The Old Gogenfart Farm Ch. 04

Here’s Ira’s next note. Written by Ira in his own handwriting.

Dolly and Denny.

‘So sorry I wasn’t the tooday. Thanks for understanding a dirty old man and his whishes. As much as we try we can not get my thing hard anymore. This week Irene warshed my penise and chewwed on it but the dinn’t help ether. It sure feel good. Dolly is welcome to try that. Irene will make surr it is verry clean.

It would make me hapy to play with Dolly’s breests and masterbat her.

Irene said maybe she’d hep me get my soft pennus inside Dolly. All I reely want to do is rub those big breests and maybe cheww on the niples. If that do no’t kill me I will try the rest.

Charly and Gracy told us I shoot try liccking Dollys pusy. Woold it be okaee to try this with Dolly. I don’t evin care if it is durty.’

Ira and Irene.

Another note wasn’t necessary because we were just gonna return the next morning and see what might happen with Ira and Irene. But a note wouldmake it more exciting since it was Ira who started writing notes. They’d mentioned Charlie calling Gracie his sex slave. So I got kinky. Our next note follows.

Pappy and Granny,

‘Thanks for your invitation and my chance to display and offer the honey pot of my sex slave for your enjoyment.

Both you and your lovely wife may use her as your play toy today. She will obey your commands as rules of this tiny Kingdom.

I suggest a good but gentle spanking.

I suggest she have her breasts slapped, pinched, squeezed, and chewed on.

I suggest she needs her pussy punished with fingers and your penis poking it as much as you wish.

I suggest she is forced to chew on our Master’s penis .

I suggest that whenever she complains, yells, or tries to get loose, she gets more spanking.

I ordered her to clean her body inside and out several times.

As our Master we would be honored for you to taste the negative of her honey pot.

I suggestyou have intercourse with my sex slave and force me to watch.

I suggest you make me have intercourse with your lovely wife and force mine to watch.’

The next morning we returned again to Ira and Irene’s RV around 9AM, naked. Dollie was ready to be their bad girl slave. It was also her idea for me to add the part about me fucking Irene.

Dollie said something like “I am here to serve you my Master.” She then handed Ira the new note. He read it out loud then Irene read it again. They, smiled, hugged us both, and led us inside.

We were feeling strange doing this with old people and wondered why we offered. Yet they did invite us inside. We’d always fooled around with people much younger or close to our ages. We both decided that this may be their last chance to enjoy sex. Who would know? What may really happen?

I believe Ira questioned some of the things in the notes. One thing I remember that he first asked “If I ask Dollie to bend over and show us her pussywill she do it?”

Without him asking Dollie, she bent over a recliner chair, her pussy spreading wide apart. Actually this was no different than what Irene had done for us one afternoon.

Ira rubbed Dollie’s widespread pussy and slowly slipped a finger deep inside. She moaned and told him “Master that feels so good. Don’t stop.”

Ole Pappy worked Dollie’s pussy for several minutes. His hands were shaking which she seemed to enjoy more. Granny Irene seemed to be unpredictable. She was spanking one of Dollie’s butt cheats, actually gently patting it.

From what I remember Ira reached around and grabbed both of Dollie’s tits and began pulling on them and fondling them. Ira had those big old farmer hands that were used to milk cows. It almost appeared he was milking Dollie. She yelled and told Ira it felt great. But I’ll bet it hurt. Dollie yelled she was cumming.

Ira was pressed right up between Dollie’s legs. I was sure his soft little penis may have been against her pussy. Dollie started squirming and sort of grinding against it. She said “Ira I feel your price against my hot pussy.”

I knew it was hopeless but I said “Ira, slip it in and fuck that nasty little sex slave.” For once Dollie didn’t move away or complain. I think she giggled. Again, in minutes, he’d backed away and was rubbing Dollie’s pussy more with his hands.

Seems like Irene told Ira to stick one of his wet fingers in his mouth and see how it tastes. He told Irene it tasted sort of sweet. Again, just guessing. Irene told Ira maybe you better flip her over and see how that honey pot really tastes.

He led Dollie over to the sofa and she automatically put one leg up on the back, the other foot on the floor. I helped her raise up a bit and I shoved a small pillow under her ass.

Ira said he’s never done this before. He bent down, spread Dollie’s lips wide, and began licking and sucking Dollie’s cunt. I’ll swear Ira said “this is just like a kid eating waterrmelon!”

As I’d told her many times about any sex act, squirm, scream, and moan. Always tell your partner it feels great and you are cumming …even if none of it is true! For her it’s usually true.

At his age old Ira didn’t do anything long or in a hurry. He walked over, sat in a neary chair, staring at Dollie’s spread wet pussy. When Dollie started to move Ira said “don’t move slave, I am enjoying the view.”

Irene started asking Ira how it smelled and tasted. They both shocked and amazing us at times. “Dang it bitch, if ya wanna know get down there and lick it.”

Dollie is against having a woman touch her pussy. She sometimes even gets upset when a gal holds her boobs. As Irene got nearer, Dollie put her legs together and I believe she was going to get up.

Both Ira and Irene were catching on to this Master/slave game. Seems like both said something like “lay still whore. Granny is gonna taste your honey.

Irene got on the floor beside Dollie on her hands and knees. One of them said “spread those legs slave girl.” In seconds Irene had her head between Dollie’s legs licking her wet pussy.

Dollie moaned and told Irene “I’m warning you old woman, I’m not a lesbian. But I’m going to cum all over your face.”

Irene replied “okay slave woman, I’m ready.” Irene sucked and licked Dollie’s pussy way longer than Ira. Dollie seemed to be loving it.

After some time Irene moved back, spreading and staring into Dollie’s cunt. She made comments like “does mine look like that?”

Just as Irene started to get up old Ira told her to suck that honey hole some more while Denny fucks you from behind. I made up excuses not to do it. But Irene and Ira told me I am also a slave today. Irene said do what your master said.

By then old Ira was tying Irene’s wrists and ankles with something. He looped a belt behind Dollie’s wait with Irene’s hands tied on each side. Then he hooked her legs to the sofa . This forced granny’s face toremain in Dollie’s crotch.

As far as I remember, old granny wasn’t really tied up but she felt as if she were. They discussed this slave/master thing for a while as they kept coating me to fuck old Irene.

I did have a pretty good erection and Irene was in a good dog fashionable position. I said “hey Pappy, divide your finger in Irene’s honey pot and loosen it up for me.” He did good!

While he was working her pussy Irene asked “how come you haven’t been doing this all these years?”

I had to laugh when Ira said “well you never asked!”

This old couple was more fun than a bunch of kids. When Ira moved away I slowly and gently slip my hard cock in that old pussy. It was almost too tight. I had only about half my prick in Irene when she screamed. It just wouldn’t go any deeper. She must have remembered what I’d said to Dollie about screaming. Irene was moaning, shaking her ass, and letting out screams every time I rammed my cock in her cunt.

Irene had forgottenn about licking Dollie’s pussy. Her face was buried on Dollie’s belly. She was grabbing the pillow under Dollies ass and yelling rather than eating pussy.

Irene was dry and getting tighter. It was hurting my penis and I wasn’t able to move in and out much. Suddenly I squirted just a little. This gave some lubrication and I could slide in and out again. This went on for several more minutes.

It would get very dry and tight. I squirted a bit, then finally buried my cock, making Irene scream. I gave her a few more good stalls and finally ejaculated deep in that tight old pussy. Irene was screaming and collapsed on Dollie.

Damned I killed her, I was thinking. She was panting and finally said that was the best fuck she’s ever had. I got off, Ira and I helped Irene to a chair, and Dollie sat up.

Dollie began asking Irene why she screamed. Irene said “Ya silly little bitch it really did hurt like hell. That prick felt like it was ripping my guts out.” I believe we all asked Irene if she was okay. “Hell yes, I’m in heaven.”

Ira was ornery like me. “Ya want him to give you some more honey?”

Irene looked at him and said “if you had a cock that big and hard I wouldn’t want it from you now either! That thing you have hanging there would kill me!”

I don’t remember much more happening that afternoon. Seems like Irene and Dollie made sandwiches and we relaxed on the outside deck after taking shows.

I do remember Ira fondling Dollie’s boobs now and then and smiling. But I don’t remember Dollie sucking his little cock or getting fucked by either of us. I think it worked out just the way she expected.

Seems like her and I just walked down to the small lake together and took a dip then relaxed and visited other nudists on the small beach.


The next day we were headed back to play games with Gracie and Charlie. We were trying to get back to our normal age group. Besides Graciewas a lot better fuck than Irene.

But we had one more note to give our friends Ira and Irene. That note is below.

[‘Thank you very much!’ Dollie]

Next time we walked past Ira and Irene’s RV we planned on handing them the note, as we walked on by to visit Gracie and Charlie. I’m not sure if it was the very next day or possibly a few days later. After all, we Did play mini golf, use the pool, and hot tub, now and then in the main campground.

We were passing Irene and Ira’s campsite. Of course, being naked and holding a piece of paper, it was easy for them to see. Dollie handed the note to Irene. I’m sure they expected to find something kinky and nasty again.

But those words, THANK YOU VERY MUCH seemed to be all that was needed. Once more humgs and they begged us to sit on the deck and have a glass of iced tea while we talked about the games we played with them.

We no longer feel cheap, dirty, or like we took advantage of that old couple. They admitted this was their first time to do anything like that and it would be their last time to enjoy sex.

Dollie and I both told them that Charlie and Gracie are even wilder than us, talk to them about games and intercourse. Even if they won’t do it maybe they know another older couple to spend some time together with you.

Irene asked one more favor as we got up to go visit Gracie and Charlie. Actually she did it before we fully answered. Irene got down on her knees right there on their front deck, licked my penis, then stuck a few inches in her mouth and sucked it.

Irene gave old Ira a glance and what I believe was his approval smile. She removed her teeth and took nearly half my cock in her mouth. She then worked her head up and down as if she’d done this many times before.

I remember warning Irene that I was about to cum. She either didn’t hear me or didn’t care. I pumped a large wad down that old woman’s throat. Irene gurgle, choked, moaned and kept sucking. Even afterr that, Irene licked and sucked my cock for awhile.

She raised up, struggling the last few drops of jazz from the end of my uncircumcided cock with her hands, smiling and thanking me.

Ira said something like “old woman in all these years you’ve never done that to me!” I have no idea what was said then.

When finished Irene asked Dollie to do the same with Ira. They both assured us Ira’s cock was clean. Ira was sitting in a rocking chair. Dollie got down in front of him, wiggled his 2″ to 3″ limp dick and buried it in her mouth. A no-no for Dollie.

Ira got only a minute blow job. Ira loved it and I really didn’t mind getting my cock sucked by a 75-80 year old granny. I think Dollie did it that one time because it was soft and she knew it wasn’t gonna squirt.

Something funny happened when we again got ready to head towards Charlie’s RV site. Granny and Pappy begged us to tell Gracie and Charlie what we’d all been doing the past few days like they wanted us to brabout it.

They kept repeating that these were all firsts for them and I believed them. We agreed, saying this would help prepare them for finding you two another couple to play games with. Both said they doubt that they will ever do any of this again and just kept hugging and thanking us.

We kept in touch by mail with Charlie and Gracie. When they told us the membership system was closing the nudist loop permanently the next summer we decided to go back. As our next vacation got closer Gracie’s kinky letters made us want to be there even more.

We rarely gave out our phone number or address to anyone involved in our games. We only used a post office box for special sex friends. After years of never getting replies we canceled our P.O. Box.

Sadly when we returned to the nudist RV park the next year Ira and Irene were no longer there.

No doubt things happened slightly different and what was said is only appropriate.

Funny, this was another camping trip we nearly forgot about until Dollie found some of the old letters from some of our partners. I’ve been writing notes and sending letters since the early 60’s.

Even after retirement I sent many pages hand printed to our friends while I sunbathed in the yard. Many copies were in Manila folders and later in my computer in folders. This was way before I had internet.

Oh how the memories came back. All true stories. The more we find, read, and I rewrite, the more we remember. But Dollie’s burning our past so our kids don’t find it later.


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