I find my Goddess.
So, unfortunately, I’d been on my own for two years now and the ladies in the various social clubs and organizations I’m a member of are starting to try to pair me up with a new woman. They obviously think are perfect for me, I wanted to run a mile from them.
I had to do something myself and it had to be for me so I thought all I need to do is find an escort and pay for a bit of company and the kind of sex I want. If I took her to an occasional dinner and dance it would keep the matchmakers at bay.
The first problem was I live in a village in a very rural area. Everyone knows everyone else, especially gossiping women.
I thought about a munch I’d attended once, back when I lived in London. There had to be one not too far from me. I had to do a bit of internet searching to find one a convenient one-hour train ride away.
How do you break the ice with a stranger? How do I tell my vision in leather and latex I’d like her to spank me and then give me a blow job?
An email or two to the organisers informed me I could travel in civies and then get changed at the vendor. There was even a cloakroom service that the members took turns in manning.
I had been told It was only a five-minute walk from the station to the vendor but being a lazy sod I took a cab. It would have been a bit more than a 5-minute walk for me but the cab did in 5. I gave the guy a tip and he said with a big grin, “have fun” so he knew what went on here on the third Saturday of the month.
There was no need to ask if I was in the right place, there was a woman at the inner door who had walked right out of my dreams. Not exactly a fully fledged BBW but there was lots of her.
About six feet in her killer heels A huge pair of boobs, a big voluptuous bum with an almost Impossibly narrow wait. She was dressed in a latex pencil skirt, jacket and corset. There is a famous German internet fetish star called Lady Schokomaus! This woman could have easily passed for her.
She gave me a huge grin and asked. “Are you here for the munch?”
“Err, yes!” I managed to get out.
“Hi. I’m Kay or K for short.” she laughed. The emails I had exchanged asking for details had been signed with a single letter K.
“Are you, Kevin?”
“Yes, I am.”
“I thought so! you are the only man who has asked about joining us recently. Do you want to get changed, you can’t come in like that. We have a dress code.” K led me through to a small changing room and gave me a basket.
“Put your street clothes in here, bring them back and I’ll give you a token.” She left me in the room and as she walked away and I looked at her glorious rear end I almost succumbed to having a quick wank.
I wanted my costume to tell anyone interested what I was there for. It was mostly straws buckles and chains with a stainless steel collar and cuff set. The cherry on the cake was a stainless steel chatity belt I made myself along with thematching collar and cuffs.
I was before I went into business for myself a sheet metal worker. My business had been a precision sheet metal worker and I still had the wear-with-all to make the cuffs collar and belt I was wearing.
The belt has a cock tube that can be killed without the rest of the belt, I had locked my cock in it at home four weeks ago. I did it at home, if I’m even a bit excited there is no chance of getting it on. Having had an ogle of K’s rear end it was to prove a sound decision.
So I walked out to the foyer with my basket and presented it to K. I was treated to another of her 1000-watt smiles and she demanded a twirl. “Let me see!” Her hands were all over the belt. “Where is the key for this then my boy?”
“In my wallet.”
“Can I see it, please?”
“Yes,” I said as I handed her the key, it was on the same ring as the much simpler, conventional tube key. My belt key is a strange affairs. Not like a regular key at all. the lock is openedOnly by the very close proximity of the key chip. Much like a modern car lock, in this case though so close it has to touch. I was told when I bought the lock that the key is uncopyable.
There were two keys at home and this one. “I think this one needs keeping very very safe said K, don’t you.”
“Erm yes, I suppose so.” She has one of those ridiculously small bags with a long chain handle, it could be killed as a shoulder bag or just carried as a clutch.
It was about big enough for a lady’s face powder pack and lipstick and just enough room left for my keys.
She looked straight in the eye as she dropped my key in and said, “it will do very nicely in there!” Then another 1000-watt smile. “Don’t you agree?” I feel my cock trying to reverse out of the tube, it wasn’t going to happen. “It’s rude not to answer a question!” it could get you into very hot water being rude to me in my club!”
“Ohh I’m sorry I’m not sure”
“Well if you’re not sure then I’d betterr look after you and your key. Just imagine if you lost that, someone may try and take advantage.”
Give me a twirl I looked blankly at her. Turn around now, she said slowly as though talking to the local village idiot. She had worked out the system I had for fixing the cuffs to the back of the belt. Without the padlock which was at home, It was just a clip but the wearer could not release his hands, it had to be done by someone else.
She pulled my hands behind me I heard the first click as the cuffs were held together, then the second click as the cuffs were joined to the belt. “Ohh wow., That is so neat.” Then a third.
“Oh. What was that.” I asked though it was pretty obvious what it was. That was when I was dismissed. “Now all you can do is look, go and have a good look around. I’ll be along later to find out if you behaved yourself.
Oh, if I were you I’d be very mindful of your manners among my friends. I was given two playful slapses on my bum, one for each cheek as I walked into the hall. I looked around at her speechless. Don’t worry, I’ll find you later, you can get me a coffee or something to suck.
She popped her finger in her mouth and sucked on it. I nearly fell over. She laughed at me again and said go if you don’t want a spank. Mind you will probably get one of those anyway. I was very tempted to stay!
In the hall, it was much the same as the munch I had attended some years ago in London. A few stores selling fetish items, lots of whips, crops and other torture/play devices. Some did not look like toys at all
With my arms fixed behind my back and my wallet and key in K’s possession, I was unable to do anything but look, unless someone wanted to use me for a demonstration. After an hour or two, my bum was a bit pink and I was having the best time I’d had in some years.
I spent the afternoon wandering around the stalls and as the subject of some interest. One couple, her middle-aged and obviously in charge, himyounger and in some fairly severe horseplay bondage engaged me in conversation about a chatity belt for him. She seemed very interested in the inescapability of my belt and asked me lots of questions about it. Well she did, he was soundly gagged and looked a very worried ponyboy indeed. ” Who has your key boy the kady asked.”
“Ohh er Kay,”
“Err Kay on the door.”
“Ahh, if I were you and you ever wanted any fun time again if get the title right.”
” I think she will be expecting you to call her Mistress K. It’s Mistress K to belted subby boys.”
By 6 pm most people had drifted away. The stall holders were packing away and a young woman in a leather corset and very high-heeled boots was trying to get me to Leave. I was explaining my prediction when at last K appeared and told the young woman I was dining with her. I immediately noted the clutch bag was not in sight. This was to happen after the place was locked up and we were changed into something a little more conservative.
Going to dinner was news to me. Very welcome news but all I had to wear was the jeans tee shirt and leather jacket I’d arrived in, I wasn’t too sure where that was now. My other concern was the train I arrived on and the one I had planned to leave on ran on a small branch line. The last train home was just after 9 pm. With that and as the last of the stall Holders were packing their vans the young woman disappeared and I was alone with K. Follow me, I’ll give you a little tour. K grabbed my arm and led me through to a door marked private. I was, to say the least, a little concern. Very excited my cock had been trying to be excited all afternoon but was fighting a hopeless battle against the chatity belt tube. It was a perfect fit for me in my flaccid state and while it didn’t hurt, it wasn’t the last word in male comfort.
K produced a key, from between those wonderful breasts, there was another key with it that I recognized istantly. As we went through the door both keys disappeared back into that wonderful cleavage. I was treated to another 1000-watt smile, “That can stay there for a while, I rather like it there.
This is my home, you are the first single man to be here for 5 years. There is something about you, I think you are the one and I hope I may be the one for you. I started to reply but she placed a finger on my lips. Let me show you around first, then we can talk.
My husband bought this place for us 8 years ago. It’s an old theatre. We wanted to open a sex club and dungeon here. Unfortunately, the local media got wind and we were closed before we started. I held the munch here every month and I have thrown a party for the last two years on my husband’s birthday.
I live on the top Two floors. We climbed the stairs to the top floor and did the tour from the top down to the main theatre floor.
As we walked through the top flat still in my straps chains and belt collar. And cuff set. In her latex pencil skirt, jacket and corset she told me her story
She had been a nurse in Leeds when she met her husband-to-be. It was too good for her to turn down they lived like this for two years. He was sexually very submissive. He helped her natural sexual dominance develop. He was finally ill when they met, he didn’t tell her this until later on, though key knew he was dying Before he did. When he found out she concentrated on satisfying everything he craved. He insisted they married as he wanted to ensure his first wife and children got nothing more from him than they had bleed from him already. I explained how my wife had died ten years ago in a car accident. We had no children and had both worked. She became my business partner and bookkeeper. I had made enough for us to retire on but now had no one to share it with. The reason for being had been taken away from me. I sold the business a year after she died and now I was very bored indeed. We had brief flurries of playing out what we thought at the time were very kinky scenarios. I think it’s where my interest in chatity and denial came from.
As we were climbing the stairs to start the tour we passed three landings. K lived on the top two floors. That left a third above the theatre. This had been what she told me about the prop and costume storage. It still was though the costumes were now mostly female latex gear and the props were worthy of any Spanish Inquisition dungeon. Admittedly with a Femme Domme, male sub-flavour.
In the sex museum in Amsterdam is a cunnilingus chair. The man is strapped into the base of the chair his neck is trapped between the two halves of the woman’s seat. When he is secured and pretty much can’t move a muscle the woman takes her place.
Another 1000-watt smile and I was asked if I wanted to try it for size. I didn’t get a chance to say no. I still had my hands cuffed behind my back. I offered no resistance as I was guided into the seat.
K placed and tightened strraps over my thighs, legs, waist, torso, and chest then released my arms one at a time and fixed them in turn. I was both excited and appreciated about this.
Too wound up to notice details. Later I counted the restraints, there were thirty-two! When a man was in place in this chair he had a job to do and there would be no diversity.
After a frantic turning of handles and the selection of a different seat for the dominant, I have a large collar size. The top seat was clamped around my neck.
K then dropped a head restraint into its housing just behind me and buckled two straps over my forehead. Nose hooks further immobilised my head and I was ordered to open my mouth a hook/tooth guard for my bottom jaw was positioned and a thumb screw was tightened to prevent me from biting. I don’t want a single syllable from you boy. She popped a big red rubber ball into my mouth.
If you spit that out you go home and I mail you your keys when I feellike it. We both knew that was an empty threat regarding the time but I was pretty sure if I broke her rules it would be the end of this session at best.
She placed a finger on the ball to hold it in place. “You know you have let me put you in this position but you don’t know if I’m just a raving mad bitch.” Then she scared me, she pinch my nose. I could not breathe.
She released the pinch, “now, deep breath in” and pinched again. This time she held it. Just for 30 seconds, it seemed to be forever. I exhausted and my lips blew a raspberry around the ball.
I could not breathe in again though. When I tried my lips sealed themselves to the ball. She held my nose for another few seconds. All the time she was looking into my eyes.
Or I may be just a sex-mad bitch. She then kissed and licked my face. She kissed my eyes, “I like these they tell me all about you”. She licked around my lips. “I like this mouth. I’m going to train it to please me” then she licked my nose.”I like this as well, did you know, noses make very good clipty toys?”
K was excited, her nipples protruding a hard half an inch into her latex blouse stretched over them. I could see the outline of her nipples and nipple jewellery under the stretched material. I fervently hoped I would be allowed to kiss them later.
My cock continued its hopeless battle with its stainless prison. K perched on the front of her seat and I saw and smelt her glistening quim. I tried to lick her but she stayed just out of reach for a tantalising few seconds. “Do you want this boy?”
She slid forward to emphasize her point about noses she rubbed her clip against my nose and I swear she pursued like a cat. I certainly felt like the most the cat just caught and was being cruelly played with.
“I said to Tracy, we were going to have dinner, I lied, you are the one eating, as a meal, this isn’t filling but it will take you a while to finish your starters. She said give me my ball back now.I pushed it out with my tongue.
This is a test, fail, you go home, pass and I hope you put plenty in the parking meter. I hope I will be keeping you for a while
Then she slid forward again pulling her dripping cunt onto my open mouth and covering my nose. You had better get that tongue working well boy or you will get no air. I could not breathe at all. I tongued her wet hole for all I was worth.
She came so quickly that I was taken aback and somewhat disappointed. It had been my experience up until then that women want something different after the first orgasm. Not K, she was soon pulling herself onto my face with her legs and hands.
This time I was allowed a breath or two, just enough to keep me consciousness and hard at work. After three orgasms she pushed back and rotated her hips to present her anus to me and I was instructed: “lick my brownie”. I’d never done that before and hesitated. She reached down, grabbed my nipple and gave it a vicious twist. AnalingusSuddenly became a pleasure.
I went from rimming to pushing my tongue in as far as I could until she came again. She slip back, sat up and said now very very gently. And offered me her clip. I licked sucked and nibbled away for at least half an hour more before she shuddered to her sixth climax in that chair.
For five minutes at least she could not move. She had peeled off her pencil skirt Before she climbed onto her chair but was still wearing an understanding of some sort. She pulled that up so I had access but It had now fallen. I was taped in an atmosphere of latex and finest fanny battery. I was in heaven.
When she came back from cyberspace she lifted herself off me and the chair. She undid the forehead straps but before releasing the nose and jaw hooks placed a big ball gag in my mouth. She buckled that tight around my head and added a blindfold.
She then proceeded to disengage me from the chair but immediately applied leather cuffs to keep my hands out of harm’s way. She spoke quietly into my ear.
“You passed, I knew you were right, to be honest, you were never going to fail. I will say, you passed with flying colour, my bits are still tingling”
Now I know this is not fair, in any other world you deserve a reward but if you want to be in my world your life, and fair are going to be strangers.”
“I’m going to cane you now. I don’t know how much yet. It will be more than your limit, I set the limits in this relationship, not you boy. But if you are good the night may still end well for you. “I did say may,” she laughed.
I was led over to what turned out to be a pillory. My head was fixed in it. My arms stretched up behind me. My legs were spread and secured.
My belt has an oval hole for me to shit through. K decided to explore. I feel her finger rubbing my bum hole. I’ve never had anything up there but was in no position to say no. Thankfully she stopped at just two fingers. You’re very tight, I need to relax that sooner or later.
I’m going to cane you now. And I’m going to use this. She removed the blindfold to show me a terrifying cane. It wasn’t a silly little school cane. She explained it was a Thai prison pattern cane. This is the implement they use on drug dealers in the Bangkok Hilton she explained to me.
The pillory is on a rubber mat, it won’t matter if you piss yourself. It will be six minimum. If you do piss yourself it will be doubled to twelve.
She bent to my face and kissed my eyes again. I hope you cry, I love to lick tears away. Then the blindfold went back on again. I was shiting myself. Truly frightened. I thought she is mad, I’m never going to come near her again.
I heard the cane whistle through the air and her grunt of effort as she propelled it. Fuck me it hurt but not as much as I expected. She didn’t worry, she traced the line where the cane landed with what I presumed was her fingerprintnail and pinched lightly along the line of the forming welt.
When she finished admiring her handiwork she said, “one, I do hope you thanked me for that in your head.” About three minutes later the second one landed. At least half an hour later it was over.
She released me from the pillory. My arms were still cuffed behind me. The blindfold was next to go, and then the gag. “Oh dear, no tears for me to take.” I was about to thank her, I assumed This was over now.
“Before you say a word I’ve two things more to say. You must be thinking does she ever shut up? The answer is, not often.”
She went on. “First, I swapped canes. That thing is brutal, its only place in a playroom is, as a prop. This is, and will only ever be a playroom. It had you very frightened though, didn’t it….. I’ve invited you to speak, not answering would be rude and not what a good boy should be doing.”
“Er yes”
“Er yes, what”.
“Oh! This really is your first time with a Dom isn’t it”
“When we are in here etiquette is everything. You, as a sub, speak only when invited to do so by your dom. You always address me as Mistress K, and if you are not gaged thank me for everything. Including all your punishments. And remember I am always right……..
“Yes Mistress K”.
“I will let that go but I want better.”
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