Nabi floated through the door with practiced grace belying her trepidation. Her short, athletic frame had been trained to the point that her every move was a dance, whether she was out on the ice, walking through an airport, or finding her seat at some promotional demonstration. At the moment, she was doing the latter. The room was small, but there was still plenty of space. The only other people were the presenter, Désirée, who had guided her here and two women that Nabi presumed were other prospective customers. These two new faces were seated next to each other and seemed to have been chatting until the door had opened.
“Hiiii,” cheered a pale, curvy redhead. “I feel like I’ve seen you before. Have we met?” She extended her hand for a shake without standing.
Nabi was glad to have even that bit of recognition outside her home country. “Do you watch the winter Olympics?” In accepting the handshake, she’d been guided to sit closer to the others than she’d have liked.
It was the other girl’s turn to pipe up. “Ooh, you’re that South Korean figure skater! That was a great routine last year.” This lanky woman’s gorgeous face appeared to be of Indian descent, but she spoke with a British accent.
Nabi felt a bit more relaxed; she might be an introvert, but you don’t become a competitive athlete without enjoying a bit of prayer. “It obviously wasn’t worth a medical, but thank you. I’m Nabi.”
“Well that explains it,” beamed the redhead. “I’m Maeve. I’d say you might recognize me from an underwear catalog, but you obviously wouldn’t be browsing for plus sizes.”
“And I’m Hiral,” the golden-skinned Brit said with a bit of a half-wave. “Once again, the least famous girl at the party. I’m just a songwriter.”
It was at this point Désirée, who had gathered her things at a podium beside a projector screen, piped up. “Speaking of parties, what do you say we get this party started? I’m sure you’re all eager to begin your complimentary stay at the resort for participating in the demonstration, but I think you’ll like what we have to offer.” This dark-skinned lady had at least a decade on the late-twenty-somethings she was addressing. Her more classically attractive build and plain face were certainly above average, but weren’t much competition for the trio that sat before her. “You ladies rarely have extensive wardrobes, but wouldn’t it be great to have whatever outfit you need, whenever you need it? Why limit yourself to whatever you can get ahead of time, and having to get everything changed to fit you perfectly?
“Introducing…” Désirée teased as she tapped a device on her podium “…the OmniDress.” Before their eyes, a wave of sparkles steadily rippled down Désirée’s body, morphing her business suit into a stunning white ball gown as it went. “With cutting-edge nanotechnology, we’ve created a fully-customizable suit, ready to change shape…” a few swipes and taps caused the gown to morph into a shorter, more form-fitting party dress. “…Color…” another tap and the dress faded from white to red. “…And even material.” A few more taps and the dress appeared to change from a cotton/polyester mix to a shiny pleasure.
Désirée definitely had their attention now. “Let’s get you girls suited up before we continue.” One-by-one, she had them come up to the podium to scan their fingerprints first into a touchscreen device that could be mistaken for a small phone, then into a metal canister about the size of a can of paint. “There are changing rooms along this wall; take your pick. You will need to remove all your clothes before putting on the OmniDress. Power on the controller,” Désirée indicated the touchscreen device, “then twist and lift the handle on the carrying case. Stick your hand inside until all the nanites have left. You’ll feel a pleasant tingling sensing as they find their place. Once you’re set, come back out and we’ll continue the demonstration.”
With that, each of the women entered a stall at random, all sharing the same nervous excitement.
After much wandering through the beige office corridors, Seung finally crept into the observation room. He’d assumed there’d be a crowd he could sneak into like being late to a class, something his mousey asian frame always assisted in, but there were only three others in the room. “Sorry, got a little lost on my way from the bathroom” Seung panted. “Did I miss anything?”
“The girls are just getting dressed,” a fit caucasian man assured him. This was Carl, the sales represent they’d all spoken to when they booked their appointments, and who had led the other clients to this room. “Please scan your fingerprints into this to get your remote set up, but don’t touch any of the functions for the time being.” Carl handed Seung a small touchscreen device and Seung obliged.
Once he was done, Seung looked up to greet the surprisingly familiar faces of the room’s otherr occupations. “Hi, I’m Seung,” he said, moving in for a handshake with a tall, buff man with skin of onyx. “I think I’ve seen you before. You’re in the NBA, right?”
The man nodded as he leaned down and accepted the handshake. “I play for Chicago. Trayvon is fine.”
“Awesome,” Seung nodded, wriggling out of the python grip on his hand. He turned to the shapely and green-haired latina next to Trayvon. “Now you I recognize, Valeria.” Seung hesitantly asked “You two aren’t together, right?”
“You must not listen to my music,” Valeria chuckled through a still firm but not crushing handshake. “Nah, but our wives are friends. Hiral’s mine,” she said, gesturing to the screen displaying her naked partner in the changing room. The observation room shared a wall with the presentation room, which was presumably a one-way mirror, but there were monitors along a desk displaying hidden camera feeds from each changing room, half of them empty.
“Yeah, sorry,” Seung eked out, distracted by his sudden realization at the three beautiful ladies undressing on the monitors. “I’m not into punk; more of a classic hip-hop guy myself.”
“My man,” Trayvon said, giving Seung a dap. “So you know us. How are you makin’ the kinda money to afford this?”
Seung deliciously answered with “I’m lead engineer on some pretty classified stuff for the military. I hope I’m never on TV unless it’s in the stands at the Olympics, cheering on Nabi.” Speaking of his lovely wife, Seung watched the monitor as something that looked like oil flowed out of a canister and up his wife’s arm, spreading across her body until it settled into the form of a unitard, leaving only her head exposed. He noticed all three of the young women shuddered during this process. “That must be the nanofabric?”
“Indeed,” nodded Carl. “Some women find the sensing of the nanomachines shifting take some getting used to, but everyone eventually finds it pleasant. Before we beginn, I’d just like to confirm one last time: are each of you certain that your wives enjoy bondage and submission?” The trio nodded their heads and donned devilish smiles. “Perfect,” Carl “I know we have it in writing already, but we want to be absolutely sure this is an enjoyable experience for everyone.”
As the women filed out of the changing rooms and took their seats, Carl continued. “Now that they have the OmniDress on, I’d like you all to unlock your devices and look at the topmost function.” The trio obliged, and they all raised their eyesbrows in turn as they noted it was a slider labeled Arousal. “You can see the slider is grayed out and saying ‘priming’ at the moment. It takes a minute or two for the nanites responsible for this feature to get in place in and around the genitals. Once they do though, they’ll be able to apply extremely subtle pressure and violences to stimulate your partner without them noticing.”
The priming finished on each of the remote control de”The default setting is Keep Warm, which is what we’ll keep it on for the time being. This will get them to a baseline reading. They might not notice any arousal, but anything that is a turn-on for them will be exciting instead of embarrassing or out of place. We recommend keeping them on this setting during the day-to-day, since they should still be able to focus on work, social interaction, and such while this is on, though it’ll keep them in a generally random state. You can turn the arousal function off if you really need to. The other settings are ‘simmer’ and ‘boil,’ which we’ll get to later.”
“They have remote controls too,” Valeria noted. “Are they seeing this?”
Carl Shook his head and smiled. “Most functions are on both devices, though you can show and hide them at will. For this demonstration, you’ll note many are hidden from your partner, but I’ll have you reveal them at the opportunity time. The arousal function does not appears on their control device.” The trio each gave a smile and a nod. “You’ll notice a bar filling below the slider; this indicates where your lady’s actual arousal state is in relation to the slider. So let’s sit back and wait for them to catch up while they listen to Désirée.”
The girls had to sit through about ten minutes of Désirée talking over some slides. There had been a portion dedicated to the technology behind it (blah blah quadrillions of tiny robots, blah blah machine learning), but it was mostly showing how the various functions worked and discussing the care and use of the OmniDress. Things like how often the dress needed to be returned to the canister for charging, how to change materials, the limitations on designing your own clothes from scratch, etc.
Nabi was about as engaged as one might expect from watching a slide presentation, but the possibilities were exciting. These machines were somehow able to mimic the textures of various materials but with adjustable rigidity. The content library of clothing was already extensive, with everything from business suits to bikinis and more on the way. Nabi was already thinking of potentially taking a variety of dresses and changing the materials to elastane so that she could skate in them. Even the idea of being able to don casual outfits but make them form-fitting seemed like an interesting opportunity.
Speaking of form-fitting, Nabi caught herself and the other girls checking each other out in this default unitard setting. Normally, she might feel self-conscious, but today she found it exciting. Any tight outfit could show off her petite figure, but nothing had ever captured her muscle tone like this. Even covered neck-to-toe, this stuff showed off every inch of muscle she’d earned Through her years of training. It also made the best of her small breasts; they were already naturally pushed up by the bulky pecs hidden behind them, but the nanomachines seemed to be giving her bra-like support.
Looking at the other girls confirmed this. The baggy clothes Hiral wore when she came in had hid her figure. It wasn’t that Hiral’s breasts and buttocks were large in-and-of-themselves, but they appeared quite generous on her bony frame. Hiral might very well weight about the same as Nabi, but all her weight had obviously gone where it counted. While the perfectly sculpted lines of her face were Hiral’s best feature, the OmniDress was definitely keeping her other assets supported.
When it came to assets though, Maeve obviously had them both beat. Her weight would have prevented her from entering a modeling career a couple decades ago, but no one could deny the allure of her bulging bosom and posterieor. Even as she sat listening to this boring presentation, Maeve seemed to be presenting herself, holding her body in a way to accentuate her curves. Just as Nabi subconsciously treated every movement as a dance, Maeve seemed unable to sit still without posing for an unseen camera.
Nabi was straight as an arrow, and had never thought this much about other women’s bodies before. It’s just that this default unitard setting left almost nothing to the imagination. She had felt exposed a few minutes ago, but now it was a bit of a naughty thrill. Even though the charge indicator for the nanomachines on her controller showed they were full, Nabi had the deliciously wicked thought that she and all the others were just a dead battery away from their clothes dissolving and leaving them fully exposed.
Nabi had been a little distracted, but not so much that she hadn’t noticed Désirée ending the presentation by quickly glossing over that there were “other features we’ll explore later.” While that certainly piqued Nabi’s curiosity, Désirée quickly followed up by holding up her own control device and giggling out a conspiratorial “now, who wants to try on some outfits?”
“Now it’s time to move the slider to the ‘simmer’ setting,” Carl instructed. The three clients swiped on their devices, and returned their view to the transparent wall before them. “This will subtly build the wearer’s arousal to the point that, even without any external stimuli, they will be wet and ready within about ten minutes. Désirée will try to keep them trying on clothes for fifteen, and we’ll see who asks to ‘go to the restroom’ first.”
The three chuckled, but Valeria asked “is there any danger to just keeping them on ‘simmer’ all the time?”
“Not directly,” Carl answered, as everyone alternate between watching the girls trying out the advertised dress-up features of the OmniDress and keeping an eye on the arousal meter slowly ticking up. “The biggest issue is that they’ll likely be visible squirming and unable to stop thinking about sex once they’re ‘simmering.’ Sending them to work or bringing them to a social event once in a while might be fun, but they’d likely get fired or cause problems if it were a regular thing. Also, if you’re not around, they will almost certainly take matters literally into their own hands…”
“If we let them, apparently,” Seung interrupted excitedly. “I see some features down here that…”
“We’ll go over that later,” Carl assured him. “Suffice to say that if you actually want to benefit from this, you probably don’t want to leave it on if you’re going to be away for a while.”
As the arousal meters built, the crew in the observation room saw the ladies trying on outfits that were increasingly risqué. As Hiral tried on some kind of skimpy clubbing outfit that was sheer except for some deftly placed pleasure straps, Trayvon gestured at her and said “man, I wanna see Maeve in that.“
“We don’t want to give the game up just yet,” Carl said, “but it’s worth noting that any features that are on both controllers will give your input priority. As mentioned before, you can also hide most features on your spouse’s controller, locking them out of enabling or disabling them. Use this carefully, since you want to make sure you’re both enjoying the OmniDress or she may stop wearing it.”
“Oh, I see the toggles for that,” Seung piped up. “I see that the ‘Bondage’ and ‘Pleasure’ categories are disabled… right… now?” Seung trailed off as he saw Nabi wearing daisy dukes and a bandeau for what had to be the first time in her life.
Carl nodded. “We’re gonna wait until Désirée sends them back to the changing rooms to enable the ‘Pleasure’ category, but you can all go ahead and enable the ‘Bondage’ category now and we’ll see if they find it.”
The clients did as instructed, then went back to watching the show, as each girl’s meter grow closer and closer to the ‘simmer’ line.
The girls were having the time of their lives with their OmniDresses. Trying on clothes at a store was fun, but it was often an exercise in trying to find somethinging that fit, not just something you liked. This thing throw that out the window; every outfit was tailored to their exact proportions by the nanomachines. With all the customization options, the possibilities were practically limited. They’d quickly figured out how to change materials, colors, and patterns, and were now trying and customizing different outfits at a breakneck pace.
The rapid cycling of styles was encouraged in no small part by just how good it felt when all those tiny robots shifted around to accommodate each selection. It had felt awkward when Nabi first stuck her hand in that canister and let the nanofabric flow across her body. Now, every shift feel like a sensitive care or mass depending on the weight of the synthesized material.
Another contributor to Nabi’s excitement was that the girls seemed to be having a conversation to find the sluttiest outfit. She’d know these girls for maybe half an hour, but the other two were so clearly comfortablewith each other’s bodies that it was infectious. She couldn’t resist joining them in posing in front of the studio mirror wall and changing into progressively more scandalous attire. Hiral would don a deep v-neck halter, Nabi would try a bandeau, Maeve would find an underboob crop top, and on it would go until they’d all “reset” back to the default unitard just to feel the nanites crawl over every inch of their body.
Between the skimpy displays and the tender touches, Nabi was getting pretty worked up. Judging by the hip gyrations and lip biting she was seeing from her companies, she wasn’t alone. Nabi was hoping that she could take this back to the resort for a test spin tonight. There were some of these outfits that she’d like to show off for Seung.
A devilish thought came to Nabi, “Désirée, how likely is the fabric to, um, tear?” This could have been an innocent question about durability if Nabi had managed not to stammer sheepishly through it. “And, um, if it does, will the machines just patch it back up right away or…?”
The other ladies started, seeming to have forgotten there was someone in the room that wasn’t part of their little content. In an even customer-service tone, Désirée answered “the nanofabric will attempt to simulate the material selected, including tensile strength. So ‘tull’ will tear on a thornbush but you’ll need scissors to cut through ‘leather.’ All you need to do to repair any damages is to reselect the damaged article on your controller.”
“Cool,” Nabi cooed absentmindedly. She was already lost in the fantasy of dressing herself in the fanciest gown she could dream of, then letting Seung cuff her hands to the ceiling and ripping her clothes apart piece by piece, grouping every patch of flesh he revealed until…
“What do these Cling settings dooOOOH,” Hiral yelped. All eyes diverted to her chest as the “fabric” around her nipples changed. Moments ago, the turquoise cocktail dress Hiral was wearing had noticeable but modest tents over her nipples. The moment she tapped that button on her touchscreen though, the nanofabric instantly shifted to conform to the exact shape of her teas. Nabi hadn’t seen too many nipples in her lifetime, but Hiral had to be longer and pointier than most women. Just as the OmniDress had confirmed precisely to Nabi’s muscles, Hiral’s dress was now adhering and displaying every bump and ridge on the tips of her chest. Hiral couldn’t stop the heavy shuddering sight of pleasure from escaping her lips.
With a level at odds with sexually-charged display, Désirée explained “all of the clothing options have default settings for exactly how form-fitting they normally would be. The Cling function allows you to change how tightly the OmniDress will cling to individual parts of your body. You can alter and save these settings to individual articles, saved outfits, or you can back out to the top level and adjust the global Cling settings.”
Hiral already had the Cling function open, so she had a head start on playing with it more. She caused the dress to go from drawing down her chest to clinging tightly to her underbust. Hiral twisted her torso to admit the outfit in the wall mirror. She moved her hands to her breasts to survey the effect, but ended up forgetting herself and began to gently grope and stare at herself.
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