The door opened, and though, she knew his moods were generally good and he was a jovial Master, his sadistic streak could be felt a mile away. She shivered at the thought of what he may have on his mind. Looking into his face, she saw a cloud there that should have warned her not to say anything to him until he spoke, she stepped out of her safe zone, and asked him what was on his mind.
Well slut, I think you have something you need to explain to me, and I had better hear the truth! His mind was cluttered from his day of working, driving straight home to be able to deal with her issue she created, and to rest for a day before returning to the road.
She stared at him for a moment, trying to decide if she should try to skip over the issues she knew would come up, or if she should come clean and just tell him, apparently he already knew so it would do no good to try to appeal to his heart when his mind was else where.
Slut! On your face before me now! he boomed. You will do as you are told, you will be exactly what I tell you to be, and that is nothing! You will appear me by shutting your mouth, and by doing exactly what I tell you! Do you understand?
She stammers, yes my Master and drops quickly to the floor, prepared to take what punishment he has for her. Her body is tense and she is shaking inside as well as out. She hears his breathing, deep and even. Knowing him the way she does, she knows he is angry but will not do anything that will hurt her beyond her endurance.
Slut you will not be referred to anything but the sexual object that you are. You are a slut, a worthless whore and a piece of trash to be picked up off the street. You will satisfy my every want and need and not open your mouth once! Do you understand?
Shaking her head, knowing better than to open her mouth to speak, she prepared herself mentally to endure whatever her master had in store for her.
In his mind, it was not easy to take away her humanity andto replace it with objects of his desire because he know how she feel about it, but his thought was that if he provides her with enough humiliation to make her think about her actions the next time, she wont be so hasty to follow thru with her own thoughts and will realize that his ways are much better.
He stretches out on his chair and places his feet out before her face, she knows now what she is to be for him, his foot stool. She moves closer to him so he does not have to stretch his legs and be uncomfortable. Her back is straight and she is bent to seek his comfort, she feels his feet as she puts them on her back down over the lower half of her back where her ass crack meets her back. He grinds his heels in deeply to get comfortable and sights.
Too bad I don’t have a beer here next to me. A good slut would have had my beer here when I got home and not been thinking of her own prediction that she created for herself. A good submissive would know what her master wants befor he comes home, dinner on the table, a cold beer and my newspaper ready and open to the pages he likes. But I suppose the slut I have is worthless. She knows not what her role is and has to be punished for her lack of self control.
She cringes at the way he speaks, knowing well that he has expectations and she has not met them. Feeling inside she is unworthy of him, she whimpers and tries to keep silent. Her desire to serve him well, spoiled by her own poor decisions.
Slut, get up and get your master a beer now! Get your worthless ass out to the kitchen then and make dinner. I want you to make my favorites and I do not want it over done right, and remember slut you are nothing!
Scrambling out from under his feet in a hurry to do as he bid, his feet hit the floor and he yelled, slut careful, you bruised my heels, now you will kiss my feet and soothe the soreness you have created.
Wincing, she turned and began to kiss and soothe his feet, rubbing and crooning over them as though they were her children, kissing and cuddling them.
Enough he boomed at her. Get your ass in the kitchen now and make my dinner.
She went to the kitchen and pulled out a steak, nice and thick as he likes them. She prepared it as he liked and set it to cook, preparing the rest of his dinner for cooking, she suddenly remembered his beer, being all flustered, she had forgotten it, and practically ran to the fridge, opening the door, and stops short, gasping when she didn’t see any beer in there.
Oh god I am in for it now! Bending low at the hips she looks in deeper, her skirt riding up the backs of her thighs, she doesn’t hear him as he steps behind her. His broad thick hands grapsp her hips and she feels him plumge into her ass, knowing better than to scream, she bites her lip hard and feels it swell Instantly, the pain in her mouth, and the pain in her ass combined to make her knees weak.
Stand still bitch! You are mine to do as I wish andYou will take my cock in your ass whenever I want and however I want! Thrusting harder and faster, grunting as he feels his cum rising up in his cock, he thrusts her away from him and spins her around to face his cock and shoves it deep in her throat, gagging her. His hot thick cum spurting down her throat, and the taste of her ass combined with her feeling of humiliation all brought tears to her eyes, and her mind whirled. As he used her mouth, fucking her throat deeply, she thought of all the things she had done to displease her master, and tried to stop her mind from thinking, trying to pleasure him as he likes, her mouth working on his cock as she knew he would still be hard after he came. He always is, and will often give her pleasure with his cock, as long as she earned it. She knew today would not be her day.
He groaned as his seed spurted in her mouth, his hand in her hair, gripping it pulling her tighter to him, her nose in his belly, that’s it bitch, take my cum in yourWhores belly. Maybe I should have a few friends over and show them what a good cock sucking little slut I have here. Would you, like that my slut?
Shaking her head quickly, knowing that if his friends come over she will be used harder than her master has used her in the past. They will fill every crack and crevice of her body without thought to her comfort or feelings.
Shoving her away from His cock, still hard and hanging thickly between his thighs, he orders her to get his dinner on the table. You will not be eating tonight whore, you have had your dinner at the end of my cock!
She nods and goes back to work at making his dinner. Hearing him walking back to the living room, she sights and finishes her preparations and serves his dinner, kneeing next to him as he eats, listens to his sights of pleasure at her ability to cook his steak the way he likes it. He pats her on the head and tells her, good job slut. Now bitch go get me some beer!
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