The months and weeks passed quickly and Katrina and my wedding were only a few days away. Everything had been planned and organized weeks ago and I was told there were only a few last things to do and nothing that concerned me.
Natasha, Jessica and their slaves had arrived early this morning and already had plans to go out and about to experience the city. Amazingly Amber and Abby had never have been to the city before, Jenny and Natasha, originally from the city herself will act as tour guides.
We were all in the locke room watching home videos of each others dungeon adventures, some were sitting on the locke some on the floor, make that the Mistresses were on the lockes and the slaves were on the floor attending to their feet.
“I’ll show you something.” Katrina said pressing a few buttons on the remote control.
A few seconds later a video of the dungeon downstairs loaded, Katrina, Sandra and me walked in.
“Who’s that? She looks nice, a little petite butnice.” Jessica asked.
“That’s Sandra, Katrina’s new bed buddy.” I phrased as nicely as possible.
“Yeah, she is one of my minions at work.” Katrina said. “Shy in public but hell of a lot of fun in bed.”
“Neck bondage?” Natasha asked concerned while watching the video.
“Yeah.” Katrina answered.
“A little bit dangerous don’t you think? Like that!” Natasha cringed as she watched Sandra loose her balance.
“She was supervised always.”
“What is it with you and branding everyone?” Jenny said turning away as Sandra’s skin sizzled.
“I like to mark my property.”
“You haven’t marked me or Steven.”
“You were never going to be my property Jennifer and Steven will always be mine. Sandra and also Amanda and Lauren I have no intention keeping but I want them never to forget me and who truly owns them.”
“You need to keep a permanent slave girl around Katrina, well you already know that there are something only a girl can know how to give properly.”
“She’s only a phone call away?” Katrina smiled. “We could call her now if you want.”
“Sure, why not, let her stay until after the wedding.” Natasha said
Katrina reached into her pocket to get her mobile phone; she taped away at the buttons to ring Sandra. “Hey Sandra its Katrina, you want to come over today? …Great, pack some clothes and things, you can stay up to a few days after the wedding… Doesn’t matter about work, you have enough leave built up which you’ll waste anyway…. Good, see you then, oh by the way I have some of my friends from the country here they want to meet you too, don’t worry they’re cool with everything… Bye.” Katrina hung up the phone. “She’ll be here for dinner.”
“And where is she going to sleep?” I asked knowing that we didn’t even have enough beds for the slaves that were already here.
“Lounge I guess, she is not picky.”
“But there is a perfectly good floor in the slave’s room.” I grinned.
“Yeah, but you are there.”
We all sat at the table, it took a while for everyone to get settled, the slaves having their food chosen for them and bowls and plates being passed around. Sandra was a little late arrival because she was stuck in traffic but she arrived just before anyone else had taken a bite, she sat right down at the table, near Katrina and opposite me.
“Everyone this is Sandra.” Katrina said. “Sandra this is Lady Natasha, Mistress Jessica, the slaves Jennifer, Samantha, Ambrosia and Abigail.”
“Hi.” Sandra said softly, a little embarrassed to have everyone looking at her.
Everyone said hello back in their own way.
“Wow, you’re cute” Jessica said. “The video doesn’t do you justice.”
“Um, thanks.” Sandra turned red, she didn’t know what video they saw but she knew she was probably naked in it.
“You’re like a puppy, so cute and cuddly.” Jessica continued.
“Until they get grow up to be big ugly mongrel mutts.” Samantha didn’t like Jessica complementing other women.
“Can we keep it?” Abby laughed.
“Don’t worry. They aren’t crazy, well not certified anyway.” I said to Sandra who was shrinking back in her chair.
“So are you a lesbian or bi?” Jessica said unrelenting with the questions.
“You are curious the first few times,” Samantha said. “After that it’s a lifestyle.”
“I don’t think so.” Sandra said wishing she could disappear right now.
“Well you are a virgin when it comes to males.” Katrina piped in.
“Oh you are untainted by men.” Jessica was a little turned on at the thought.
Sandra moved around in her chair a bit. “Doesn’t mean I’ll never try.”
“Would you like to try someone else besides Katrina for a bit?” Natasha spoke up.
“I guess so.” Her voice was almost a whisper now. “Katrina?”
“Fine by me.” Katrina said not really interested.
Sandra moved around in her chair in obvious disappointment.
“So I guess you want her tnight Lady Natasha?” Jessica asked.
“No, I want Katrina tonight, you can have her.”
Jessica smiled in delight; she always liked someone new to play with. Samantha was upset that Jessica had another girl to play with. Abby just didn’t care about any of it.
Katrina reached into her pocket and pulled out a key, she slide it along the table to Jessica.
“What’s this for?” Jessica asked puzzled “Oh.” She smiled catching on.
“It’s only Jennifer’s old plastic chatity set but it does the job, she is only been locked a week but I’d say she is ripe and ready.”
“Want it back on afterwards?” Jessica picked up the key and put it her right leg pocket.
“Doesn’t matter.” Katrina answered. “You don’t need to restrain or blindfold her either. Chastity is just a plaything for her at the moment.”
I bet the words ‘at the moment’ made Sandra worry and curious at the same time.
“You like the Goth thing Mistress Jessica?” I asked.
“Sure slave.”
“Well get Sandra to put her dog collar on and the make up. She looks hot.”
“Can I?” Sandra asked Katrina.
“If you want.”
“Let me guess.” Jessica said. “Killjoy Katrina likes the natural look better.”
“Aww but how could you hide such a pretty face.” Katrina smiled. “Plus the makeup runs when she cries.”
“Oh I love that look.” Jessica said bouncing with excitement.
We all ate silently for a little bit longer; Amber had already finished being a fast eater and sat there scratching the plate with her knife.
“Would you like some more Ambrosia?” Natasha asked.
“Yes Lady Natasha.” Amber replied.
“You may.”
“Princess pass the salad please.” Amber asked.
“Princess?” I said Surprised.
Katrina was interested too.
“Princess is our new name for Jenny.” Amber smiled.
Jenny passed over the salad. “You’ll get fat and your chatity belt will cut off the circuit to your brain.”
“How did you earn the nickname Princess Jennifer?” Katrina asked.
“I have no idea.” Jenny said frowning.
“I do!” Abby said.
“Do tell.” Katrina said intrigued.
“A few days after you went home from staying with us we went shopping to get Jenny her own clothes and things. Well none of it was good enough for her, wrong colours, wrong brands, wrong everything. Thus she got the name Princess Jenny.”
“It’s Princess Jennifer. Treat royalty with expect.” Jenny said seriously.
We all laughed at her. She would try to turn anything to her advantage.
“Didn’t take you long to earn a nickname did it?” I said still laughing.
“Shut up Stevie.”
Amber took as much salad as she wanted and gave the bowl back to Jenny. “Thanks Princess.”
Dinner finished shortly after, I was ordered to clean the table and do the dishes, Abby and Amber were also ordered to help, once we were done we returned to the table where no one else had moved and were enjoying a fun conversation about who could go the longest in chatity.
“The record holder has returned.” I said sitting down back in my chair.
“You beat me by a few days.” Samantha replied trying to take some shine off my 6 months and 9 days in chatity.
“Well try and beat it then, I challenge you.”
Everyone quietly down seeing if Samantha will accept the challenge.
“I prefer not to.” Jessica said saving Samantha. “I’m not going to deny myself pleasure and torturing her pussy for no reason at all, well for that long of a time that is.”
“But it’s so easy for girls. You lot don’t get erections or leak precum for thinking about things you shouldn’t” I tried to push the words back in my mouth, but it was too late.
“So what do you think about Steven?” Katrina asked Knowing the answer already.
“You Mistress Katrina, you are never out of my mind.” I said as cool as possible.
“Just as I thought.” Katrina laughed.
“What are you on about Steven?” Abby almost yelled. “You don’t have girl troubles once a month; you know how hard that is to manage locked in chatity?”
“Don’t know. Don’t care.” Once again I said something stupid.
“You don’t care slave?” Natasha asked narrowing her eyes and staring at me.
I paused for a moment my brain working overtime in attempt to get me out of this.” Err, what I mean was, umm… I’m sorry.” My brain failed me.
“Just as I thought.”
“If I ever hear you say something so stupid and insulting again.” Katrina said in a slow soft voice. “I’ll literally rip you apart. Do you understand?”
“Yes Mistress Katrina.” I said shaking. “Anyway, no one here to accept the challenge. Looks like this poor pathetic male has won again.” I said anything to make people forget the Stupid thing I said.
“The way you’re going Steven you’ll break your own record.” Katrina said.
That brought on a few chuckles from some of the other slaves.
“I bet I could do it.” Sandra spoke up.
Everyone lookedat Sandra if she was insane or just joking but the look on her face didn’t change.
“Um Sandra?” Samantha said. “You have only gone a week, one month is tough, three months is unbearable and six months is pure torture.”
“Yeah Samantha’s right, you’re an amateur.” Abby agreed.
I think we were more shocked that Abby agreed with Samantha then what Sandra had said.
“I can do it.” Sandra didn’t step back.
“We’ll see.” Katrina said not really wanting to make Sandra’s wish come true but on the other hand was interested to see if she could do it.
“Hey, if she is volunteering who are we to stop her.” I said.
“It’s no fun when they want it.” Jessica said tapping her fingers on the table to the announcement of Samantha who was sitting right next to her.
“Okay, don’t lock me up for a year then.” Sandra tried the reverse psychology option.
“You push yourself too far to fast Sandra, you’ll hurt yourself.” Katrina said “Plus I like you open and available for when I feel the need to screw your brains out.” Katrina could be cruel when she wanted to be, but it felt forced.
“Anyway.” Natasha said yawning. “I’m going to bed.” She got up from her chair. “Ambrosia and Jennifer, to the slaves’ room, Katrina I expect to see you in your room shortly.” She said with a smile.
Everyone went up to the slaves room to send us slaves off to bed. At Natasha’s house in her slaves’ room five slaves into four beds meant me sleeping on the floor, well in Katrina’s slaves room five slaves and two beds still meant me sleeping on the floor. The other slaves shared beds.
Samantha and Abby shared a bed and were shackled to each other, both laid on their sides, face to face much to their announcement; it was a similar deal for Jenny and Amber.
Abby complained at the lack of beds but was immediately scolded by Jessica. The slaves’ room was only really meant to keep guests slaves and myself when Katrina doesn’t want to see me. Although Katrina never made it exactly clear, I was to be her only true slave.
We said our goodnights, the lights were turned off and the door bolted tightly shut.
A rattling of chains came from Samantha’s and Abby’s bed, they were fighting each other to see who could get the most comfortable.
“Keep it down.” I said.
At least they could move somewhat, I was spread on the floor; I couldn’t even scratch an itch.
Some more controlled rattling came from Jenny’s and Amber’s bed, I think those too had learned to live with each others company somewhat, even if they were less than friends.
“Stop moving.” I repeated.
“Her breathing on my face is annoying me.” Samantha said angrily.
“Shut up bitch breath.” Abby yelled.
“Please you two.” Amber said. “I’m not in the mood for your fighting.”
Samantha and Abby stopped screaming at each other but the rattling of metal still continued. For people in their late teens they acted like they were half their ages.
“Anyway Samantha and Abby I thought you two would be united against Jessica sleeping with Sandra tonight?” I asked
“Sandra is nothing to worry about, we are only here for a few nights and then we all go back to the county.” Abby said. “Hell, for all I care Jessica could sleep with the world.”
“When Jessica wants experience she’ll come back to me anyway.” Samantha said calmly.
“I don’t know; Sandra is pretty good even if she is a newbie.” I teased Samantha for a reaction.
“Sandra doesn’t have a clue, she goes a week in a cheap plastic chatity belt and she suddenly thinks she can go a year.” Samantha laughed.
“Hey Samantha.” Jenny said. “Maybe you, Sandra and Jessica can have a threesome. Invite Abby too and have a foursome.”
“I’d pay to see that.” The words slipped from my mouth, I hope Katrina doesn’t check the video in the morning.
“Oh speaking of which. “Jenny said with something crossing her mind. “I remember you told meonce Steven that a fantasy of yours was to see twins go at it, perhaps Abby and Amber could do something together as a wedding gift for you.”
“NO WAY!” Amber screamed. Amber being loud sounded unnatural.
“Aww why not.” I prepared to be upset. “You two have participated together in threesomes before.”
“Key word is participate, not interact.” Abby said.
“I guess you’ll have to leave that little fantasy to your dreams then Steven.” Jenny prepared to be disappointed for me.
“I never dream about anyone besides Katrina.” I said as seriously as possible.
A short while later the rattling of chains from Samantha and Abby died down. I stayed a wake a short time longer thinking about the wedding and my future with Katrina; as much as I loved her it scared me to think that in a few days we would be legally married to each other for life.
I drifted off to sleep thinking what the future will hold.
Natasha and Katrina woke us slaves up, wehad another mathematics problem, 1 shower and 1 bath and 5 slaves just didn’t work, unless you were a Mistress who didn’t have a problem with women sexually being together. Of course I had to wait until they were done, although I wouldn’t mind having a bath while those four shared the shower, it would be a dream come true.
Anyway, after Jenny and Amber got out of the shower I jumped in, washed myself, and got out and ready to go downstairs for breakfast. The other slaves still weren’t ready, how hard is it to fix your hair and put some clothes on, its not like they were allowed to use makeup or pick out clothes to wear.
I hated cereal and that only made Katrina more intent on making me love it by giving it to me regularly. I quickly scoffed it down without chewing or letting it touch my taste buds. Soggy wheat was just not my thing.
Jessica and Sandra had still not come down for breakfast yet, we joked a little on what could be keeping them, they must still be a sleep, the old floor boards in this house creaked whenever someone was moving around but their room was silent.
Katrina took a sip of coffee and looked at Jenny. “You haven’t told me how you are finding you’re new job.”
“You know, it pays.” Jenny replied “We’ll apparently it does, I never receive a pay cheque.”
“She almost cost me my best customer.” Natasha said with a bitter look.
“At my old job if I let a client go so long without paying I would get the boot.”
“They sell farming equipment; their sales are weak most of the year until just before harvest, when it picks up and they pay off their debts, including us.”
“No excuses pay up or I crack skulls.”
“Do you have to be so cruel?” Amber said.
Jenny rolled her eyes in reply.
“No she doesn’t, she can be very polite and lady like when she wants to be. “Natasha spoke. “Another client took us both out to dinner to a fancy upper class restaurant, well Jennifer surprised me, she knew which knife and fork to use with which course, spoke and sat properly, she even walked like a lady for once. She even showed me up.”
“And what did I get in return? NOTHING!” Jenny said disappointed.
“The next day it was the same old Jennifer, one step up from dragging her knuckles along the ground.” Samantha said with a small laugh.
“I helped secure a contract in the tens of thousands of dollars and I didn’t see a cent, not even an extra privilege.” Jenny ignored Samantha, much to her announcement.
“It would be nice for you to act like that again Jennifer.” Natasha said. “I was really impressed.”
“Exactly, it was an act, a once in a lifetime performance.”
“More like a skill you learnt hey Jenny?” I said teasing everyone with a snippet of information.
“What are you getting at Steven?” Katrina asked.
“Shut up Steven.” Jenny waved a spoon at me.
“Oh nothing.” I smiled.
“Steven?” Natasha asked in a way that was more of an order.
“Well, her dad was entertaining a guest one evening and Jenny being Jenny embarrassed herself and her father, so the next day she was enrolled in a finishing school for young adults.”
“Where one learns social etiquettes, how to conduct ones self in polite conversation and how to sit and walk like a lady” Jenny finished.
“Well I assumed you passed?” Natasha asked.
“Of course I passed; I pass at everything I do, so I don’t have to do it again.”
“I want you to start acting like a lady permanently now, until it becomes a habit.” Natasha ordered.
“No, I’m not going to be someone I’m not.” Jenny stared down Natasha.
“You’ll be what I say you’ll be and nothing less Jennifer.”
Jenny slouched back in her chair as far as she could and started picking at her food with her fingers.
“Perhaps an extra large buttplug will help you sit up straight.”
As quick as a flash Jenny sat up straight and rested her hands in her lap.
“Good girl.” Natasha said smiling in victory.
Sandra came down the stairs and throw herself in a chair at the table and let out a little yawn.
“Big night?” Katrina asked trying to hide the smile.
“It was… interesting.” Sandra replied while making a bowl of cereal.
“Mistress Jessica still up stairs?” Samantha asked.
“Yeah, just getting out of the shower I think, should be down soon.”
“So what happened last night?” Samantha wanted a blow by blow account of the night before.
“A bit of this, a bit of that, I’m sure she’ll tell all.” Sandra grinned.
“I bet.” Samantha said with a sour look.
Ten minutes later Jessica came down the stairs and sat next Samantha, she was obviously wound out and tired. Jessica slip a key along the table to Natasha. “Have fun!”
“You locked her back up?” Katrina asked.
“I had to for the good of us all; she needs to be kept locked. Katrina get her a damn metal chatity belt and bra and never let her out please.” Jessica said almost without breath.
“What’d she do?”
“Well we decided to wrestle to see who would get the first orgasm, within seconds I was in a headlock and yelling at me to submit. So I start punching her to make her let go and all she does is laugh at me. I pinch her that I almost rip her skin and she laughs even more.”
“Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Sandra sort of gets off on pain? How silly of me to forget to say she’s a pain slut.” Katrina said laughing.
“So did you submit?” Samantha asked?
“I had to, she wouldn’t let go.”
“You were beating by an inexperienced subby who is a lot smaller than you?” Natasha was laughing now too.
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