The Office Boy Ch. 02

It had been a whole month since I was locked in my metal chatity belt. Samantha had been right, its comfortable but frustrating; sometimes you forget you are wearing it but at the same time you know its there. I constantly hope I will be released soon but Katrina hasn’t hinted about it and I know better not to bring the issue up with her. At least she doesn’t make me wear the thigh bands 24/7, but she makes sure I wear them at the office – she says she likes the jingle the chain makes when the office is quiet.

My butt plug training is ‘progressing nicely’ as Natasha and Katrina puts it. Last week I ‘progressed’ to a medium butt plug, Katrina showed no mercy sliding that thing in, using a little less lube then she should have. I am dreading the large and extra large butt plugs they promise they have for me.

Jessica makes sure Katrina finds out about every little mistake I make and suggests ways to punish me for it, if she can’t be bothered to do it herself. I have a strong suspicion that Samantha tells Jessica and Katrina about every move (or lack of) I make, as I am around her more then the Dommes.

“Steven! What are you doing?” Katrina called across from the other side of the office.

Natasha was out of the office this afternoon, which could only mean trouble.

“Just updating some drivers on this computer.” I replied.

“Uh-huh. Come here Steven.”

I got out of my chair and walked over to where Katrina was.

“What’s the problem?” I asked.

“The photocopier seems to be jammed.”

“Here, let me have a look.”

“…And let me help you.” Katrina said while grabbing the back of my head and pushing my face onto the glass. “Close your eyes idiot.”

Katrina ran off 10 copies of my face, each slightly different from the last.

“I’m seeing spots.” I said while getting up off the photocopier.

“Close your eyes better next time.”

I was about to say something back, but I thought I had better not. “I will next time, thanks.”

“Once you get home from work today I want you to get out of your clothes and go down to the dungeon. I’ll be waiting, so don’t take to long cleaning the office.”

“Yes Katrina.” I said and then got back to what I was previously doing.

Once arrived home I immediately did what I was told. As promised Katrina was down in the dungeon waiting for me.

“Stand between the chains slave, hands in the air.” Katrina instructed. I knew the procedure well enough by now.

I stood between the chains and Katrina shackled my wrists to the ceiling. She unlocked and removed my thigh bands as well as my chatity belt.

“We’ll just remove that little bit of hair you can’t remove because you cant access it.”

Katrina removed all the hair around my public area and balls. I bit my lip so I wouldn’t cry out in pain.

“I don’t think you should shake all your body hair anymore. Waxing will be much better for you, don’t you think slave?”

“Yes Mistress Katrina.” I replied.

“Good, tomorrow I’ll buy some wax strips for you and I’ll ask Samantha to make sure you use them too.” Katrina continued.

“Yes Mistress Katrina.”

Katrina started masturbating my penis; it didn’t take long until I orgasmed. She let it all shoot out on the floor, then she stroked my penis a few more times to make sure the cum was all out as my penis returned to its flaccid state. Once satisfied that I was relieved she placed the chatity belt back on me.

“Is that it Mistress Katrina?” I asked.

“I was thinking the same thing slave. Hardly worth the effort is it?” Katrina replied.

“No Mistress Katrina.”

“Perhaps we should stop with the masturbation and start with prostate massages, anally.”

“Always full of wonderful ideas Mistress Katrina.” I said while doing by best to hide the sarcasm.

“I know slave, we’ll do that next time.” Katrina said obviously picking up on my sarcasm.

Katrinafinished placing the chatity belt and thigh bands back on me; she also fitted the rear shield with a medium sized butt plug, I let out a small groan as she inserted it.

“Stop moaning slave, accept it and get used to it. I can and I will offer much worse.” Katrina said while undoing the shadows holding my wrists to the ceiling. “Clean this mess up and start your chores.” Katrina left the room.

“Steven, are you awake?” Samantha whispered across our bedroom.

“What Samantha? It’s the middle of the night and I’m trying to sleep.” I whispered back.

“I can’t sleep, can I get in your bed with you?”

“Just for a little while.”

Samantha got out of her bed and walked across the room. The shadows and chains that bound her wrists and ankles rattled as she moved… loud enough to wake the dead. She climbed into my bed and snuggled close to me.

“You right there?” I asked.

“Fine.” Samantha replied.

After a little while we both drifted offto sleep.

“What the hell do you think you two are doing?” Jessica screamed, waking me up.

Katrina stood behind and slightly to the side of Jessica, the look on her face could have stripped the paint off the walls.

“Huh?” I replied, while turning to look at Jessica. I felt Samantha’s presence in the bed beside me. “Oh shit.”

Samantha didn’t say a thing; she just looked at Jessica with a blank look.

“You are both in big trouble.” Katrina said softly and calmly.

“Both of you, get down to the dungeon now!” Jessica said still enraged.

Both Samantha and I ran down to the dungeon best we could, shackled as we were. Jessica and Katrina followed hot on our heels.

“Kneel on your knees slaves.” Jessica ordered.

Samantha and I got down on our knees in the middle of the room. Katrina and Jessica stood in front of us making us look up at them.

“I’m sorry.” I said before anyone could say anything else. “I asked Samantha to sleep with me last night to keep me company.”

“What Steven? I wanted to sleep in your bed to help me sleep.” Samantha said looking at me with a confused look on her face.

“Shut up Samantha, don’t make it worse for you.”

“What is happening girls?” Natasha said from the door of the dungeon.

Everyone else went silent.

“We found the slaves had slept together in the same bed last night Lady Natasha.” Katrina answered.

“I see.” Natasha didn’t move from the door. “I want you to make sure this never happens again. The slaves must be shackled to their own beds in any way you see fit from now on.”

“Yes Lady Natasha. Do you suggest any punishments for the slaves?” Katrina asked

“For a start add three months to their next chatity release. But you can punish them however you want; I want nothing to do with these slaves until they act like the proper slaves they are supposed to be, that means following orders and rules to the letter. I don’t care how you makeThey improve, just make sure they improve.”

Natasha left the dungeon.

“Shut up and listen slaves.” Jessica ordered us. “From now on you will work your arses off from the moment you get up in the morning to the moment you go to bed. You will do everything you are ordered to and do it to perfection. I don’t care if you are about to die, you will obey us and earn back Lady Natasha’s approval.”

“You are both pathetic excuses for slaves, especially you male.” Katrina said looking at me. “Perhaps I expected to much from you male slave and you’ll never live up to my expectations. But you are missing out on a lot because of your constant failures, we could have a lot of fun in the dungeon, instead of having to be punished every other day.”

“Too bad we don’t have much time for punishment this morning, but we’ll make it up to you after work today. I think a heavy whipping will give them something to remember for the rest of the day.” Jessica said picking up 2 wooden canes, giving one to Katrina.

“Face down on the floor and arses in the air slaves.” Katrina ordered while walking behind me.

“30 each should do it.” Jessica said while walking behind Samantha.

Both Jessica and Katrina whipped our arses with the canes. Each strike of the cane hurt more than the last. I could feel the welts form on my butt cheats. Tears ran down the side of my face, I noticed the same for Samantha.

“That’s 30.” Katrina said a little short of breath.

“I have no idea how these slaves are going to sit down at work today.” Jessica wondered.

“Painfully I expect.”

“Stand up slaves.” Jessica ordered.

Samantha and I were released from our shadows.

“Go back to your rooms, get ready for work and start your chores.” Katrina instructed.

“Thank you Mistress Jessica and Mistress Katrina.” Samantha and I both replied.

Katrina whipped my arse one more time, as I was about to leave the dungeon.

I got in my carand left for work. I didn’t take the turn towards the office; I drove down the main street of the town and kept going. I wasn’t really sure where I was going, but somehow 20 minutes later I arrived at the lookout that over looked the valley on the far edge of town.

I turned the engine off, got out of the car, walked over and leaned against the fence of the lookout. I stared down the side of the cliff focusing my attention on nothing in particular.

Hours went by, I just stood there not thinking about much other than what was I going to do. Realising I had little options available to me.

After what felt like forever a car pulled up next to mine, I turned around to see it was Samantha. She got out of her car and walked up beside me.

“What do you want?” I asked her, not really happy to see her.

“Come home.” She replied ignoring my question.

“How did you find me?” I ignored her back.

“I know you wouldn’t go back to the city, because there is nothingfor you there.”

“That much is true.” I interrupted.

“… And this lookout is the only place worth going to in this dead end of a town.”


“So are you coming home or what?” She asked again.

“I don’t know, everyone seems so concerned about me, waiting the whole day until after work to come and look for me.”

“Really, what is your problem? You have a great place to stay and everything is provided for you.”

“It wasn’t what I expected, all I wanted was a job.”

“Well according to your profile on that kink site, you got 2 things that you wanted in one go.”

“Yeah, that profile is true, but I didn’t want to be a live-in-house slave to 3 dommes” I turned to face Samantha. “Wait a second, how do you know about that profile, I have never mentioned it to anybody?” I said changing the tone of my voice.

“Ok, remember your first night you spent at the house as a slave and I told you this had been planned before you were offered the job?”


“Well Natasha let Katrina have a slave of her own choosing, after Natasha’s approved you of course.”

“And Katrina picked me just like that?”

“Pretty much, then they investigated and researched you and put a job notice in your local newspaper that you couldn’t refund.”

“I bet Katrina regrets her choice now.”

“No she doesn’t, she likes you, even when you do screw up. You are a trainee slave, mistakes are to be expected and Katrina will correct them one way or another.”

“Yeah, she beats me just for looking in the wrong direction.”

Samantha didn’t have an answer for that so we both stayed silent for a few moments.

“Its this damn chatity belt, I don’t think I can take it Anymore.” I blurted out.

“I know, I noticed you rubbing it against the bed the other night, it doesn’t help.” Samantha said probably speaking from experience.

“Was it that obvious?”

“Yeah, you need to keep your mind off it and the opposite sex and the same sex in my case, think about a better way of cleaning the oxygen or something.”

“Well the way the dommes dress doesn’t help.” I said lightly.

“Don’t be such a pervert, I notice where your eyes go, even towards me.”

“Do you have something to drink, I haven’t had anything all day.” I quickly changed the subject.

“Yeah, I have a bottle of water in my car, let me go get it.”

Samantha left my side and got the water from her car, she came back moments later and gave me the bottle. I opened the bottle and gulped down mouthfuls of water.

“Hey, leave some for m….”

“Ahh my head… not again.” I said, recognizing the headache from that supposed dinner party some months ago.

“Good you are awake.” I heard Katrina says from behind me.

I could feel my eyes taped shut and a blindfold wrapped around my head. I was lying naked, apart from the chatity belt, on a cold metal benchmark which I didn’t recognize with my hands and legs secured apart.

“I don’t remember this metal benchmark.”

“You are in another room of the dungeon, much more interesting than the one you know about, I’ll introduce you to all its features in due time but for now we need to have a talk.”

“Don’t worry I wont be going anywhere.” I said with a smile while I pulled on my bonds.

“You will address me as Mistress Katrina, slave.” I felt a whip strike me across the chest.

“Sorry Mistress Katrina.”

“Why didn’t you come to work today slave?”

“I’m not sure Mistress Katrina.”

“You aren’t sure?” I felt the whip strike me again. “What type of answer is that slave, did you just get in your car drive for a bit and then stop?”

“Something like that Mistress Katrina. I wasn’t really thinking about what I was doing.”

“I see. Don’t you like it here slave?”

I stayed silent for a moment. “I do like it here Mistress Katrina.” I said honestly.

“So you liked it here so much you thought you would run away. Please start making sense slave.”

“I guess I was upset about what happened this morning Mistress Katrina. I was getting something that I had wanted for a long time, but I wasn’t taking it seriously, I guess it was a game to me.”

“Make it clear to me slave, what is it that you have always wanted?”

“To be a slave to a domme, Mistress Katrina.” I answered confidently

“So you are taken in as a slave by a domme and you are still not happy?”

“I am happy, my life is finally going somewhere. But I wasn’t just taken in by one domme but three and there was also another slave who has ambitions of dominating me. I had gotten more then I had ever wanted but at the same time I wasn’t displeased with the situation. I now know I don’t have the experience to deal with the complex situation I am now in.”

“Ok for a start you won’t need to worry about Samantha for sometimes.” Katrina said walking a few steps around the benchmark. “And perhaps you are right, the relationshipships within this house are not easy, and being the bottom rung of the ladder is not a great position to be in, but as a slave, you are expected to deal with it and rise above it.”

“Yes Mistress Katrina.”

“No one here expects you to be a hundred percent perfect as a slave yet but I can’t let you go unpunished for the mistakes you make. I don’t punish you because I hate you I punishment you realize your mistake and remember that mistake so you will never make it again. However please remember that I need no excuse to cause pain to you, but these times will often be combined with some pleasure. So slave I ask you one last time; are you still willing to be my slave until it is decided that your services are no longer required?”

“Yes I am Mistress Katrina.” I didn’t hesitate for a second.

“Good. I will warn you now, if you do run away again you will not be accepted back, your chatity belt and any other devices attached to you will not be removed, all records of you will be made available to the public and anything else here belonging to you will not be returned.”

“I understand Mistress Katrina.”

“This morning you earned 3 months of being locked in your chatity belt and for today’s stunt you will be locked in for another 3 months.”

My heart sank. “Please Mistress Katrina.” I interrupted.

“Shut up slave.” Katrina cut me off. “So for now your release will be in 6 months which will not be shortened under any circumstances, however it may be lengthened if needed. I will also be removing more of your freedoms, in fact almost all of them. You will no longer be requiring a car, so it will be sold. You will travel to and from work with either Jessica or me. You will no longer leave the office for lunch breaks by yourself or with Samantha; doing grocery shopping will no longer be one of your chores. So as you can tell you will no longer be allowed out in public alone and you will always be escorted if you are allowed.”

“Yes Mistress Katrina.” I had a smart-arsed comment to make but know better more then ever now.

“I will now pick out all the clothes you will wear each day, not just clothes that colour match mine, but actually what you will wear, including your socks.”

I had another comment about her dressing me too, just begging to be said. “Yes Mistress Katrina.”

“I may let you receive some of Your freedoms back but you will have to earn them and show me that I can trust you. That means stop lying, like you did this morning when you tried to protect Samantha, it only made it worse for you.”

“But I let her in my bed, I am to blow just as much as her Mistress Katrina.”

“True. But you still lied. She is a slave just like you, she doesn’t try to protect you, she stalls you in the back more then you think.”

“As I have come to realize Mistress Katrina.”

“Do you agree that you should be punished for what you did?”

“Yes Mistress Katrina.”

“I don’t think you areready or deserving yet to experience this part of the dungeon. I am going to free you and lead you to the other dungeon. Do not speak or remove your blindfold.”

Katrina undid my bonds and led me into the other dungeon guiding me with her hand on my back. “Hands in the air slave.” Katrina instructed. I placed my hands in the air and I felt my hands shacked apart to a metre long metal bar. The bar was then winched into the air, taking me along with it, until I could only touch the floor with the tips of my toes.

Katrina removed my blindfold. My eyes strained for a moment against the light. I was in the familiar part of the dungeon. Samantha was curled up in a small metal cage hanging in mid-air from the ceiling; her hands were handcuffed outside the bars. A ball-gag that strapped around over and behind her head kept her from making a sound. She made eye contact with me for a moment but then looked away. Her owner, Jessica was not present.

Katrina placed nipple clamps on each of my nipples, I whimpered a little as they bit into my skin. She then attached small weights to each clamp; the weights were on a chain and hung just above my hips. These weights made the clamps bite just a little bit harder.

Walking around me, Katrina softly paddled me with a studied leather paddle, causing me to flinch. Each movement I made caused the weights to move, sending jolts of pain in my nipples. She stood in front of me and stared into my eyes, I stared back for a moment and then looked away feeling uncomfortable.

“Look at me Slave!” Katrina yelled as she kicked my feet out from under me.

I swung in the air for a few moments trying to get my footing. The weights attached to my nipple clamps swung side to side like a pendulum on a clock. Causing great pain to shoot thru my nipples and chest. I let out a scream that was followed with a strong blow to my butt with the paddle, which brought back painful memories of the morning. I got the point and stayd silent even though I was overcome with pain.

After about half a minute the weights stopped swinging and I breathed heavily as I tried to beat the pain. A little while later Katrina had grown bored with punishment me and decided she would let me go. She removed my nipple clamps and I bit my lip as I felt the pain of the blood returning to my nipples. I rubbed the muscles in my sore arms when they were freed from the spreader bar; even hanging there for less than an hour was enough to dread being in that situation ever again.


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