The Nudist Slave Resort Ch. 11

Chapter 11 – The Party is interrupted

Master Greg’s Private Residence

His personal slave Kelly, whom he also liked to call Slave Number Four, was in his bed riding him cowgirl style this morning. Another one of his black friends was pounding her ass from behind. She was drooling nonstop now, probably dehydrated too. She wore a special headband that continuously wirelessly recharged the probes in Her head; they would have been drained of power long before now without it. He really wished he could have more than two personal slaves, but unfortunately, two was the limit for employees, and his Salary from work would stretch his budget to pay the fees involved in keeping a third personal slave. She was really quite an attractive white girl; it was a shame he had to waste such a beauty. He selected her to make room for his new acquisition. He invited several more friends for the big event, they have been using her nonstop the last two days. His friends agreed it was a real wastee; give her to them, they would whose her and make more than enough to pay for the fees. Tempting, but he didn’t trust them enough to take that kind of risk; if they screwed up, it would be his head on the chopping block and lose his head he would. His other personal slave, Sandy, was standing by the bed, handing out water and snacks to help keep them going. She would occasionally help entertain his friends, but they were told to concentrate their efforts on Kelly.

He would often touch Kelly’s head with his ring and give her level 8, 9, and occasionally ten levels of doses pleasure. He made sure to have her do an enema before they started, and he gave her a dose of level 10 while sitting on the tower to empty her bladder before allowing the fucking of her on his bed. The pleasure center of the brain could only take so much voltage, and when Too many level 10 intensity doses were used for too long, it fried the pleasure center of the brain. When this happened, it affected other parts of her brain; her brain would stop telling her heart to beat, and she would die of a heart attack. She was going out with a bang, so to speak. He did the same when he had to dispose of his last personal slave to make room for Sandy. It was a pleasant way to die, but not yet; she had another day, maybe two before that happened.

The phone rang; typically, he would ignore it, damn telemarketers, but it was his work phone. It had a different ringtone. He could not ignore a call from work.

He picked up the phone, “What is it!” he angrily answered the phone.

Master Thomas replied, “It’s me. The dispensaries are on the fritz, and you need to come in and look at them.”

Master Greg said, “You’re bothering me for this; have my personal assistant 2004 deal with them.”

“I tried that already; she failed. It’s been going on for two days; she failed to fix the issue yesterday, and it happened again today.” Master Thomas said.

“What about Master Bill? He’s practively living there.” Master Thomas barked.

‘It’s your responsibility. If you don’t want to deal with it, I’ll have to go over your head and inform your division leader, ‘ Master Thomas threatened.

“No, No, No. There’s no need for that; I’ll be right in.” Greg answered fearfully that involving upper management was never a good idea. People tended to get fired at best and killed at worst for not attending to their duties.

He hung up the phone and looked into his young slave’s eyes; she couldn’t have been older than 23. Sorry, my Princess, I’ll have to finish with you later. And with that, he tossed her off him.

I have to go to work, he told his crew.

“What! On a Sunday, the big game starts this afternoon.” One of them replied.

“I should only be a few hours, plenty of time to get back in time.” Master Greg said.

“What about her.” one of them indicted his slave on the bed.

“Please continue to enjoy her, but give her some water. I want tobe here when the life fades from her eyes,” Master Greg replied. Only he had a ring, so they would not be able to damage her mind while he was away. With that, he got dressed and rushed off to work. Fortunately, it was pretty close, only a 35-minute drive down the expressway.

Master Greg arrived at work, made his way to his office, stripped off his clothes as was a dress code requirement, and immediately summoned his personal assistant in 2004. As soon as she arrived, which didn’t take long, her office was near his; he started screaming at her, and couldn’t she take care of a simple issue without him? He threatened to turn her into hamburger meat and feed her to the other slaves for lunch. Master Greg grabbed a whip off the wall and started crudely whipping his assistant. After a few violent whip lashes on her body, he was satisfied he put the fear of God, or more accurately, him, into her.

He ordered her to tell him everything that had happened so far. He checked the computer logs. All the slaves were issued their daily medicine; it just took longer than expected. Also, no issues were noted in the computer logs. The machines were working perfectly; it’s just that no slaves used them all morning until the very end of the morning rush. With four dispensaries open, there shouldn’t have been any issues or lines.

Master Greg called Master Thomas’s assistant, slave 3535; she was a white woman, 5′ 8″, with long blonde hair and double D tits; besides the slave, he just traded Master Thomas for, she was the 2nd most attractive of Master Thomas’s slaves. She had a thick metal collar, just as his assistant had, with the words “Property of Master Thomas” printed on it. On her Crotch above her bar code was tattooed “Property of Master Thomas.” Master Thomas jealously protected this particular stallion, which was another reason Master Greg was so surprised he readily agreed to trade 4634, who was, in his opinion, more of a treasure. Also, Slave 3535 did not have one whip mark to blemish her body. Strange. He dismissed the thought and ordered 3535 to bring up the morning medicine dispensary recorded video. He couldn’t tell what was going on; Slaves were millioning about clueless in a long line to get their morning medicine, and the lines seemed to get better as he watched. It looks like he would have to personally supervise tomorrow’s morning medicine dispensary to get to the root of the issue.

If Master Greg had bothered to watch the video from the beginning to the end, he would have learned what the cause was, but he was impatient, jumping around in the time stamps in the recorded video, learning nothing. Little did he know that Slave 3535 purposely only displayed video clips of the incident that didn’t explain what the issue was.

Frustrated he would be stuck at work, he ordered his assistant 2004 to send him his newest slave, 4634. He would fuck the shit out of her, getting rid of this morning’s tension, and attack the issue when he could think more clearly.

A minute later, Slave 4634 arrived, and when Master Greg looked up, she wasn’t the Angel he raped two days ago, but some below-average slut with sagging tits and an acme completion. She had a tattoo BLACK FATHER’S FUCKER on her crotch, but it definitely wasn’t the same slut. Master Greg was about to go ape-shit mad when he realized her number 4634 was clearly tattooed on the front of her. Could he have made a mistake when reading her number name?

Master Greg again contacted slave 3535 and ordered her to bring up the video of his conversation with Master Thomas. Just as he suspected, he wasn’t going crazy.

Slave 3535 was reluctant to comply; she didn’t want to, but she couldn’t disobey a direct order.

Then he ordered Her to bring up the video room he rapid 4634 in, from 15 minutes before he made the call to Master Thomas. As he watched the video at 4x speed, he paused it when he pulled 4634 into the room; her numberwas clearly visible at 4634; he didn’t make a mistake. There were two women with the same number, but why?

He ordered 3535 to locate slave 4634; his office was shown as the location of the slave. Then he said show me every room in the resort, one at a time.

Slave 3535 purposely displayed every room in the resort one at a time, leaving the kitchen for the last room to display. She held her breath, dreading what would come next.

It took almost two hours to view all the rooms, but at last, he ordered 3535 to stop. Clear as day, a Slave with 4634 was sitting on a chair with two other women nearby. He ignored them. Where is this room? He demanded. The kitchen, he was told, was the location.

Master Greg grabbed his whip from his desk, where he had placed it after whipping His assistant. With me, he ordered both 2004 and 4634, and they meekly followed. Master Greg was going to get some answers NOW.

Master Greg arrived at the kitchen door with Slave 2004 and 4634in tow. He throw open the door and screamed what the fuck is going on, he briskly walked in and made a beeline to the other slave, 4634. He had every intention of beating the shit out of her.

Kim, Sally, and Lisa were started when Master Greg stormed into the room; his appearance was totally unexpected. But they were not totally unprepared. Sally quickly pulled two bats out of her bag at her feet and tossed one of them to Kim. Lisa pulled out Jerry’s handgun from her bag. Master Greg had already covered half the distance of the room to Kim when he stopped.

As Master Greg entered the room and, with rage, approached the other 4634 slave, he stopped when a bat was thrown to the slave, and she caught it, and the other slave to her right raised a bat as well. Then he saw the Slave to Slave 4634’s left raise a gun pointed at him. He paused; he brought a knife, or more specifically, a whip, to a gunfight. He thought quickly and ordered Slave 2004 to attack the woman with the gun. He figured she would hesitate and give him an advantage. 2004 rushed to obey her Master, and two shots rang out, 2004 dropped to the floor dead.

The woman on his left ordered him to drop his whip or die; she pointed the gun directly at him. Master Greg then ordered 4634 to attack the woman with the gun; he would use 4634 and all the kitchen staff to overpower these three sluts, and then he would get his answers. He looked around the room to get the numbers of other kitchen staff to throw into the fight.

Then he noticed that 4634 didn’t move. And she said something that baffled him for a moment.

“Why?” she said.

Master Greg stared at 4634 with a baffled expression.

Before he could process this, another of the kitchen staff repeated the question, “Why?”

Suddenly, he understood all too quickly that they were all beginning to break the Master’s control over them. The Dispensaries, these three sluts did something to them. He had to warn everyone; MasterGreg said loud and clear, “Monitor, Alarm 666!” This was the code for slave revolt. Every facility in the corporation, death squad, and Guest Master would be instantly alerted. They would crush this rebellion before it could start.

But nothing happened.

Alerts, flashing lights, announcements, klaxons, and sirens should have gone off immediately. Then he remembered that the Kitchen was one of the few rooms in the resort without a voice-activated monitor. There was no wall space for one, and the walls were covered with kitchen appliances, pots, and pans on hooks.

He had to get out of the kitchen and to the cafeteria to activate a monitor, but before he could move, he heard another shot, and down he went. He realized he was shot in the leg, but before he could get back up, a baseball bat hit him in the head, and it all went black.

The Gun

Lisa never held a gun in her life a few days ago, let alone fired one. But after she parted ways with Kim, she was determinedined to master the skill. She located a gun range neary and showed up, asking for lessons. Usually, a gun permit and proper Identification are required to use the gun range, but Kim flashed a general amount of cleavage and a wad of cash, and no more questions were asked. She got personalized lessons from an attractive male instructor. He taught her had to load and unload the gun, which she learned was a Colt Delta Elite. How to take it apart, put it together and clean it, clear jams, and most importantly, how to fire the pistol with a reasonable degree of accuracy. By the end of the day, she was a pretty good shot; she rewarded her instructor with a blow job in his office after her lessons, then she leaned over his desk, pulled up her short dress to reveal she wasn’t wearing any panties and let him take her from behind. She enjoyed the fucking as much as he did. After all, she needed a good dose of dick every day now. She returned the next day for further instructions and another good fucking from behind. After two days, she was pretty good with the pistol; she purchased a general amount of extra ammo as well.

When the black woman tried to rush her, her reaction to shooting her was the result of two days of intense firearm training. Without that training, she doubted she would have fired the gun, let alone hit anything. After the black woman dropped to the floor, she told the black man to “Drop his whip or die.” But she was unsure of herself after just taking a life. She hesitated, firing again.

Then, the black man ordered the other slave, 4634, who accompanied him into the room to attack her. Kim turned the gun towards 4634, ready to shoot, but 4634 didn’t move.

4634 said something that surprised Lisa, “Why?”

When the black man said, “Monitor, Alarm 666!” Lisa made Her decision; she aimed at the black man again. First, she was going to aim for his head, but changed her mind at the last second; they needed to question him, and this alarm code sounded important. She fired, struggling him in the upper thigh; he crumbled to the floor. Sally rushed up with her bat swinging to finish the job.

After The Black man was unconscious on the floor, Kim cried, “Quick, we have to stop the bleeding; I need him!”

Lisa thought this was a strange response, but she came prepared for just such an emergency; she pulled a first aid kit, gaze, and medical tape from the bag she had brought with her. She came prepared. Quickly, they bound his wound with bandages and stopped the bleeding. It wasn’t pretty, but at least he wouldn’t die… yet. Next, they sat him on a metal chair that was bolted to the floor on the side of the kitchen, and they secured his wrists together with zip ties that Lisa brought with her; they secured his arms behind him to the chair and his legs to each chair leg using more zip ties. A ball gagged in his mouth, and finally, he secured a larger zip tie around his neck, snug but not tight. If he gave them any trouble, all they had to do was pull on the end, and Master Greg would be strangled to death.

Master Greg woman tied to a chair in the kitchen. He could see they had stopped the bleeding from his wound, with gaze wrapped around his leg, and he could see where red blood was staining through the gaze. His hands and feet were zip-tied to the chair, and his mouth was gagged with a ball gag.

The imppostor slave with 4634 was talking, now close up. He could clearly see the numbers were chipping off. It was painted, he realized, not a tattoo. She was going one of the other two women to let her ride him.

“Please,” Kim begged, “I haven’t had a dick inside me for two days; I’m going stir-crazy. I need to fuck.”

“We really need to question him,” Lisa was saying, “What was the alert shit Anyway. Jerry never mentioned this.”

“I think it’s time we pulled out more of Jerry’s toenails,” Sally said.

“Can’t you question him after I ride his dick” Kim was saying, “It’s anout-of-this-world experience. You should all try it.”

“Fine.” Lisa said, “But if he doesn’t answer our questions, we are going for fingerprintnails next.”

Kim squealed with delight and quickly dropped to her knees and began to suck Master Greg’s dick.

While Master Greg enjoyed getting his dick sucked, he was still trying to grasp the magnitude of the situation. At least three slaves were entirely free of the effects of mind control. They captured Jerry and tortured him; god knows what he told them, a lot, but not everything, apparently. The staff slaves missed at least two doses of medicine. By this evening, many of them will be regaining their minds; by tomorrow, all of them. The situation was dire; while he was convinced whatever they planned was doomed to fail, chances are he wouldn’t Survive this. If he weren’t killed in the crossfire, he would get the blow and get eliminated by upper management anyway.

He didn’t notice his dick was rock hard until the impostor slave 4634 mounted him and inserted his dick in her pussy. She began to ride him cowgirl style, slowly at first, then picking up momentum. It felt good to be inside this slut again; he was really starting to enjoy himself when he came inside her.

While Master Greg’s big rock-hard dick felt wonderful, and she was enjoying herself immensely, he didn’t last long enough for her to reach that mind-blowing orgasm she had before. He did pump a good amount of cum inside her, it felt good, but there was disappointment on her face when she dismounted him. Cum leaking out of her pussy and down her legs.

“What’s wrong?” Lisa asked Kim.

“I don’t understand it; when he fucked me before, I came over and over, and it was like heaven. While it felt good while I was fucking him, I didn’t cum at all this time. It was very disappointing fuck.”

“It was his ring.” The real Slave 4634 said.

“What?” Kim asked

“The Masters use their rings on slaves. They touch their head,push a button, and it gives slaves pleasure.” 4634 said.

Kim looked at Master Greg and saw a ring on his finger. She remembered he placed that hand on her head several times just before she had incredible orgasms. Kim wrestled the ring off Greg’s finger. And she looked at it closely. It had numbers one through ten written on it, with an arrow pointing at three and a button in the center. She pressed the button, but nothing happened. She then put the ring on and walked up to one of the kitchen staff, put her hand on her head, and pressed the button again. The effect was immediately. “Ahhhh..” The kitchen worker said, in obvious pleasure, falling to one knee.

Lisa said, “It must be Electrical Brain Stimulation; I read about this in psychology class, but as far as I know, it was only used in experiments on lab animals like rats.”

“Were the Rats,” Kim replied.

“Fucking bastards must have installed electrons in our brains; this is why we experienced extreme pleasure when they were brainwashing us. I thought it was just the drugs, but it appears they combine it with brain stimulation.” Lisa said.

Kim looked at the ring with reverence. “This ring could give me pleasure beyond measure. I want to try it on myself at setting 10.”

Kim started to raise her arm over her head, but Lisa stopped her.

Kim looked at Lisa with announcement.

Lisa said, “We have to destroy this ring and any like them. Do you know what happens to drug addicts? It is basically the same thing; once you get addicted, each new hit destroys your brain a little more. Long-term use will turn your brain to mush.”

Kim sadly removed the ring and gave it to Lisa. Lisa examined the ring and dropped it into one of the bags they brought. She recalled seeing another ring just like it when they searched Jerry’s house, but she didn’t know its significance at the time.

The door to the kitchen opened and two slaves entered with a garage bin and cleaning supplies. Theyignored everyone in the room, picked up the dead woman, dumped her into the cart, and began to clean up the accumulated blood. One of them turned to look directly at Kim, Sally, and Lisa and said, “Mistress 3535 is very interested in speaking to all of you; she is in her office in the survey department.” Then turned back to clean up the mess.


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