The office Christmas party was boring, well for me anyway, everyone else was in the conference room laughing, drinking and having what sounded like a great time, me on the other hand had decided to exclude myself, I sat at my desk with my feet up and a glass of Katrina approved soda, resting on my pants – the front shield was good for one thing, I also had a plastic plate of party foods. I was content enjoying my own company.
Sandra appeared from behind the conference room door, she had a small built, black hair, shy, quiet and very cute. She also had a small goth thing going on with the pale look and black eye shadow and lipstick, but it wasn’t over done. She is one of the few people I got along with in this office, minds her own business and gets her job done.
“Impressive.” Sandra said walking over to me.
“Huh?” I replied.
“The drink.” She said pointing to it.
“It’s a talent of mine, anyway what are you doing out here, shouldn’t you be back in their gettering drink and talking about girl stuff?”
“Too much excitement for me, they did say something about dragging you in their and making you strip dance.” Sandra smiled taking some food off my plate.
“Oh yeah, I’ll make their jaws drop alright, they’ll be absolutely speechless.”
“That’s what I thought, to much man for everyone.”
“Something like that.”
Sandra let out a little sight.
“What’s wrong?” I asked a little concern.
“Another Christmas alone.”
“You need to get yourself a man.”
“There’s no good ones out their.” Sandra sat on my desk, to the side of my feet.
“Well there is, but I’m spoken for.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.”
“Well find yourself a guy, crush his soul and then mould him to your liking.” I said with a straight face.
“Arrghhh, that sounds something like Katrina would say.”
A shiver ran down my spine, she was right.
“Speaking of which” Sandra continued. “What happened with the sleep over with Amanda and Lauren, they have been extremely quiet since then?”
I thought about it for a moment and finally said. “Sometimes rumours are better then fact, depending on your perspective.”
“Uh huh, what ever that means. Anyway, I’m going back to the party, join us.”
“Maybe later.”
“Oww my head.” Katrina said waking up the next morning.
I laid beside Katrina on the locke in her office; we had slept there over night as she was in no condition to drive home, nor would she let me drive home. Some how over night her hand had crept down my pants and was resting on my front shield.
“Good morning.” I said yawning a little.
“I didn’t do anything stupid last night did I?” Katrina said not having the energy to move.
“Not that I’m aware of, a few others were carried out though.”
“Steven go clean that mess up out there and then we’ll go home.” Katrina forced her eyes open
“Its clean, I did it last night while you were soundsleep.”
“Fine, let’s go.” Katrina said attempting to get off the blinde.
“Give me the keys, I’m driving.” I said putting my hand out.
“No, you’re not driving my car.”
“I’m not letting you drive like that, you can barely see straight.”
“Don’t tell me what to do Steven! Let’s remember who the Mistress here is.”
“I’m not Letting you drive, no matter what you say.”
“You know what today is Steven? Your six months is up, I could let you out today…” Katrina fell forward into my arms …”Fine, you drive.” Katrina handed me the keys.
“Like you were going to let me out today anyway.” I said taking the keys.
The morning was crazy; Katrina was packing our bags for our trip to Natasha’s place, Jenny and I had to load a large coffin shaped wooden box into the back of Katrina’s car, which required us to fold the back seat down.
After that Katrina supervised Jenny have a shower, she wanted her present to be perfect, and Katrinaalso helped Jenny with her hair and put on her only set of street clothes that she wore when she first came here. Once ready Jenny sat downstairs on the locke, she was quiet, worried and nervous.
Katrina picked some clothes out for me to wear, matching colours to hers; I was ready to leave within minutes.
“Come on slaves, time to go.” Katrina said almost finished with locking up the house.
The drive out in to the country to Natasha’s house was always long and boring, however driving through the mountain areas is downright scary but fun at the same time.
“What’s wrong slaves? Neither of you have said anything for hours.” Katrina said taking a corner cautiously slow.
Jenny and I didn’t answer.
“It will be OK Jenny, just Stay out of trouble, do your chores and respect Natasha and Jessica and you’ll do fine.”
Jenny still didn’t reply, she just stared out the side window.
“Now, what’s your problem Steven? You have been here before.”
“Two problems, Jessica and Samantha.” I mumbled.
“They won’t do a thing; Natasha adjusted both their attitudes when you left.”
“Kicked out, not left.”
“Whatever, you’ll be OK too.”
Kitrina made an unexpected turn off the main road and onto a dirt fire trail, she stopped the car behind some trees out of view from the road.
“What are we doing?” I asked.
“Doing the finishing touches to my present.” Katrina said opening the door. “Jenny, get out and get undressed.”
Jenny got out of the car and took her clothes off, her chatity belt and bra sparkled in the sun. Katrina opened the boot of her car and then opened up the box; she picked up a ball gag and strapped it to Jenny’s face.
“Climb in.” Katrina ordered.
Jenny crawled into the box and laid down, Katrina restrained her to the box, at her neck, elbows, wrists, waist, legs and ankles, Jenny was completely immobile.
“Good bye my slave.” Katrina said giving Jenny a kissand then locking the door to the box tightly shut.
A tear rolled down Jenny’s face, she didn’t want to go.
Katrina got back in the car and drive back on to the main road.
The gates to Natasha’s estate was left open expecting our arrival, we drove up to the house and parked in front of the garages. It felt good to get out of the car and stretch my stiff legs, Katrina and I walked up the steps and onto the veranda, and she knocked on the door three times.
A few moments later the door opened; on the other side was a young brunette haired girl, brown eyes, about 165cm tall and slim build, in white clothes except the shirt had a red collar, the tell tale signs of a chatity belt and bra were there. I liked what I saw.
“Hello.” The girl said
“Hi, Ambrosia isn’t it?” Katrina said.
“Abby, Amber is the other one. You must be Katrina and Steven, I have heard a lot about both of you, please come in.”
“Likewise.” Katrina said, walking through the door, I followed.
“Amber, Abby? Who, what?” I said confused.
“Twins.” Katrina replied.
Once inside we exchanged pleasuresantries with everyone else. Jessica pretended that I wasn’t there and Samantha just nodded her head at me in acknowledgement. Amber and Abby were identified twins and I do mean identified I could not tell them apart except for the different colour collars on their shirts, Amber’s was blue and she belonged to Natasha, Abby belonged to Jessica.
“May I borrow your slaves to get something out of the car?” Katrina asked.
“Sure.” Natasha said.
“Steven get the box out of the car and take it to the dungeon, stand it upright.” Katrina ordered me
“Follow me.” I said to the other slaves.
I led the other slaves out to Katrina’s car; awkwardly we lifted the box out of car and took it down to the dungeon.
“What’s in here? It weighs a tonne.” Abby asked.
“Nothing yet.” I said “It’s a coffin, one of you are going to be buried alivein it, since you have been here the longest Samantha, it will probably be you.”
“I see you haven’t lost your sense of humour Steven.” Samantha said helping stand the box upright. “and it hasn’t improved either.”
After bringing in the suitcases from the car and changing into my slave uniform I joined everyone at the dinner table for lunch; the ritual for lunch, dinner or any meal hadn’t changed nor would it ever.
“So tell me Steven, how long have you been locked now?” Natasha asked in delight of the answer that she already knew.
“Six months, nine days.” I replied unhappily.
Samantha laughed to herself.
“Why hasn’t Katrina let you out yet?”
I looked at Katrina. “Because she knows I can go longer.” I Thought that was the best answer.
“The truth is that I just can’t be bothered yet.” Katrina smiled at me. “Plus is frustration is a big turn on, even when it’s annoying for me.”
“Samantha was humping everything in sight the lastfew months of her last lock up.” Jessica spoke up. “I had to let her out before she scratched all the furniture.”
Everyone at the table except Samantha laughed.
“Steven mostly just humps the bed and leaks semen fluid everywhere. So how was your release Samantha?”
Samantha had a stupid grin on her face that it explained it well. “Great – six orgasms – 30 minutes.”
“She almost screamed the house down.” Natasha added.
“So, tell me about these two new slaves we have here.” Katrina asked.
“I needed another person at work to replace you Katrina so after some consideration I hired Ambrosia.” Natasha started.
“Please don’t tell them Lady Natasha.” Amber pleaded
“Be quite slave. Anyway, I left her there alone one Friday afternoon to finish up some work she was behind on, I come back a little while later to get something I forget to take home and you know what I see?”
“Oh god.” Abby went red.
“I walk into my office and on my desk is some naked guy lying down, Ambrosia is riding him, while Abigail is straddling his face and fingering herself.”
Amber and Abby’s faces were a bright red.
“So I’m standing there, they don’t notice me so after a few moments I clear my throat, all three stop what they are doing and look at me, they are motionless for what must have seemed like an eternity, the guy throws then both off, picks up his clothes and runs for the door.”
“Typical male, runs when the heat is on.” Jessica said taking a bite of lunch.
“Anyway, I have two naked girls in my office, they are both identical, one works for me and the other doesn’t, Ambrosia immediately asks if she is fired, I tell her no and then I decide to hire Abigail as well, then I thought might as well go the whole way and invited them over for dinner that night and I put them both in their place.”
“And in a town with high youth unemployment how could they say no.” Katrina finished the sentence for herself.
“No, Isaid yes outright, and what I do Abby does.” Amber said.
“As if, you were crying and on your knees begging to keep your job.” Abby replied.
“Silence!” Natasha said in a stern voice.
Everyone went quiet.
“So now I have my own personal slave, the first I have had in quite a while.” Natasha finished.
“So do you twins swap names Sometimes?” I said laughing.
Samantha rolled her eyes at me.
“They know not to even consider it.” Jessica answered.
Abby and Amber exchanged smiles, they had done it before.
“Slaves, leave the table and go outside. I want to talk to the Mistresses alone.” Natasha said.
I sat alone outside under a tree on the far side of the back yard. Amber, Abby and Samantha sat together near the back door of the house, chatting about silly girl stuff no doubt, not that I really cared.
A little while later Samantha left the company of Abby and Amber and came over to join me, I wasn’t that interested in her.
“Hi” Samantha said sitting next to me.
“What do you want?”
“To talk?”
“Come to say you’re sorry?”
“What for?” Samantha said innocently.
“Oh I don’t know, being alive, being a bitch and getting me kicked out of this house.” I said angrily
“Oh that” Samantha said. “I guess things did get out of hand.”
“Out of hand? You almost glad my chatity belt shut permanently.”
“Jessica’s idea, I was just being loyal to her and following her orders.”
“Real mature answer Samantha, I guess you haven’t changed.”
“Are you going to be mad at me forever?” Samantha was getting upset.
I didn’t know how to answer that question, yes I was angry at her but I don’t want to stay that way forever.
“It worked out okay didn’t Steven?” Samantha continued. “Katrina followed you back to the city.”
“That’s not the point. I was happy here and you and Jessica ruined it.”
“Well, sorry.” Samantha said in a tone I had a hard time believing.
“So what wonderful things do you and Jessica have installed for me during my stay here?”
“Nothing Steven, I promise, things have changed now, neither of us care about you anymore, we only care for each other, you were sort of the catalyst for it.”
“Right after you left, Natasha punished Jessica and me severely, we were able until we bled, some of the welts still haven’t healed completely. After that we were both locked in a small dark room for two weeks, fed bread and water and no contact with anyone else, during that time we fell deeply in love with each other.”
“So Samantha the bi-sexual is now Samantha the lesbian?” I asked not convinced.
“I guess so. Death to all men!” Samantha smiled.
“Yup, you have been spending too much time around Jessica.”
“She isn’t that bad, as long as you don’t have balls.”
“Mine have probably shrunk or fallen off by now.”
We both laughed.
“Anyway, what do you think of Amberand Abby?” I changed the subject.
“Sluts! Both of them, I went to school with them; although I was a year a head those two, everyone knew of their reputation.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “I seem to remember a certain someone with different partners every two weeks, guys and girls.”
“I like to think of it as discovering my sexuality.”
“You took a while.”
“Whatever, I’m happy with who I am and my life.”
Samantha and I sat there in silence for a little while longer before Amber and Abby came over and joined us.
“Hi.” Amber said softly.
‘Hi girls.” I replied.
“So this is the Steven that we have heard so much about.” Abby said in a harsher tone then of Amber.
“The one and only.” I replied.
“It’s nice to have a male around here.” Amber said.
“Look, drool or fantasise but don’t touch.” I smiled.
“Oh get over yourself, you aren’t that special.” Abby said disgusted at my comment.
“Well Samantha would have disagreed with that a few months ago.”
Abby and Amber looked at Samantha curiously.
“Amber is right you aren’t that great; I had been around women so long I would want any male.” Samantha did an alright job of covering up her past.
“Not that I care what any of you think, I have Katrina and that’s all I need.”
“She’s too good for you, you Know that right?” Abby said unrelenting in her attacks on me.
“I am constantly reminded by everyone around here that every woman is and always will be too good for me, so you telling me that is nothing new for me.” I said half angrily and half smiling.
“Abby, just shut up, I’m sick of your crap.” Samantha yellowed.
“You shut up; just because you have been here longer then us you think you can tell us what to do.” Abby yelled back.
“Both of you be quiet please.” Amber said softly.
They both did.
“So do you know what is planned for Christmas and New Years?” I asked not knowing a thing.
“Don’t know, I think we are all going into town for New Years, party in the main street I heard.” Samantha answered knowing just a touch more then me.
I chuckled to myself. “Looks like I’ll be stuck to Katrina’s side all night then.”
“Why?” Amber asked.
“She doesn’t let me out alone in public.”
“Doesn’t she trust you?” Abby asked laughing.
“Guess not.” I said unhappily.
“I don’t think it’s a question of trust at all, I think its all about control and her quest to have in her eyes the perfect man.” Samantha said.
Abby couldn’t stop laughing. “The perfect man – there is no such thing.”
“You don’t understand, before moving in here Katrina was engaged to be married, the guy treated her pretty bad and then he finally dumped her, Katrina took it hard, real hard and she vowed to herself to never ever let it happen again. Thus Katrina now demands total control of Steven.”
“Why do I get more pieces to the story every time I hear it?” I asked to no one in particular.
“Only Katrina knows the full story Steven, she tells everyone different things and she doesn’t like to talk about it much at all so it’s hard to get a full picture of what went on.” Samantha said feeling sorry for Katrina.
“Why don’t you ask her Steven?” Amber asked.
“I might just do that, but she’ll talk about it when she is ready.”
We continued our chat on just about anything and everything for a little while longer, actually the girls talked while I just listened.
It was late afternoon when Natasha and the Mistresses came outside to see what we were up to, we slaves moved to where they were sitting, near the back door at the picnic table.
“Having fun slaves?” Jessica asked a little tired and her hair in a bit of a mess.
“Actually we were going to ask you three the same thing.” I replied.
“Wonderful time.” Katrina said, also with messy hair and wrinkled clothes.
“Would it be out of place of me to ask what you three have been up to?” Samantha asked a question which we all assumed the answer too.
“Sure would slave.” Natasha answered.
It took me a few moments to notice but Katrina had her collar back on, I started to get nervous and worried, did this means that Katrina belongs to Natasha again and so do I?
“Katrina, why are you wearing THAT collar again?” I asked seriously.
“I don’t like how you asked that Steven.” Katrina answered unhappy with me.
Samantha, Abby and Amber were all quiet waiting for the answer too.
“It’s just while we are here slave, it will come off when I leave.” Katrina finally answered.
“What’s wrong Steven?” Natasha asked, “Don’t you like Katrina being collared to me Anymore?”
“Doesn’t matter.” I said looking away for a moment.
“Steven, look at me.” Katrina ordered.
I slowly turned to look at Katrina with a sour look on my face.
“A part of me will always belong to Natasha and I wear this collar because I’m proud to belong to her.”
“I said it doesn’t matter.” I Lied.
“What ever.” Katrina said getting fed up with me. “As long as you do what Natasha and Jessica orders you to do I don’t care.”
“What ever” I replied back. I got up and left the table and went over to sit back underneath the tree alone.
I sat underneath the tree alone, I could see Everyone looking at me every once in a while but none came over to speak to me. Hours must of past before Katrina marched over towards me.
“Get up off the ground slave.”
I looked up at Katrina.
Having no patience Katrina bent over and pulled me up by the hair. “I said get up.”
“Geez… I’m up.” I said annoyed.
“What the hell is your problem slave?” Katrina asked with her hands on her hips.
“Nothing.” I answered.
Katrina pushed me up against the tree with one hand and said slowly “Don’t lie to me, tell me what is the problem now.”
I could feel my tear ducts swelling. “We were supposed to be past this, you were supposed to be free of Natasha, and you’re supposed to be free to do what you want.”
“I am Steven.”
“Then why are you wearing that collar?”
“I told you before that a part of me will always belong to Natasha, that doesn’t mean she has control over me… mostly.”
“Mostly?” I said disgusted.
“I’ll always submit to her and so will you.”
“I’m only ever going to be with you Katrina; I don’t care about anyone else.”
“Steven, we only have to submissive around her and at her place, any time else I’m my own person and you submit to me, understanding?”
“Okay.” I said softly.
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