The Ogress and Her Elves Ch. 01

Runa is a busy, modern ogre that stubbornly has held out getting an elf pet, but once she folds and buys her first elf…her harem of pets slowly expands and she realizes exactly what she has been missing.

++++ALL characters in sexual situations are 18 and above!+++++

This story includes: FemDom, Futanari, heterosexual, size difference (smaller male), pet, slave, mreg, elves, ogres, reverse harem (one female, several males), urban fantasy, complete imbalance of power, buying pets at the store, public sex, hunting the slave, rape, noncon, mind break by pleasure, raiding village, motherhood, happy ending

Chapter One

Runa, an ogress office manager, was almost always the last out of the office with the company owner, a fairy woman named Ellina. They were a small company, managing just under four dozen employees of ogress and humans, that focused on home developments in the ogre community as well as managing rental properties for them.

Though humans could live wherever, ogre and fairies both were driven to live in groups.

While fairies lived in large groups, often called clans, that consistent entirely of blood relatives and could house anywhere from twenty individual homes to a hundred, ogres lived in smaller groups, often called raids.

The male ogre raids have a very strict hierarchy and would only the male ogre and their ogre their mate, younger siblings of either that respected the breeding pair, and their juvenile children or grandchildren that respected the breeding pair’s role as head of the raid. These raids, called Family-Raids, usually occupied their own building, but more often than not, they lived out in the ogre suburbs in wooded areas where they had their own property and territory.

Female ogres, however, were more communal. They formed tight raids with other female ogres they were usually raised with — women that could be either blood relatives or close friends who respected them. These raids were oftencalled Sister-Raids. Female ogres in sister-raids did not breed until all members of the sister-raid were ready, and then they would locate a territory where they would remain in close proximity to each other for the rest of their lives, raising their children as second mothers to the children of their sister-raid ogres.

In ancient times sister-raids would often lead to male dominated raids that overlapped as the backbone to new ogre villages, but everything changed once ogres discovered the use of elves.

Elves, they found out, were breedable by female ogres.

While male ogres could only have children with female ogres, there had always been an issue with the fact that for every one male ogre, there was roughly ten female ogres.

But for every one female ogre, there were fifty elves.

As it was found, both genders of elves — roughly half the size of a female ogre (and one third the size of a male ogre) — were able to carry the young of a female ogre, whichenabled female ogres to focus on more pursuits than trying to find a male ogre to court with impressive kills.

With the high sex drive of a female ogre, most often took several elves, who would also save them of the troublesome symptom of the need to breed — sore, full breasts full of milk. Elves weren’t incredibly intelligent creativity, though they did possess magic, and so it was entirely easy to capture, breed, and keep them.

As elves would only have ogre offspring with an ogre and elves mate for life with just the one mate, it became all to easy to almost breed with them to extinction, so it was decided that most all female elves would live in villages (owned now by corporations usually run by fairies or humans). Each female elf had a male elf mate, and they were allowed to keep any daughter. The males, however, would be sold to the market at nineteen years of age to be purchased by an ogress for her harem.

In modern times, sister-raids lived in apartment buildings that Runa helped manage and build. Most sister raids in modern times only have three to four members, which enabled them to comfortably occur one floor of an apartment building, each of the sisters having their own individual apartment (necessary for ogres, who could be territorial at times, even with their sisters). The ogress would live there with her harem of male elves.

The sister-raid would remain there on their floor until they decided it was time for them to start breeding — until then, the elves in their individual harems had a magic contrastive placed on them by their owner, as it was very easy for an ogress to breed the very eager to be breed elves.

When the sister-raid decided it was time to settle down and become mothers, they would purchase a plot of land through companies like the one Runa worked for. There setup varied, but usually there was a plot of land with two story homes collected around a courtyard, the children staying on the first floors of the homes while the elves were kept on the second floors for breeding by the mothers.

Runa herself was in a sister-raid with three others that she had been raised with, her two sisters, much younger than herself, still in her family-raid. She and her sister-raid members were all in their middle thirties, and though it was normal for an ogress to wait until she was nearly forty to start breeding their elves, all four of her sister-raid members were getting a lot of grief from their parents to settle down.

Unlike many of the other ogress in the city they lived in, Runa and her sisters had parents that were still ‘traditionalists’. That is, they were from a village that hadn’t modernized and still lived in the ancient ways without most technology (just radios and perhaps a landline, but no cell phones, computers or cars). They lived in an Underground cave that their mothers — part of a sister-raid — carved out themselves (as opposed to above ground homes). They hunted to survive (as opposed to going to the grocery store and grabbing some potato chips and premade divide for a snack).

And female ogres mate for life with male ogres and submitted to him.

So in the minds of their parents, if they weren’t going to find a male ogre to settle down with, they should be already producing as many offspring to produce as many male ogres as possible ‘for the survival race’.

The holidays were always stressful, to say the least.

Even though her sister would have just stubborn stayed tight lipped, Runa allowed herself to be used as an excuse as to why they hadn’t started producing offspring. She said she wasn’t ready for an elf since she was busy with work, which wasn’t entirely untrue.

She could get an elf, but up until now she had been very busy with work as she and her boss trained new employees, but things had been quite and prosperous for a few months now, and so Runa had started to toy with the idea of ​​getting one.

But sheHe knew that she and her sisters would have to start having children once she got one, and they were all dragging their feet. Though there was an instant drive to have them, modern living was expensive and they were enjoying their day trips and comforts.

Having children meant being able to fund children, and while they all put a portion of their income into a fund for that, they weren’t anywhere near close to being where they felt they needed to live comfortably in the neighborhood they wanted.

Runa’s sister raid member, Silvia, had a property that was given to her by a cousin — in the hope of the girls finally setting down and producing children, of course — but it was to far away from the city where they all worked and so they weren’t entirely eager to build there. Instead, they just used it for the occasional hunting, mostly leaving it to grow and mature as a forest for future use and investments.

So unless one of her sisters won the freaking lottery, the onesthat had elves made sure that they were using magic contrastive on their males, thank you very much.

Runa listened as her boss, a fairy woman named Ellina, briefly went over her expectations for the month and changes to an upcoming meeting. When her boss was done, the professionalism between the two women slipped suddenly as it often did this time of day. Once the rest of the workers had gone home, leaving just Ellina and Runa in the building to close up, the two often had deep conversations about things, fairs naturally curious creativity.

“Runa, why don’t you have an elf yet?” Ellina asked in her high, delicate voice, pausing to opening her umbrella to share with Runa as they came out of their building. Runa, at ten feet, was three feet taller that her boss — the ogress also much more broader and muscle while Ellina was long and graceful – took the umbrella from her and held it for the both of them as they walked through the parking lot.

“Honestly I just haven’t had the time to take care of one.” Runa said with a shrug as they took their time going to where her manager’s sleep little sports car was parked not far off from Runa’s truck, where the head of her dragon, a recent kill, was still waiting to be taken to market. Her normal car, a comfortable jeep, had been in the shop so she had decided to take advantage of the situation and go hunting that weekend, but had been to busy to drive down to the monster marketplace. “My mother has been trying to strong arm be into getting one, but to be honest, I feel like as soon as I get one…kids will be right on the horizon, and I want to just-” she told, giving her boss a shrug.

“You ogres,” Her boss said with a melodic little laugh, placing a gentle hand on Runa’s arm as they walked for balance, Ellina wearing silettos while Runa wore more modest heels. “You all think once children are born, your life as warriors come to an end and the great hunts are over.” She told, amused. Runa didn’t tell her it was because she was also not financially secure enough because she knew her boss would aggressively try to give her a bonus. “But that’s not the case, friend.” They came to where the fairy’s opal colored car was, Runa holding the umbrella for her as she opened the door and climbed in, setting her purse aside before she looked to Runa. “Purchase an elf, my friend. They truly are the best accessory a girl can have.” She said with a little smile that Runa knew all to well.

Runa gave her a tired smile, leaning down a little to get a better look at her. “Did you have a dream, boss lady?” She teased, “Something you want to tell me, but can’t due to a code of yours?”

Her boss laughed a little as she started up her car, meeting Runa’s gaze then.

“Trust me — get yourself an elf today. It will help things go along much smoother if you do so — and…save an elf for me.” She added with some hesitation and a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, Runa frowning at that.”You’ll know what that means when it’s time — keep the umbrella!” She said before she pulled the door closed.

Runa frowned but took a step back, watching as her boss and friend pulled back, speeding off in the light rain.


Ogres had lived happily with humans and fairies for many generations now, but sometimes it could be aggravating with their teasing.

Fairies, unlike ogres, had extensive magical powers which included regular visions of the future, but due to strict codes of conduct, they didn’t often share these visions with anyone outside their clans.

But if her boss told her to get an elf, then Runa would get an elf.

Her boss was a nice young woman, rather even temperature for usually snobbish fairies, and so Runa could trust that she had her best Interest in heart when she told her to do something.

So she supposed it was time.

And the best place to get an affordable elf?

The elf markets.

But first, she would get rid of the dragon head in her truck.


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