The Old Gogenfart Farm Ch. 03


This story continues and reviews where I left off in lower Michigan at the membership campground with the small nudist park deep in the woods. This is mostly about Granny and Pappy, the old couple.

We led a simple yet sometimes kinky life and learned many things along the way. This is a mixture of things we learned about camping, old people and the simple life.

This also may be noteworthy. We discovered that the membership campgrounds were competing. Each was buying as many private RV parks as possible then remodeling or totally rebuilding them. Members of the old RV parks were upset, many lost money from their membersships in those, and not many old members joined the new system.

Members already in the new park system, like us, wouldn’t camp There until the remodeling was finished. Yet we soon learned few if any people camped during these changes. We had our own mini golf clubs and balls. We’d rather swim in a pool with no one than a crowded pool. No dress codes, and we enjoyed the privacy of an empty campground. So those new campgrounds were our choice at the time.

This was one of those newly bought RV parks in the member system we belonged to. Can’t remember if there were any other campers there during the middle of the first two weeks we were there. We wandered around the remote areas like we did other places. Most likely there were a few RV’s camped on the weekends.

This was the only time we wandered upon a nudist resort within the regular resort system. With the discovery of the nudist park and our new friends we only occasionally used the pool in the main park and spent almost all our waking moments playing in the nudist area. ——- Cum along for more strange nude adventures

Granny and Pappy had names. We’ll call them Irene and Ira. The short time we knew them we learned to love them and enjoy their company, along with Gracie and Charlie at the nudist park.

Ira and Irene’s RV was the first that people came to as they entered the small nudist RV loop. We soon found out why. Let me try to begin at the beginning, then tell more about our later adventures involving Ira’s little letters.

It all began as we were leaving a fun afternoon with Gracie and Charlie, having sex, and being normal nudists at their campsite. As usually happened, Ira and Irene saw us walking towards the exit, and Walked down to the lane to talk briefly. They always ask us to return another day.

On this afternoon Ira handed me a note which I read out loud to Dollie as we walked back to our RV in the regular membership area. It was very interesting in explaining just how and why the little nudist park came into existence. Not a lot here at first to do with us or sex. But we found it interesting and hope you do to.

Here’s Ira and Irene’s story.

Some was written in the notes from Ira. Other times things they told us as we sipped iced tea and sat on their RV deck.

It all began in the late 40’s. Where the modern membership RV park now sits was a large farm. I know the name of the farm and the farmer. But I will call it The old Gogenfart Farm.

Farmer Gogenfart had three beautiful young daughters who liked to do their chores nude. No matter how much Mr. and Mrs. Gogenfart yelled and punished the girls they always found the youngsters gathering eggs, milking cows, and doing other chores naked.

Of course this attracted the young neighborhood farm boys and distracted them from their duties when Mr. Gogenfart hired them to work on the farm.

Fast forward a little.

Soon the three daughters were married to three young farm hands who were also doing their chores naked. Mr.Gogenfart added a few bedrooms for the daughters and their husbands. Yet Mrs. Gogenfart complained about all of the young folk in her house nude.

Mr. Gogenfart bought three large RV trailers and had them parked way out in the back 40, in the woods. A perfect place becausese the young newlyweds spent a lot of spare time skinny diploma in the small clear blue lake.

When the three couples spend more and more time in their trailers farmer Gogenfart and the boys ran electric power lines from the main house to the campground. Eventually all three young couples were living there full time, except for the coldest winter months.

Young friends spend many weekends partying and getting naked in the secluded wooded area. They begged farmer Gogenfart to let them bring in a few more smaller RV’s for others to spend nights and weekends in the summers.

At first all of the RV’s were located around the small lake. Farmer Gogenfart agreed to let others move in but said he would have to charge for the electricity and a small rental fee. This is how the nudist RV park developed on the farm.

Fast forward to the 70’s.

Mr. and Mrs. Gogenfart had passed away. The kids were offered a good price for the main farm from a large RV corporation. They would be allowed an access road to the nudist area in the woods.

As the tiny nudest area became more popular one of the daughters and her husband moved their RV nearer the entrance lane so they could keep an eye on people coming and going, and collect the daily entrance fee they now had for visitors.

Again, in the 80’s, the now large RV park and smaller nudist park was sold to a membership park system. That’s where we came in. By the way, that farmer’s daughter and young farm hand living in the RV near the old nudist park entrance was Ira and Irene. Now we understand why they greeted people entering and knew everyone camped there.

Sadly greed and liars now control our world. The nudist section, all the RV’s, and original members are gone. Old Ira and Irene no longer live on the old family farm.

As I often do I start a story and get derailed. This was supposed to be a continuation of what happened while camped in the membership park and finding a small nudist parkwithin it.

It wasn’t over yet! Stay tuned for Ira’s notes, some fun, and sex. It’s about Granny and Pappy, two of the oldest nudists we’d met until later years.

I was probably 45, Dollie 43, and new friends Gracie and Charlie also near our ages. Granny Irene, was most likely in her early 80’s, as was Pappy Ira. At that time anyone over 55 was ancient and boring.

It was way back then when we found out old people can be kinky and wild, just like young people. As a plus, many old people don’t really give a damned what us young people think. They live for today because tomorrow they may not be here.

We also found out you can’t judge how sex crazy people are by their looks or their ages. Let’s read the notes Ira gave us in Ira’s words.

Notes From the old man, let’s read them.

Written by Ira in his own handwriting.

[Dear Denny and Dolly

‘Our names are really Ira an Irene. We were born and raised here. Actually Irene is the daughter of the farmer who bilt this campground. But we’ll talk about this later. We know that the couple down the lane trades partners for sex. I hope you understand what I have to say. Like Irene, I am a one woman man. I have never had sex with another woman.

But I keep avoidin what I want to ask. I feel you should let me have sex with your lovele wife Dolly. It only seems fair. But we all no thet is not possible even if you agree. To touch and feel her large beautiful breests wood be as close to heaven and sex as I will ever be. When you return to visit please let Irene and me now.’

Ira XYZ]

I read this note to Dollie several times as we walked back to our RV. Dollie commented how much those old people were like us. We both mentioned we had no idea old people are so horny. In our golden years we really see this is true.

Of course Dollie would be thrilled to let old Ira fondle her breasts. I even think it was Dollie who said “Pappy can play with my pussy too. That would almost be fucking me. Maybe that will make his penis hard and he can have sex with Irene.”

I replied with “or you.”

Dollie said “remember how I was going to let your virgin friend at work fuck me? Maybe I will let Pappy try.” Something I never expected to hear Dollie say again!

Dollie agreed that I should write a return note and tell Ira he could fuck her and fondle her boobs. No one else would know and those poor people may not be alive much longer.

We both decided that even if Ira couldn’t get an erection Dollie would let him rubb his cock up and down her spread pussy and maybe let him stuff it inside her. I’m thinking Dollie was pretty sure old Ira couldn’t get it up! Ira’s cock was always a shrinked 3″ stub.

Following is the note I handed Ira and Irene the next morning. I told Dollie while nearing their RV, once I hand this note to them there is no turning back. Dollie said she understand.

To cover my butt I often let her ask people to play certain games. I handed the note to Dollie as we rounded the little curve towards Granny and Pappy’s RV.

My first note.

[‘Dear Irene and Ira.

Thanks for your honesty and friend. Dollie and I read your note several times. We would be proud to share my wife Dollie with you for an afternoon of sex. Dollie loves when older men fondle her breasts. Of course this causes her to have multiple orgasms . Her wet pussy is always in need of stimulation. But until now it has only been the fingers of other men. Her pussy is waiting for your penis.

We both welcome you to play with her breasts anytime you’d like. If you have a problem becoming aroused yourself perhaps Dollie can help get it hard.

Dollie does enjoy fingers deep inside her so this is almost as good as intercourse. Feel free to use as many fingers as you can for as long as you would like.’ Love Denny and Dollie.]

We were betting old Ira couldn’t get an erection so Dollie agreed with my letter. The very next morning around 9AM we had breakfast, were dressed, and headed towards Irene and Ira’s place with our little note.

After discovering the nude camping area we didn’t worry about what to wear. I usually wore nothing except short shorts. Dollie wore her cheek showin shorts and a low blouse. After all, after a short walk into the nudist park we’d be naked.

We dropped our clothes at the small storage container and I handed the note to Dollie. It was only a little farther to Granny and Pappy’s RV but I’ll bet I asked Dollie a half dozen times if she wanted to go thru with this. She giggled and said it would be fun. I still think she was counting on old Ira not getting a hard-on!

Their car was gone and no one was outside. We intended to visit Gracie and Charlie later so continued down the lane. Irene, or granny, stepped out on the deck and waved to us. As she walked down to meet us she saw the note in Dollie’s hand.

Irene told us Ira had gone into town for the day then asked if the note was for him. We both told her it was for Ira. Irene asked if we’d mind if she read it and she’d then take it inside for Ira to read later. I mentioned it was sort of private.

Irene said something like she hoped we were willing to let that dirty old man play with Dollie’s titles. Dollie smiled and handed the note to Irene. Irene read the note several times then hugged us both.

We then went on down the lane to visit Gracie and Charlie. I believe it was much like other times with them. First me, then Charlie fucked Gracie after tying her to some furniture or something. She didn’t really need to be tied up. Gracie was very willing. It was just part of their games.

After a break we played with Dollie awhile. Seems like we may have walked down to the lake and swam with other nudists then had a picnic.

It was nearly dark before we walked back toward Ira and Irene’s RV site and noticed his car was back. Again, it was only Irene who came out to talk. She said shewas sorry, Ira had already gone to bed. She handed us another note and said she’d see us another day.


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