The Offering

No sex.

They sat in the diningr with their friends enjoying an early morning breakfast. They’d played hard at the dungeon that evening and felt familiar. It was a boisterous group, except for one.

She was quiet, content to sit next to her partner, leaning against him. He looked down at her now and then, concerned that her quietness lasted longer then usual. They had played longer and harder then normal; he’d pushed her tolerance level. They’d had a good time. He had been very pleased with her responses. Usually by this time she was roused out of that space she’d gone to and participated in the ensuring conversations. This time she remained very close to him at all times, always touching him. This wasn’t a problem; he was enjoying it, but recognized that this was a step away from the norm. Naturally he was a little concerned. Each time he nudged her she would look up at him, smile to assure him all was ok in her world.

He decided they would be the first to leaveThis time. He felt he should get her home, let her get some rest. Besides he was looking forward to their private decompression time together. It was a natural extension of their play to go home, talk about the evening, what seemed to work well, any concerns, or just relive the evening. Curiosity was gnawing at him wondering what her feedback would be tonight. She was that different in her behavior.

In the car she leaned Against him, head on his shoulders as they took the highway home. Occasionally he’d kiss the top of her head, his arm around her shoulders, hand caresing her arm. She’d murmur or scare, snuggle in to him tighter, but still wasn’t speaking. For now her body language spoke for her.

They arrived home and he walked her into the house. He turned her around to face him, holding her at arms length while he peered into her face, “Sweet girl, if there is something wrong, I expect you to tell me.”

Smiling up at him she haltingly spoke, “Sir, I’m ever more thenfine.” She surprised them both when a tear spilled from her eyes.

She laughed a little as she quickly wiped it away.

“Then why the tears?”

She reached out and ran her hand down his chest, thinking, before she requested, “Sir may I go take a shower first please?”

“Yes, I think that would be a good idea. As long as you think you can manage by yourself. I’ll get our things from the car and put them away. Present yourself to me in the bedroom when you are done.”

Slowly she made her way down the hall as he watched, trying to figure out what was going on inside her. He was trying not to make any assumption, but she gave him little to go on.

Once he heard the water running in the shower he took care of everything else and waited patiently in the bedroom for her. Twenty minutes later she finally came to him, her hair pulled back, a robe covering her. She knelt on the floor in front of him. She appeared to contemplate the floor for a moment before looking upat him, smiling and saying “hello Sir”

He smiled down and answered her greeting, “hello little girl” as he ran a fingerprint along her face. He heard her sight as her eyes closed and she lowered her head again. He placed his index finger under her chin and lifted her head up until she gazed back at him.

“Spill it, tell me what is on your mind. I’ve waited and now it’s time for you to talk to me,” He demanded.

She sucked in her lower lip, chewing on it as she found the words she needed, “Yes Sir.” She hesitated then began again. “Sir, I had a wonderful time tonight. As all my times with you is wonderful. I hated for the time tonight to end.” She falsetered for a second and went on. “I love you, as I know you love me.” Meeting his eyes she waited to some acknowledgement about their feelings. He simply said, “Go on” Breathing in deep she slowly let out her breath and began again, “Tonight, sitting and listening to everyone talk, share, joke, I realized that there’s something different with us. We aren’t like them. I’m not like them.”

He didn’t understand where she was going with this, “Different how?”

“The others, they will go home, sleep, or whatever and go about their way. Tomorrow they get up and it’ll be another day for them, the dungeon, the exchanges just a memory, until the next time.”

She began to speak faster; afraid she would lose her nervous to say what she needed to say. “I don’t want to be like that. I don’t feel I’m part of that. I don’t want the time of being ‘your girl’ to be measured in minutes or hours. I’d do anything for you. I want to do anything for you. I want to be ‘yours’ always. I don’t want hours of being something else when inside what I feel is that I belong to you, that I want and need to belong to you. Be at your beck and call. I want to take care of you, take care of your needs, love you and nurse you in this way always. I want to cater to your whims, nurse you and our relationship. Sir, I know I wouldfind freedom in belonging to you. It’s what is in my heart and soul. I feel it deeply. I hunger for it. I want to be part of your life in all ways. I want to be your ‘one’.” She hesitated again. The word so close to her lips, but she was holding back ever so slightly. Afraid to present him with something he’d not even mentioned before.

He watched her, hearing and feeling the intensity her voice was building up to. He had to hold himself still, make her say what was on her mind. He needed to hear it from her before he said anything. He directed her to continue, “Don’t stop now. Tell me what’s on your mind and in your heart. Give me the words you need to speak. What do you mean to be my ‘one’?”

She glanced away from his intensity star and delved in, ” Sir, I have felt this for Some time and hesitated to give the words life, but after tonight I can’t hold back any more.” Raising her head she looked him in the eyes and stated, “I want to be your slave. Not your submissive, notYour partner, but your slave.”

Feeling her heart pounding she stood up before him. “Please, Sir, I want to give myself to you. I want to shed everything.” She opened her robe and shrugged it from her shoulders, standing naked before him. He looked over her body, smelling the fresh scent of her soap, admiring the marks from only hours ago. Reaching up she let her hair down and continued to speak, “This is who I am, naked, raw, without encumbrance. I stand before you, not as a submissive, but as one with a slave heart, for you. That you would want this, accept this of me. That everything I am, everything I could be I hand to you. To love, serve, honor and obey you.” Again her eyes began to well up with tears. This time she didn’t try to hide them or wipe them away. He noticed her trebling.

“Sweet girl, you know I indeed love you very much, and in many ways. Do you understand this?”

“Yes Sir”

“Do you understand that this will bring a change?”

She smiled tentatively, “I had hope that it would, Sir”

He couldn’t hide his grin, “I want this of you. I must warn you that the changes will not all be easy. I have defined ideas of what a slave of mine would be. I will take that control. And that will be it. I will be strict, demanding, controlling of all that you have. I’ve been your ‘Sir’ your ‘Dom’, but the Master has been waiting. I will take ownership of you. And it will be complete. It will complete us.”

He stood up and pulled her tightly to him, running his hands down her nakedness. He felt their world change in that moment. He smiled and kissed her. She felt herself melt into him, relieve at his acceptance. Her tears came quickly now, cleaning herself of all her worries and concerns as she murmured, “Thank you Master.”

He insisted they got to bed, get some rest, so that in the morning they can start the latest part of their journey together.


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