In the previous episode slaves Samantha and Steven both earned 3 months locked away in chatity for sharing a bed. However Steven earned another 3 months for running away from home for the day.
Katrina who was beginning to like her slave invited Steven to her bedroom for the night, although he had to sleep on the floor.
“Steven wake up.” Katrina said to me while poking me in the side.
“What time is it?” I replied while yawning.
“5 am, get up there are things I need to do.”
“I usually get up at 6am, and plus it’s a Saturday.”
“Just get up, get your things and come with me.”
I got up off the floor, picked up my uniform and followed Katrina back to my room. She opened the door and directed me in. She also unshackled Samantha.
“I’ll get you two when you are needed.” Katrina said before bolting the door shut behind her.
“What’s going on?” Samantha asked.
“I don’t know. It’s a bit early to get us up, especially for a Sa”I replied back. I didn’t make eye contact, as I was still angry with her.
After getting ready, Samantha and I laid on our beds staring at the ceiling. We didn’t talk to each other, which was probably for the best, as it would only result in a fight.
An eternity passed before someone opened the door. It was Jessica.
“Come down stairs and prepare breakfast.” Jessica ordered.
“Yes Mistress Jessica” Samantha and I said at the same time.
Jessica, Katrina, Samantha and I sat quietly eating our breakfast.
“Katrina what do you think we should do with the slaves while Natasha is on holidays?” Jessica said breaking the silence.
Both Samantha and I stopped eating and looked up.
“I suppose we could just leave They locked away in their room and we could have fun of our own?” Katrina joked.
“May I speak?” I asked.
“Of course slave.” Answered Jessica.
“Lady Natasha has gone on holidays?”
“Yes she has, for 2 weeks; of course she left me in charge of this house and the office.” Jessica answered with a grin.
“So any ideas on what we can do with you slaves?” Katrina asked.
“Slaves get a holiday too?” I said sarcastically.”
Both Jessica and Katrina laughed out loud at the idea.
“I have an idea slaves.” Jessica grinned at Samantha and myself. “Steven, you owe Samantha a birthday present.”
“I do?” I asked surprised. “When was it her birthday?”
“A week ago, you were sort of tired up in the dungeon on that day.” Katrina answered.
“What will be my present Mistress Jessica?” Samantha finally spoke up.
“How would you like to be a domme for a day? Over Steven of course?” Jessica asked.
“I would love to be Mistress Jessica.”
“Great Slave, Steven for the next 24 hours is now yours Samantha.”
“Thank you Mistress Jessica.”
“Thank me too.” Katrina said.
“Oh sorry, thank you Mistress Katrina.” Samantha said happy.
“Steven you will follow Mistress Samantha’s orders as if they came from me or Jessica.” Katrina ordered.
“Yes Mistress Katrina.” I answered. All colour had drained from my face.
“Samantha direct your slave.” Jessica ordered.
“Slave, clean up the breakfast dishes, then go straight to the dungeon and wait for me.”
“Yes Mistress Samantha.” I said with a sour taste in my mouth.
After clearing the table and doing the dishes I waited for Samantha in the dungeon.
My worst fears had come true, Samantha had control over me, even though it would be for a short time, she would make the most of it.
Finally Samantha came down to the dungeon. She had changed from her white slave uniform into tight black casual clothes and had a black studied leather collar around her neck. However, her chatity bra and belt was obvious.
“Remove your uniform and stand in the middle of the room.” Samantha ordered using her serious tone of voice.
I took my uniformoff and left it neighborly folded on the floor near a wall, then I walked over to the middle of the room and waited for further instruction.
“Turn away from me and knee on your knees.”
I turned away from Samantha, kneeed on my knees and stared at the wall. I could here her fumble around with some toys before she walked around and stood in front of me. Around her wait was a 12-inch long strap-on penis.
I look up at her but before I could say anything she drove the straw-on penis into my mouth.
“Suck on it slave.” Samantha ordered in a loud tone of voice.
I started licking it with my tongue, around the head of the plastic penis.
“No you idiot, do it like you mean it.” Samantha grabbed a handful of hair from the back of my head and started moving my head backwards and forwards. “Understand slave?”
I did as instructed and started sliding my lips up and down the shake.
“That’s a little better slave, but I know you can do more.”
I took theStrap-on out of my mouth, and started licking up and down the shake. This went on for another 5 minutes before Samantha got bored.
“Good slave, now that’s the only cock that’s going to get sucked while you are here. Now get up and bed over that table.” Samantha pointed to the table to the side of the room.
I bent over the table and held on to the side. Samantha came up behind me and slide the straw-on penis gently into my butt.
“That was easier than I expected slave, your butt training is going well.”
“Thank you Mistress Samantha” I replied
“Shut up slave, I have yet given permission for you to speak.” Samantha drove the strap-on hard into me as punishment.
I gripped the table so tightly my knuckles went white but Samantha was unrelenting, she slide the strap-on in and out of my butt as fast and hard as she could. I tried to hold back my moaning, but it was too much, but I think she was pleased that was in disappoint.
“What’s wrong slave? I thought all men liked penetrative sex?” Samantha withdrew the stick-on from me. “Don’t go anywhere.”
Samantha walked away and took the stick-on penis off and moments later returned. “You think this will fit without lube?” Samantha said waving a large butt plug in my face. “Well I know a way to find out.” Samantha placed the tip of the butt plug and slowly forced it into my butt, over the bump Until my sphincter rested on the neck of the plug. “Now get up and stand in the middle of the room.”
I did as I was told. Samantha came over to me and locked the rear shield to my chatity belt. “I think we need some more equipment slave. Stay here and don’t move.”
Samantha left the room and came back 10 minutes later with an arm full of chains, bars and locks. She dropped them at my feet.
The thigh bands were first to be attached. They were attached to just above my knees, with a short chain in between; another 2 chains came from the bands and attached to my chatity belt. AShort spreader bar was then locked between my ankles; another short spreader bar was attached between my wrists.
“Just one thing to complete it I think.” Samantha said picking up a length of chain, which was then locked between the 2 spreader bars. It was set at a length that I couldn’t lift my hands past my wait.
“You are a pathetic sight aren’t you slave?”
“No Mistress Samantha” I replied.
“You should know better than to disagree with me slave.” Samantha forced a penis gag into my mouth and secured it behind my head. “Now get out of here and attend to your chores.”
I hobbled my way out of the dungeon and up the stairs.
I began doing my chores, since I couldn’t lift up my hands it almost impossible to do anything, but Somehow I managed. I had been dusting shelves for a little while when Jessica and Katrina walked in.
“What has she done to you slave?” Katrina asked trying not to laugh.
I could do nothing but shrug my shoulders.
“You better do your chores properly slave, you know we accept no excuses” Jessica followed sarcastically.
“Good thing we’ll never have to take orders from Samantha.”
“I know.”
Jessica and Katrina left the room somewhat amused.
Because I was so far behind in my chores I was forced to miss lunch, but I did have to clean up after the Mistresses. Samantha checked up on me every half hour, slapping me, pushing me around and verbally abusing me just because she could, she spent the rest of her time working on her suntan outside.
In the middle of the afternoon Samantha interrupted me again while doing chores, she removed all my restraints except the gag, butt plug and rear shield.
“Go wait for me at the far corner of the backyard” Samantha ordered.
I nodded in agreement as the gag made it impossible to talk; I walked outside and waited for Samantha to meet me. Five minutes later Samantha came out to meet me with a few new toys in hand.
First she duct tapered my wrists to my upper arms so my hands were near my neck, after pushing me to the ground Samantha tapped my ankles to my upper legs. Once she was satisfied with that she placed two hooks in my nostrils, and with a string attached to the hooks she pulled it back over my head as tight as she could, so my head was pulled back. She then tied the string to my toes.
“I want you to wiggle over to Jessica and Katrina” Samantha Ordered. “Put yourself between their deck chairs.”
Slowly I started wiggling across the grass, I could hardly move. Samantha whipped me across the feet to make me go faster. It took me 15 minutes to get to my destination. Once there Samantha seemed bored and started to walk off.
“Where do you get these ideas from Samantha?” Jessica asked curiously before Samantha got too far.
“Night after night of sharing a room with this sorry excuse for a human is a lot of inspiration to let your mind come up with some very interestingg scenes.” Samantha replied with a grin.
Jessica and Katrina just laughed.
“Well can you do something with this sorry excuse for a human then? I don’t want him in my sight right now.” Jessica ordered displeased.
Samantha walked back and untapped one of my arms.
“Do the rest yourself slave, and then get back to your chores.” Samantha ordered kicking me in the side on purpose. Samantha walked away again.
“Sigh I wish Samantha wouldn’t leave her trash lying around like this” Jessica said jokingly to Katrina.
“Perhaps she needs some further house training” Katrina replied trying to defend me without being to obvious about it.
Jessica didn’t reply. After a few minutes I managed to take off all the tape and nose hooks.
“Don’t worry Steven” Katrina said. “It’s only for 24 hours.”
I moaned against the gag.
“Get down here for dinner now slave.” Samantha called out to me from the bottom of the stairs. I walked down the stairswhere Samantha was waiting for me. She cuffed my hands behind my back and slide a straw into my mouth, next to the gag. This wasn’t going to be good.
Jessica and Katrina were already at the table enjoying a cooked dinner. Samantha had prepared a bowl of some green muscle stuff.
“Its Peas sort of mashed up and watered down.” Samantha said putting the bowl on the floor under her chair. “Get under the table and eat, err suck.”
I got under the table and sucked down the disgusting peas. Samantha sat down on her chair and locked her ankles against my neck.
The Mistress ate their meals and chatted about girl stuff, every few minutes Jessica kicked me where ever she could, causing me to choke on my peas each time.
Eventually the Mistresses were done and left the table. Samantha ripped the straw out of my mouth, removed the cuffs and then ordered me to clean the mess up.
Once done doing the dinner dishes I walked out to the lounge room where Samantha was watching TV, I walked pass her to go continue my chores.
“Forget your chores slave; go down stairs to the dungeon.” Samantha ordered as she got off the blinde.
“Stand still slave.” Samantha ordered.
I stood there as Samantha removed my gag and rear shield which I have been wearing most of the day. I flexed my jaw trying to get some feeling back.
“Take out your butt plug slave and then clean and store all these things toy room. Then come back here.”
I slowly removed my butt plug; I was relieved to have it out. I left Samantha there as I went to clean the toys. I went as fast as I could.
“About time” Samantha said annoyed as I entered the room. “Get up on this table.”
I climbed up on the table and Samantha cuffed my wrists and ankles to the table. She then turned off the lights and left the room bolting the door shutt. Nothing was said.
It didn’t take long for me to get back to sleep, as it had been a long day,at least I knew Samantha’s power over me will be gone tomorrow.
I woke up started in the middle of the night because something touched my arm, my eyes trying to adjust to the light could make out the figure of Samantha.
“What do you want?” I mumbled. Jessica obviously hadn’t cuffed her to the bed.
“Nothing” Replied Samantha.
“Then why are you here?”
“I guess I’m lonely.”
I paused for a moment before continuing. “Lonely? You don’t even like me and you still want me as company.”
“I guess I sort of like you, well I know I don’t hate you, it’s just that I am used to have you around.” Samantha mumbled almost incoherently.
“I don’t trust you; you are always getting me in trouble or setting me up to get me in trouble. I’m locked in this chatity belt for at least 6 months because of you and you want me to be some sort of friend?” I said getting annoyed.
“What are you on about? The first 3 months of chatity is my fault, I gotthe same punishment remember, you know I’m sorry, the next 3 months is all your fault, don’t go putting the blow on to me. Anyway, I have to wear a chatity bra too, not only is it heavy and tight, it also restricts what I can wear.”
“Oh come on, you are in chatity because you are a whore, or ex-whore, I’m in chatity because Katrina liked the idea that Jessica put you in chastity.”
“Whatever I don’t care. I just came down here for some company.” Samantha sat down next to me on the table.
“Well I’m a little tied up at the moment”
“Funny, so what is your plan?”
“Plan?” I replied, not sure what Samantha was asking.
“Plans for here, work, life etc, you know what do you want to do?”
“I don’t Know, never thought about it. I guess I just want to work and save money and working for Lady Natasha and getting free accommodation is helping a lot.”
“Not exactly free accommodation don’t you think? I mean, how long do you want to stay here?”
“Idon’t know, not sure I want to leave yet, I guess I sort of like it here.”
“I know it, when you first got here I told you that you would learn to like it.”
“Well I don’t like all of it; I can live without Jessica’s putdowns for a start.”
“Jessica is Jessica; it wouldn’t be her if she wasn’t putting someone down for something. She is more interested in me than you; I think you just get in her way just by being alive.”
“Not much I can do about that, well I think Katrina likes me a lot.”
“I know she does, probably more. Do you love her?” Samantha asked?
I didn’t answer.
“Well, do you?” Samantha asked again.
I still didn’t answer.
“I’ll take your silence as a big yes, you just can’t admit it.” Samantha left the room and slammed the door behind her.
Then it hit me, Samantha is not only lonely, but she has some strong feelings for me – I have no idea on what to do.
Katrina came through the door and asked “What are you doing here, why hasn’t Samantha let you out?”
“She isn’t happy with me Mistress.” I replied
“What did you do?” Katrina asked while uncuffing me.
“Samantha came down here during the night and we talked about stuff, then she asked if I love you.”
“And?” Katrina sounded worried.
“I didn’t answer and she took that as a yes and left.”
“Do you love me Steven?”
I paused for a moment and then let out a “Yes.”
“I know you do, I have that feeling for a while and I know I sort of love you too.”
“I don’t know what to do.”
“Where do your loyalties lie?”
“With you of course.” I replied while getting up off the table
“Good, that is all that matters. Now you have missed breakfast, go get dressed, do your chores and wait for lunch.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Yes Mistress?”
“Doesn’t matter. Just get to your duties.”
I followed Katrina out of the room.
Samantha had already startedd her chores; she didn’t say anything to me so I didn’t say anything to her. She ignored me as much as she could, every time I moved near her she moved away. After lunch I worked up some courage to speak to her.
“What is your problem?” I asked some annoyed.
“Nothing.” Samantha replied.
“I don’t believe that, why are you angry that I love Katrina? She is my Mistress”
Samantha shrugged.
“I don’t get it, you have never given me any reason to like you, and you have always given me the impression that you don’t want me around, that I have stepped in on your territory. Katrina is my Mistress, she may be strict and she may control every aspect of my existence but at least she shows that she cares about me.”
“So you think I am jealous that you have taken some attention away from me? Don’t be stupid” Samantha picked up her voice while moving closer towards me. “Now that you are here, I have half the chores to do and more time for playing and myself.”
“Then what is it then?”
“I love you.” Samantha blurted out. There she said it and she couldn’t take it back. A shocked looked came over her face as she realized what she had said.
“You have a funny way of showing it. Hell, what do you know about love? Before coming here you had a different partner every 2 weeks. I am probably the longest relationship with a male you ever had, and you aren’t even sure that you are straight, lesbian or bi-sexual. You are screwed up.”
“I’m screwed up?” Tears started running down Samantha’s face. “Katrina is probably the closest thing to girlfriend you have ever had and probably the closest thing you have ever had to intercourse in the past few years is being taken up the arse with a straw on. But still you love Katrina.”
“At least I know where my loyalties lie and that’s with Katrina and Natasha. You should be loyal to Jessica and Natasha, what would they think if they heard you saying stuff like this?”
“I don’t care. I love you Steven and I don’t know why, I just do.”
“Well I don’t love you, I can’t and I won’t. I am devoted to Katrina now and you can’t change that.”
Samantha dropped what was in her hands, turned and ran out the door, brushing Katrina while passing through the door.
“I hear what you said Steven.” Katrina told me.
“All of it?” I asked.
“Yes. I am proud of you, proud that you are my slave and loyal to me and you know your place in this household.”
“Thank you Mistress. What will I do about Samantha?”
“Nothing. You will not love her. You will treat her respect because she is a female and is above you in this house, but you will not go beyond that. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes Mistress. I hope she backs off.”
“She won’t, its in her personality to get what she wants, I just hope that she is over you before Natasha makes her a domme, when ever that may be. Just tell me about anything she tries please.”
“Yes Mistress.” I replied, feeling somewhat happier.
“Resume your duties slave.” Katrina said before leaving the room.
That evening the Mistresses sent Samantha and me to bed early, straight after dinner, they didn’t say why, guess they didn’t want us around. We were chained to our beds, face up with our arms and legs spread apart and our waists were also kept stationary by a chain from one side of the bed, locked to our chatity belts and the locked to the other side of the bed.
I laid there silently for a while, trying to drift off to sleep, but it was too early. I thought about what had gone on the past few days, what Samantha had done to me and told me. Sometimes I wish she would leave me alone and let me be.
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