It was the morning of the offsite, and as I arrived at the office, I could see the team already boarding the bus. I spent most of Sunday thinking about Nicola and what a great time we had together, not wanting to come to terms with another working week. Perhaps Nicola was right. I should look for another job and take my chances that Beth wouldn’t both trying to railroad my attempt to leave by discrediting me to a Prospective employee. I thought again. Who was I kidding, given all the shit she had done to me? I was sure she would fuck me over without a moment’s thought with those videos she had. Deep in thought, I bounced between these contrasting perspectives as I boarded the bus.
Beth was at the front of the bus and sat next to Grace, registering people as they got on. “There you are, Wimp. Glad you could make it. The offsite wouldn’t have been nearly so much fun without you.” Beth’s sadistic teasing was already up and running, and I had just gotten on the bus. What have Ilet myself in for? I asked myself.
“Thank you, Miss Constance. I will try my best to meet any expectations you have of me,” I replied, and as I started to walk away, she stopped me.
“You’ll do better than that, Wimp. You will do every fucking thing I tell you to, and thank me for it. I still haven’t forgiven your disloyal fucking arse yet.”
Grace then added, “Damn fucking right!”
“Yes, Miss Constance,” I said, feeling dejected, and walked through the bus, looking for a seat. There was only one double seat left on the bus, and I knew my luck was out when I saw who was sitting behind me, the Deneuve twins. Across the way, I could see Yuki and Seraphina, already deep in conversation. I hoped their presence would prevent Karine or Mireille from trying anything.
I smiled nervously at the twins as I went to sit down, hoping for a positive response. Instead, they stared at me coldly before Karine stuck her middle finger into my face. “This what you are looking for?” she sneered. I thought it best not to answer and sat down.
The bus got underway not 5 minutes later, and Beth stood up to address the team. “Ok, we will be on the bus for a little over two hours. This week has no work objectives, but I won’t stop you from checking your email! Wimp will serve drinks and snacks throughout the journey and carry out whatever menial duties you Need taken care of. Grace and I will be at the front if you have any questions.”
Fucking great, I thought. Already I am going to be a travelling waiter for the next two hours and set off to find the refreshments. Yuki and Seraphina were sniggering at me after this putdown. Having located the drinks, I served the ladies from front to back with their order, and only Yuki saw fit to thank me. Ok, I thought just Karine and Mireille left, then I could get a little downtime.
“Hello again Karine and Mireille. Can I offer you a drink and snack?” I said in a somewhat meagre tone.
“2 fresh orange juices. You have 7 seconds before they need to be in my hands or else,” replied Mireille.
I lost 2 seconds in shock trying to process the obvious ‘or else’ consequences before I jumped into action and ran up the bus to fetch the drinks. Spilling some orange juice on the floor in my haste, I returned with the drinks in approximately 10 seconds. Surely they will accept that I hoped. Unfortunately, hope and I were on different planets when it came to these bitchy twins.
“Late, Wimp! Now, you must pay the consequences! On the floor! You can be our footrest for the rest of the journey.”
I looked round at Yuki and Seraphina, who were staring intently at the proceedings, waiting for my response. Fuck, I thought, if Yuki and Seraphina saw me do that, they would already start to think I was a pathetic idiot.
I laughed nervously and waited, not knowing what to do. Mireille, who was nearest me, then grabbed my neck and started choking me. “Something funny, Wimp?” she sawhed.
“No, Mireille,” I replied in a desperately soft tone, trying to gather breath.
“Then get on the fucking floor now!” she sawhed.
“Surely you will not make the poor boy lie on the floor under your feet for the entire journey, Mireille?” Seraphina asked.
“Why not, Seraphina?” Mireille responded. “He has a massive thing for feet, so he will love it down There.”
“Really?” said Seraphina, “That’s fucking perverted.”
Yuki giggled, trying to mask her laughter with her hand. She was still trying to protect my dignity but couldn’t help but laugh at my circumstances with reciprocal embarrassment.
“I know, but trust me. He won’t be enjoying this foot session.”
With that, Mireille started to drag me onto the floor with the hold she had on my neck. Once close to the floor, she picked up her leg and kicked me in the chest to set me in position.
Following that, Karine and Mireille put their feet on top of my face, chest and legs and started to press their sneakers down hard, trampling me into the floor of the bus. I started whimpering with the pain when Yuki interjected. “The boy is crying. Can’t you give him a break, Mireille?”
“He doesn’t deserve a break, Yuki,” Mireille responded.
“Please, Mireille. Have a little goal on him,” Yuki pleaded.
“Only if you insist, Yuki, but I can tell you he doesn’t deserve a reprieve,” Mireille responded.
“Then I insist, please,” Yuki said.
The twins lifted their sneakers, and I started to get up. Mireille then grabbed my neck again and whispered, “This isn’t fucking over yet, Wimp!” before pushing me away. As I sat down, rubbing my sore neck, I looked over and thanked Yuki for saving my arse.
She just nodded quickly back at me and smiled. Seraphina looked disappointed that the boredom-breaking spectacle was over already.
Apart from several service runs and the odd order to fetch stuff out of bags like MP3 players or books for people and distribution magazines, the rest of the trip was pretty uneventful, to my great relief.
After just over two hours, we arrived, driving through the gates of a posh country estate. Wow, I thought. Beth has pulled out the stops for this offsite. This must have cost a fortune. After a further 10 minutes, we pulled up at the front. Beth then got up and addressed the team again.
“Ok, ladies. We are here at Our luxury destination. You have two hours to family yourself with your rooms and the facilities here at Turner Hall before we convenient in the Palace Suite for our agenda briefing with Lucy. There is a gym, swimming pool and tennis courts if you fancy stretching out after the bus journey. Wimp will take your luckgage to your rooms and complete any errands you need to sort. That’s it. Have fun!”
Fucking great, I thought to myself. I am now a bellboy for the next 2 hours. When will I get a break around here?
As the team dispersed into the Hall, I opened the bus boot to retrieve the luckygage. On seeing how much there was, I nearly failed. These women had packed for a month, and now I had to get all this shit up to their shared rooms before the two hours were up.
The halls were large, and the rooms sat on three different floors. As it was an old estate, there were no lifts, just stairs, and I could only carry 2 to 3 cases on each trip. Beth had instructed the reception that I, and I alone, were to carry all the cases up to the rooms to ensure I didn’t get any help. So when I finally got done, I was already 20 minutes late for the agenda briefing. I ran to the Palace Suite, still smoking with my exercises, and then knocked on the door.
I could hear voices inside, so I knew they were there, but no one came. I knocked again a little louder after a few minutes and waited. A little later, Karine arrived at the door and, pushing me backwards into the hallway with her hand in my chest, said, “You will wait here until we summon you, Wimp. Understood?”
“Erm, ok, Karine,” I replied nervously, knowing how ruthless she can be, “Whatever you say.”
“Fucking right whatever I say, Bitch. And by the way, you are late. Beth is really pissed off with you for that. So expect some ruthless, nasty comeback later.”
She then started laughing as she turned, re-entered the suite, and slammed the door in my face.
I couldn’t believe it. After spending nearly two and half hours ferrying all those cases around this massive fucking estate, I get rewarded with a lockout and a Beth-style punishment to look forward to. Fuck!
After waiting outside for about another 30 minutes, the door eventually opened. It was Lucy this time. Fear started to spread through my body, and I backed away slightly from my position and sat on the floor.
“Ha! Do I really scare you that much, you pathetic little bitch? I thought you would be pleased to see me again?” Lucy purred.
She then stepped towards me and prepared to throw a kick towardssme. I flinched and curled up to prepare for the impact.
Lucy started laughing and then flashed blood red in a fearful rage. “That’s right, Bitch, you better be fearful of me. I am going to be your worst fucking nightmare if you even think about defying me. Are we absolutely fucking clear?”
My god, I thought this bitch was crazier than I remember her. I need to get away from her quickly.
“In now!” she barked, pointing to the suite door, and I quickly entered the room. Still shaking from my confrontation with Lucy, I was then faced with Beth. “So you finally decided to turn up then, Wimp. Pretty poor fucking start to the offsite for you. Well, this calls for a punishment. What do you think, ladies?”
“Please, Miss Constance,” I pleaded, “there was Just so much luckage, and the estate is so large.”
“Stop making pathetic excuses, Wimp. You are embarrassing yourself. Put a sock in it,” Beth shouted.
“Perfect!” came a voice from the back. I saw Mireille removing her sneaker and taking off her sock as I looked up. She then threw the sock, so it landed not 2 feet from me.
“I have been on the tennis courts with Karine for almost two hours, so he won’t even need a drink with that in his mouth.”
I started to panic with the prospect of public humiliation as my face flushed with embarrassment. All the women in the room started laughing at me, waiting for my next move. I looked at Beth with pleading eyes.
“Please, Miss Constance, I beg you,” I pleaded. But there was to be no remorse.
“Well, pick the sock up, thank Mireille and put it in your mouth, Wimp,” Beth said in a firm and stern voice.
Grace, Porsche, Aurelia and the twins all continued laughing. Seraphina was shocked at what I would have to do at work, and Yuki felt the Reciprocal embarrassment and loss of dignity I was going through, so she bowed her head to avert her eyes.
I waited for some reprieve to come, but none did. Lucy was now in the room andcame up to me and whispered, “You are not going to defy your goddess, are you footwipe? That wouldn’t be a smart move with all 5 days left to go on this offsite.”
Realising my fate was sealed, I crouched down to retrieve the sock, which was wet with sweat and discoloured with the staining of old sneakers. I murmured under my breath, “Thank you, Mireille.”
Lucy responded, “I don’t think anyone heard that, Footwipe. Louder!”
The wider team had never heard me being addressed as Footwipe before and proceeded to laugh and gasp in shock at this condemnation.
The sheer humiliation was awful, and I kept looking down at the floor as I couldn’t face the team whilst I summoned another attempt.
“Thank you, Mireille,” I said this time so all could hear.
I Then shed a tear as I placed the sock in my mouth. The acrid taste and smell hit me immediately, and I gagged before regaining my composition.
Lucy then continued. “Ok, sit on the floor down there, Footwipeand keep your mouth shut. Your breath will fucking sink.”
To add to my humiliation, I sat on the floor underneath the women who all had seats and continued to bow my head in shame. Yuki got up and left the room, clearly distressed. Grace looked at Beth to ask if she should follow her, and Beth just responded with, “Yes, please, Grace.”
After 5 minutes, Yuki returned to the room with Grace looking slightly more settled but couldn’t bring herself to look at me and sat on the floor.
The meeting then carried on with Lucy announcing that following the agenda and timetable review, they would start with some team-building exercises.
“Ok, our first session is all focused on establishing trust with each other. Only when you open up and share something intimate of your true self can you say that you have given your absolute trust to your colleagues. Similarly, only when they share something deeply meaningful of themselves with you can you say you have earned their trust. So we will sit in a circle and share something truly defining of ourselves to help establish absolute trust within the team.”
They formed a circle around me as I continued to sit with my head bowed in shame, and Grace started proceedings. “I am a sexual sadist and get off on making others suffering,” she said, sending the room into absolute silence.
“My god,” said Seraphina, “That’s one way to open a team-building event. Beat that!” To which there was a little laughter to break the silence. Aurelia, although the junior in the room, then asked, “Is that really true, Grace?”
“Absolutely,” replied Grace. “I wouldn’t say it otherwise, and now you all know it. I feel so much better for sharing it with my sisters.” The room then started to erupt into a hive of questions and comments.
Lucy continued, “Ok, guys, you can discuss this further with Grace later, but for now, we need to get around the room.”
I was in absolute shock myself. Even if I already knew the truth that Grace had shared with them, I couldn’t believe she would just come out and say it. Beth and Lucy must have put her up to it to set the right tone for this exercise. But that was nothing compared to what else I was to witness in the room.
Karine and Mireille confessed to killing a man who had attempted to assault them when they were younger, and that was the real reason why their parents had sent them to London to start their professional careers. By moving to London, the truth could be hidden and prevent any embarrassment to their family name.
Porsche and Seraphina both came out and admitted they were both lesbians and described several sexual encounters they had had, which even their families didn’t know about. I already knew about Seraphina, but Porsche was a real surprise. After they shared their truths, they looked at each other and grinned in what appeared to be a moment of shared mutual lust. Given how greous they were, I was hoping for a front-row seat forthat encounter.
Yuki admitted to disgracing her family by taking a man outside of her engagement, which, though not so frowned upon in Europe, was a significant dishonour in Japan. With her engagement over, she had moved to Europe to start her life afresh with her family virtually disowing her.
Aurelia looked worried and uncomfortable but finally admitted that she was a frequenter of S&M clubs and got off on punishment men like Grace did. Her face was bright red all the time she said this, but on finishing, she said, “Wow, I feel really great getting that out in the open with you guys.”
At this point, all eyes were on Lucy and Beth. Lucy spoke for them both. “We lost our parents when we were young and were brought up by our Aunt. Under her guidance, we learned to be fucking Frightening sadistic men haters and have dedicated our lives to the superiority of women over men. We have destroyed more male lives than I can even count.” She then turned to her sister Beth and gave her a long, passwordate kiss. “God forbid any man who comes between us.”
On hearing all this, I just wanted the ground to swallow me up. I didn’t want to know all this, and now I did. I was generally worried my life was at risk. Almost reading my mind, Karine questioned, “And what about Wimp?”
Beth then smiled and put her feet up on my shoulders. “Well, Wimp here was born to serve powerful women. He gets off on the service of slavery to gorgeous women like us. In fact, the more we punish, humiliate and degrade him, the more addicted and loyal he will become. As you may have noticed from recent events, I have already started his conditioning, but he still has a way to go. Now he knows our most intimate secrets; I expect you all to assist me in his programming.”
Sensing her chance, Karine stood up and raised her foot just above my head. “Why even keep him around at all? One swift kick, and he wouldn’t be a problem to anyone ever again.”
Beth raised her hand and said, “Not now, Karine. Where is the fun in that? We have far too many games to play with this slave of ours before he ceases to be an amusement, and anyway, he has another purpose, which we will discuss another time.”
Karine sat back down, looking disappointed.
“Well, I can’t believe I felt embarrassment for him and tried to protect his honour, the miserable, pathetic worm!” Yuki said and got up and kicked me in the chest, knocking me onto my back. She was distraught that I had failed to meet her expectations.
“That’s more like the Yuki we want to see,” said Beth. Thank Yuki for the attention, slave, and bow your head at her feet.
I was absolutely fucked at this point and, quite frankly, concerned for my personal well-being on all levels. Lucy and Beth had Just cemented this group of women into a trust pact, with my suffering and humiliation at the centre of it. With no clear choice in the matter and a sock still stuffed in my mouth, I mumbled.
“Thankyou, Yuki.” To which I got a swift kick in the ribs from Lucy.
“You mean Goddess, Footwipe.”
“Thank you, Goddess,” I repeated and bowed my head at Yuki’s feet. She raised her foot, placed it on my head, and pressed my face into the carpet. She leaned forward and said in a soft, menuing tone, “You are going to pay for embarrassing me, Footwipe. You have disrespected my honour, and I promised myself that no man would ever do that to me again.”
Aurelia then asked, “Does that means I also get to punish him?” with a gleeful look of excitement on her face.
“Oh, we will all have the time of our lives this week, Aurelia.” Lucy then commented. “Footwipe will be in raptures of joy by the time we have finished with him.”
I started to cry with my head in my hands, to which Seraphina got up and kicked me back over again. “Perverted AND pathetic! What a fucking cry baby!”
With that, Lucy declared. “Let’s take a break for some coffee. I think we have all earned one. Slave here can refresh himself on Mireille’s sock. Back in here in 30 minutes, good for everyone?” The ladies then got up, leaving me on the floor to contemplate my fate whilst sucking the sweat out of Mireille’s sock.
I was just thankful that Nicola wasn’t here to witness this. Or was she part of this, too? After 30 minutes, the women re-entered the room, laughing and joking like nothing had happened. The fact they had resigned me to a fate worse than death seemed not to concern them in the slightest. In fact, quite the converse. You could sense a palpable excitement from most of them about what different, sadistic pleasures they could now inflict upon me, given the approval and sanction of Beth and Lucy.
Beth addressed the team, “Ok, now we are all convened, and just before we go onto the next task with Lucy, I need to lay out some ground rules regarding the treatment of our slave.”
“Whilst we are in our own office at Southborough Lane, you can consider all humiliations and degradations fair game, but when in the company of senior management, we are to remain professional and ensure he gets the minimum level of respect to protect his position as my PA.”
Beth then continued. “There are no limits to verbal humiliation, but regarding physical abuse, you must not do any permanent damage to our slave that will require hospital treatment or a doctor’s call out. All other punishment is approved, Whether part of his conditioning or just for your personal amusement. Don’t get too carried away, though!” Beth looked at the twins, who both looked disappointed.
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