Chapter 8 – Into the Lion’s Den again
Kim and Lisa were driving Jerry’s car to Jerry’s work on a Thursday to the resort. They had the rough outline of a plan, but they would have to improve as needed, so it wasn’t ideal. Sally hidden under a blanket in the trunk.
They left Kim’s mother handcuffed to the gas line on the floor in the basement, which was the strongest pipe they could find in the house. Initially, Kim didn’t agree to tie up her Mother like this, but when Kim asked her Mother directly if she would free Jerry if given the opportunity, she calmly replied, “That Father knows what’s best for them.” Kim realized how brainwashed and broken her Mother had become after years of slavery and beats; she couldn’t trust her Mother either.
Lisa and Sally discussed bringing their Mother to Jerry’s to watch Karen or vice versa. But there was Steve in a coma to think about. They couldn’t risk him waking up without someone around. It would take far too long to transferSteve to Jerry’s. Time was of the essence. At this point, Jerry was absent from work for two days. No one had asked where he was yet, but they would sooner or later.
As they pulled up to the Gate, a Woman guard asked them about their business. They told her they had been ordered by their Master, Jerry Johnson, to pick up some files he needed at work. He was homesick and needed them Now!
The gate guard said ok and buzzed the gate to open it. The guard didn’t give a second thought to what they told her as she was trained to obey, not question.
Pulling up to a parking space on the side of the building, the employee entrance door was just where Jerry said it would be. Lisa and Kim quickly took off the tops they were wearing, already naked from the waist down, and exited the car. Lisa took a bulky gym bag with her. When Lisa and Kim exited the vehicle, Sally moved from the trunk to the back of the car through the back seat that folded flat. She didn’t dare to raise her head above the windows; she was there just in case they needed a quick getaway if things went south.
Lisa felt so exposed walking in the open parking lot, completely nude. Kim commented that she was beginning to get used to wearing clothes again, and she had to take them off already.
“We have to,” replied Lisa, “We would stick out if we dared to enter dressed.”
They had “tattooed” the front and back of their Bodies using black paint and number stencils they picked up at a hardware store. Lisa also had to paint on a barcode tattoo. It wouldn’t scan, but it was passable at a distance. They just hoped they would pass as staff. Only the heavy gym bag Lisa carried with her looked out of place. They picked two random numbers Jerry remembered seeing around the resort back of the house to paint on their bodies; they just Hoped they didn’t run into anyone with the same number as they used.
They reached the door and entered the code Jerry provided. If he lied and gave themthe wrong code, they were fucked. But the keypad turned green, and the door linked and opened without issues. They stepped through the door and walked inside.
They walked down the hall and deeper into the building. They were both surprised that the walls were not transparent like they were in other parts of the resort; they looked like ordinary walls. They found stairs just were Jerry said they would be going up. As they were climbing to the 3rd floor, on each landing wall between levels, there was a whip hanging on the wall. Kim recalled passing one in the hall downstairs with strange decorations. There was an elevator, but they deemed it too risky; if any alarms triggered, they were trapped; better to have access to the stairs in case they needed to get out in a hurry.
Walking down the hall, they passed another woman with tattooed numbers on Her. Kim turned to look at her as they passed her and noticed whip marks on her back. She couldn’t help herself and askd the other woman how she got her marks. The other woman stopped and thought it strange that someone other than a Master was asking her questions, but she didn’t hesitate to obey and answered Kim.
“Her Master whipped her,” she replied.
“Why?” Kim asked.
“I do not question my Master I obey. I was at fault; only my Master knows why.”
Kim then asked, “Do the Masters whip everyone?”
“The Masters only whip the slaves with numbers,” she replied, “Our Masters have distributed us all but never touch the Staff at work in the front of the house.”
Lisa, who had been tugging on Kim, finally pulled Kim away, “Do you want to get us caught?” she hissed at Kim, “Slaves do not questions!”
Kim suddenly remembered the whips on the walls, not decoration, but for the convenience of the Masters, so there was always a whip in easy reach when they wanted to have some fun with the staff. She swallowed nervously, Jerry wasn’t the only sadistic asshole at the resort. Also, she forgot herself; being a slave for so long, it was difficult to suppress the critical thinking she was denied access to for so long.
As they walked along the back halls of the resort, the visiting Masters and Slaves never got to see; they passed several other women with whip marks on their bodies. Most whip marks were on their backs, but some marks were on the breasts, stomach, one even on her face. Lisa Suddenly felt very out of place; she didn’t have any whip markings on her body; if a Master saw her, even from afar, she would stick out like an albino with her smooth, unmarked skin. None of the other slaves gave them a second look as they passed. Their destination was the security survey center; they were looking for one man in particular. Master Thomas was the head of security; they had to make sure he was out of the Center before they attempted the next step in their plan.
Kim told Lisa to hide in a corner with the bag; she would check to see if the coast was clear since she didn’t look out of place like Lisa did. Kim told Lisa to try to look inconspicuous. Kim entered the double door to the security survey center using the code Jerry had given them; again, the door opened without issue. It was huge. It was a big round room; huge monitors lined the top of the walls, and smaller monitors covered the walls themselves. Slaves were seated at stations that each had 12 monitors, which faced towards The center of the room; Kim counted 16 stations. Other than herself and the 16 slaves viewing the monitors, there was no one else in the room. She didn’t see Master Thomas, which was a good thing; she would look out of place just standing here, taking the room in. On an impulse, she walked up to the nearest station and told the Slave there, “Where is Master Thomas?” The slave thought it strange that someone other than a master was asking her a question, but she didn’t question the order. She pressed a button labeled Master Thomas, and one of thescreens flashed and searched for a moment; then, he was displayed on a monitor. She recognized the area he was in; he was in the center of the resort near the pool, raping some young woman, laughing with other men raping other women. There was no sound, but it was obvious he was enjoying himself.
Good, she thought, he’s out of the way. Next, she asked to see the dispensary. The Slave again didn’t question her. The Slave pressed a button labeled display, and an empty room was displayed; Kim was mainly interested in the camera’s placement and what the camera could see. She turned to leave, and on a big monitor near the ceiling was Lisa displayed plain as day, pressed into a corner, looking suspicious as hell. She looked around, but no one seemed to notice. She went to leave, and the door wouldn’t budget; she looked around for a keypad, and there was none; she was beginning to panic when she noticed a red button on the wall next to the door. She held her breath as she pressed thebutton. She didn’t know if it was the door release or an alarm station. She heard an audible click, and the door opened to her push.
She hurried to where she left Lisa and pulled her out of the corner, and they continued on their mission. Kim didn’t mention to Lisa what was displayed on the big monitor; they had more than enough stress to worry about. It was difficult navigating through the confusing hallways, but there were a few signs on the wall to help them along their way, as well as Whips every 20 feet or so hanging on hooks on the walls, ready to be used at a moment’s notice.
Finally, they reached a room labeled dispensary; it was just off the cafeteria. The walls of the dispensary were not see-through so that they couldn’t see inside the room. The wall between the Cafeteria and dispensary was transparent like other parts of the resort, with two etched lines in the glass to see where the wall was. They felt very exposed here. The dispensary is where slaves would come daily for their medication each day. There was a barcode reader at crotch level; when each slave walked up to the reader, their barcode was scanned, and a pill specific to each slave would be dispensed for them to swallow.
The two of them walked up to the door to the dispensary, and Lisa typed in the code Jerry had given them; it was the same code they used for the door to enter the building and the Security Surveillance access door. After Lisa typed in the code, and the keypad beeped Red instead of the usual Green they had seen before when the doors opened. Maybe you typed it wrong, Kim said. Kim tried the code again with the same results. Jerry had warned them that if a code were entered wrong three times, it would trigger an alarm. The code they had been correct; it just wasn’t for this door.
Shit! What were they going to do? Their plan Hinged on replacing the medicine with candy to wake up all the behind-the-scenes resort staff at once; with them on their side, a fewmen would be of no threat. Kim came up with a bad idea on the spot; it was a bad idea, but she wasn’t sure what choice they had. Kim would stay behind with the bag, hide, and be there when the medicine was dispensed the following day; she would then take the pills issued and give the staff candy instead of telling them this is your medicine for today. Lisa offered to do it instead, but Kim no she would do it; Lisa would stick out too much with the skin the way it was. Lisa was to return at night, two days from now. The weekend was coming up; only one Staff master would be onsite when their plan came to fruition; they needed to be ready to overpower him when the time was right, just as they had only a few days earlier.
Together, they found a place to hide their bag in the kitchen, on a low shelf at the back of a storage room Just off the kitchen. They both made their way back down to the entrance door, where they came in, hugged, and Lisa exited the building, leaving Kim to fend for herself.
Lisa made her way back to Jerry’s car and got in; Sally was waiting for her in the back seat. Sally was surprised when Lisa immediately started the car and drive off without Kim in the car. Lisa told Sally to hide as they were pulling up to the gate. The gate opened automatically as they drove up to it; they didn’t need to talk to the guard at all. Lisa drove far enough down the road that they were out of visible range of the gatehouse. She stopped the car and told Sally to get into the front seat as Lisa put her top back on. Lisa explained everything that happened while they were inside.
When they arrived back at Jerry’s house, Lisa said she was going to pull out more of Jerry’s fingerprintnails for giving them the wrong code. They marched directly upstairs, Jerry was sleeping in his chair, and the room smelled like shit; he Must soiled himself while they were gone. Kim slapped Jerry awake as she removed his gag, “You gave us the wrong code, asshole, and you’regoing to pay for that.”
Jerry was going, “No, wait! I don’t know what you’re talking about.” As the girls positioned his other arm onto the table to extract more fingerprintnails.
“Your code didn’t work for the Dispensary,” Kim responded.
“The Dispensary?” Jerry questioned. “I’ve never been inside there. It’s not my job. Master Greg, the Chemist, takes care of all that. I must not have access. PLEASE!”
Lisa ignored his pleasures, brutally yanking off the first fingerprint on his left hand. Five fingerprint on his left hand. Five fingerprint on his left hand. She actually believed he was telling the truth. After that, Lisa stopped before removing any more fingerprint on his. After all, she promised Kim what was left of him.
Kim wandered around until she found a bunk room. The room had one entrance and held 20 bun beds, three-tiered high, tightly packed together. She was alone in the room; she picked one at random, in the back of the room, and tried to hide. Not being very effective, two of the wallsof the room were clear, and anyone walking in the hall that wrapped around this corner room could see into it. The sides of the bunks were clear, too; looking to the side of the bunks she was in, she could see through all the bunks and to the hall behind. Everything was brightly lit, to boot. This was going to be more difficult than she imagined. She thought about hiding in the bathroom, but when she found one, there were no stalls, Only toilets lined up in the middle of the room, two rows back to back, the sinks along the one wall, shower heads on the other wall. The walls with the shows and sinks were solid, but the end walls on both sides of the bathroom were transparent, giving visibility right through the room. There was a clock on the wall; it was only 10 am; Lisa and she had arrived in the morning too early, it seemed. They were in the building Together for less than an hour, and she had all day to wait before night arrived. If she stayed here, sooner or later, someone would spot her and ask her why she wasn’t at her assigned post. Unfortunately, she didn’t have an assigned post.
Kim decided the best way to hide was in plain sight. She left the bunk room and started wondering the staff service halls aimlessly. Hiding in the resort with the guest Masters and Slaves was not an option; the behind the scenes staff, never mixed with the guests. In the past, when she was at the resort before, she never saw Any slaves with large numbers tattooed on their bodies other than barcode numbers too small to read from a distance. She did recall the occasional whip marks on slaves by their owners, but it wasn’t typical. Besides, she would get raped over and over by the many guest Masters there, but feeling a little needy, not having been fucked for several days, she would be OK with that.
She wondered for hours; she began to see the differences in markings on slaves in the different areas of the resort. Those slaves that worked in the front of the house had theTypical piercings, tramp stamps, and bar code just above their pussy common to all slaves. They lacked the whip marks common to behind-the-scenes slaves, and their job duty was tattooed on their crotch and the center of their back; they said things like FRONT DESK, MAID, SPA, FACILITIES, HOSTESS, MR. BEANS, which was a restaurant name she recognized from the resort. There was also a name tattooed in the place where her number painted numbers were, but smaller and only on the front of their bodies. They were not typical common names; they were names like Sparkles, Violet, Honey, Bambi, Cherry, etc; they sounded more like stripper names.
The Slaves that worked in security and survey areas had commons and markings and a number on the front and back; they typically had more whip markings, mostly on their backs, sometimes breasts. Most didn’t have a crotch tattoo as she did. Usually, that space was blank with just the barcode, but she was relieved to see a few slaves marked with “RAPE ME” or “I (heart sign) CUM”, so she didn’t stand out completely out of place.
Meanwhile, the slaves that worked in the labs and chemistry had the typical number tattoo, which was also their name, and a Spades tattoo with a Q in the center just above the barcode; she didn’t know what that means. The slaves that had them had the Q of Spades tattoo all over their bodies. Above their tramp stamps, crotch, ankle, ass cheek, right Breast, behind their ears, sometimes behind both ears. A few also had vines on their legs, each ending with a small spade. Also written on many above the barcode were “BBC SLAVE,” “BBC ONLY, “and “BCC BITCH”. Slaves in this area had a lot fewer whip marks than those in Security.
It was then that she noticed the slave ahead of her in the hall. As it turned a corner, she immediately stepped from the center of the hall and against the wall, eyes downcast. Right after, a big, muscle black man, nude, of course, rounded the corner and was walking quickly down the hall. Kim froze for a second and, after a second, immediately copied what she saw the other woman did; she stepped against the wall, eyes downcast. She knew from Jerry’s description of the Masters that this must be Master Greg, who was in charge of managing the medicine the slaves took every day. He wasn’t paying attention to her and almost walked by when he stopped dead in his tracks.
And turned to look at Kim, “Lost Bitch?” he said.
Kim didn’t dare to look up, “Yes, Master.” Kim responded.
“Well, I think you need a lesson for that. Whipping Stance!” Master Greg responded.
Kim knew she was fucked, but there was nothing she could do; she moved to the center of the hall, back straight, hands behind her head, as she was trained to do when her former Master Jerry enjoyed whipping her for his pleasure. And waited for the crack on the whip on her body. Master Greg stepped back a few feet, grabbed a whip from the wall, uncoiled the whip, raised his hand for the first strike, turned to look at her, and stopped.
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