This story is about a group of young people living together in a big old house a bit outside of town. Most of them are students so they enjoy the rather cheap rent and the some parted place where they can party anytime without having to worry about the neighbors.
Don’t get me wrong: It’s not a place with a nonstop party — they all have to work hard for their education and to earn some money. But like it is in every students life: every now and then….
Let me introduce the main characters to you:
The brown haired guy was born and raised in a rural area about 150km away from the town. He’s in his first year of studying economics. Beeing a country boy his 183cm body is fit but far away from beeing athletic.
The literature student can easily be mistaken for a grey mouse. Beeing only 162cm in height and with rather small tits she normally dresses in baggy t-shirts and old jeans. But don’t get bluffed bythe big glasses on her nose or the simple cut of her black hair — this girl knows how to party.
Together with Mira she’s in her second year of studying literature. The two girls stick together a lot — but their looks can’t be more different. She has long, curly, light brown hair going almost down to her ass and a set of remarkable tits. She really knows how to show off her assets with sheer blouses and tight skirts — and she loves to show off!
He’s the only one not attending a university and the oldest of the group. Earning his money with a part-time job at a transport agency he tries to get known as an artist. He loves working with wood — as a carver and wood-turner he has already sold some pretty big pieces of his art.
At almost two meters of height the work with the heavy wood has gotten him a rather muscle body. His shoulderlong hair has some early grey streaks in it.
The IT-student started his own little companyWhile in his third year at university. Taken off-guard by some sudden success he works really hard to meet his customers needs and get forward with his studies. Even he loves a good party he hardly has time to hang around.
And finally: The house
Its an almost 100 years old three story building outside a small university town in Europe. Surrounded by trees on two sides its at the dead end of a road. There’s an old shed in the garden as well — and the next neighbor is several hundred meters away. Around the garden is an old concrete wall — or at least the remains of a wall. The garden itself has several old fruit trees in it, some not very well trimmed grass. The owner is living on another continent and had a deal with the young people living there: They can rent it for small money but have to take a look on the whole property. No need to keep it in perfect condition — but they have to fix all the small things that might break from time to time.
A little word on safety before starting: Even if it’s not explicitly written in every part of the plot everything happening is SSC — Safe, Sane and Consensual (google that if you don’t know what that means). The participants are always consenting to what is happening, there are all necessary safety precautions done.
It will not be clear how this is done, how everyone is informed before the described action. Just Remember: this story is completely fictional! It might be big magic that it works this way.
Just remember to think about SSC if you ever try to make a similar fantasy reality!
And also a word on safer sex: Condoms are not very common in that story. It would be just to much of a turn-down in the story line.
So just imagine all the Participants get tested for STDs on a regular basis. You should do the same if you play around with someone else than yourself.
Chapter 1
Tom opened the door to the house. He had been back at his parents place for some days celebrating his dads birthday. He loved his family, but being with all the aunts and uncles, everyone wanting to know about his progress in university had stressed him out.
After putting his bag up to his room he went to the big combined kitchen / living room area at the ground floor of the house. Mira and Sabrina where already Sitting there sipping on some red wine and chatting.
He fetched himself a beer out of the fridge and joined them.
They immediately got quiet the moment he sat down and started to look at him with a strange expression on their faces.
“What’s up” he asked feeling a little bit unsure what to say instead. He’d never been the big womanizer and always felt a little bit uncomfortable when he was alone with a woman.
“I don’t know what to think of you” Mira started. “I considered you a nice guy — but I don’t like it when someone uses my property forsomething I don’t appreciate”.
Tom looked puzzled: “Using your property? Me?” he stammered. “When did I use your property in an inappropriate way?”
“Inappropriate” Mira giggled and replaced her serious face the same instant, “That’s a good word for what happened. Do you remember borrowing my USB-Drive to transfer your university material to your new laptop some days ago? Interesting things you need at the university…”.
Tom’s face got pale. Now he knew what happened. He transferred not only university material. “Aaahhmmmm… I thought… Did I forget…”
“SHUT UP” Mira suddenly shouted. “You filtered pig used my hard-drive to store your disgusting porn on it. Lots of gross…”, her voice suddenly failed.
It was silent for a short moment. “Gross porn, yes” Sabrina leered, “I especially liked the folder called ‘Sub’”.
Tom felt like he would fear the same moment. Yes, he had transferred his collection of porn using Mira’s USB-drive. He borrowed it for transferring his data because it was a brand new, rocket fast drive — much faster than his own. His porn-collection was rather huge — it would have taken ages to transfer it using his own equipment
And naturally he hadn’t told Mira all about the data he wanted to transfer. And to make things worse he seemed to have forgotten to delete it on the drive afterwards.
And on top of it that ominous ‘Sub’ folder was the last one he transferred. Out of all the folders of his collection this was the one he wanted to hide the most.
It was full of BDSM movies and texts. And all of them where about men getting tied up, dominated, beaten and treated like slaves.
Sometimes he liked to jack off to fans like that. He also liked to think of himself as a dominant man sometimes or just some pretty vanilla fans. He had folders with all of that stuff — but he had forgotten that folder on that damn hard-drive.
“So what do we do now” he heard Sabrinas voice, “Mira was prettyy upset when she discovered what you did, Tom”. He looked at the two girls with a beet red face. “I’m sorry Mira. I shouldn’t have used your drive for that. And I especially shouldn’t have forgotten to delete it afterwards!”
Mira looked up at him, her face dark with anger and her eyes wet with some tears of disappointment.
“You’re sorry” she said, “you’re sorry. And you think that’s all? What else have you done to my things, you pig? Perhaps gone through my underwear to get something to jack off to? Or taken my vibrator out of my nightstand to shove it up your filthy ass?”
Tom stared at her in shock. Not only he never did such things — to be precise he had never been to one of the girls rooms even together with them. But he also was shocked to hear that nice and nerdy Mira talk so openly about having a vibrator in her nightstand.
He couldn’t help it — his cock started to swell a bit at the idea of her using a sex toy.
Sabrina took over again: “And what do you think about us? Are you picturing us as your jack off material? Perhaps after seeing us sunbathing outside in our bikinis? I don’t want to picture myself misused to fire up your naughty thoughts!
So tell us: what should we do now? Just move out? Or better you move out as you are the filthy pig in here!”
“Moving out? But…” Tom didn’t know What to say. He didn’t want to leave that nice room he had here. And he didn’t want to leave that nice group of people they where. “Please, Sabrina, Mira, can’t we talk that out? I’m really sorry that I disturbed you and misused your equipment Mira. What can I do now? Please, let’s figure something out!”
He looked at the two girls stung with remorse and feeling ashamed of having them know some of his sexual fans.
Suddenly Mira looked up at him. “Perhaps we should punish you for being such a pig. Perhaps we should just do what those women in that folder do!”
“Punish him” Sabrina asked “you mean spank his filthy ass?” She looked sceptical. “You’re shure about that Mira?”
“Yes.” the small girl said. “Either we punish him or I’ll ask the others to kick him out of the house at the next house meeting!”
Tom’s face went pale again. The house meeting! Once a month they all sat together to talk about things that affected them all. Lawn mowing, needed repairs, payments and to choose who got a room If someone moved out. Theoretically the house meeting could explore someone from the house as well — that had never happened so far.
Not only he would loose his cozy room — when they talked about that in the house meeting the others would know about his fetish too!
That was not to happen!
So he looked up sheepish at the two girls: “How do you want to punish me?”
They looked back at him, taxing his appearance. Then they stuck together their heads and started to whisper. After some minutes they sat straight up again: “Tom, if you don’t want to bring that into the house meeting and have you explored from the house you will agree to whatever punishment we will see fit for the whole evening. The others are not at home — so we have all the time we might need! Is that ok so far?” Mira asked with a stern voice.
“Yes, Mira, I’m ok with that” he answered, even he felt terribly uncomfortable about that. And to make things worse he felt that he got a boss that moment.
“So the first part will be a spanking!” Sabrina added suddenly holding up a leather paddle, “a good old fashioned spanking. You know what that means?”
“On my….” he babbled, “you really want to… spank me on my nude ass?”.
“Exactly like that! So undress!” she barked back at him.
Slowly he started to open his belt. Standing up he lowered his jeans and stepped out of them. “Get going! That t-shirt as well” Mira commanded. “We don’t want to get that in our way”. Reluctantly he removed the shirt and let it drop to the floor.
Then he faced the girls.
“Now look at that” Mira’s voice was sarcastic, “he likes it! He has a bosser! And did you forget? Your NUDE ass! So drop that panties and then lay down over that sofa!”
With a big sight he did just that. Letting his panties fall down to the ground, uncovering his rock hard prick he walked over to the sofa and got down on his stomach.
“Ask for forgiveness, filterthy pig, and for your Punishment” Mira told him, stepping behind him. “Please Mira, I’m really sorry for using your hard-drive for my porn. Please punish me and spank my ass!” he responded with a low voice.
Then the first swats exploded on his upturned ass.
Sabrina looked directly in his face: “Yes, little boy. Just take your punishment! And don’t forget about green, yellow, red!”
Green, yellow, red? It took him two more blows from Mira to understand: That where the codes in some BDSM-communities and in most of the stories he read to signal the subs condition: Green means “everything ok”, yellow “please slow down” and red stands for “stop immediately, that’s too much for me”.
And the same moment he finally got it: They had set him up. They had been a little bit too quick to agree about his punishment! Where did that paddle come from so quick? They wanted to play with him some of that fanshe had!
“Yes”, Sabrina had recognized the change in his face, “we’re not mad at all. But we liked that fansasies and decided we want to try that out. So if you want to do that with us we’ll just play along. And if you don’t want to: Red is the code to stop it all!
And there might be even another one to join in: You did delete the files. But Mira accidentally deleted some of her own files on the drive. She asked Robert to help her to get it back. He did it — along with your deleted files. He Found that porn folder. And he loved some of it too. But he already told us: He’s definitely not a sub!”
Chapter 2
Toms but felt like being onfire after five more blows.
“Get down on your knees!” Sabrina took over command. “Ass up, head down!” Motivated by a last, hard blow with the paddle by Mira he almost fell down to the ground before they and lowered his head to the ground. The wooden floor felt good on his overheated face.
“Hands beside your legs! Knees apart” Another blow on his ass. “Wider! Now stay like This! Not a single move!”
“Now look at that,” Sabrina grabbed both his ass cheats. It felt like she tried to rip them apart. “This filthy pig has a hard-on. Our boy likes to be spanked!” She sized his balls, Tom uttered a little cry – more because of the surprise and not out of pain.
She took a piece of thin rope and looped it really tight around the base of his cock. Then she tied it around his balls. “Now I have a leash — a filthy pig on a leash!” She pulled on the rope “I like that”.
“Now what do we do now” Sabrina’s voice was really soft now with a slightly sarcastic touch, “he dirtied your hard-drive, Mira. But its already cleaned by now. So should we make him clean something else instead?”
“That’s a good idea” Mira took over immediately “it’s my turn to clean the kitchen floor this week — but I didn’t have time so far. I think it’s just fair: instead of cleaning my drive he’ll clean the kitchen floor for me. Come on, filthy pig — let’s go to the kitchen.”
Sabrina pulled on the lean around his cock and his balls and Tom started to get up. “Who told you to get up?” Mira’s paddle crashed down on his ass once more. “Stay down on your knees! Pigs walk on four legs!”
The wooden floor hurt a bit as he started to move on his hands and knees — but more than that he felt embarrassed by the fact that he was led around stark naked by two of his rooms. For a moment he thought about quitting the whole thing, about using the safe-word. But then he admitted to himself that he felt horny as hell — and the rock hard cock between his legs was an unmistakable sign that he was enjoying what they did to him.
In the kitchen Mira gave him a bucket full of warm water and a cleaning rag. “Come on, pig, start cleaning!” she encouraged him. “And make sure that ass is high up in the air!”
He started to mop the floor with the rag.
whack whack whack Suddenly the paddle crashed down on his exposed ass once again.
“Ouch” he shrieked, “what did I do wrong, Mira?” His ass-cheeks felt like they where on fire!
“MISS Mira, pig” the freezing voice of Mira told him, “and MISS Sabrina! And what you did wrong? I told you to get your ass up in the air! That means your ass has to be higher that your head, you stupid worm!”
He tried to follow her orders and started to use the cleaning rag again. Suddenly Another hit by the paddle. “Did you understand, pig? So say it!”
“Yes, Mira, I understand” he cried followed by another swat of the paddle. “How did I tell you to address us?” “Miss Mira! Miss Mira! I won’t forget it again, Miss Mira!”
The two girls sat down on the kitchen chairs and observed his cleaning attempts.
“Pig, I won’t tell you again” Sabrina said, “keep that ass up in the air! And spread your knees!” She tugged on the rope to enhance her words.
“Aaahh! Please, Miss Serina! That hurts!”
Because of the pain Tom started to straighten up. The moment he did it he realized that that might be a bad mistake.
Suddenly Mira jumped up and raced out of the kitchen “Now wait you pig…” was all Tom could hear before she disappeared to one of the rooms upstairs.
A moment later she was back again holding a set of leather cuffs in her hands.
“Hands behind your back!” she barked waving with the paddle. Immediately Tom followed her order. She fastened cuffs around his wrists and connected them together.
“Now get back to work!” Tom looked blankly at the rag on the floor then tried to reach it with his tied hands. “With your mouth, you pig!” Mira shouted at him “That will teach you to keep your head on the floor. And don’t forget to spread your knees or I will get something to make sure that you keep them apart!”
With disgust Tom took the cleaning rag between his teeth and started to work again. He heard the girls giggling and whispering. Sabrina knelt down to the floor beside him. “Looks like the little boy likes that” She spanked his ass with her hand — not very hard but with a loud whack.
Then she suddenly grabbed his dangling cock. He was still rock hard, partly because of the tight string around the base but mostly simply because he was aroused as hell.
He moaned feeling her warm hand jack his cock a few times. Then she yanked at the string again making him blur out sounds of pain.
He felt the string being pulled up Between his ass cheats and Sabrina fumbling at his wrist cuffs. She tied the leash to his cuffs. The tight rope hurt a bit on his balls an made his cock point backwards a bit. At the same time it felt nice — nice on his cock and nice rubbing on his asshole when Sabrina started to jack his cock once again.
“You’re here to clean, pig, not to make a mess! Don’t forget that!” She spanked his ass with her other hand still jacking him.
Just as Tom started to think how long he could stand that stimulation Sabrina stopped jacking him and touched that tip of his cock.
Then she held her hand right beside his face. “I told you not to make a mess — and now look at my hand!” A small puddle of white fluid was on her palm.
“That’s your precum you filtered pig! Looks like you still didn’t learn your lesson! Now clean it up!” Tom moved the rag in his mouth to her hand. Another singing spank on his ass!
“You want to clean my hand with this dirty rag? Use your mouth, pig!” Sabrina yelled.
With disgust he realized what she wanted him to do. Licking up his own precum? He had fantasized about eating his own sperm sometimes — but he never had thenervouss to finally do it. It felt hot to think about that while jacking off, but after a climax that feeling was lost immediately.
whack whack whack
Three hard blows by the paddle on his ass made him give up all resistance. He carefully tried with the tip of his tongue.
It didn’t taste that much — a little bit salty and with a strange texture but otherwise tasteless.
It did have another effect: If possible it made him horny even more! The feeling of being forced, the humiliation to lick his own spunk while the two girls where watching…
So he eagerly started to lick Sabrina’s hand clean.
“Was that a good snack, boy?” Sabrina asked. “And what do we say when we get something?” He tried to look up to her which was not so easy while having his ass up in the air and having his hands tied behind his back and fastened to his balls.
“Thank you?” it almost sounded like a question. “Thank you, Miss Sabrina, thank you Miss Mira.”
“You’re wisolated, boy! And now finish cleaning that floor! And better make it spotless, or I’ll get a the belt out of your trousers! Mira and I will have a talk in the meantime what we do next with your red ass!”
Tom went back to mopping with the rag. It was disgusting to hold the wet rag with his teeth and his knees as well as his balls hurt from moving around. If he wasn’t really careful about his moves the string attached to his cuffs and his balls would jerk mercilessly on his testicles.
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