The Nudist Slave Resort Ch. 07


This is a work of pure fantasy; nothing is real, and all Characters are adults. Comments are enabled, and all constructive comments are welcomed; even if you think my story sucks, tell me how it sucks so I can improve the story and as an author. As pointed out by a comment, the story has been republished to address grammar issues.

Chapter 7 – Situation changes and a time for action!

Once they transferred Steve via Private ambulance after purchasing a hospital bed, monitors, and equipment needed to satisfy the hospital’s requirements for homecare. They tied him to the bed after the Nurse and Ambulance staff walked out the door. For extra security, they hired an out-of-town handyman to install new doors in the bedrooms, and the room that held Steve had a heavy steel door that had triple locked bolted from the outside, and bars were installed on the windows. The handyman thought it strange, but they paid well, and they each personally thanked him by fuckinghim cowgirl style. Usually such a job wouldn’t have taken much more than a day to complete, ended up taking three days as he kept getting interrupted while he worked by each woman in the house to thank him repeatedly.

After Steve was dealt with, and the immediate danger was past, they fell into a routine. Since they all loved sex, they started rebooking clients, but this time, they were the ones getting paid, not Steve. They were more selective with whom they had customers and adjusted the payment required. They found out from their clients that Steve charged a discounted rate for different times of the day. Clients who showed up at 8 am were only paying $50 a session; the price increased as the day went on for the more desirable time slots. This is how Steve was able to make money all day long, whereas a typical brother wouldn’t start taking appointments till the early afternoon at the earliest. This was the first thing to change.

While they sometimes still did take morningng or early afternoon clients, this was on an as-needed basis, primarily freebies to satisfy and appear the local police department. Lisa was surprised that Pastor Graham didn’t come around for his freebies, but as she thought about it, she didn’t recall seeing him in quite some time. She did an internet search on him and was happy to see he died of a heart attack a couple of years ago.

Generally, they didn’t start taking appointments till 4 pm and not past 10 pm. Prices increased as well, but they had all the business they could handle; they were a rare breed of sex workers; few sex workers gave a blow job to start, allowed clients to bareback fuck in both pussy and ass, then a finishing blow job after clients came to clean them up after. They, however, ended the practice ass to mouth; if a client wanted anal sex, it was a washcloth clean up After.

At first, Lisa was horrified at what was done to her body, but after only a few days of being in control of her mind, she found she loved her D-cup tits. It was one of the few good things to come out of her horrible experience. Besides, most women thought their breasts were too small, and Lisa was no exception growing up. She got her teenage wish to go bigger. She also found she really loved her Tramp Stamp and body piercings as well. Before, she would have been horrified at defacing the body the Lord gave her with tattoos and piercings; now, she couldn’t imagine being without them. But the crotch tattoo and barcode would have to go. She would look into tattoo removal treatments right away.

Lisa began offering dominatrix services as well. She found she enjoyed men on their knees, kissing her feet for a change. She was delighted to learn that clients would pay good money to be restrained, spanked, cock and ball tortured. As well as verbal abuse, she was an expert in the field, having suffered at the hands of others for so many years. As she grew more confident in her new profession, she became less submissive and more dominant and controlling. This ultimately bleed over into her family interactions. Lisa would have her Mother and Sister cook all the meals and do all the household chores. In the morning, while one prepared breakfast, the other would be between Lisa’s legs, giving Lisa oral pleasure.

While she knew that Steve killed her Father, after all, he often bragged about it at their weekly dinners Together, she found she couldn’t remember what he looked like. As much as she tried, it was too painful to recall him. She found many of her memories of her former life missing details. She knew she attended church once, school, and summer camp, but the details of those experiences escaped her. The same was true for her childhood; much of her pre-Steve life was just gone. She only remembered disconnected fragments What really made no sense without context. It left a void in her that she was desperate to fill. While she knew the brainwashing she was exposed to was the cause, she didn’t know how to get around the mental block she experienced. It’s those life experiences that shape a person and their morals, and without them, she became someone else.

She found that the things that gave her pleasure were altered as well. She loved the feeling of a man’s dick inside her, him using her for his pleasure. It excited her; brainwashing or not, she couldn’t control her emotions. She still enjoyed getting her hair cut, dyed with pink highlights, and styled. Getting her nails Manicured, eyelash extensions, make-up working out, and kegel exercises. Still, they were all just efforts to make her more desirable to men, not for her benefit.

Food was one of the few pleasures she found she that was all hers. No more rice and beans for her. She found she enjoyed dining out. She wore short dresses when she Dined out with her Mother and Sister, which was often. While her Mother purchased panties for them all during her first shopping trip, they all stopped wearing them after a few days. They found they rather enjoyed short dresses and going commando.

A typical night dining out involved a short skirt, a crop top shirt that showed off a healthy amount of cleavage, a belly button ring, and a Tramp Stamp tattoo. They would request a corner booth; sometimes, it had a tablecloth and other times, it did not. After Lisa received her food order, she cut up her entire meal into small bite-sized portions, ate with one hand, and her other hand would be under the take, playing with her pussy. Often, the low hum of her battery-operated boyfriend (BOB) could be heard a few tables away. Her Mother and Sister ate meals in the same way. It was like they were over-sexed sluts all the time.

When she found a corner booth with no tablecloth, she requested a booth facing another couple, ensuring the man was seated facing her. She would open her legs wide under the table with her short dress, giving the man an amble view of her smooth pussy, and play with herself,looking directly at him. She loved how he tried to keep his eye off her while dining with his partner. Sometimes, the man’s date realized what was happening and left in a huff; other times, they were oblivious. Lisa would quickly follow if her admirer got up to use the restroom. They both would often return to their tables after ten minutes, him trying to give his date the excuse that he was constipated or there was a long line to use the restroom. Lisa returned to the table with fresh taste of cum in her mouth or dripping down the inside of her legs. It was like a game to Lisa, and she enjoyed it.

If she left before the other couple, sometimes she would stop by the other couple’s table, walk right up to him, and say in front of his date what a wonderful time she had with him in the bathroom. Pull up her dress so the other woman could see cum dripping out of her smooth pussy. Hand him a business card and tell him to call her if he wants another session. She added that she wouldgive him a discount before pulling her dress down and walking away. She was directly responsible for more than a few dividends and breakups. But she didn’t care; it was a small way to get revenge for what was done to her.

While Lisa was the youngest, her personality became the dominant force in the family. While she was submissive, she found she could switch to a dominant personality when needed. In time, she called the shots; she decided where and when they would eat out. She would have loved to have made it a nightly routine, but they had their business to think of and clients to satisfy. She also ordered her Sister to engage in similar bathroom encounters if she wasn’t that attracted to the man in question. Then Lisa would do the same, walk up to the couple’s table with her Sister, pull her Sister’s short dress up in front of his date, much to her Sister’s embarrassment, and hand the guy Lisa’s business card.

They enjoyed the sex and the money as well. They refunded the house, and designer clothes, mainly on the slutty side; they couldn’t help themselves. Expensive purses and perfume. Spa treatments, hair, nails, makeup, massages, etc. They also got laser removal treatments for their crotch tattoos and bar codes; after 5 or 6 treatments, the tattoos faded to the point they were barely visible; a few more treatments and they would be removed entirely.

Lisa’s mom wanted to remove her Tramp Stamp tattoo next, but Lisa overruled her. It made her more marketable and forced her Mother to keep it. Lisa and Sally decided they liked the Tramp Stamp look and might even add their personal touches to them. Lisa also insisted they keep all their piercings as well. Life was good. They hired a male nurse to come in once a day to care for Steve and paid for his discretion with bonus sex, mainly in the morning when they did their other freebies.

Then there was the website. Initially, Mother argued that they should take the website down and delete all thecontent, but Lisa explained to her that once on the internet, always on the internet. There was no way to scrub the videos of them already on the internet; they might as well get paid for being porn stars.

“Well, we will just not add any new video content; we will not add to the damage that was already done.” Their mother compromised, and Lisa allowed it. She let her Mother think she won that battle.

Lisa Just changed where customers’ payments were sent, so the girls received payments for new and existing subscriptions. Over time, without new content, revenue from the website began to drop. Then, Lisa started to add new content, including girl-on-girl videos. Her Mother wasn’t happy about adding new videos but, by this point, didn’t dare challenge Lisa. Revenue quickly recovered and began to Increase.

After six months, Lisa finally hired a locksmith to drill the Safe in Steve’s room. In it, she found cash, ledger books, a gun, and passwords to his accounts.

Lisa was in charge of accounting. She had a thing for numbers, and she was to go through all of Steve’s records and find out where they stood. When they had enough money, they planned to disappear and live the good life on some tropical island for the rest of their lives off the grid.

As Lisa was going through Steve’s accounts, she was surprised to find Steve’s bank account almost empty. As she looked at the records, there was a sizeable monthly withdrawal to R. LLC. She tried to look up the company but could find no record of it, but then she remembered seeing a document in Steve’s safe that had this on the letterhead.

Lisa retrieved the document. While it didn’t specifically spell out Masters, Slaves, and the resort in plain English, she got the jest of it by filling in the blanks. Armed with this information, she gathered her Mother and Sister for a family meeting.

“What was the issue?” Mother and Sally asked,

Lisa replied, “Basically, the Resort, you remember,the one that enslaved us, requires a membership fee every year, which can be paid for monthly by the Masters. Steve was paying for the membership out of this account with an auto-bill pay setup, but because we were not adding money into the account for the last six months, the account is almost dry, and next month’s payment is due in a few weeks. If they are not paid on time, the contract says they will immediately terminate the agreement and confiscate all property obtained through the use of the resort’s services. They mean us.”

“Wow, can we just put some of our deposit money into the account?” asked her mother.

“Yes,” Lisa said, “but it’s not just some of our money; it will take all the cash we currently have on hand. In fact, the current rate of what we earn now will leave us with a very tight budget every month, especially after paying for Steve’s care, which is a significant expense every month. We may not be Steve’s slaves, but we will be slaves to keep producing these membership fees. We will never have enough money to escape and disappear.”

“Well, I don’t mind cutting back on the number of massages I get every month,” Sally said.

“I’m afraid it will take more cutting back on a few massages: no more shopping out, no more perfume, massages, spa treatments. We will have to dye our hair at home, press on our nails, and definitely can’t afford More tattoo laser removal treatments—just the bare essentials. We will even have to shop at a discount grocery store. We will not be eating the slop Steve used to force us to eat, but we will be not far from it.” Lisa replied

“Can’t we just sell Steve’s cars and other belongings?” Sally asked.

Lisa replied, “Yes, but that will only buy us a few months buffer. Without going back to the work schedule Steve had us working, we will barely have enough to cover expenses every month. Eventually, we may even fall behind.”

“We may need to speed up our timetable for Steve; his care is far too much of an expense,” her Mother complained.

The gravity of the situation concerned them all.

“What can we do?” Sally asked, “I’m not going back to working 14 hours a day; I’d rather kill myself.”

“I think it’s time for action. We ignored the root of our problems for too long. We need to find out where and who our enemy is, and we need to find out who and where the resort is. Besides, we are due to return to the resort next month for our yearly reconditioning. So it was emviable that we either made a run for it or fight. “

They had all completely forgotten about the yearly resort visit requirement. Lisa had to admit she, too, was lulled into a false sense of security. They had been enjoying themselves so much recently that they now feel foolish sticking their heads in the sand and ignoring the real problem.

Using Coopersville as a starting point, they looked at satellite maps online. They drove around the area, each of them remembering little things on their many trips to the resort before finally locate the resort’s location. To keep income up, each of them had to pick up extra clients and work more days to cover for when they went on long trips to do investigations.

The Resort was a huge warehouse building on the far side of an industrial park. A high fence surrounded it, and a guardhouse controlled access. One night, they gained access to the roof of a neary building that was outside the fenced resort and set up surveillance cameras on the roof to watch and record who was entering and leaving the resort.

They were surprised to see how few men worked there. Only four cars with single male drivers entered the resort in the morning and left in the evening; any other vehicles either had one man and one or more women in them who entered and stayed for an extended period before leaving.

This was obviously the Masters with women they enslaved or were going to enslave. They focused their attention on the four cars thatwere daily commuters. They tried to follow the vehicles after they left the compound, but three of them took the interstate after they left, and they lost them in traffic every time.

Only one was a resident, and after several attempts to follow the car, they finally learned where the driver lived.

Sally and Lisa were watching the house from down the street the morning after they learned where the car went at night. They never all left home, just in case Steve woke up. Their mother agreed to watch Steve at the house and keep the gun they found just in case of any problems. They waited for the car to leave, watching it pull out of the garage and drive down the street; they ducked down as it passed. After it was out of sight, they waited a few minutes and approached the house.

Sally wanted to sneak around back and peek in the windows, but Lisa would have none of that; she boldly marched up to the door with Sally trailing behind and rang the doorbell. After a few moments,the door opened a crack, and female eyes peeked out.

Lisa forced the door open forcefully and explained that the master of the house sent her, and she was there to inspect things to make sure they were doing what they were supposed to.

She was not surprised to find a young naked female when she opened the door, standing there in a large foyer, eyes downcast. Another older nude woman was kneeling, knees wide apart with her hands upturned in the traditional submissive slave Present position with her eye downcast. Both were wearing silver collars; one on the younger girl said “Slut” in black lettering, and the older woman “Bitch” in the same color letters.

The younger woman spoke, “My Master is called Father.”

Lisa immediately slapped the young woman, “Don’t insult me, Slut.” she said rudely. “I know who your master is.” She felt terrible doing this, but she knew how things worked; she had to set herself in an unquestioning position of authority if they were goingto get the answers they needed.

“Sorry, Master,” the young woman said; she didn’t know a woman could be Master, but hers was to serve, not question.

“Disable arm it!” Lisa told her.

She did so. Surprisingly, she knew the code, probably because she had watched her Master do it so many times before.

“What time does Father return home?”

“4 pm every day,” she answered.

“What is your name? What is the slave’s name on the floor?”

“My name is Kim; this is my Mother, Karen.”

“Where do you keep your medicine?”

“In the kitchen cabinet,” she replied.

“Show me!” Lisa shouted.

Kim immediately turned around and started walking out of the room. Lisa felt a ping of sympathy when she saw her back—it was marked with whip marks, some recent, some fading. Thewoman on the floor neither spoke, looked up, nor moved when they walked past her. As Lisa looked at her as she passed, she could see the woman on the floor’s back also had whip marks.

Kim led them to the kitchen and opened a cabinet; one was labeled “Slave Slut” and the other “Slave Bitch”.

Lisa took both bottles out of the cabinet and put them on the counter they were half full. She turned to Kim, “Return to the foyer and wait for me.” Lisa ordered

Kim immediately left the room.

Sally said, “Do you have to be so mean?”

Lisa replied, “I feel bad about treating them this way, but we need to establish we are the Masters here. The asshole they call Father is a sadistic asshole. Did you see those whip marks? Bet he whips them just for his pleasure.”

Lisa opened Both bottles, emptied the contents onto the counter, and counted how many there were. She was not concerned about mixing them. She then swept them all from the counter and into a trash bag she brought with her. She then replaced the pills with the same number that were in each pill bottle with the pills she brought with her.

“What are those, Sally?” asked

“Just candy that looks like the same pills,” Lisa answered.


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