The Old Gogenfart Farm Ch. 05

Way up North End of an Era Ch5

Camping and Bondage Stories

Just stuff to ponder.

There wasn’t really a lot of bondage during our two weeks at the resort. No real torture but a lot of kinky sex. Looking back, we made a couple of old people happy and a couple of people who are old now have memories to relive the good ole days.

We’d met a couple who enjoyed flashing and teasing others. Although our reasons were just to have Dollie’s boobs stared at and fondled. Theirs to have Gracie’s pussy serviced. As a bonus she also got her boobies fondled and Charlie occasionally got some pussy.

People are different and different things turn them on. Notice there was no anal sex with these new friends. I don’t even remember it being mentioned. That’s another thing Dollie won’t allow. But I’m sure had Charlie or Gracie mentioned it we’d given Gracie all she wanted.

Personally I’d rather be fucking a hot juicy pussy any day. While Dollie has never had intercourseWith another, she’s had what she calls a good sex life. I’ve gotten her to do way more than either has expected. I’ve gotten way more than my share of strange pussy and a lifetime of tits of all shapes and sizes.

What ever happened to Gracie and Charlie? Many of those membership campgrounds went bankrupt or were sold to other membership companies repeatedly. Also a lot of shady deals and phony agreements caused the original campground members to have to pack up and get out.

This is what happened to the old nudist park members a few years later. They had to buy into the new system or leave. Then eventually most resorts went belly up, as did the company we belong to. The system was good while it lasted. But most of us lost thousands of dollars after the parks changed ownership several times.

As for Gracie and Charlie, we spent another week or so back at the resort the next summer experiencing their kinky bondage and swapping. They were the perfect couple for us becausee it was Gracie who teased with her big tits to attract old men for sex.

Lucky for me, she also liked young men and guys her age, like me. Finding couples was just a bonus for Charlie. So Dollie, as his non-fucking play toy, worked out well.

Ira and Irene (Granny and Pappy) had already moved out by the next summer and their RV was gone. This had to be difficult for them. It had always been their home. The membership park was forcing the members of the original nudist camp to either join their new membership system or leave.

The nudist section was being closed down. There would be no more extended or permanent RV’s allowed anywhere. Same as other parks in the system, members were only allowed two weeks camping a few times each year.


The following year we made sure we went north on vacation again to play with Gracie and Charlie, literally. As I remember, Gracie and I did most of the actual letter writing back and forth.

I was always the letter writer in our family and got good at those kinky letters to Pen Pals and Tit Partners over the years. We’d stayed in contact by writing often. I would have been 46 and Dollie 44. As I look back those were some of our wildest active sex years. Old enough to know better. Young enough to enjoy it.

With lots of begging and coaxing we were able to leave the kids home again. Dollie knew that without kids she was gonna live some of my fantasy games wherever we went.

She’d read the letters from Gracie, from Ruth Ann and others. Dollie’s begging for babysitters was mostly the reason we got to go alone. This proved she was ready to play.

Dollie also begged me to visit those kinky people. For those of you who think I’m a conniving dirty ole man think About this. I’m sure I could have talked Dollie into fucking Charlie, George, Ken, and others, or we’d stay home. Or at least fucked some of them. After all I was known to use bribery and trickery at times.

Some letters Gracie and Charlie wrote about were their threesome’s with a couple of different men their age. As it got closer to our July company shut down for vacation Gracie teased Dollie more about Carlie, one of their partners.

Carlie would visit mostly at their home, but occasionally at their campsite. Gracie would write Dollie that Carlie was going to fuck Dollie every day we were there for hours at a time while Charlie fucked her tits.

Of course Dollie would have no part of this. When vacation got closer Charlie or Gracie wrote detailed letters how Carlie and Charlie were going to eat Dollie’s pussy, chew on her tits, and masturbate her while I fuck Gracie. Hesitating, Dollie told me to tell them this part sounded like fun. But she always had me add to all letters there would be no intercourse by anyone but me!

A return letter, supposedly written by friend Carlie asked Dollie about the time Charlie fucked her tits. He wanted to know if him and Charlie could do that? Altho Dollie wasn’t thrilled about it, I answered YES, she would love getting title fucked by them.

So, reluctantly, Dollie was ready to meet yet another friend at the nudist camp RV park. At times like these she didn’t exactly say yes. But didn’t say NO either! I always took those as YES!

Of course, we planned on visiting with the old couple Ira and Irene too. Dollie became quit attached to them. I think it was because she felt safe that old Ira couldn’t get a hard-on! Using a double threat Dollie kept telling me I was going to have to fuck Granny Irene again.

Way up North once Again.

We arrived at the Michigan RV park complex, mid July and hot out. Most likely a late Friday afternoon after driving from central Illinois. I was working third shift trucking. Thursday was my last nite of the week. I would have slept till early Friday morning.

We remember less than a dozen modern RV’s with members in the nudist area. Since many old nudist loopMembers had either abandoned their RV’s or pulled them out and left, there was plenty of room for us with electrical hookups. The main RV park seemed to have many RV’s in it now.

We went directly to the nudist loop to camp with the friends expecting us. Charlie and Gracie hadn’t told us that old Ira and Irene (Granny and Pappy) had already moved out. That was a shock to us and we felt depressed. But we soon forgot our depression as Gracie, Charlie, and one of their sex partner couples greeted us. This couple was probably also our ages and camped nearby.

We were soon told about the membership group closing down the nudist section and canceling membersships for those who hadn’t joined the new resort system. Just as we had discussed with our friends last summer, this was the end of an era. Sure glad we were there till the end, even though we were not really members of this nudist group.

We were soon to discover some nudists were ignoring the old rules. Many were openly fondling each other and friends who had come in to celebrate the end of a way of life. We would see sex acts performed on the playground and on a few RV decks in broad daylight.

It switched from a nudist park to a sex playground. Far from normal for a nudist resort. The real nudists had already left. Most ages now probably 30’s to 40’s. Us being 46 and 44, we thought we were the oldest. If Only Dollie was more willing. Still, she was no prude. I got all the pussy I could handle and she got fingered and fondled by a few.

There were other apparently abandoned older RV’s, the type that looked like they’d been there for years. A few days later we discovered that there were two old men, 75-80 years old maybe, one in each of two of those very old RV’s.

We were surprised and Shocked to find out they were Irene’s brother-in-laws. Her sisters had died years ago and the two men rarely came out to the RV park. They were only there because it would soon be closed.


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