The Mysterious Mrs. Sang – Beneficiary
This is the second in my Femdom series about “The Mysterious Mrs. Sang”. I thank all of you who so enjoyed my first story featuring her. Thanks to you, at the time of this publishing, it is the most popular story I have written.
This tale features the same proteinists as the first. I hope you are as aroused by reading it as I was when I wrote it (or my wife was when she proofed it).
The naughty bits start in “Chapter One” and again in “Chapter Three” but they skip “Chapter Two”. The second chapter is interesting and sets the tone but it doesn’t contain any naughty bits.
A couple more things here…
Byron actually exists, although he is not an Asian.
When I was a young man, I drove cab for a living. One night, he and a lady entered my cab. A few minutes later, I tossed him out on his ear.
I took the lady back to my apartment (and no, I didn’t charge her).
When I met my currentwife, our finances were not the best. Between her business savvy and mine, we refinanced ourselves out of a tight spot. It took muxy but that we had, in spades.
Chapter One
At the end of my first encounter with Mrs. Sang she had left me in her basement, bound with legs spread and arms high above my head. I had just climaxed and her vibrator was busy buzzing on high in its leather cocoon which was safely ensconced up my ass. I was nude.
She had said ‘we’d talk’ when she returned. Mrs. Sang came back down into her basement some minutes later. Exactly how many, I couldn’t have said. I did hear her use the plumbing again. The whoosh and rattle of the pipes was unmistakable.
The position I was tied in and the vibrator up my behind made it hard to concentrate. Not hard to endure, just hard to concentrate.
I’m sure that my suffering was the point too. She didn’t know me very well so she couldn’t have known my ‘hard body’ was not just for show. I may have just been Dommed by her but it was by choice and not because I was a sniveling weakling. If she thought this prediction was too much, she was mistaken.
In any event, Mrs. Sang returned a few minutes later. I just couldn’t think of her as ‘Evelyn’ yet, although that was her first name. She looked gorgeous and tried to be imperious as she clipped up to my bound and nude form in her blue Chinese silk and very high heels. Her eyes seemed to glow.
“I said we’d talk when I returned.” She started with more intensity than was necessary, “As I have returned; it’s time!”
I quelled the first smart ass answer that came to my lips. It wasn’t very often that I was alone with such a stone fox with my sexual tastes. I didn’t intend to blow this because she was a bit inexperienced as a Dom.
We talked while I remained as I was. I never let on that I was thoroughly enjoying myself. Perhaps I didn’t have too; maybe it showed. At the end of the ‘talk’ she untied me,I cleaned myself up and we shook hands. At that time I made another appointment to see her in seven days and I left.
She was positively beaming but doing her best to hide it.
Chapter Two
Seven days later, I arrived back at her doorstep to a very different reception. I knocked and she answered the door. She looked very upset and completely overwrought. There was also puffiness under her right eye.
Suddenly, I heard a man’s voice behind her raised in harsh tones as he seemed to berate her in some Chinese dialect. At least, I assumed with a name like ‘Sang’, she’d be talking with someone of Chinese descent.
Suddenly she was yanked back and I was face to hair line with a short, squat ugly little man.
“What you want?” He barked at me rudely, his fat face and greasy lips stuck out over an overweight torso covered with a tired undershirt and overlain with a wound plaid shirt. His thin black hair was short but dirty. His clothes was dirty. His hands were dark with grime as he wiped his nose with them. He smelled too.
“I have business with Mrs. Sang.” I said mildly, although I felt like giving into a primitive urge to take this creep down a peg or twenty.
“Best find out what is up, first.” I thought to myself.
He did not appear to be very confident and certainly I could not see him having any business with Mrs. Sang. He could not maintain eye contact with me. Instead, his eyes jumped about as if trying to follow an erratic tennis ball. He looked nervous.
There was also the fact that after last week, I had thought she and I were an item, more or less. I wasn’t about to walk away because of him.
I casually looked around, in case Mr. Creepy had confederates. None seemed to be in the immediate victory yet I was careful anyway.
Before he could say anything else, I took out the roll of folded fifty dollar bills I owed Mrs. Sang for back rent on my business and waved them before him like meat in front of a hungry dog.
His eyes followed the bills, as I knew they would and I spoke clearly, “I owe her this for rent.”
He licked his lips and reached for the bills, “Okay! You give to me! I make sure she get it.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, my business isn’t with you.” I said milkly.
Then I stepped forward and snarled, “It’s with her, now step back While we attended to it!”
Before he could bluster anymore, I stepped forward again. I took great care to maintain eye contact and maintain my control presence. He involuntarily stepped back. I followed him inside and shut the front door without breaking eye contact.
Once in the foyer, Mrs. Sang recovered enough of herself to step forward graciously and shake my hand. Her palms were sweaty.
After greeting her, we repaired to the kitchen. Mr. Creepy looked unhappy.
I was very aware that there were just the three of us, “So much for confederates.” I thought to myself.
“This is Byron.” Mrs. Sang looked down and muttered, “He is my late husband’s brother.”
Byron looked at me, looked away and shrugged. Then he reached back and scratched between his butt cheats!
Absently, he smelled at his fingers before sitting awkwardly on a kitchen chair.
I remained standing just outside kicking range.
“So you pay her and leave!” He said with great finality.
Mrs. Sang winced slightly as she continued to look down in embarrassment. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that he felt he had an ‘in’ over her and she obviously felt both repelled and oppressed by him.
I’d had enough. I glared into his shifty eyes and said so quietly he had to strain to hear, “Don’t you ever talk to me like that again.”
His eyes bulged and he shot to his feet. He started to bluster but I cut him off before he got started.
“That’s it, Ace! We’re done! Be Elsewhere!” I said aggressively.
“Hey! This is Evelyn’s house and I own half! I have paper!” He blustered through quivering lips.
I looked at Mrs. Sang and she nodded her head in resignation. He must have had something in writing to make her cower so.
He blustered on, “She no have half the money to pay me for this house anyway or I go now!”
Seizing this opportunity, I clarified, “You mean, if she had the money in your hand by, say, months end, you’d leave?”
He laughed in my face and throw his hands back, “Of course I leave! With that much money, I go anywhere!”
“That is a verbal agreement and is binding under law!” I said officially, “You are hereby officially required to vacate this premises!”
He laughed maliciously and said, “You better have my money in two weeks or she be in big trouble! I know law too, Gwailo!”
“We’ll be at the coffee shop at the corner of Seventh and Vine at noon on Friday, exactly two weeks from today.” I said with much confidence, “Now you leave this house!”
“Hey Hey! Not so fast Gwailo! My house too!” He snapped back sharply.
Even though I could ill afford it, I tossed the money intended to pay my late rent at is fat face and snarled, “Get a room at the movie hell down the road!”
Much to my surprise, he snatched the money up and fled.
Mrs. Sang wasn’t surprised at all and later told me, “He only ever wanted something for nothing. He has always brought great shame to his family. I do not know all the details but about fifteen years ago he and my husband had a great quarrel and he left. I haven’t seen nor heard from him in all that time.”
“When did he show up?” I asked her.
“He arrived twenty minutes before you did. Suddenly he was just here and when I objected, he struck me and then shoved a paper in my face saying he owned half of my husband’s property. I gather it had something to do with having loaned his brother (my husband) money.” Mrs. Sang spoke rapidly and still appeared upset and surprised at Byron’s appearance.
She felt her face where he had hit her.
“I must confess, I was in a real quandary about him when you came back.” She said softly, her eyes still downcast in embarrassment.
During the next two weeks, Evelyn Sang and I became close. We saw a lot of each other but there was no intimacy. The ‘Byron Crisis’ had to be dealt with first.
First, of course, was assessing that his claim of ownership was legal and binding but as Evelyn had sumised, it was.
We never did find out how he came to acquire a loan agreement from his brother. In the end, all that mattered was that he had.
I wanted to talk to law enforcement about pressing assault charges or at least getting a restraining order. However, Evelyn was very embarrassed over the whole thing and adamantly against this.
Next, we set in motion the financial wrangling with the bank that was warranted in order to acquire the funds necessary to pay off this creep.
Finally, I introduced her to my friend who ran a Kwoon (that’s Kung Fu School to you).
“Imagine if I hadn’t shown up?” I gently chided her when she objected, “Mac is a good guy who knows his stuff. He’s trained women before and he’ll do right by you.”
To make a long story short, we got the money from the bank when I co-signed her loan (even though I had been short with the rent money once, my credit rating was excellent). Mrs. Sang paid him as we had agreed. He was a very unhappy camper and took his ill gotten gains with bad grace. I made sure he signed over all rights to the house to Mrs. Sang.
Now we could begin again. Now we had even more reason to be together.
During this time, I caught her looking at me as though she had never seen me before. I found I rather liked that.
Finally, we were sitting in the coffee shop after Byron had left with his certified cheque.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been called a Gwailo.” I commented to her after Byron had departed for parts uncared about (by us).
She smiled and daintily put her handto her mouth before responding somewhat rhetorically, “It means ‘Hairy Barbarian’.”
“Well, he was certainly wrong about that, wasn’t he?” I said as I sipped my coffee.
She smiled at me and sipped her coffee too. Things were looking up.
Chapter Three
A couple of weeks later, we were, once again, having coffee at a coffee shop and talking about nothing at all. Merely enjoying each others company.
I had the feeling that she wanted to talk of our first meeting but hesitated to do so.
“You know, I really enjoyed our first encounter.” I said meanningfully, as I looked her in the eye.
“After, when we talked, you mentioned you’d never settle for less than being in control.” I reminded her lightly.
She looked a little embarrassed as she glanced away before speaking quietly, “I assumed that after you came to my rescue, you’d feel the need to be absolutely in charge.”
She paused and took a deep breath before continuing,”I have thought of little else and as much as I like you; I will never submit to anyone, ever again.”
Before she could continue, I spoke, “As you may recall; I agreed with your assertions.”
That stopped her cold and she looked down to gather her thoughts before continuing, “I thought that the unfortunateness with Bryon would have changed that.”
I smiled, although I didn’t feel like smiling and said, “No, I feel now pretty much the way I feel before he came along. Now that he is gone, I thought we might be able to pick up where we left off. But if you can’t see us heading in that direction…”
She reached out and touched my hand. Her eyes looked into mine and she spoke with quiet password, “You are sure about this?”
Looking right back at her, I said, “Yes, of course, I’m sure. That is why I waited and that is why I brought it up now.”
“We’ll start tonight then!” She said with quiet authority, her eyes suddenly lighting up, much as they had during our first encounter in her basement.
I arrived at her house after work. She met me at the door in another Chinese silk gown. This one was golden and had a tiger and a dragon faced off. Her hair was up and her high heels were black patent leather.
We walked into her kitchen.
“Strip!” She said, without any preamble.
I stripped nude before her hot and very frank star. She handed me the dirty white bundle of cotton undershirt and pants from the kitchen table. I put them on and she bad me turn my back to her. She quickly and efficiently tied my hands behind my back with a length of rope, also on the table when I entered.
“From this moment, while we are ‘alone’, you will address me, at all times, as Mrs. Sang!” She said with great authority, “Do you understand?”
I nodded my assertion and said, “Yes, Mrs. Sang.”
She was having the same effect on my cock she had on my first visit.
Taking a collar from the table she placed it loosely around my neck. Attaching a lean to it, she turned and led me out of the kitchen and into the semi dark living room.
There she proceeded to take off her gown and sit, nude except for her heels in an easy chair. She gestured for me to knee at her feet. I knew what to do next.
Leaning forward, I could smell her musk and closely observe her swollen cunt. She was shaken bare and obviously very excited. Shifting slightly to get more comfortable, she grabbed my head by the hair and pulled me close to her pussy.
“Lick!” Her one word command was harsh and very arousing for both of us.
I bent to my very enjoyable task and she was soon breathing heavy and humping my face. Her hand pulled my head to her sad cunt even tighter.
As she neared her first climax, she began to talk in a foreign tongue (I assume Chinese). Her voice got harsher and more strained and suddenly she gripped my head with her thighs and moaned erotically (much as she had the night she came while whipping me).
It was hard to breathe for a moment but eventually, her climax subsided and she let her thighs relax. I took a deep breath, taking in sweet air and her exotic scent.
I was now seriously aroused by this activity and my dick was once again making the light cotton pants into a tent. I could even feel a drop of precum leaking out of the top of my glasses and blooming on the pants.
She told me to continue and for the next while, I brought her to several climaxes. Being unused to this much oral sex, my tongue and lips began to tire.
“Oh perhaps you need a rest?” She suddenly queried with great force.
I looked up into her hot star and I could see that there was no right answer. I was going to be punished.
She told me to stand up. She did the same and quickly put her gown back on. She grabbed the leash and led me downstairs for her version of a ‘rest’.
Taking off the collar and the rope around my wrists, she told me to strip. Again, I did as she told me. She then bound me spread eagle between two support columns.
I was quite helpless and very aroused. Mrs. Sang had left me ungagged and I could see her clearly in the semi dark of the basement. The woman had a thing for softly lit rooms.
“You must know by now that I very much enjoy a taste of the lash!” She commented lightly as she moved over to the wall of whips, “Master made me come enough on his lash when he was alive.”
I did not speak to this but the image of Mrs. Sang being nude bound and whipped by a knowledgably and cruel male was very arousing. It showed as my cock slowly started to rise. She noticed, as well.
“So you like that picture do you?” She asked rhetorically, “We’ll see how much you like it when I do to you what he did to me!”
I heard the whip she had taken down swish through the air and land on my helpless and naked back. There had not even been time to prepare for it and I gasped in shock and pain while pulling on my unyielding restraintts.
She said, with quiet menace, “That is the last sound you are to make! Any further sounds will be punished!”
The lash whipped through the air again and landed harshly upon my bound form. All sexual thought had left and only my pride at not making a noise remained; my pride and the pain.
She really began to whip me then. The cruel lash finding and scoring my exposed flesh each and every time it whistled through the air.
I tensed at each new stroke and I panted silently in between. This time she gave me enough time to recover between strokes and I was able to remain silent.
There I stood, with arms legs bound wide. I was nude and being whipped by a greous creativity. In a moment, I was sure; she was going to get even more sexual with me. I didn’t see how it could get better than this.
I was about to find out.
Chapter Four
Finally, I heard her high heels clip their way over to the hated and feared wall of whips and the equally unpleasant shelf of torque that ran below it.
I was bound so firmly and so tense from her whipping I could not turn my head and clearly see her. She was doing something over there but I could not see what. From the sound of her high heels, I definitely heard her return.
Her voice whispered in my ear, “There is something I have always wanted to do!”
She deliberately Walked in front of my line of vision. There, in front of me, she stood, nude except for her high heels, make-up and a huge black strap-on plastic penis! It glistened with lubricant, even in the semi dark.
“I’ve always wondered what the attention was for Master to take me from behind while I was bound as you are.” She said conversationally, and then she added with some venom, “I have just whipped your nude and bound body! Now, I’m going to fuck you from behind; just as he did to me!”
Mrs. Sang never used words like that and I began to become seriously aroused at her expression as well as the idea she was proposing. I knew that she would stop if I said but I really didn’t know if I wanted her to.
In her hands was a large bottle of lubricant. Squirting a serious dollar of it onto one hand, she set the bottle at her feet in front of me.
Then she worked even more of the lubricant onto the black phallus attached to her hips. She talked softly to me, about how I was going to enjoy it. Her eyes were glowing and her breath was coming in short gasps.
Standing in front of me she began to pump her hips against her hands working the large black plastic erection. Her voice remained low but the intensity of it remains clear to me, even today. She pushed the base of the black dick against her pubis and groaned slightly, her head turning slightly away in pleasure. I watched and became aroused even though there was nothing I could do about it.
Suddenly she stopped lubricating the huge black dick and stepped close enough to grab me! She grabbed and began stroking my semi hard penis with her lubrication-slick hands sending a jolt of pleasure through me.
Closing my eyes, I gasped and she said, “Yes! I want you to be as excited as I am!”
Her voice was hot and her breath was sweet. My erection climbed up until I finally thought I’d come right there. She stopped and I opened my eyes to find her smiling cruelly at my nude and bound form.
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