2nd part of a “kept woman’s” diary.
Six months ago I said I knew he was my man. He came into my life a little bit sad, a little bit appreciate and a little bit frightened.
He is such an innocent, he has no guile at all. He accepts the world at face value He wouldn’t look me in the eye until I made him. He tried so hard to look at my face but my poor Kevin is a boob man.
He still finds it hard to tear his eyes from my boobs and move them all that way to my eyes. Not as often now, but still quite frequently I have to hold his head tight in my hands. I almost touch my nose to his to get contact. I need that contact to be sure whatever hoop I’m making the poor bugger jump through, is one he wants to jump through. Understanding men is hard work, but this one, as a pet is much more loyal than a dog or cat.
Getting him to tell me what he wants, anything at all is hard. Does he want me to ask Angie to cook roast lamb or beef for Sunday dinner? Or does he want me touse that monster stick-on on him that I bought from Latex Lover nearly six months ago?
The first thing he tells me is what he thinks I want to hear, that would be good if he got it right most of the time but the silly sod thinks I am the Mistress of his dreams. He doesn’t know I get my head jollies from making his dreams come true.
I am just a bit mean with him regarding his sub status. I do not give a flying fuck who knows our bedroom antisciences. If you don’t like it don’t invite us to high tea with the Ladies from the church
restoration committee and the Vicar.
Kevin doesn’t realize there is never a time when it doesn’t give my pussy a tingle when I hear, “Yes Mistress” from his lips. I will never let him understand that. My poor boy owes me about three thousands with the paddle currently. The count will continue to rise, I can’t let it fall can I?
I believe he has a little bit of undiagnosed autism in him. I bless it, it makes him who he is, it makes him the man I adore. It’s the reason I can keep playing the no-win mistress game. Funny name that. I win it all the time and if I win, he wins with me.
He also has a bit of a mummy fixation. Some mornings, especially after I have let him cum, I wake up with him firmly attached to my nipple I have to pull it out of his mouth. Never before I have spent far too much time cradling his head and just indulging myself in having my soul mate.
It usually comes out with an audible plop, it nearly always makes me laugh. It’s sometimes a little sore and always very swollen. It goes down quickly so I soon have a matching pair to poke into my “latex tartwear” for the day.
Sometimes the pop doesn’t even wake him up. He still wraps his tongue into a cute tube like a baby suckling. If I’m being brutally honest with myself it scratches the mummy it keep denying I have. I can’t strengthen and grow my little boy but I can keep him warm and safe.
Chastity is still a big part of our life but again it needs to be thought through and some more work, no part of our relationship just happens. It all has to be carefully managed. I work hard to maintain the illusion that he gets to cum on very limited occasions.
Regain it’s a managed lie. I make sure he cums at least once a week, usually, more often three times a week but never more. If you were to ask him he would tell you once a month at best.
If anyone I know asks I tell them nowhere near as often as he would like but often enough. The truth is there is a dirty dark corner of the sewer he calls his mind that wants me to smoke the three keys.
It’s the same nasty little corner that wants me to castrate him. Yeh, a cock happy bitch like me is going to do that. It’s a mind game I will play with him one day, Maybe I’ll tell him I’m pregnant on our honeymoon and take an elasticator with me. I’d have to look into that if I did want to play that game with him. As a trained nurse I’m not too keen on cutting offAny blood supply to anything. Least of all my man’s fun bits.
His chatity is still the key to the success of our fem-dom relationship, if you will excuse the pun, is never letting him cum when he asks. If he was stupid enough to ask he would have to endure a world of pain and torque before I forgive his impudence”. At least a couple of hours and a pink bum.
I took him up to see my mum last week. She is doing well and now I have a man more my age she is as happy as she is ever going to allow herself to be. I’ve always loved my mum. She cared for me when no one else did. She dreamed of a little fairy princess, preferably with a lisp and a talent for ballet. Poor cow began a fine big healthy girl with a body that was built for sin. That was by the age of 12!
Poor mum, I’ve always loved you, I’ve only just found out how to like you and be a friend. I’m going to have to move her down near me. The area I was born in could these days be improved by bombing with a nuclear devidence. Mum’s last friend moved into a retirement home a two-hour bus ride away.
She wouldn’t let me buy her a “nice place” so I bought her council house for her or rather Mo did just after I became his “kept woman”, mum’s description, not mine. If she sold it now she could probably afford to buy a shed in a nice area. Not that my Theatre is in a nice area but there are villages full of nosy old bats like my mum only a quarter hour bus ride away from me. The more I think about it the better it sounds.
That will be after the wedding though. My biggest “mum” problem at the moment is how do I have the Wedding I want with my mum there. I can’t have both, can I?
Speaking of my wedding, I got a text from Billy of “Latex lover”. He has a rough of my Wedding Dress ready for a fitting. it’s costing an obscene amount of money but “Every girl deserves to wear white”. Quiz time! A point for the film, one for the character and one for the act. Answers on a postcard, please.
I’m wetting my knickers waiting for Kevin to get home and take me over to try it on. Angie is going to be my Matron of Honor. So we will be picking her up on the way as her dress is in front of mine.
It’s an identical pattern, a bit smaller, and black instead of white.
I’ve got both corsets here. We are going to stop traffic in these. Bob is Kevin’s best man, they are both going to be in latex suites. What am I going to do about my mum?
Bob is supervising the decorators. The new floor is finished and the attic flat is finished too. The two of them were trying to hide that. They just intended to block the stair continue to it and get another caravan. My Kevin noticed the plans and the thing that specifies the amount of work needed didn’t agree so after another bit of a Barney I now find I’ve bought the freehold and they are my tenants. They have a few shillings in the bank now and I have even more income I don’t need.
Last bit for now though, Kevin said he is going to be here to pick me up in five minutes and my little very slightly authentic sick puppy is never late. We were doing our weekly bit of normal last week and the bugger wentosed me in Tesco, he pushed me over one of the freezers, lifted the back of my trench coat and stuck two fingers right up my minge.
What a stupid thing to do. We will have to drive to Waitrose for a few weeks now. I would have walled his arse when we got home but I couldn’t stop laughing for an hour.
I wrote the bit about mum being my big problem yesterday. I phoned her last night and said I want her to move nearby. She really floored me by telling me she was very lonely these days and can I come soon. Then she went and started crying. The last time that I was aware she cried was when Dad died and we cried together for a week.
I still miss your dad, he was my brown eyed handsome man. I know you and that man of yours get up to some funny kinky stuff Kay. I don’t care as long as you are happy. I won’t get in your way I promise.
Mum, you are welcome to come here any time you want, I’ll give you a key. You may get a bit embarrassed if I’m spanking his bum but you won’t be in the way.
The estate agent that manages my property has a flat I can rent for her, short term, close by. It’s not good enough for my mum to live in for good but I’ve paid the deposit. We will get her in there before we got married. I wonder if Billy can get her a nice rubber dress made in time for the wedding?
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