath to her, “Heads up. The big man ahead is trouble. He’s thirty feet in front of us.”
She did her best to remain calm and not stare at him.
Replace she stared in the window and asked, “What should we do?”
Her voice sounding calm, although I doubted that she felt that way.
“Turn and go back the way we came.” I responded, “We’ll call the cops from your office.”
As we turned to retrace her steps, a familiar figure stepped out from another shop a few feet behind us.
Byron had made his return and he had brought a friend.
He smiled a cruel smile. His eyes were hot with rage and he looked past me and gestured to the big man. I turned back in time to see him rushing straight at me.
For a big man, he moved fast. Balancedand tight, he looked to be in good shape and he wasn’t there to play; that much was obvious.
From behind me, I heard Byron yell something in his native tongue but the big man ignored him and kept running right at me.
I stepped quickly forward towards the big man and picked up a city trash can. It must have been garbage day because the thing was empty. I throw it at the big man’s belt.
It stopped his charge and he stopped running to block the trash can down and to the side. I took the opportunity to step forward and kick him hard between the legs.
He gasped and bent forward and I stepped back. I did not want to wrestle with the guy and to continue to beat someone who was incapacitated, in front of a witness like Byron was a good way to get sued. So I stopped and it nearly cost me Everything.
The big man quickly straightened up and stepped towards me, his lead hand open to grab me, his rear hand cocked to punch. If he got his hands on me, he’d likely hurt mebad before I could stop him.
There was no time to wonder how he had eaten my kick. Instead, I angled slightly past his lead hand and doubled up on the jab (I hit him twice in the face with the same hand). He fell, stunned and I turned to survey what was going on behind me.
Mrs. Sang was beating the crap out of Byron. He had obviously thought her to be the same ineffective woman whom he had hit Some months earlier. They were about five feet away and she was doing her best to strike him with her fists as often and as hard as possible.
Finally, in pain and fear, he turned and ran from us. The big man staggered to his feet but the fight was out of him and he joined his ‘friend’ in a headlong retreat.
The whole thing took less than ten seconds from the time I saw the big man until they were both running away.
“Are you okay?” I asked Mrs. Sang.
She whipped around and starred intently at me as though she had forgotten I was there. I noticed she was holdingher breath. She also shook.
I took a deep breath and smiled and she did the same.
“You know, this is getting out of hand.” I remarked.
She raised her hands in a gesture of surrender and shook her head as if to say, “Enough is enough. Let’s call the authorities before someone gets hurt.”
When we reached the coffee shop at the end of the block, we did call the police and had our coffee While we waited for them to arrive.
They came and wrote down our complaint but I knew not much was going to come of it. With no witnesses and no blood, the chances of getting even a restraining order were somewhere between slim and none.
I said as much to Mrs. Sang after they left.
She nodded and I added, “Good thing you’ve been training. Mac would’ve been proud of you today.”
She blushed and looked away.
Chapter Three
That night, I knocked on her door when I arrived at her home. She answered it and looked down and away.
“I’m rEally not in the mood tonight.” She said rather stonily.
“I didn’t think you would be.” I replied evenly, “But that isn’t why I’m here either.”
She looked at me quizzically and I continued, “You really shouldn’t be alone tonight. If you won’t have my company, then go stay with some friends. Do it because I asked.”
Her look softened and she looked down before gesturing for me to come in. That was the first night I ever spent the whole night with Mrs. Sang.
We were at her home. It was a few days after Byron made his ill fated return. I had a talk with Mrs. Sang. The last few days had not been easy for her. She had just not been herself and I could see it was eating her up inside.
Some people are not bothered by violence and some are. She obviously fell into the later category. Odd for a Dom but there you have it.
“Look, I really respect what you did to Byron. He had it coming and there wasn’t anything else you could really have done anyway.” I began calmly enough, “But if you can’t let go of that, then let’s go to see someone about it. I know a guy…”
I stopped when she held up her hand as she looked down and appeared to gather herself.
“You are right, of course.” She said consistently, “I have been very selfish and it’s time to get back up and try again.”
She looked up suddenly and said much too enthusiastically, “Tonight I have just the activity we can both enjoy!”
Her face was tense and she was smiling an overly bright smile but it was a serious attempt to regain control of herself. I respected it as such and decided to go along.
“What did you have in mind?” I asked her milkly.
“I want to know what you love and fear.” She said; her voice remaining calm, although I was sure she felt anything but.
I looked away quickly and thought to myself, “How would she know about that?”
“Oh come now! We have been together for a while and I am not entirely obtuse.” She said with some examination, “There are times when you hold back. I can tell and I want to know what it is that you are holding back…unless you don’t trust me.”
Well, there it was. Either I trusted her or I didn’t. I decided to take the plumge!
“Here is the gist of it. I both want and fear being repeatedly brought to the broke of orgasm while being told I’ll receive ‘strokes’ after I come.” I said with some trepidation, “Then; when I come, I need to know that you will definitely stroke my cock.”
Mrs. Sang looked at me questioningly, “This is different from what we do in what way?”
“The strokes begin after I’ve finished climaxing but before I lose my erection. ” I explained patiently.
“Oh! I can see where that would be different…and quite painful!” She responded with a thoughtful look on her face.
I could see her mind working so I havetened to add, “I can’t take more than a few and my ‘safe word’ is ‘pickles’. The last time I did this was some time ago. I really hate it butI sometimes need it too. Oh and don’t do more than a few or you’ll hurt me.” I said worriedly.
She looked at me speculatively and said, “I think I can accommodate you.”
I was in for it now!
Chapter Four
Ties That Bind
She had me strip down then and don the white undershirt and cotton pants. They too, had become a part of our ‘games’. The story behind them make for a whole story in itself and I’ll tell you that one another time. Suffice it to say that when the ‘whites’ came out, the organ went up!
Tying my hands behind my back, she took off her clothes and put on that pair of black pumps I was so aroused by. Kneeling in front of her as she sat in an easy chair in her living room, I served her with my mouth but not to climax.
As she approached her moment, she suddenly grabbed my head and pushed my eager face away from her swollen and moist cunt.
I looked up into her hot star and I knew she was very aroused by my worst fear.
“WellNow! It’s time to take this to the next level.” She said thickly.
Forcing me to stand, she led the way downstairs. I watched the smooth roll of her nude buttocks, as we made our way into her basement.
Tying me in the now familiar spread eagle position, she stepped in behind me and spoke softly in my ear, “Sometimes one has to shake things up. Believe me when I say that you have succeeded in doing just that!”
I felt a cold pang of fear in my belly but resolved to see this through.
She took a hand towel from the ‘wall of whips’ and gagged me with it. A simple cleave gag to be sure but it was arousing none the less.
Walking over to the ‘wall’ again, she took down a belt. It was black, shiny and wide. Having been on the receiving end of this one before, I knew it was loud and it stung but it had the advantage of leaving no lasting marks. I tended to think of it as foreplay.
She whipped me. It started off lightly enough and I was able to remain still andsilent. Unlike other occasions, this did not please her and she began to increase both the speed and the power of the strikes.
She had become quite adept with the belt and it found my back, my front and the sides with equal severity. She rarely hit the same spot twice and I was glad of that. Once was enough!
Very quickly, I found myself grunting and struggling through our ‘foreplay’. Reflexively, I had grabbed the ropes that held my arms wide and each time the cruel lash found my helpfully bound body, I found I was pulling hard on them.
As always, the tired clothes offered scar protection. Indeed, wearing what amounted to ‘prisoners clothing’ added to the feeling of helplessness. I could feel myself becoming aroused.
I was both ashamed of this and eager for it. This was Always the way. Dread of what I knew was coming, fighting with a fierce desire to have it happen. It was what psychologists call a ‘push/pull’.
She stopped without preamble and I heard the clip of her high heels as she stepped close to my back. Lifting the white undershirt high, I felt her nude front press tightly to my tender back as she reached around and grabbed my still shrunken cock through the cotton pants. She oddly squeezed it several times. The effect was electric and I found my cock becoming very hard almost instantly yet again.
While I was sensitive to a good whipping, by itself, it did not turn me on. I had to have her touch my cock in order to achieve an erection. What she did with her hands definitely made for a ‘tent city’.
I could feel both her breasts in my back and her mons grinding against my ass through the cotton pants. The woman was as aroused by administratoring the whip as she was by having me lick her pussy. I felt so lucky!
Her warm breath on my back was followed by the feel of her tongue sliding down my spine. I shook and gasped at the power of such a sensitive gesture.
I hear and feel her step back. The undershirt dropped back down. The belt whistled through the air and impacted loudly against my helpless butt. I gasped and she let me have it again. It was much harder than I was used to.
I gasped and tightened up my stomach and ass against it, in a futile gesture to alleviate the pain. My head hung and I winced. She lashed me even harder!
Finally, I shrieked through the gag and arched away from the cruel pain. She lashed me again and I heard her breathing rapidly and shallowly as she administrator my beating. I pulled helplessly against the unyielding restraints but to no avail.
Recent, she stopped. But this time I heard the clip of her high heels as she moved over to the ‘wall’ and replace the belt before returning.
Walking in front of me, it took only the work of a couple of minutes to untie me, strip me down and then retie me in the exact same spread eagled position. The only exception was that this time; I was standing wide on tip toe!
I noticed that she then took the time to carefully fold the ‘whites’ before turning to go back up the stairs.
Stopping suddenly, she turned and said calmly, “I’ll be back to ‘stroke’ you; after you’ve been forced to orgasm.”
She smiled coldly and turned back. I watched the smooth roll of her nude buttocks as she ascended the stairs.
There I hung, nude, gagged, bound spread eagled and freshly whipped. When Mrs. Sang returned, she was going to continue tormenting me and all I could do was endure it.
I could hardly wait!
Chapter Five
Tormented Climax
After several minutes, I heard her high heels clip across the floor above me as she made her entrance. And what an entrance it was too!
She’d took the time to fix her hair up and redo her makeup. The bright red Chinese Silk Gown that now adorned her was slit up to the hip.
“The woman must have a closet full of them; each a different color!” I thought wildly, to myself.
Part way down the stairs, she paused to turn and smile a cruel smile at me. Her eyes were hot and glassy with desire.
Then she turned back and made her way majestically down the stairs and over to me. When she was standing directly in front of my nude and bound form, she stopped.
It was quite a show and I knew I’d be creaming, then I’d be screaming and the worst part was that I’d be loving every moment of it!
My feelings must have showed because she looked me directly in the eye and then spoke.
She nodded wisely before saying, “Oh yes, my little fuck toy! You will be pleasing me in so many ways tonight!”
I gasped through my gag and waited my fate at her cruel hands.
It wasn’t long in coming either. Walking over to the ‘wall’, she picked up another hand towel and a bottle of lubricant from the shelf that ran the length of it.
Mrs. Sang returned and squatting down in front of me she laid the towel and bottle on the floor. Then she did something I had never seen (or felt) her do beforee. She took my cock in her mouth and I mean, right to the hilt. She did something with her tongue and I became iron hard instantly.
The woman knew how to put me through a rollercoaster of emotion, sure enough.
Continuing to look at my cock, she smiled at my obvious arousal. Taking up the bottle of lubricant, she squeezed a huge dollar onto her hand.
The feeling of her cool, slick, lubricant filled hands on my oh-so-sensitive cock was indescribably delicious. I gasped and arched to meet her.
She laughed, almost to herself. The power she held over me was very real to both of us and the excitement ran both ways. She was as aroused by what she was doing as I was by her doing it.
Deliberately she stroked my very sensitive penis. It jumped to meet her hand and she smiled at it. She did this again.
I moaned through the gag and without looking up, she laughed. It was a laugh of power and confidence. The power of her laugh enhanced my arousal and she smiled a cruel smile at my hard cock before struggling it possessessively yet again.
After several minutes of this sweet torque, she changed the pace. Grabbing my cock by the base, she wound up with her free hand and proceeded to slap my unit cruelly and painfully.
I shrieked and tried helped to pull away. She looked up into my eyes and smiled before slapping my cock again.
I shook my head in a ‘no’ gesture but she ignored it and slapped my cock again and again until it was quite flaccid.
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