The Old Gogenfart Farm Ch. 08

CLYDE smelled fishy.

What’s a membership RV Park and Why?

Plus other useless crap you don’t want to know.

It was now 1990. I was 51 and Dollie 49. Still full of piss and vinegar. We were making plans for retirering in 1994 but still taking as many weekend camping trips as possible. Got advertisings to camp free at a new membership grand opening at the same RV park where that nudist campground used to be.

For years we’d been camping along Lake Michigan, in the Dunes State Parks, having fun walking the long miles of beaches nude or nearly so. Odds are we’d never get the chance to go up that way after moving. Be fun to check out the old campground and see how that nudist loop looks now. We know that part had been torn down, as we spent our last time there so long ago.

We also had friends south of Detroit and know of many scenario and interesting places to go in lower Michigan. Maybe we’d go to the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village again! I called andmade our reservations for July 1990.

‘The Old Gogenfart Farm, the final chapter’.

July again, the RV park had changed dramatically. Not only a different name but the place looked totally different with nice paved streets and RV sites. The only catch was we were gonna have to waste a few hours on Saturday listening to a sales pitch. Much like those Condo sales talks we hated. Hell we’ve sat Through many of those and said no many times.

Well, I did get suckered in twice when we originally joined a membership system and then another $5000 upgrade. At the time we’d planned on selling everything and actually living in the membership system full time. With up to four weeks allowed in each park at a time it sounded great.

Like everything that’s too good to be true, it wasn’t too good! By the time we retired many of those ‘Home Parks’ closed down, restrictions about holidays and special events, and other crap, narrowed down those extended stays.

Others who were already retired began finding it difficult to find an RV park to move to next. Too much crap to worry about as they got older. Many ended up in State parks and expensive private RV parks in between stays at those member parks. Wally World parking lots didn’t sound like a plan to us. I wasn’t about to say yes to anymore additional memberships.

We already had $10,000 and over $300 monthly Membership fees wrapped up in this system since the early 80’s. When camping at the parks was free, or $1 a night at some, and we went many weekends a year, it seemed to be a good deal. Even then, it wasn’t free camping.

Picture a country club. You pay to join, you pay your annual dues, you pay to play golf, eat, and party.

Fast forward to retire. There were no membership parks near us so we just stopped sending our dues. Can’t do that! Funny, if we didn’t pay our dues they threatened to cancel us yet when we wanted to get out of the system we can’t. Okay, I just stopped paying and afterer a bunch of threats we were cancelled. That was easy even though we did loose a lot of money.

Still for many years it was the best thing we could have done. Great up scale RV parks with free baby sitters in the way of activity directors and kiddy lodges for our kids to hang out while we played locally.

But back to 1990, me 51 and Dollie 49. We arrived at the membership RV park, got a great RV site, and signed up for the required sales talk. Everyone seemed to be dressed for a family affairs. Jeans and mostly long sleeped shirts, men and women alike, in July!

We wore short shorts and Dollie some sort of cleavage poppin top. We seemed to be getting stars from the others as we parked our rig and walked down some of the paved campground loops. We decided to take a walk down to where the old nudist campground loop was.

We actually had difficulty finding it. The tall privacy fence, the telephone poles and light wires, even the gravel road, were gone. In it’s place was a narrow foot path.

All we really found of the little campground was the cement floor and foundation of the old shower house near the small lake. Even the lake shore and the nice trail around it were grown over with tall weeds and small brush.

Still, force of habit, Dollie removed her blouse as we neared the old nudist park lake. We found the remain of the old sand beach and waded through the weeds to the edge of the small lake.

We were greeted by a male voice. At first neither of us saw anyone. There he was, sitting on a log close by, fishing. Of course the normal intelligent question I asked “Ya catchin anything?”

“Yep” and he walked over to pick up his fish basket from in the water, half full of nice Blue Gill and Sun fish.

I no more than said ” those are some nice big ones.”

He stared straight at Dollie and replied “them are too.”

Dollie apologized and started to put her blouse on. The fisherman, we’ll call him Clyde, said something like”shucks Ma’am, ain’t no need to cover them big titles up. Years back this here lake was plumb full of naked wimmin and boys. This was a nudist park.”

Sort of surprised us, as he continued, hardly giving us time to say much more than “Yes” and “no kiddin.”

Like I mentioned, I was 51 and Dollie 49. Clyde said he was 50 or near that. He sure looked older. Clyde said he remembered camping there with his mom and dad over 40 years ago when the Gogenfart girls had a nudist camp there in these woods. He said he used to sneak down there with his little friend to stare at titles. What a coincidence this meeting was.

Dollie told Clyde that we’d discovered the place five or six years ago and met Irene, who had married and then had a different name.

“Yea, she married Ira” was Clyde’s reply. “I sure wished the nudist park was still here. Seein your big titties brings back so many old memories. Thanks ma’am. You made my day.”

Clyde got a little cocky as he kept staring at ​​Dollie’s boobs. “Them things sure look hard. Wished I could squeeze one of them. I’d give this whole basket of fish just to touch em.”

Dollie told Clyde he could keep his fish but she’d be happy to let him feel her boobies. About then Clyde’s fishing rod bent and he reeled in another nice Crappie. I remember him saying “danged, now my hands are slimy and smell like fish.” Dollie told him to rinse them in the lake and they’d be okay.

It was funny watching Clyde grab those two sun heated titles with his iced cold hands. At that time Dollie’s nipples were still at least 1/4th inch long. It was much later, after retirement, that I and some friends ripped her piercing rings out numerous times, leaving only the flat nipple areolas.

Dollie’s hot breasts being grabbed by Clyde’s ice cold wet hands caused her nipples to pop out even longer and harder. I know what this caused. Just holding her breasts caused things to happen.

I don’t think Dollie even realized what she was doing. Her shorts were her short cheek showing hot pants she often wore. Even the crotch was narrow and a loose fit. She slipped a finger up her crotch and began masturbating as Clyde continued to work on her nipples and boobs.

This had both of them in heat. Clyde rubbed and pinched those hard protruding nipples as Dollie begin moaning and squirming around. Clyde knew what was going on so he continued working on Dollie’s nipples for quite some time as she fingered her pussy and panted.

Apparently now weak in the knees Dollie backed away and thanked Clyde. She was embarrassed and told him she can’t take it anymore. I don’t know how we find these ornery perverts.

Clyde looked at Dollie and said something like “I’ll bet your pussy is as wet and smelly as my basket of Crappie by now.”

Okay, I guess I shouldn’t have, but I couldn’t resist. Of course she rarely wore panties and had none on then. Without thinking, I said “ya want to find out, reach up there and feel it.” Dollie giggled and didn’t say much as far as I remember. But she didn’t say no either.

I’m thinking Clyde’s reply was “she might slap me.” I said “Pull your crotch aside dear and let the man feel your hot pussy.” She did and Clyde did. Clyde must have fingered Dollie’s cunt several minutes then went back to fondling her titties and rubbing her hard nipples. Dollie had to hold onto Clyde to keep from falling down. Again she was panting, breathing hard, and fingering her pussy some more.

Not sure if we were lucky or things just worked out well. We heard voices and soon saw several other people headed towards the lake. Dollie slipped on her blouse, we thanked Clyde, and went back to our RV. We were being stared at again by other campers so went in our RV and put on jeans and shirts.

The couple camped next to us, probably our ages, walked over, we sat around sipping iced tea or beer, and talked. Soon another couple joined us. This is what we love about campus. I’ll swear the first gal unbuttoned several buttons of her blouse, or they just popped open. Soon her titles were showing from time to time, as she reached or moved around.

Out of nowhere they were all talking about how hot Dollie had looked earlier and how stuffy the others looked. The other woman and both men agreed, saying this is a campground. People should look comfortable.

Maybe we were drinking beer and not tea. I remember one guy unbuttoning most of his wife’s blouse buttons and soon both women were showing ample amounts of pretty titties. Beer does that, iced tea not so much!

One of the gals encouraged Dollie to show them all her boobs too. We sat around for several hours eating, drinking, staring at titties, and talking about sexy women.

Repeat we were shocked. One of the couples asked if any of us had known there used to be a nudist camp here in the park. Seems like we talked about that for another hour or more.

Before Dollie could say anything I’d called her into the RV to help bring out food or beverages. I’d actually called her in to ask her not to mention us at the nudist campground.

Funny, Clyde walked by with his basket of fish and yelled out “Hello MsDollie. Hope I see you down at the lake again.”

We could have met Clyde to play again but we spent the weekend listening to the sales presentation, lounging in the new pool dressed like old fogies, and talking to our new campground neighbors while the women exchanged tit shots. Those sort of accidentally on purpose semi-flashes women do.

It had been five years, at least, and we still had a bit of excitement at the old nudist camp.

Years after retirement to Florida we were back in lower Michigan. Dollie and I looked for the membership park but it was gone. In its place is a Large gated type subdivision.

The same thing happened to the membership park south of where we now live. Land becomes more valuable and houses grow where crops and RV parks oncewere.

The End of this story.


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