Her body arched back as His cock slide in and out of her. His hands reaching round to take the silver chain in His fingers and wrapped it round them, tugging it sharply upwards. She cried out and tried to move forward then whimpered as the stiff cock began to slip from her hot cunt.
Her head began to spin…the pain in her nipples or the risk of losing that delicious cock in her cunt.
She fight furiously to ease the pain whilst keeping the thick cock deep inside her. Groaning softly, she eased back against Him, her hungry for His cock deeper than the fear of the pain. He chuckled softly as her slick, wet cunt slid back along his cock and waited while she nestle back on its length.
Taking the chain, He wrapped it once more round His finger, pulling it tight, hearing her cry out sharply. “Choose slut. Pain or pleasure. Which one do you want the most? Which one will you give up first?”
She began to whimper softly, shifting her shoulders, trying to ease the pain once more in her stretched nipples, her cunt wet and needy, her nipples on fire, burning now as He began to tug again and again matching each hard, deep thrust into her cunt.
Her head falling to the floor once more, tears falling as she tried to balance the pleasure of His cock and the pain in her tender nipples. The steady strokes began to grow harder now, the chain yanked again and again as He ground out the question once more. “Pleasure or pain bitch. Choose.”
Her hair fall forward, her tears falling freely now as she whispered softly, choking back the words. “Both…ohgodboth…I want both of them from you…pleaseohgodplease…I want the pain and pleasure from You.”
His landed with a sharp crack on the soft curve of her ass, causing her to jerk forward, shifting as the pain in her nipples eased for a split second, the singing, tingling pain on her ass slowly turning to warmth. The heated skin suddenly burning.
His fingers slipped from the chain and she surprised deeply, feeling her breast swing freely once more. She arched her body smoothly as His hand moved away from the chain and began to run slowly up over her ribs, along her hips and downwards between her thighs, dipping to slide over her smooth shaffolded mound and pushed His fingers between the slide lips to flick her throbbing clip sharply. A low throaty groan escaped her mouth as she jerked forward. How much more could she takes from this Man? Her body was on fire with need. Her very core sinking into oblivion.
Her body was on fire with pain and desire for Him, but she wasn’t sure she could take much more of the pain before the tears would overwhelm her and cause the pleasure to die.
She groaned and shifted her hips slightly as He steadily rubbed the small nub.
“Want to cum, you horny slut?” came the question from beside her ear as He bent low over her, His cock moving now in and out of her in long slow deep strokes. Her hips lifted up and down with His steady deep strokes, eachone seeming to stretch her cunt wide, the soft smooth puffy cuntlips almost kissing and caresing His cock.
He leant back and watched her hips as they lifted again and again and He slide His cock out of her cunt until just the smooth, swollen purple head was at the opening of her hot, wet hole. Without warning, He slammed the full length of His cock deep into her, thrusting her whole body forward, his full heavy balls swinging up to slam against her throbbing clip.
Before she could catch her breath, His cock slammed again and again into her, the flesh of her reddened ass, moving under each savage thrust, her breasts swinging back and forth. She cried out as again and again His cock thrust into her tender hole, whimpering as His hands reached round to grap her breasts, squeezing them hard, kneeing the fullness of them. His breath was ragged in Her ears as His hands began to squeeze the soft flesh of her breasts, reaching to cares the tender aching nipples, brushing His thumb over them, flicking the chain back and forth bringing just a soft rush of tenderness to them. He allowed them to swing freely as He continued to steadily fuck her.
She inhaled gently with each stroke and then gasped as His finger began to gently move over her ass, running over the heated flesh, sinking into the soft crack. Her eyes closed as she realized how He was going to end this. His finger rubbing gently back and forth and over the tight hole, dipping the tip inwards now and then.
She moaned low beneath the tumbling hair as His cock was eased slowly oh so slowly from her aching cunt, her head and shoulders low against the floor.
He watched as she lifted to meet Him, shameless in her need now. He pressed the smooth wet head of His cock against the tiny hole; she held her breathing waiting for the sweet pain of the first thrust inwards. He eased His cock into her, feeling the tightness of her ass beginning to give was, holding still as the smooth head popped the tightness open, hearing her soft gasp of pain, knowing it would sink into one of sheer pleasure soon enough.
His hand slide down under her breasts, taking up the slack of the chain, holding it lightly in His hands and she whimpered softly.
Without warning, He took the chain and snapped its length tight, thrusting into the warm depths of her ass. Her scream of pain echoed about the silence of the room, her nipples on fire, and the pain of His thrusting cock almost causing her to pass out.
Her breath was ragged in her throat as she tried to lift and ease the pain. His hand lay in the small of her back and He pushed her down into the thick pile of the carpet, releasing the chain. His hand moved to take her hips and He began to slide her body along the length of His thick cock, her burning nipples brushing the pile of the carpet causing her to gasp softly as He pulled her back and forth over and over.
He began to up the pace, thrusting to meet her tight hot ass as Hepulled her back, His full heavy balls swinging up to gently slap her cunt.
Running a hand lazily up along the hollow of her back, He reached to gather a handful of her hair, tugging it sharply back, arching her like a finely tuned bow, pulling her back, causing her ass to take the full length of Him.
Sinking back on His haunches, He eased her back until she was all but sitting on His lap, her ass stretching open around His cock. Her back resting against His chest, His voice soft in her ear. “Ride my cock slut. Feel Your Masters’ cock deep in that slutty hole I own.”
She began to lift and fall easily; feeling the sweet pain of His cock as it sank into her, stretching her, opening her, filling her.
A single finger running along her cheekbone, slipping into her mouth. He feel her suck gently on the digit, Her tongue swirling over the tip. The finger running down along her long neck, along the collarbone, lower over the soft smooth curve of her aching breast, teasing the throbbing nipple gently, tugging the chain once and quickly releasing it, hearing her sharp intake of breath, running His hand down lower to the soft smooth shacked flesh of her cunt, dipping the single finger into it’s sodden depth, spreading the wet flesh open.
Her hips begin to shift back and forth now; lifting and falling with an easy motion, His cock buried deeply in her ass, her cunt seeking release as another finger slipped into the soft wet folds.
Reaching down with His other hand, He spread her lips open wide and began to gently tap her clip with His two fingers, the soft slaps clearly heard in the silence of the room. His fingers took hold of her inner lips and He began to pull them open, the chill air flowing over the wetness.
“Now slut…ride me…”
Her hips began to shift faster now, all pain forgotten as she began to ride His thrusting cock. His fingers gripped the soft flesh of her cunt as He began to lift to meet her grinding ass and He startedto stretch the smooth folds open and outwards. Her breath caught in the base of her throat as her skin began to stretch, the dull ache lost in the delight of His cock buried deep in her ass. Riding faster now with His voice low in her ear urging her on, she felt the heat beginning to rise deep within her belly. The need to take all of Him, the need for release overcoming all reason. Her head falling back against His shoulder, breasts lifting and falling, gasping suddenly as His fingers skimmed her throbbing clip, the cry of release leaving the base of her throat, escaping into the lust-filled air, echoing harshly in her ears.
The sound from the bitch on His lap tipped Him over the edge as He held her firmly onto His cock as it exploded deep in the warmth of her ass, flooding her with hot cum, His body shuddering as His balls emptied themselves high into her willing ass. Holding her firmly until every drop had left Him; He sank back on His haunches, taking her with Him, hands running over the fullness of her breasts, the smoothness of her hips, the depth of her very soul on fire with love for Him.
Leaning back against Him, she tried to steady her ragged breath as it caught in her throat, tears of relieve falling freely over her flushed cheeks. How she loved this Man. The One who had finally helped her come to terms with what she was. She truly was a slave for this Man of hers.
His arms slipped around her, rocking her gently, soothing her tears with gentle words of love, kissing the salty tears from her skin, His voice low in her ears, whispering, calming, soothing her promising always to love her, to own her, to keep her close.
He smiled into the thick tempers, inhaling the soft scent of His woman. How could He ever let her go?
How could He not keep something so precious and valuable and Leave her at the mergers of the nilla world when her very core was slave?
This woman was His and His alone and He offered up a silent prayer of thanks to whoever looked over them for giving Him this woman who had come to Him freely, offered up all that was her very being.
Whispering the words “I love you” softly in her ear, He gently enfolded her in His arms and held her gently, the silence of the room covering them like a silken sheet and closed His eyes in sheer contentment.
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