The Nymphomaniac

Dawn was fuming. She paced to and from in her tiny cell and silently cursed the bailiff for not coming for her. Just an hour earlier, she had been having the time of her life in the back seat of a taxi. The driver decided that he needed pussy more than money and was driving his struggle cock into her needy cunt. Although they were in a relatively secluded area, the activity soon attracted a small audience of voyeurs, one of whom happened to be a policeman. He enjoyed the show as much as anyone, and patiently waited until the cabbie shot his load before arresting Dawn for lewd and lascivious behavior. It wasn’t her first time.

“Okay, Dawn, let’s go,” the stocky bailiff said. A few seconds later, she was entering Judge Kennedy’s chambers. “I only have twenty minutes until trial, so this will have to be quick. Dawn went to her knees in front of him as he lifted his robe. Even at half-mast, his cock was bigger than most men’s full erections. She captured the plum-sized bulb in her mouth and began to suck. It took her less than a minute to put the finishing touches on his erection.

“Put your elbows on that desk, Dawn.” The judge flipped her skirt up onto her back and yanked down her panties. She felt the tip of his feverish cock against her pumped anus, then a sharp pain as the knob popped into her rectum. As he began seeing his cock in and out, she reached underneath and found her marble-sized clip.

“Dawn, I’m going to have to punish you this time,” he said. “If I keep letting you off the hook someone will get suspicious.”

Dawn’s mind was so clouded by her approaching orgasm that she hardly heard him. She had trained herself to cum quietly. A string of barely audible grunts were the only outward manifestations of the turmoil in her genitals. She didn’t Feel the judge cum and didn’t realize that he was finished until his cock slithered out of her ass.

As the Judge adjusted his clothes, he said, “Let me tell you a little story, Dawn. WhenI was a boy, my father caught me smoking behind the barn. To punish me, he made me chain-smoke an entire pack of cigarettes. I got sick as a dog. I never smoked again. I have a notion that the same approach could be used to cure nymphomania. I intend to find out. I’m sending you to The Palmer Institute for treatment.”

A few moments later, Dawn was standing in front of the Judge’s benchmark receiving Her sentence, and an hour later, she was on her way to The Palmer Institute. Her driver drive through a stone gate and up a long driveway to a very impressive mansion on top of a hill. A brass sign above the front door proclaimed “THE PALMER INSTITUTE”.

She was greeted at the front door by a stern-looking but attractive woman who introduced herself as Mrs. Ripley. “You will always address me as Either Ma’am or Mrs. Ripley, is that understand.” She led Dawn up a circular staircase, down a carpeted hall, and into a beautifully-furnished room. After telling Dawn that her nurse would bearound to see her in a few moments, Mrs. Ripley left Dawn by herself.

Dawn’s nurse was a strikingly beautiful blonde with huge tits, a narrow waist, and flared hips. Her tight traditional uniform had been modified to enhance her charms. The hem had been raised to reveal more tight, and the top had been lowered to show more tit. Dawn’s mouth watered as she looked the woman up and down. “This might not be so bad after all,” she thought.

“I’m Nurse Donna and I will be your handler while you are here. You will do exactly as I say. If you cooperate, you will be out of here in no time. Now get your clothes off. I’ll take them with me. You won’t be needing them here.”

Nurse Donna leered as the shaped delinquent removed her clothes. Her eyes were first Drawn to the perfect breasts and then lower to the rounded belly and the neighborly-groomed pussy. Nurse Donna smiled when she thought how pleased the men would be when they saw the new addition. Dawn was far more beautiful thanAny of the other women currently receiving treatment at the Institute.

Dawn laid down to take a nap, and, after tossing and turning for hours, she finally fell asleep. She awoke when someone nudged her shoulder. It was a maid dressed in a traditional black and white maid outfit.

“You must get ready now, Miss. Your nurse will come for you soon. I have placed your dinner on the table. When You have finished eating, you must get cleaned up and put your makeup on. Everything you need is either on the dresser or in the bathroom.”

The food had been prepared by a gourmet chef, but Dawn was too nervous to enjoy it. She took a long, hot, soapy shower, paying special attention to her pussy. She applied her makeup with great care, and was fussing with her short brown hair when Nurse Donna Walked into the room.

Nurse Donna ordered Dawn to her feet and cinched a large dog collar around her neck. She attached a lean to it and led the bewildered woman out of the room. “Wheare we going, Nurse Donna?” she asked. The haughty nurse ignored her. They approached a large door where a living butler stood guard. He swung the door open and motioned them in.

Dawn got the shock of her life when she saw what was going on in the spatial ballroom. A full-blown orgy was in progress. Literally hundreds of naked men milled about or gathered in small groups. Dawn immediately noticed that the nucleus of each group was a naked woman. It was a gang-bang party on a large scale. Nurses in crisp white uniforms stood near each group and made notes on their clipboards.

As Nurse Donna led her frightened charge through the crowd, every head turned towards them. “Fresh meat,” someone said. “Yeah, Grade-A Prime,” another added. Nurse Donna led Dawn up onto a small circular stage furnished only with a straight-backed chair. A group of twenty or so men immediately gathered around. The voyeur’s hands were constantly busy on their cocks.

A cheer went up as Nurse Donnabent down and began sucking on one of Dawn’s nipples. The brown nub responded as nature intended, and began to swell to make it easier to suck. “Don’t think I’m doing this to please you,” the craney nurse said. “I have to make them hard for the clamps.” Dawn’s nipples were soon sticking out like two wet cigar butts. Nurse Donna pulled two clamps connected by a slender chain from her pocket. A shiver ran down Dawn’s beautiful body when she realized that she was going to be tortured. Nurse Donna tightened one of the clamps down on a nipple until her slave flinched and whimpered, then she gave it one more full turn for good measure. By the time the second clamp had been attached, Dawn was desperately trying to blink away the tears.

Nurse Donna sat in the chair and roughly pulled Dawn across her lap. Dawn had never been spanked, but she knew instinctively that it would be painful and humiliating. She yelped when the sadist’s hand came down on her sensitive ass. She vowed not to giveNurse Donna the satisfaction of breaking her, but she eventually abandoned the struggle and began to cry out and complain about. By the time the spanking ended, Dawn thought fires were burning on both of her cheeks. She felt something cold press against her ass-hole and slide through her anus. She immediately recognized the invader as a butt-plug, a device she was familiar with. “Feel free to unplug her whenever you Want to use her rump, gentlemen,” Nurse Donna said.

Then the sadistic nurse was gone and she was left to the mercy of the sex-crazed men surrounding her. They carried her down off the small stage and tossed her onto a mattress. They placed her on all fours and two men immediately made use of her mouth and cunt. Both brutes were very rough. The one using her mouth held her tightly by the hair and pumped his thick cock in and out. The one fucking her slammed into her so hard that her tender ass had no time to recover from the spanking. “The Nurse missed a spot,” he said,as he gave her ass a hard swat.

The men rubbed their hands and genitals all over her lovely body. Two men were underneath her lapping at her crushed nipples, while a third man pleasured her cliporis with the tip of his tongue. Her mouth suddenly filled with warm, creamy cum. “Swallow it all, bitch,” the man said. Her fucker came at the same time, and when he pulled away, she felt his load spill down her tigh. Those two were immediately replaced by fresh men.

Dawn gradually got over the shock of what was being done to her. She wasn’t yet receiving pleasure from it but she was resigned to it. Although completely surrounded by a wall of male bodies, she got occasional glimpses of the activities in the room. She saw Nurse Donna standing nearby making notes on a clipboard. It was her job to keep track of everything that was done to her patient. The sex was mixed with liberal doses of sadism. She watched in horror as a woman was strung up by her wrists and whipped by a group ofLaughing men who passed the whip around so each could have a turn. Dawn was beginning to enjoy the sex, but she dreaded the pain that was certain to come. In time, she would even enjoy that.

Dawn’s first pleasure-moans came when the butt-plug was pulled from her ass and replaced by a thick cock. Her ass was even more sensitive than her cunt, and she always encouraged her lovers to make use of it. The man she was sucking was the first to notice that she was responding. “Hey, guys, I think the slut is beginning to enjoy this,” he said. “Look at her gobble my cock.” Everyone laughed and applauded. “We can’t let her get away with that,” someone said. “She isn’t supposed to be enjoying this.”

The brutes dragged Dawn towards something that looked more like a piece of gymnastics equipment than a torture device. The frightened woman soon found herself strapped securely to the leather device with her torso bent forward at a ninety-degree angle. Her ankles and wrists were strapped soSecurely that she could barely move.

A small group of giggling sadists knelt behind her and clipped clothespins on her major and minor labia. The pain was bearable until they attached one to her ultra-sensitive cliporis. The pleasure that had been building during the sex was suddenly extinguished as surely as a fire didn’t with water.

Dawn saw a smiling man approach with a whip dangling from his hand. She recognized it as a cat-of-nine-tails. “Oh, please, not my ass,” she became. That was the wrong thing to say, and an instant later her beautiful, abused ass felt the sting of nine leather struggles. Soon other whips were falling on her back. While she was being whipped, her torqueors casually made use of her mouth.

The whipping finally ended and she found herself back on a mattress with every orifice filled Simultaneously. True to form, she soon began having gut-wrenching orgasms. She feared another whipping and tried to hide her pleasure, but she could not hold in thewails and animal-like howls. Some of the men wanted to beat her again, but they were over-ruled by those who preferred to fuck her.

Dawn awoke in her bed the next morning with no idea how she got there. Her skin was crusted with dried semen. Her lips were chapped from sucking so many cocks. She felt a little better after she took a shower and brushed her teeth. Hungry as a bear awakening from hibernation, she went in search of the kitchen. Six women sat at the large kitchen table eating breakfast.

“Hi, there,” one of them said. “My name is Alice. You were really popular last night. I think you broke the record for taking on the most men. You finally passed out in the middle of an orgasm. They kept fucking you while you were unconscious, but they finally put you to bed. So are you sick of fucking yet?”

“No, not yet,” Dawn replied. She went to a serving table and filled a plate with scrambled eggs and ham. She sat down across from Alice and picked up her fork, but beforeShe could take a bite, a man in a white terry-cloth robe walked through the door. He looked the women over, then pointed at Dawn and told her to get on her knees. He opened the robe to reveal a long thick cock. Dawn was beginning to understand how things worked at The Palmer Institute. She worked the fat head of his cock into her mouth. It was so big that she had trouble sucking it at first. “I didn’t get a chance to fuck you last night, slut. I’ll be sure to get to you tonight, though.” The other women continued eating their breakfasts as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening. “This is all the breakfast you need, slut,” he said as he shot his load into Dawn’s throat. When the blow job was completed the man walked away without saying a word. Dawn washed the jism down with a sip of coffee.

“How did you get here, honey?” Alice asked.

“A judge sentenced me to come here for treatment. I have a really strong sex drive, see, and it gets me into trouble all the time.”

“A cop brought me here. I’m a call girl, one of the best. I put the guy through all the cop tests, you know, feel my tits first and stuff like that and he passed. Then after he fucked me, he showed me his badge. He told me that if I spent a month in here, he wouldn’t bust me. So here I am.”

“But what’s going on here?” Dawn asked.

“It works like This, honey. If a guy brings a woman here he gets free membership as long as she’s here. Judges and cops bring women here. Even husbands bring their wives. The girls have to be hot, though. Mrs. Ripley has very high standards. Your judge will be here before long, you can be sure of that. The guys who don’t have a woman have to pay, and believe me, it ain’t cheap. Some of the men stay here as guests, but most of them come only for the orgies.”

Dawn liked the pretty woman and decided that she would try to have sex with her as soon as possible. She returned to her room and was lying on the bed reading a magazine when Nurse Donna entered the room. “My God, you were a slut last night,” she said as she unbuttoned her starched blouse. “You sucked off more than sixty guys, took more than a hundred in your cunt, and almost fifty in your ass.”

Dawn gawked as the stunning woman revealed her body. Her tits were much too large but they appealed to Dawn, and she began to salivate. Below a slender wait, a slightly rounded belly tapered down into a perfect triangle of silky hair. The gorgeous nurse stretched out beside Dawn, pointed at her tits, and said, “You can start here.”

Dawn sucked a big nipple into her mouth and nursed on it like a hungry babe. The sucker began to swell immediately, and was soon big enough to flick with her tongue. The nympho went back and forth until Nurse Donna said, “That’s enough. Now get to work on my pussy.”

Dawn crawled between the nurse’s long, sleek legs and lapped at her mistress’s pussy like a cat bathing itself. “I’m not getting enough variety,” Nurse Donna complained. “Lick every inch of my pussy, slut.” Dawn licked down the slit to her wrinkled ass-hole and swirled her tongue around it. Back and forth she went, making hundreds of round trips between anus and cliporis. Nurse Donna suddenly grabbed Dawn’s head and began to hump her mouth. Her beautiful chest and belly rose and fell as her breathing deepened and quickly. She let out a ghostly groan and fell back limp.

“Well, that wasn’t too bad, but I’ve had better,” Nurse Donna said as she dressed. “The men have some very special things planned for you tonight, slut. I think you will enjoy them.” Dawn’s heart raced with excitement. She could hardly wait to get started.

Even though Dawn had been sentenced to a month at the Palmer Institute, she volunteered to stay for six months, far longer than any other woman had stayed. Judge Kennedy was delighted and paid many visits to the Institute during that time. Dawn soon discovered that he wilded a whip as skillfully as he wilded a gavel. When Dawn finally left the Institute, she was far more added to sex than she had been when she walked through the front door into a world that suited her perfectly.


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