The Nudist Slave Resort Ch. 06


This is a work of pure fantasy; nothing is real, and all characters are adults. Comments are enabled, and all constructive comments are welcomed; even if you think my story sucks, tell me how it sucks so I can improve the story and as an author. As pointed out by a comment, the story has been republished to address grammar issues.

Chapter 6 – Lisa Returns home

Pastor Charles Graham was waiting for Steve’s return in the driveway; Steve promised him Lisa would be his for two weeks exclusively after he could visit her several times a week at no cost to him. When Steve pulled up, Steve, his Wife, and two stepsdaughters got out of the car. The three women were wearing string bikinis that barely covered their pussy slots. Steve led the three women over to Pastor Charles Graham. They were all smiling warmly at the Pastor.

“I see you here to welcome us back; how nice of you,” Steve said.

Pastor Graham replied, “I’m here to collect what you promised me.”

Charles was surprised to see Steve’s Wife had “FUCK ME” on her Crotch, 2-inch-high black letters, and Sally’s Crotch said “DADDY’S SLUT” in the same type of lettering. Lisa’s Crotch, however, was bare. The Pastor also noticed the black collars the women wore were now turned to the front for Ms. Smith’s and Sally’s visible for everyone to see. As was Kim’s new collar. He knew what they said on the other side, having enjoyed using both Sally and her mother on numerous occasions.

Before he could say anything, Steve asked him if he liked his Sluts new decoration.

“Very nice,” the Pastor said, “Very fitting.” He added, “Nothing for Lisa’s Crotch?”

Steve said, “Next year, I haven’t decided what her tattoo will be yet.”

Pastor Graham replied, “I’m sure I can think of something fitting; I would be honored if you would allow me to label her.”

“Done!” Steve said. “And now for payment promised,” Steve turned to his wife and said, “Slut, get into the house and make me Lunch and take Sally with you.”

“Yes, Daddy,” his Wife immediately replied in a happy tone. She then briskly moved towards the house, Sally following close behind.

Watching them leave, Charles asked, “You’re also displaying the collar’s text in public now?”

“Now that I enslaved Lisa, there is no need to hide the true status of my slaves.” Steve proudly boosted. He turned to Lisa, “Your Pastor Graham’s Slut for the next two weeks; obey him as you would obey me.”

“Yes, Daddy.” Lisa happily replied.

Pastor Graham had no idea what Steve did to Lisa, her Mother or Sally for that matter, but he didn’t care. He would be tabbing that tight pussy and ass soon as he got her back to his place. He put Lisa into his car and drive away; his fun was just beginning.

Lisa had a wonderful time with Pastor Graham. She woke up Pastor Graham every morning with a blowjob; then, he would fuck her after. Pastor Graham said he took a two-week vacation to enjoy herand enjoy what he did. Pastor Graham fucked Lisa at least five times a day, and Lisa gave him massages and blowjobs as well. She wondered if something was wrong with Pastor Graham; he was popping blue pills every few hours, but she said nothing. Before she knew it, two weeks were up, and the Pastor returned her hope as promised, but he said he would be back in a few days to use her again. Lisa slightly cheerfully; she couldn’t wait to feel his dick into side her again, she said.

After they returned home, things around the house changed. Lisa was no longer interested in attending college, even with her scholarship; how could she justify leaving Daddy? He needed her, and she needed him. Daddy had men; he called customers or clients to visit all day at the house and well into the night. Daddy told us that money was tight and we had to earn money for him by fucking these men, or Daddy would lose his house, making us homeless. And we didn’t want that; we promised when would fuck extrahard for Daddy. And giving up college gave Lisa more time during the day to get fucked to earn Daddy’s money. No longer was she concerned about her privacy; she left her bedroom door open, and later, Daddy just removed the doors to the bedrooms altogether. Curtains were added to the doorways for customers concerned about privacy. Privacy was now a foreign concept to Lisa; why shouldn’t she show off her body to everyone? Wouldn’t that makes them want her more? She walked around completely nude inside the house during the day, the same as her Sister and Mother. Her room changed too; gone were the children things like rock band posters or stuffed animals. In their place were lube, vibrators, dildos, paddles, whips, and framed photos of her getting fucked in different positions by men on all the walls. Daddy said it helped get Her customers in the mood. Men were free to use and abuse her any way they wanted, just no permanent marks on our bodies or damage to the merchandise, as he would say.

Daddy was so good to us; he fed us rice and beans that we cooked up once a week in a big pot. We put the leftovers in the refrigerator and eat them over the course of the week. Daddy would eat Dinner with us once a week, but he would have steak and lobster, and we would have our rice, beans, and water. Daddy would sometimes pee into our water. To add flavor, he would say, he’s so good to us. Daddy bought a new car, a Corvette, a new watch, a Rolex, and nice clothes. Daddy had his own room that had a heavy metal door; often, he kept it locked and told us never to go inside. Daddy was happy at Dinner, too; he would tell us how he manipulated Pastor Graham’s. How he killed their Father and planned to make us slaves for the rest of our lives. We all happily listened; After all, Lisa couldn’t remember who her Daddy was before, and trying to think of him only brought up painful memories, so she tried not to think about him. It was all about her Daddy, and whatever made Daddy happy,she would do without question. After all, she owed him her life.

And, of course, Daddy would fuck us whenever he wanted, at least once or twice a week. I’m sure he would use us more, but there were so many customers to take care of. Often we wake up in the morning, eat a quick breakfast, see customers until lunch time, and take quick lunch, more customers, dinner, and more customers until bedtime. Sometimes customers would pay to fuck us when we were unconscious, too exhausted to take care of any more men that day. Daddy offered us a discount; he said men like it because they can fuck our unconscious bodies over and over during the night, with multiple shots on goal, as he would say.

Daddy got me and Sally breast enhancements. Daddy told me he gave me D-sized tits, he wanted me to have enormous tits, but the surgeon said my body frame was too small to accommodate more prominent breasts. Daddy was able to get Sally Double tits, at least. However, Daddy didn’t get Mommy bigger tits, a waste of money, he told her.

Every day, we had to take a pill; at first, Daddy would give us each a pill, but over time, he allowed us to get our pills. Each bottle had our name on it, and we were only allowed to take pills from the bottle with our name on it. And to tell him when the pill bottles were nearly empty and needed replacing.

The days, weeks, and months passed by in a blur, and Lisa never left the house anymore. Daddy would bring us everything we needed. The seasons changed outside Lisa’s window. She didn’t notice the changing of the trees in autumn, snow on the ground in Winter, the Rebirth of Spring, and the hot summer days. Her world was focused on sex, satisfying customers, and worshiping her Daddy; nothing else mattered.

One day Lisa noticed her pill bottle was nearly empty, she should have told Daddy sooner, but in the mornings, she was still exhausted from the night before; she was operating on auto-pilot most mornings, trying to wake up,wash off the cum men deposited inside her or on her body, get something to eat before the first customers walked thru the door.

Lisa attempted to tell Daddy that the bottles were nearly empty, but he was in a rush to go somewhere; he shoved her out of his way, “Get out of my way Bitch!” as he Rushed out the door.

Steve was on his way to the dealership. His name came up for a special edition Porsche 911 he pre-ordered months ago and was finally available for purchase; if he didn’t get over to the dealership immediately to pick it up, they would give it to the next person in line. Arriving at the dealership, he paid cash; his sluts were not good for much, but they did make lots of money that allowed him to buy the luxurys he deserved.

Excited with his new purchase, he didn’t even both to go home that day; he spent the entire weekend driving it all over the state, showing his new car off to his friends. He didn’t return home until Monday morning. Walking thru the door, he heard the noises of sex coming from his slut’s rooms. Good, they were busy already making him money. His call phone rang, but he did not recognize the number, and he almost didn’t pick it up; he answered it rudely, “Who are you, and what do you want.”

A woman answered on the other end of the connection and said, “Hello, Master Steve, this is Slave 4382. I’m calling from the Resort to inform you that our records say your slaves are out of medicine. I’ll have to report you to my Master as you are in violence.”

Steve stopped in his tracks, and panic quickly took hold of him; he was warned that he was never allowed his sluts to run out of their medicine. The consequences would be severe. He recalled stories of other Masters who were eliminated when they were lax with their duties. Thinking on his feet, he told her, “No, your records are wrong; I gave them their last dose today, and I’ll be over by this afternoon to pick up the refills. Update your records to say that!”

The slave on the other end of the phone said, “Oh, our records must be wrong. I’ll update them as you ordered. Thank you for your time.”

Once she hung up the phone, she updated the record to indicate that Master Steve was not in violence of policy. The downside of having slaves as employees, they do not question statements made by Masters, lack the ability of critical thinking, they accept anything a Master tells them as fact. It’s like a Slave Security Guard surprising a Male thief trying to break into a safe. If he explains to her he’s just fixing it, not trying to break in and steal, the slave accepts his answer and happily continues her patrol.

Little did he know that Steve’s lie just saved his life and the lives of his slaves. The Resort policies were stringent, and careless Masters were threats to the organization and dealt with accordingly. Usually, this violence would have been brought to the attention of the Master in charge of Security. But, he was justas lax as Steve was, busy fucking his staff, assigning his duties to his slave staff; he should be addressing himself.

Once Steve hung up the phone, he immediately rushed to the nearest of the Slave’s rooms; Lisa was on top of a client cowgirl fucking him; he grabbed her by the hair and roughly pulled her off him, out of the bed, and down the hall, Slapping her hard across the face, he screamed at her, “Why Didn’t you tell me about your medicine?” Lisa tried to tell him she tried Friday, but he ignored her.

“When did you take your last pill he shouted at her.” he said, “Saturday,” she answered.

Angrily he punched her in the stomach, and she doubled over and fell to the floor; get back to work, you slut he screamed at her.

Shit! They had been off medication for two days, and he was warned not to let them miss more than one day of medicine. This wasn’t something he could order from the local pharmacy. He would have to drive to the resort and pick it up himself. It was a three-hour drive there and three hours back. His whole day would be shot. Angry, he rushed out the door and jumped into his new Porsche, speeding away. He made it to the resort in record time, speeding most of the way; it was a small miracle he didn’t get stopped for speeding along the way. He rushed in and picked up his refills. The girl at the counter told him that the records showed that his slaves were out of medicine for two days, but the record was updated recently; he lied again and said yes, the record was wrong; she told him it was updated in our system.

“Thank you,” Steve replied. Steve paused for a moment; he was actually nice to her; he was so flustered before. He usually treated resort staff like dog shit just because he enjoyed belittling them.

She didn’t question him further; after all, she was conditioned not to and wished him a good day.

Steve let out a sight of relief like a huge weight was lifted off him; he was going to pull it off withno repercussions for his screw-up. He was tempted to fuck the girl behind the counter before he left, as he often did on previous visits picking up medicine. Sometimes he had her give him a blow job that rewarded her with a slap across the face because she made him cum too quickly or not quickly enough. It was pure pleasure for him to be able to use and abuse any woman at the resort. Other times he bent her over the counter and fucked her from behind, complaining the entire time that her pussy was too loose. He enjoyed himself using her pussy or ass, and after Cumming inside her, he would order her to suck him clean. He rewarded her efforts by pushing her aside without much as thanks or goodbye, exiting the building. Unfortunately, today he was in a hurry to get back, he had sluts to medicate at home, but he made a mental note that he would use and abuse her for an extended period next visit to make up for today. Just as he was ready to leave, he had an idea. He walked back to the girl at the counter. He ordered her to step out from behind the counter and face his, arms at her sides. Steve then punched her hard in the stomach, and she crumbled to the floor. Steve exited the building with a huge grin on his face. Being a Master had its perks.

As he was driving home, he decided it was now time to have an accident befall his Slut Wife. He originally planned on doing away with her as soon as the insurance money settled from the death of her late husband. But he ran the numbers. He took out a five million dollar policy on his Wife, ten times the original life insurance policy on her, payable to her children. With all of his sluts working extended hours every day, it was enough to cover the membership fees for having three slaves. And any shortfall was made up from her former husband’s insurance settlement money. Having worked in the insurance industry, he knew all the red flags an insurance company would look for. Steve knew that a policy too large or a claim too soon after a new policy was written, would raise red flags. He knew what to do to avoid anything suspicious; he even knew the best way to arrange an accidental death so that an autopsy wouldn’t be revealed as foul play. Yes, he was going to be a very wealthy man soon. As he was reviewing his plans in his head, he didn’t notice that the traffic light had changed to red ahead, drive right through the intersection, and the last thing he saw was a tractor-trailer locking up its brakes outside the driver’s window right before impact.

That night, Sally wondered why Daddy still wasn’t home. She asked her Sister and Mother where he was. They both stared at her blankly. How was she able to question Daddy, they wondered? They thought the same thing but did not say anything. They continued to perform their duties as expected the rest of the night, locked the doors after the last client left, put a “Closed” sign in the window, and went to bed.

They all woke up early the following day, initially going on with their same routine, showing off cum from the previous day’s fucking, getting something to eat, and trying to take their pills from empty bottles. When it came time to unlock the doors and let their first clients in, none of them moved. They didn’t feel like getting used to that day. It is like a new concept for them. They had a choice but didn’t quite understand why. Clients came to the doors all day, banged on it, but eventually left when the door wasn’t answered.

As the day wore on the not Lisa not only questioned why the way things were, but she began to work things out. How did she get into the middle of a shark-infested ocean anyway? She had no memory of that part; she was just there. After Daddy rescued her, Lisa was lying next to a warm fire next to Daddy; how did they get from the ocean to a cozy fireplace? Over the course of the day, she realized they were not memories but videos she was shown and told they were real. Daddy LIED to her! How was that possible? But it felt so good when Daddy was inside of her, fucking her; she remembered the endless orgasms she had with him. But they were long ago; she couldn’t remember the last time Daddy gave her an orgasm that intensity. Yes, she still had orgasms several times a day with other men, but they were nowhere near the level she once remembered with Daddy long ago. By nightfall, she realized she was brainwashed and what was done to her. When she compared notes to her Mother and Sister, they recalled the same fake memories of rescue. They all realized they were enslaved by a sick asshole named Steve, which forced them to call him Daddy. They were horrified by what Steve had done to their bodies. The piercings they had could be removed, but the Tramp Stamps could not be removed as easily, worse they each said “FUCK ME,” “DADDY’S SLUT” and “HOLY HOOKER,” on Mom, Sally, and Lisa, respectively. For the first time in a long time, their minds were clear and their own.

Mother wantedto call the police to report Steve, but Lisa stopped her. “What are you doing?” her Mother screamed, “He needs to go to prison for what he did to us!”

Lisa said, “Wait, listen, and let me explain. Once when I was being used, I mean rapped, at the resort like the piece of meat they treat us like. I heard two of these assholes talking while they were raping me and another woman. They were talking about there was a woman once whom Master neglected to give her medicine for several days. She replaced her senses and called the police. The Resort found out about it and, not long after, sent assassins to kill her, her Master, and several police officers who took her report. If we report this, our lives will be measured in hours, not days, before they kill us all!”

“But what do we do?” Her Mother asked.

“First, we need to get some clothes,” Lisa said, “My dresser is empty of clothes, only dildos, vibrators, lube, and condoms in my drawers. That bastard throw away all our clothers. And we need to remove these collars!”

“I think he has some slutty outfits for us in his room when he takes to the resort once a year,” Sally said.

“His room is locked; I wonder where he is anyway, hopefully, dead in a ditch somewhere,” Lisa responded.

“That be too good for him.” Mother piped in.

They attempted to remove their collars, but they could see no lock or clap to release them. Maybe there was something in Steve’s room they could use.

After trying to break into Steve’s 2nd-floor room for several hours, they had just about given up; the door was made of reinforced steel and had several deadbolt locks. Then, it occurred to Lisa that the walls were only made of sheetrock and should be a lot easier to break through than the door. After cutting the wall with What dull butter knives they had available from the kitchen and hammering the wall with the leg of a chair, they managed to break through the wall. Lisa squeezed through the narrow gap theymade and unlocked the door and deadbolts from the inside.

Inside they found slutty outfits in a dresser drawer but preferred Steve’s men’s clothes instead to wear. One wall was covered in monitors that showed every room from every angle of the house except Steve’s Master bedroom and attached bathroom. A few stacks of cash were lying table in loose piles, a mixture of 20’s, 50’s, and hundreds. In the corner of the room, they saw a locked iron safe. There was a computer on a desk in front of the monitors. When Sally touched the mouse, the computer screen turned on from standby mode, and the website was displayed. It had them on the featured web page, “Steve’s Sluts” It was called, and membership options were available to view content.


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