1: The Storm
I’d been at the clinic getting Lucy her eighteen month old jabs. She’d been very brave and was peacefully wait on my shoulder as I walked through the extended parking lot of the hospital. Then the unseasonal torrential and chilling downpour had started. Within seconds my light blouse was soaked through and Lucy’s one-piece bodysuit was quickly getting wet as well. I was in a quandary, should I return to the shelter of the clinic or keep making for the bus shelter.
The clinic was closer, but I didn’t want to miss the last bus out to my suburb. By now my blouse was absolutely soaked and plastered to my body in such a way that it was nearly see-through and the chill had hardened my nipples so that they were obviously protruding. Water was running through my hair down my back soaking my skirt as well. Then Lucy woke and starting crying.
I was about to start crying myself when a flashy green sports car coming from the staff parking section pulled up besideme. The man in the car (a Lotus Elise I later learned), just took over and my life was never the same again. He didn’t ask me anything, merely reached over opened the passenger door and instructed me to get in, as if there was no question of my compliance.
It all seems kind of surreal to me now, thinking back on it. I was so wet and miserable that any kind of natural caution I might normally have had evaporated. I simply slipped into the comfortable bucket seat still crackling Lucy in my arms and closed the door.
He immediately headed out on the highway saying we needed to get the little one warm. I remember telling him that her name was Lucy and trying to apologize for making the seat all wet. I also remember blushing because my nipples were still protruding rudely through my blouse and trying to hold down my skirt as it was riding high up my thighs.
He told me his name was Lance and I must have told him I was Linda. He did ask me where I lived, but he decided it wasToo far, and proceeded off in a direction I wasn’t familiar with. As we drove it got darker as the storm intensified with lightning and thunder. I don’t recall much else about the journey, I think I was just too miserable at the time to really notice how far or where it was we went.
We passed through gates, proceeded up a lengthy drive towards an imposing residence and into an extended garage. Lance helped me out of the car and led me through a series of corridors before we popped out in a locke with a blazing wood-fire along one wall.
He led me over to the fire and gently settled me on a rug in front of the fire. I remember him taking Lucy out of my arms and telling me that everything would be all right and he’d wrap her in something dry.
I worried he was going to walk off with her, but he sat on the floor beside me and proceeded to remove her wet clothes making me jump when he called out for some towels. I thought he might have been talking to me, but a middle-aged woman appeared when he called.
At first I thought she must be his wife, but afterward learned that she was his cook, Mary. She was the one who had gotten the fire going, apparently Lance had called ahead on the drive although I don’t remember him doing so. After bringing in the towels, Mary went out of the room and I never saw her again that night.
After undressing Lucy, Lance tenderly dried her off with one towel before wrapping her in another, all the while murmuring to her about what a good girl she was. Lucy was still sleepy, no doubt partly from her injections, so Lance just lay her on the locke suite nearest the fire and she closed her eyes with a cute smile on her face.
Next Lance said it was my turn and I needed to strip or I would come down with pneumonia. He came over to me and started to unbutton my blouse. I’m sure I must have blushed mightily but I don’t remember pulling away or feeling incensed at the liberties he was taking.
Lance acted with such confidence that there just didn’t seem room for any kind of objection. Once my blouse was off, I made to reach for one of the towels, but Lance felt my bra and said it was soaked and also needed to come off. Before I could say anything he reached round behind me and unclipped it and pulled it off down my arms. Here I was completely topless in front of strange man in a strange place. My nipples were still Extremely taut and tingling with the chill.
My actual situation was starting to sink in, but before I could react Lance pulled me to my feet and said the bottom half needed removing as well. My shoes were already gone, I think I must have taken them off in the car. My naked breasts were pushing into his chest as he held me close, reaching round behind me to get at the zip on my skirt. I hardly noticed that he took my panties off at the same time as he pulled the skirt down.
Still holding me close and using a towel Lance wiped off most of the dampness from my back. The towel was new and fluffy and felt wonderful running over my body. He had me turn my back to him so he could reach around and dry my front.
His manly proximity was both exciting me and making me nervous. His sweet breath was flowing down over my neck and swirling around behind my ears. When he started rubbing the towel across my breasts and nipples, I could feel myself getting moist in the one place the rain hadn’t penetrated.
He paid a lot more attention to drying my breasts than was strictly necessary. My breathing shallowed, my nipples hardened further than I had thought possible, and a thrilling warmth was starting to spread from my core. I’d had no intimacy since my pregnancy and my body was betraying me, presenting to Lance all the signs of ripeness ready to be devoured.
At some point he turned me back to face him again and started running his fingers through my hair to help get the water out. I could feel something substantial and hard pressing against me down south. Still it was a complete shock when I felt his naked penis push into me.
I hadn’t even realized that his pants were undone. I was completed naked, fertile, and now helpedlessly impaled by an unknown and unprotected penis. I tried to jerk backwards but he held me firmly in place stretching me further and further as he went deeper and deeper until at last I was utterly filled and his hilt was mashing into my Cli sending paroxysms of pleasure through my body.
My hands came up at their own voltage, claping him to me while trying to thrust my aching breasts right into him and draw him yet deeper into me. I put my arms up around his head and pulled his mouth to mine and tried to breathe him in. My legs went weak and we slumped to the luxury rug.
He finally brought his hands directly onto my breasts, gently caresing them and rolling my tight nipples through his fingers. My pussy spasmed in response and I was groaning. He was ever so slowly moving in and out and circuitling around inside me exploring my innards at variety of angles. Each time he moved inwards I could feel is manhood plumbing my depths and his body squeezed down on my vulva raising my tension ever higher.
Our mouths were still locked and our tongues twinning about each other. My body was rising to a crescendo and I came suddenly and hard with my vaginal muscles pulsing strongly. Lance must have felt the throbbing because he climaxed almost immediately afterward and deep within me.
In the lassitude that followed, Lance finally removed the rest of his mildly dampening clothing, then we just lay quietly together in front of the fire softly caresing each other. After a while Lance went out of the room and returned with a light duvet, glasses, and a bottle of red wine.
He settled the duvet around my shoulders and After pouring the wine went out again. He quickly returned with a plate of fettuccine in a light tomato sauce. I learned later that it had been prepared earlier by Mary. We sat together in the firelight eating slowly off the same plate and drinking the wine.
During this time I learned that Lance was the quintessential brain surgeon which explained his apparent wealth. Actually, it didn’t, it turns out that most of that was inherited from his parents who had both been big in the medical equipment business. His parents had been in the wrong place at the wrong time and had been run down by an out of control bus some five years ago.
I didn’t have the nervous to ask him his age, but he was actually twenty-nine that night, a good ten years older than myself.
By the firelight, I got my first decent look at him. He had a fairly light complexion, dark hair, nice teeth, and pleasant features, and penetrating blue eyes. We were of similar height, he was just slightly taller at about 180 cm (5 foot 11 inches for you old times).
Down below he was well endowed as my now relaxing tunnel could attest. Although his hair was dark, his torso and arms were largely free of it, although there was some on his legs. His hands had fairly long delicate fingers bordering on feminine, entirely appropriate for a surgeon. It turned out that he didn’t do much in the way of actual operations and was more of a consultant for difficult cases.
It’s harder to say what Lance saw when he looked at me. I’m not so good at describing myself. I’m blonde, Not the platinum kind, more of a tawny golden color and usually I have my hair to just below the shoulder. People say I’m pretty verging on beautiful, but I always thought my mouth is too wide and my nose a little small.
Back then I was quite athletic and I liked the tone of my leg muscles. When allowed I wear a 38D bra most of the time and at nineteen my boobs were wonderfully firm and still easily supported their weight despite my childbirth. Lucy’s breast-feeding efforts had permanently bulked up my nipples, an effect I was quite pleased with.
Lance coated my life story outof me. I explained how my parents had thrown me a tame eighteenth birthday party, but that the next night I had snuck out after dark and allowed my loser boyfriend Jeremy to take my virginity in the back seat of his car. Well, I call him a loser now, but at the time I thought he walked on water.
Jeremy made all kinds of endearing promises to me and professions of his undying love. For the month after my eighteenth birthday we had been at it regularly. At the end of the month, Jeremy had had to return to his University and I was due back at high school.
Then I missed a period (a menstrual one, not a school one). To start with I wasn’t worried because Jeremy had always used protection and I had occasionally skipped months in the past. But then stories started circuiting that Jeremy had been mouth off About fucking me, including how he had sometimes slipped off the condom without me knowing.
My brother, Steven, was kind enough to tell me as soon as he heard about it, but pretty soon my then circle of girl-friends were snickering behind my back. A pregnancy test confirmed my worst fears. I called Jeremy and he promised me would come down to see me straight away and we could talk about things.
He never arrived. He stopped answering the phone. I later discovered he had just up and disappeared the day after he found out I was pregnant. To this day, I Don’t know what became of him. My Mother went ballistic when I worked up the courage to tell her, my Dad less so but he was angry as well. It had been Steven who had introduced me to Jeremy in the first place, and in the aftermath I was unfairly toxic to him. End result Mum showed me the door.
I never considered an abortion, I didn’t like the idea of it, and I was still in denial, expecting Jeremy to miraculously show up and make everything right. Mum, Dad, and my brother Steven came to see Lucy in the clinic the day after she was born, but I hadn’t seen them since.
My Dad secretly puta little money into my account each month and with additional help from Social Services for single teenage mothers I had managed to complete high school. So here I was, nineteen, all but disowned, living alone with a baby in a crummy one-bedroom flat in a bad neighborhood, and no chance of pursuing my original dream of studying mathematics and music at uni.
Lance had been listening attentively, making encouragement noises whenever I reached a difficult part of the story. We were sitting together watching the flickering flames, sipping the wine, with the duvet loosely over our shoulders.
Throughout my story, Lance continued to lightly run the fingers of one hand up and down my calves tracing the curves of my muscles. His other arm was around my back with the hand lightly pressing against the swell of my left breast. I was holding the duvet up with my left hand and my right was loosely in my lap.
As my story began to wind down, his hand on my leg started to slide furtherand further up my thighs getting closer the soft cleft between my legs with each stroke. The fingers of his other hand began to brush the side of my breast applying slightly more pressure with each pass.
My nipples instantly hardened again and I opened my legs wider. I was nervous and thinking I needed to stop things progressing any further, but at that moment he leaned over and bravely took my nipple in his mouth.
His hand slid right up into my cleft and rubbed over the sides of my clip causing me shiver in pleasure. Any objection became academic.
My hand went to his manhood which hardened and swelled further at my touch. It was much thicker than Jeremy’s dick had been and twice the width of my hand in length.
He pulled me around onto his lap and lifted me with his hands until the tip of his penis was brushing my crevice, all the while sucking my nipple and breast deeply into his mouth. He moved me backwards and forwards so that his upstanding member was sliding along my crevice. I was craving for him to take me but he stayed outside just rubbing. It was ago, I need to be sated.
Then he started lowering me, until just the tip entered me, then he would lift me off. He did this several times, each time I would struggle to sink lower onto his shake, but he persisted in making me wait. Suddenly he let me go and the full length of his shake sank right into me in a single exhaust thrust.
I came. But he wasn’t done. He started to bounce me up and down. On and on it went, he was relentless. He would alternate between kissing me, sucking on my tits, and just bouncing me. My breasts were heaving up and down.
It was getting to be too much and I had a film of sweat over my body. He started getting really energetic using my breasts as handles to aggressively pull me up and down. Finally he shuddered and was done. We collapsed sideways onto the rug and I rarely remember pulling the duvet over us whereupon I must have drifted off tosleep.
I slowly came awake thinking I needed to pee, only to feel a cock buried inside me. It feel like the frustration of waking horny from an erotic dream, I was very wet down there. A body was spooning me with an arm around me and fingers lightly rolling and tracing around the areola of my right nipple.
It was very dark, but the glow from eggs of the fire helped remind me where I was. On an Intellectual level this penetration felt like an even bigger violation than when Lance had first taken me, but oh my, I had never felt quite this level of desire before.
Once Lance knew I was awake his fingers on my nipple got a lot more independent, pinching and tugging as he slowly picked up the pace of his thrusting. I started my own motion doing my best to meet each incoming thrust. Even so, it was a relaxed love making, slower than our previous efforts. I just keep rising and rising like a cello played at higher and higher pitch until the string snaps.
Lance’s fingers pinching my nipple got harder and sharper until it was actually painful and then he would distend the nipple until I worried it might come off. Snap! My orgasm was like a whip-crack, I had never before come so hard or with such a sharp edge of sensing.
Lance drive into me a final time and then still releasing my abused nipple.
They say sex with a full bladder can be more intense, but I think waking with a penis already inside and a full bladder tops that. It turned out I really did need to pee, Lance led me to the toilet and I think he watched me pee. I was so sleepy. I remember him picking me up and nothing more until I awoke late the next morning in a bed with Lucy beside me.
There was a note on the pillow that I ended up keeping for many years. It said “Hi L, You’re beautiful like your name: $2L>1+0$. Work that out math girl! Back soon. Use whatever you want, clothes in dryer. L.”
I liked the clever little phalic and yonic references and that fact thathe knew that Linda means beautiful. Lucy women happy as well, so we went and found the shower.
I was tender down south, Jeremy had never taken me more than twice in a row and I was out of practice. I was also anxious about the three loads of sperm that had been dumped in me, one unexpected pregnancy was more than enough. Still I felt wonderful, as if months of tension had floated away on the winds of the storm. It took a while to find the laundry in the big house, but eventually Lucy and I were dressed and found a mixture of fruit in the pantry for breakfast.
Lance arrived back while we were eating, gave me a chate kiss, apologized for having been out, thanked for a great night, and said he knew I would be keen to get home. I just nodded mutely all of a sudden quite tongue-tied.
So he drove me and Lucy home, it was a good twenty minutes from his house back into the city, plus another ten minutes to my suburb. This time we were in his Audi with a proper capsule for Lucy – he never did tell me where he got the capsule from. He just smiled when I asked him. I suspect he must have bought it while out in the morning. I was too embarrassed by the crummy block of flats where I lived to invite him in. In the afternoon I walked to the pharmacy and got a plan B with money I didn’t have to spare.
2: The Offer
Most of a week went by and I couldn’t stop thinking about Lance and how different our worlds were. It wasn’t the sex, well not just that, but the whole way Lance had looked after Lucy and me. I decided I wanted to repay his kindness with a cafe lunch, although that was going to be difficult on my measly budget.
It took me a few days to screw up the courage, find his number at the hospital and call him. He knew straight away who I was, no he couldn’t do lunch the next day, but how about we take Lucy to the lake for a picnic on Saturday? I was touched that he had thought of Lucy, and agreed before I realized that my treatment had turned intoLance doing more for us.
I had thought he’d meant locally at the Lake, but in fact we drove for about an hour (in the Audi again) up to Batchawana Bay. I had a carry-pack for Lucy and another bag with the picnic food and other sundries. Since it was still early we decided to hike along the shore.
Lance insisted on carrying Lucy while I took the back pack with all the other paraphernalia. We Walked along with Lance nattering away to Lucy and pointing out all the wildlife to her. I’ll admit to a little jealousy at how much attention Lucy was getting, but he would regularly smile at me and we talked of inconsequential things.
After a long hot walk we came to a secluded area with a nice strip of sand and a grassy area under some trees for a bit of shade. Lance decided we should swim to cool off before lunch and I caught him smirking at the thought I would have to undress. But I already had my sensible one-piece on underneath so it was only Lance who ended up butt naked./p>
We took turns swimming while the other entertained Lucy at the shore. Back under the shade we had our picnic lunch and a bottle of bubble Lance had slipped into the pack. With recharged batteries Lucy started running around on the sand and grass picking up interesting rocks, sticks, and other detritus. We were sitting shoulder to bear watching and laughing. Every so often one us would have to go rescue Lucy when she ventured Too far away or down into the water. Eventually Lucy became tired, lay down on the picnic blanket and drifted off to sleep.
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